The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 01, 1957, Image 1

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• || THE^A GUIDE || *_ || THE24°20 Gr^t II
Vol. 37 No. 47 ~ Friday, February 1, 1957 10c Per Copy
Victory |n 7
Kansas — nc I
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£*?«* lorn S^.y011 can't1
£rcp -** swjs;
GJoster r „ i
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' 21“,m*^Srr„“r Cur
ions.” p ome Court decis '
t0 a reaiiiaf/on * 7 and orderI
da“gcn Posed the n* * *inisfcr
“nr "* ,W untaw^ °" by pef
ienre against Hecrl acU (vio
unpunished.” *rocs) «® continue1
attend,^771 addres*ed pers0ns /
AJso °n the pro ® *' *AACP
ence I4,ws. an was ciar
‘ary working i„ ,PlU ,,eJd secre- i
—^ /
The possible visit by Marshal
Tito of Yugoslavia has caused
much strong comment here on
Capitol Hill. On* Congressman
has said he will resign if Tito
visits this country. We have re
ceived a number of letters from
Nebraska, in which strong op
position to the visit was express
I agree with those persona
who oppose a Tito visit. So far,
the visit is in the rumor stage,
and 1 am hopeful that it will
never become a serious proposal
by any part of our government.
I will Join those who are work
ing against this visit.
Our Washington office staff
has now been completed. Our
second secretary arrived from
Lincoln this week. She is Miss
Rita Van House, who was work
ing for the Burlington Railroad
in Lincoln. Our other secretary
is Miss Ann Cerovski, formerly
of South Omaha. Miss Cerovski’*
mother Uvea in Omaha at 3809
V Street. The two girls and
Wayne Bradley, formerly with
WOW in Omsha. compromise our
Washington staff.
During the campaign last fall,
I said, "Foreign aid must be re
duced and only those countries
which demonstrate their loyalty
to the United States should be
given consideration." My opin
ion has not changed on this mat
ter I want to assure you that I
will do all I can to reduce for
eign aid.
It has been gratifying to hear
from a number of Second DIs
•trict voters on various issue* be
fore the nation. Please write
me at Wnnm 1338 New House Of
fice B”ildtn«. Washington 23.
V. C. Your latter* ara read, and
we appreciate receiving them.
One of the erouoe here in
Washington which studies the
federal budget gave this report
last week. The lowest federal
budget In' recent yeers we* In
IMA If federal spending wera
bald at the IMA figure far the
year, inag IMA there
would he t»J MHIor dollar* by
the end of IMA ta he used for
taa reductions or reduction of
the national debt According ta
government estimate*, there will
March of Dimes officials Wed
nesday submitted an inventory
of 318 pieces of machinery as
proof that Polio has not yet
completely surrendered.
Douglas County March of
Dimes chairman, Ed Covert, said,
“We won’t consider the Polio
job finished until all this equip
ment can be sold for scrap."
“Needless to say," he added,
"we are going to hang on to all
the equipment we have, because
there is still enough of the popu
lation unprotected by Salk shots
that we could suffer another
epidemic, and much of our
equipment Is now in use to keep
Polio victims alive and to bring
them back to a normal exist
The inventory of Polio-fight
ing equipment includes 123 chest
respirators, 84 iron lungs, 52
rocking beds, 15 positive pres
sure machines, 39 hot-pack ma
chines and 34 suction machines,
plus an "untold number” of
crutches, wheelchairs and braces.
Court Sets
Aside Death
sentence of an Alabama Negro
was set aside January 14 by the
U. S. Supreme Court in a six to
three decision reversing the Ala
bama Supr ae Court,
Confessions used to convict
were obtained through methods
which violated in due process
clause of the Constitution, the
federal court held.
As the confessions were “sub
stantially the only evidence"
which the state had against Wil
liam Earl Pikes, 29, it seems un
likely that he can be successfully
prosecuted again, the Naacp,
which handled Fikes' case, an
"The protections to be afforded
to a prisoner upon preliminary
hearing were denied him . . .
“The totality of the circum
stances that preceded the con
fessions in this case goes beyond
the allowable limits. The use of
the confessions secured in this
setting was a denial of due pro
“Wc hold that the circum
stances of pressure applied
against the power of resistance
of this petitioner, who cannot be
deemed other than v/eak of will
or mind,-deprived him of due
process of law.”
The Chief Justice was join
ed in the opinion by Justice
Hugo L. Black, of Alabama,
William O. Douglas and Tom
Frankfurter and William J.
Brennan concurred in a sap
• rale ooinion. Dissenting
were Justices John M. Har
lan, Stanley F. Read and Har
old H. Burton.
Earle Clark
Has Office
Earl* A. Clark waa lnatalled
president of the Nebraska Chap
ter of the Public Relations So
ciety of America at a noon lunch
eon-meeting in the Omaha Athle
tic Club Thursday, it was an
nounced today.
Clark la public relations dir
ector of Northern Natural Gas
Co. He succeeds E. C. Schafer
as president of the group.
Byron W. Reed, vice president
of Bozell & Jacobs, Inc., nas in
stalled vice president.
Installed secretary • treasurer
was Mrs. James Gleason. Horace
L. Rosenblum was chosen to re
main as representative to the na
tional board.
Others elected to the board of
directors were as follows: Clark,
Glen Allen, Schafer, one year
term; H C. Carden, Bob Howard,
Bob MeGranaham. two year
term; Bill Ixinsman, Mrs Glea
son and Rosenblum, three year
All are from Omaha with the
exception of longmsn. who Is
from Shenandoah, lows.
A'h-n we see a good painting
•» p«» it in the heat pos
it hie li»ht Whv can’t we do at
much for our friends’
n*** in m »he nest
ashes that fall on the flow may
he year own.
actually he R.I Milton dollars
which will ho uaad to redoes Hu
nation*! debt
Heart Disease Causes Major Share of Deaths
HEART FUND, FEBRUARY 1-28, FIGHTS HEART DISEASE — The greatest percentage of Nebrasua
counties' deaths are caused by heart and blood vessel diseases, as shown In map (1855 rates). Highest
•re Loup. 108%; Wheeler, 70%; and Harlan, 69%. Lowest are Stanton, 28%; Thurston and Frontier,
82%. Tills problem U combatted by Heart Fund-supported programs of Research, Education sad Com
munity Service of the Nebraska Heart Association. HELP YOUR HEART FUND—HELP YOUR HEART.
The heart and blood vessel
diseases arc the Nebraska’s No. 1
public health enemy, says the
Nebraska Heart Association
which is conducting the 1057
Heart Fund drive here this
The economic loss from the
cardiovascular diseases in the
United States amounts to more
than $21/2 billion a year, the
American Heart Association esti
1 mates. The heart and blood ves
sel diseases are the nation's No.
1 public health enemy.
I Hardening of the arteries,
high blood pressure and rheu
i rnatic fever are responsible for
more than 90 percent of all
deaths from heart disease, ac
cording to the Nebraska Heart
Association. But medical science
: does not know yet the exact
I mechanisms that cause these ail
ments. The answers lie in re
) search.
Some forms of heart disease
now can be prevented, some cur-!
ed and almost all helped with
proper treatment after early
diagnosis, according to the Ne
braska Heart Association.
Among the benefits of re
search supported by the Heart
Fund, according to the Nebraska
Heart Association, are improved
diagnosis, better methods of
treatment and care and new
techniques for heart surgery.
Thanks to recent research dis
coveries of heart scientists, it is
now possible to replace diseased
arteries with blood vessels pre-|
served in artery banks, the Ne
braska Heart Association, now
conducting the 1957 Heart Fund
drive, reports,
“Help Your Heart Fund, Help
Your Heart” is the slogan of
1957 Heart Drive being held
here this month.
Your contribution to the Heart
Fund helps support your com
munity fight against the heart
diseases, through the Heart As
sociation's Research, Public and
Professional Education and Com
munity Service Programs.
Almost 2 million Heart Fund
dollars have been channeled in
to research during the past nine
years by the American Heart As
sociation, its 57 affiliates and
hundreds of chapters. Help your
Heart Fund - help your heart
Heart Fund contributions are
deductible for income tax pur
poses, the Nebraska Heart As
sociation advises.
Scventyfive percent of the
Heart Fund contribution you
make to the Nebraska Heart As
sociation remains in this state
to support the local program a
gainst the heart diseases, which
causes 54% of Nebraska’s deaths.
The heart diseases cause more
deaths in the United States each
year than all other causes of
death combined.
Race Baiters !
Are Jailed
SHIVELY. Ky. •— <ANP) —Billy
Branham, 17 year old transplant
ed Detroit pro segregationist, ran
afoul the law here last week
when he ordered Shiverly polic<
chief, Luther Melton out of a
meeting in a hall licensed for
the sale of beer.
Branham, who came to Louis
ville recently, got in a tiff with
local school authorities when he
said he did not believe in racial j
integration. He was at first de
nied admission to Louisville Male
high school, but later was admit
According to Chief Melton, he
received word that teen-agers
were holding a meeting in a hall
which was licensed for sale of j
beer. State law forbids meeting
of minors in establishments li
censed for alcoholic beverages. I
About 30 or 35 youths were in
the hall listening to a speech by j
Branham when Melton walked in
Branham asked the chief his bus
iness. and the officer replied he
had stopped to determine if a
liquor license law was being vio
Branham then told the chief,
“Get out that door! You heard,
me, get out.”
Melton, thereupon, arrest e d
Branham and 12 other youths, on
charges of breach of the peace.
Civil Service examination was
announced today for' Commis
sary Cashier Checker, $3175 per
year, for Offutt Air Force Base.
A written test is required plus a
year of cashiering and retail
store experience.
Applicants must be citizens
of the United States. Applica
tion Form 5000-AB should be
filed with the Board of US Civil
Service Examiners for Offutt Air
Force Base, 404 Pist Office, Oma
In, Nebraska, and will be ac
cept until further notice.
Forma for filing can be ob
tained from the following poet
offices Omaha, Fremont, Ne
braska City. Nebraska, Council
Bluffs and Shenandoah, Iowa; or
from the Secretary, Board of US
Civil Service Examiners for Of
fun Air Force Base; or from the
Director, Ninth US Civil Service
Region, New referal Bldg. St
l/outa, Missouri
| Applicants who file before
, February 111b will be given first
i consideration for the Job 1*
mediately available.
Kelly New OPPD
Advertising Mgr.
New advertising manager of
the Omaha Public Power District
is Daniel D. Kelly. He suc
ceeds Karl M. Joens, who was
recently elevated to assistant
general manager of the utility.
Mr. Kelly was branch manager
of Omar, Inc. at Dcs Moines,
Iowa, immediately before join
ing OPPD. Previously, he had
served the baking firm as branch
manager at Galesburg, Illinois,
and as advertising manager at
the Omaha central office.
A graduate of Creighton Uni
versity, Mr. Kelly served three
years in the 8th Glider Infantry
during World War II. He was
discharged with the rank of cap
tain. He is a member of the O
maha Advertising Club and the
American Legion. _
Silas Hunt
The University of Arkansas'
treatment of Silas Hunt, its
first law-school Negro student,
in 1948, is a heartwarming recol
lection in today’s segregation
controversy. It is described by
Mordecai W. Johnson, president
of Howard University, in the Feb
ruary Reader’s Digest.
Dr. Johnson saw Hunt, miser
able and alone, on a train bound
for Fayetteville, Arkansas Dr
Johnson didn’t know Hunt, but
Hunt recognized Johnson when
the educator sat with him and
asked, "What's wrong, son?
Plenty was wrong. Hunt ex
plained that he was entering thn
University of Arkansas as the
law school’s first Negro student.
•'They're going to cut me dead,’’
he said. "Those students are go
ing to plain refrigerate me."
Dr. Johnson had to admit that
this "could well happen.” He left
the train before Fayetteville, but
learned later what had occurred.
At the University station Hunt
saw 30-odd white students on the
platform. As he stepped down,
they pressed toward him. A lanky
white boy addressed him "U
your iw .. Hunt?”
HU forehead wet with perspu
alfon, Hunt answered. "Yes."
The white hoy put out hi*
hand. 'Welcome V* the Unlver
dtjr of Arkansas" He said Jttep
1 Over bore and meet some of jrooi
The welcome had been ar
ranged the night before The
I studrnU knew what the Negr*
of Dimes Not
March of Dimes officials Sat
urday had a word of caution for
merchants who display dime col
lection cards for the Polio drive.
Ed Covert, Douglas County
March of Dimes chairman, said
that there have been some col
lection of dimes by unauthoriz
ed persons. Mr. Covert said
that all merchants who are ask
ed to turn in the dimes they
have collected should demand
identification from the collector
before doing so.
“Everyone who is supposed to
make collections for the March
of Dimes will be identified,” Mr.
Covert said, “including ail the
thousands of mothers who will
march next Thursday night."
Randolph To
Open Fla. Drive
Tampa, Fla. — A. Philip Ran
dolph, vice president of the AFL
CIO and international president of
the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters, will open the 1957 mem
bership campaign of the Tampa
NAACP brand: on February 10.
This was announced here this
week by Warren S. Banfield, presi
dent of the Tampa branch. Mr.
Banfield said that the Rev. A.
Leon Lowry will serve as cam
paign chairman.
The Tampa effort is part of the
Florida State NAACP membership
campaign, which in turn is a phase
of the Association’s national 1957
Fight for Freedom campaign. The
Association hopes to raise one
million dollars this year in regu
lar memberships, life member
ships, and general contributions.
The Florids State NAACP has
set a gosl of 15,000 members for
1957, and expects to raise $10,000
in the same period. The appoint
ment of Bishop D. Ward Nichols
of Jacksonville as state campaign
chairman was announced last
week. The Rt. Rev. Nichols is a
bishop of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church It is planned
that other church leaders will par
ticipate in the Florida campaign.
boy would expect, and had deter
mined to see that Hunt had as
normal a life at Arkansas as he
■ would at any law school in ins
nation. Aa a first move, they
met bis fr.'iti
The boy who had ftrwt sddrm
«d Hunt said. “Theoe fellows her*
are not ail your fromd*. There
are aaony more." And there were
Draws Crowds
On Tour
New York — Jackie Robinson,
national chairman of the NAACP
1957 Fight for Freedom Fund
campaign and former star of the
Brooklyn baseball team, is being
enthusiastically received in the
cities he is visiting on an NAACP
tour, according to reports received
Mr. Robinson, opened the cam
paign January 20 in Baltimore
where an overflow crowd of near
ly 4,000 persons assembled to hear
him. In, Pittsburgh he was intro
duced to a packed house by Branch
Rickey, the man who broke the
color bar in organized baseball by
signing Jackie Robinson for the
Brooklyn Dodgers as the first Ne
gro player.
At a luncheon meeting in Cleve
land, $8,000 in life memberships
was raised, reports Franklin H.
Williams, NAACP West Coast Sec
retary-counsel, who is accompany
ing Mr. Robinson on the tour. In
addition to a luncheon meeting
and a mass meeting in Detroit,
Mr. Robinson consulted with Dr.
Alf Thomas on arrangements for
a second annual $100-a-plate fund
raising dinner meeting for the
Other cities on the itinerary in-1
elude Boston, February 2-3; and
Atlanta, March 3. The meetings
are being held under auspices of
the local NAACP branches.
In the drive for $1,000,000 in
1957 for the Fight for Freedom,
Mr. Robinson calls upon all per
sons believing in democracy as a
way of life to support the NAACP
through regular annual member
ships, life memberships or contri
butions. Instead of 350,000, the
; NAACP should have three to four
' million enrolled, Mr. Robinson
tells his audiences.
Robinson's Boss
Gives to NAACP
NEW JORK — A $10,000 con
tribution was presented last week
to the Naacp Legal Defense and
Educational Fund by Jackie Rob
inson in behalf of William Black,
president of the Chock Full o’
Nuts Coffee Co. and restaurant
The company recently signed
the former Brooklyn Dodger star
to a two year, $30,000-contract
as vice president in charge of
Y.W.C.C. -
Held First
The Y.W.C.C. held their first
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Louise Secret, 2108 Evan. We
selected officers for the year.
Our first meeting for our party
i will be held at 2101$ Lothrop at
the home of Sister Minnie Brew
Prayer was given by Sister
Ella Crawford and Scripture by
Sister Brock, Psalms 30:14. Re
freshments were served by Sister
Rodgers.. The meeting was
closed by Sister McSwain.
Our member roll is 12. We
are to grow in the state of Ne
braska, therefore we are having
a membership drive during the
month of February. Phone
We. 7438, .Mrs. Verner William.
She will be glad to help you.
Y. Young '
W. Women
C. Christian
I C. Council
We want Christian expense
women and unexpense women.
Please read TITUS 2 and 3 Chap
ter 2. Verse 1 through 8.
Joseph McGaugh
Mr. Joseph H. McGaugh, 78
years, 2819 Charles Street passed
away Sunday afternoon, January
27th at a local hospital. Mr. Me
Gaugh was a plastering contract
or and had been a resident of O
maha forty-seven years He U
survived by four sons, John. Don
aid, Gerald McGaugh of Omaha,
Walter McGaugh, Detroit, Mich!
gan; two daughters, Mrs. Jaunita
Reese. Mrs. LaVeme Plair, <d
Detroit, hrolher, Mr Allen Me
Gaugh. Newton. Kansas, sister,
Mrs BeuUh Warren. Oakland,
California and other relative#
Funeral services have been set
for Friday afternoon from th*
Thomas Funeral Home
Urban League Issues State
ment of Policy on Labor,
Management Controversies
. ■—
The Rev. William F. Kelly, S. J.,
dean of the Creighton College of
Arts and Sciences, was in Philadel
phia recently.
Father Kelley was introduced to
two women who were accompanied
by their young daughters. As he
moved out of range the youngsters
watched him quizzically, then one
of them asked:
“Is he Grace Kelly’s father?”
Too many Grade A citizens
have selected Grade B civil ser
vants to administer Grade C poll
New York — The NAACP “hear
tily endorses” a recent editorial
recommendation of the New York
TIMES that the New York State
Commission Against Discrimina
tion should be empowered to act
on bias discovered during its
investigations, Roy Wilkins, NAA
CP executive secretary, asserts in
a letter published in today’s
A bill has been introduced in
the state legislature, Mr. Wilkins
points out, “which would provide
the State Commission Against Dis
crimination with the right to in
vestigate discriminatory practices
on its own initiative and to under
take regulatory action on the bas
is of its findings.”
As the law now stands, the
NAACP official observes, SCAD
“is powerless to act upon whatever
discoveries it makes in the course
of (its) investigations. It is as if
a policeman who witnessed a crime
would have to wait for a complaint
before taking action.”
Present handicaps of SCAD in
handling discrimination in the
areas of emploment and housing
are cited in the letter.
Mr, Wilkins’ letter also support
ed the proposed increase in the
SCAD budget which together with
the Zaretski-Baker amendment, he
said, “we regard as essential to
continued progress against dis
crimination in New York State."
The TIMES editorial on the
State Commission Against Dis
crimination was published on Jan
uary 15th.
The Omaha Urban League
seeks the cooperation of both
management and labor in pro
moting genuine employment on
merit involving the hiring, pro
motion, transferral and dismissal
of workers without regard to
race, creed or color.
Both management and labor
have a continuing responsibility
to promote democratic or non
discriminatory employment prac
tices. When management does
not pursue such a policy and
does not have representatloi
from all groups on its payroll, il
lays itself open for criticism of
discrimination. When labor
does not promote such a policy
and especially when locals tacitly
endorse discriminatory employ
ment procedures by not voicing
objection, it invites the use of
Negroes or other minorities as
The policy of the Omaha Ur
ban League in labor-manage
ment controversies is that:
1. The Omaha Urban League
does not become involved in con
troversies arising out of a con
tractual relationship betw e e n
management and labor.
2. The Omaha Urban League
does not refer workers to a plant
in which there is a strike, nor
does it encourage Negro workers
to accept employment as strike
3. The Omaha Urban League
does not approve of any practice,
whether on the part of manage
ment or labor, which results in
setting race against race in •
labor-management problem.
4. The Urban League does not
and will not engage in any ac
tivity associated with the un
ionization of workers.
__ . - »
The human mind doesn’t need
to be stuffed with information, it
just needs to be open.
The reason some people get
lost in thought is that it is un
familiar territory to them.
Those who continue to shrink
from responsibility, continue to
shfink. ^
The pessimist says, "Cold
weather will hit soon,” and the
optimist says, “Summer is linger
You're growing old when you
no longer care where your wife
wants to go as long as you’re not
going with her.
Choir At Auditorium Sat.
Adding to their travel ex
perience as member* of the
world-famous St. Olaf Choir
are these three students who
have the equivalent of circling
the globe 4% times during the
last four years.
Miss Janet Bye. Miss Chsr
lotte Don bo we, Mr. Jerome
Narveson, all of Northfleld,
Minnesota, are among a num
ber of 4-yeer choir veterans
whose travels have included a
recent trip to Europe
Ending a collegiate singing
, career that reads like a Ire
velog, they will be flown to
Iceland during the coming
Raster Season as America's .
"Musical Ambassadors” at the
invitation of the United States
Air Force and the State
Church of Iceland.
Before going to Iceland, the
6- voice choir directed by Dr.
Olaf C. Christiansen will sing
in Omaha February 3 under
auspices of the Senior Choir
of the First Lutheran Church.
The concert will be held in the
Music Hall of Omaha's new
civic auditorium.