The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 25, 1957, Image 1
Ki.torloai " ■,'MBiiy I 1 society 1 Street # |((.m<imiim<m,m,ihhii I I Thi« i _ -. - This Is Your Newspaper i»/u-*U . . What you are doing is news - What you are doing ;; piease Phone Your News To /lease Phone Your News To * 1 uA Oxoo ; HA 0800 | JL* ii - .r «ndTto ii THE°OMAHA GUIDE f -. ; TH\8o G™t St™15 ii i,,,..,,2420.0^_1 /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE LINEN ___* EQUAL OPPORTUNITY _ _ _ —» Vol. 37 No. 46 Friday, January 25, 1957 10c Per Copy 5 Appointed to Committee to Formulate Program to Curb Home Accidents Here Five Omahans were appointed today to evaluate results in the largest survey ever conducted here on Omaha’s program to curb home accidents. Wayne Koski, chairman of the Omaha Safety Council's home safety inventory, said some 2,000 questionnaires are due to be re-' turned to the Council by mid night Tuesday. Separate studies will be made by these section chieftains to de termine whether gaps exist in Omaha’s home accident preven tion program in these sections. | Voluntary Organizations—Mrs. Glen Sorensen, chairman of the Baby Sitter School, Omaha Safe ty Council, and Mrs. Hubert Sul livan, Omaha Deanery Council. | Health and Welfare Organiza tions and Agencies—Miss Violet Dubois, director of the Division of Health Education, Omaha Douglas County Health Dej irt mat General Information Organiza tions, Mr. Koski, survey chairman for the Council and also director of First-Aid and Water Safely for the Douglas County Chapter, American Red Cross. Industries—Robert II. War d. assistant safety engineer, Omaha Public Power District. Home Construction and Main tonanee Organizations—Chief In specter Thomas Robert Smith Fire Prevention Bureau, Omaha Fire Denartmcnt. Mr. Koski issued a final appea to all organizations to send in a report—even if the report is a negative one. “A lot of money ants time has been budgeted for this survey, and it will be wasted unless all Omaha organizations take the few minutes required to fill out the report and return it,” he said. Miss Marion A. MacDonald, chairman of the Home-Child Di vision. Omaha Safety Council, ■aid the survey is a neded firct ■top to developing an accident prevention program designed to peprb every home in Omaha. “Lost in the more spectacular smasbun of automobiles has been th" fact that more Omahans ac cidently are killed and injured In their own homes each year than In traffic accidents—and many of those home arcidents can be prevented if this survey shows us wh-re to begin,” Miss Mac Donald said. is one of It major cities in the nation in which re fills of the survey will he re viewed in Chicago, and dis'rib’d ed noHowsJtv by the National Safety Council. O.P.P.D. Board Elects Officers The directors of the Omaha Public Power District Thursday elected officers to serve for the next two year*. J. M. Harding was re-named president, a position he has held since the start of OPPD ten years ■go. Others named were: William Kunold, First Vice President; Theodore W. Metcalfe, Vice President; Dr. B. H, Baer, Secretary; L. G. Roberts, Treas YWCA Has Girls' Sports Association The YWCA has a Girls* Sports Club which meets after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Membership is open to any young girl interested in belonging to the YWCA. A yearly membership of 50c is re quired of all club members. The content of the club meetings in cludes participation in recrea tional volleyball, badminton, bas ketball, stunts and tumbling, and table tennis. Hours are af ter school until 5:30. Some in struction in the different activ ities is given. This is a new phase of the YWCA program. Call JAckson 2748 for more de tails. If you are interested in square dance or bowling instruction on Friday evenings or a trim gym class on Tuesday evenings, con tact the YWCA immediately. Late enrollments in YWCA classes will still be accepted with the permission of the specific in stmetor. The YWCA is int-rested In serving the community. There fore, if you wish to participate in a specific class, call Mrs. Temple ton. JAckson 2748, and express this interest. Aquila Salon Consultant Is Selected Mrs. Barbara Lammers, Omaha figure proportion consultant, has been named manager of the new Slenderella International Salon which will open January 21 in the Aquila Court Building. This announcement was made today by Miss Elizabeth Reese of Detroit, vice president of Slcn derella's midwcstem territory. Mrs. Lammers, who resides at 6762 Charles Street, has been manager of the Slenderella salon 'orated at the Center since Octo ber. Miss Jean LaFarge, 4611 Cum ing Street, was named manager of the Center salon. Slenderella International is one of the fastest growing firm? In the world. It has opened nearly 160 figure proportionins salons throughout the world in Its five-year history. The salon at the Center was opened last January. A native of Kansas City, Mo, Mrs. Lammers is a graduate o! Stephens College In Columbia Missouri. She is president o( the Stephens Alumni Association of Omaha. Her husband. Jack is administrative assistant to the director of Internal Revenue here. urer and Assistant Secretary; E. H. Larsen, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; C. C Draney, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. Leon Fleming, Jr. Leon Fleming, Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fleming, Sr., of 1818 Benney Street, ex pired Thursday January 17, 1957 at a local hospital. Leon is also survived by 2 sisters; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Finger, Mr. Jeston Bur rough. Committal services were held Monday January 21, 1957 at 11:30 A.M. at Graceland Park Cemetery. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. f Dick Peters Wins Top In Nat7! Contest Richard A. Peters of 622 North 59 Street, won top honors In a national group insurance sales contest conducted by The Equit able Life Assurance Society of the U. S. Mr. Peters, who is as sociated with the E. Ned Embry Agency of Omaha, was named national winner in the group life category. The local insurance man is be ing honored for his achievement with a three-day trip to New York, January 21 - 23, during which time he joins other Equit able contest winners from ail over the country. As one of the highlights of the conference, the group is scheduled to attend a performance of the popular musi cal, "Lil Abner.” Another Omaha man attending j the conference is Donald F. Lcs cny of 3527 *iRth Avenue, who I won honors as the top divisional ' group manager in the Society’s j South Central department. Facts Are developed At Clinton NEW YORK, Jan. 3 — Violent arts hv white persons following school desegration in Clinton, Tennessee, and methods used tc control these acts, lead to several helpful conclusions about school desecration troubles, editorializes the January issue of The Crisis, monthly journal of the NAACP. Commenting on the Clinton, situation, which included an as sault upon a white pastor who es corted Negro pupils to th" high school, THE CRISIS says the the filing of the names of members of all organizations except religious and military societies. There is I no such statutory requirement in Alabama." "Secondly, NAACP members in New Orleans, with a sense of trength and security, decided to file the membership list. The names have been withheld in Alabama because the safety and I security of NAACP members are threatened by economic reprisals and other forms of intimidation. Our Alabama units have made no request for the release of tlieir membership lists. In each in stance the National Office abides by the wishes of the local units." In filing the membership list, I the New Orleans NAACP unit complied with a 1924 state law first used against the Ku Klux Klan. A. P. Tureaud, NAACP attorney, said that NAACP branches in Lafayette, Lake Char les, Aelxandria and Shreveport also will file membership lists. Paul Reveres Today The dollar in your pocket now will help make it possible for him to walk without braces. i And more: It will help train the hands and minds of many professional experts, ail desperately needed... it will help finance re* search to perfect the vaccine. ; Today, there is less polio, but: Tens of thousands bom too soon for the vaccine still need your help. P. S. — I','!! mul r it HU name's Marl; Fir',!. T.B. Seals Selling But Need More "There is still $22,228.78 needed in contributions to bring the 195(5 Christmas Seal Sale to last year’s total,” s3ys Delmar R. Serafy, Executive Secretary of the Nebraska Tuberculosis As sociation. "Contributionr are lagging.” he said. “A total of 104 Christmas Seal Chairman have reported $148,544.19 so far this year compared with $157, 267.76 from the same commun ities on .the same date last year.” “Your contribution is so im portant because the total of all contributions makes it possible to carry on the work of educat ing people about tuberculosis; of X-Raying people to find if they have T.B.; of adding dollars to Research in the urgent need to find an improved method for treating T.B. and even prevent ing T.B.,” stated Mr. Serafy. He spoke of research projects to be planned at the Schools of Medicine of the University of Nebraska and Creighton Uni I versity. He also spoke of special tuberculosis training for nurses and for physicians. Christmas Seal contributing can make these programs possible. The following have exceeded their 1955 totals; Antelope, Clay, I Colfax, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Holt Jefferson, Kimball, Seward, i Logan, Merrick, and Pierce coun ties, and the towns of Gurley Elkhorn, Valley, Bayard, Nebras ka City and Milford. “The 1956 Seal Sale officially closes March 31, 1957, so you can still pay for your Christma« Seals. Will you find the hiding place of that little green en velope and mail your contribu tion to your chairman?”, con eluded Mr Serafy. Sen. Carl Curtis Is Active On Drouth Problems Senator Carl T. Curtla today aaketl the Department of Agrlrul lure to clarify aUndarda bv which farmera are determined eligible for drought aaatst'nm Curtla aeeka this clarification because of representation* that Indleldwat ata!»* aoeear able t i adopt different atandarda la *> warding to dm*»eht atrteken farmera. The regulation* pmtdd I . I Ak-Sar-Ben Giving 20 Scholarships Omaha, Nebr.—Displaying con cern over the drouth which has the past two years, the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben announced it was affected so many midwesterners granting 20 additional scholar ships of $150 each for young pco pie attending the Agricultural College of the University of Ne braska for the 1957-58 school year. we believe c v ery effort should be made to keep as many of our young people as possible in the Agricultural College so that future generations may be better prepared to combat emer gencies such as this drouth. ’ said V. J. Skutt, Chairman of Ak-Sar-Ben’s Scholarship Com mittee. He asked Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin of the University to have the new grant be used as the Faculty Committee on Scholar ships sees fit, “ for the assis-, tance of young people coming from drouth-affected counties.” The scholarships, Mr. Skutt added, may go either to incoming students next fail; to students already enrolled in the college; or, in emergency cases, to stu dents who are already recipients of previous Ak-Sar-Ben scholar ship grants. “We hope these additional scholarships will encourage more young people to obtain a higher education in agriculture and that this action by Ak-Sar-Ben may I influence others to offer similar assistance in this critical time.” Mr Skutt commented. Mr. Skutt pointed out that Ak Sar Ben already grants more than PPO scholarships and fellowships ...tonally to the University of Ne braska College of Agriculture the Curtis. Nebraska. School of Agriculture, Iowa State College, Doane, Hastings, Midland. Ne braska Wesleyan, Dana and Union Collegea as well as post graduate scholarships to Coun ty Agents and vocational agri cultural instructors, Ing for this assistance state it can be given to farmers "whose financial condltton It such that he requires assistance under this program to maintain his founds tion herd. , . The Department of Agriculture hss been requested to furnish plans for assistance in each state Morris E. Jacobs A "Distinguished Citizen" An Omaha civic leader and a Grand Island clergyman receiv ed Distinguished Citizens Cita-j tions from Nebraska Wesleyan University last week. They were Morris E. Jacobs, president of Bozell 8c Jacobs, O maha advertising and public re lations firm, and the Rev. James S. Chubb, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church in Grand Is land. ' Chancellor A. Leland Forest said Mr. Jacobs was honored for “substantial contributions to edu cation at all levels,” as well as for his record of distinguished citizenship. | Mr. Jacobs has just retired as chairman of the State Board of Education but was re-elected in November for another six-year term as member. He has served as a regent of the University of Omaha and is a member of the board of the Nebraska Inde pendent Collage Foundation, the Board of Lay Trustees of Sr. Joseph’s College, Collegevi 11 e, Ind., and the Creighton Univer sity Board of Regents. He is general chairman of the Greater ^ Creighton Development C a m paign. Dr. Chubb was recognized for his leadership in the Methodist Church since 1948 and has made it “the fastest growing church in America." Three Sun day morning and one Sunday evening services arc held each week. Soys Town Choruses To Sing Boys Town, Nebr.—Two out standing choral groups, each re garded as among the finest in its particular class, will present concerts at the Boys Town Music Hall during March. They are the Roger Wagner Chorale of Los Angeles, and the Little Singers of Paris. The Roger Wagner Chorale, which won warm praise for its appearance at the Boys Town Music Hall last year, will appear in concert on Monday evening, March 11. The Chorale, under the dir ection of Roger Wagner, has been hailed by critics as the finest singing group in America today. I,copold Stokowski, one of sever al notec^ conductors for Whom Wagner has trained choruses, has 'called the Chorale “a su premely great chorus, second to none in the world.” The Little Singers of Paris, who bring a reputation as France’s best-loved choral group, appear at the Music Hall Friday | evening, March 29. Now on its seventh tour of America, the 32-voice boys’ choir ( has a history as rich and varied ( as its extensive repertoire. The choir was founded in 1907 ( by a group of Parisian students I interested in spreading the beau- j ty of liturgical music. The Little | Singers have since given more than 10 thousand concerts in more than 32 countries. Since 1924 the Little Singers have been under the direction of Msgr. Fernand Maillet. Tickets for both concerts will be available at the Boys Town Music Hall, and at downtown music stores. _ _m ■ _ t. brteppard, Jr. Eugene Sheppard. Jr., 3 months, 2017 North 31st Street, expired unexpectedly Saturday morning January 19th at the above address. Eugene Jr., is survived by his j parents, Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Sheppard, Sr., four brothers, two sisters, grandparent^ Mr. and Mrs. Porter Johnson. Mr. Eugene Sheppard, of Omaha. Thomas funeral Home. under the drought program, and to designate states in which "farmers are required to exhaust all caah and credit" before re ceiving aid " “We need uniformity in this program" aald Curtis, "and I don't want farmers to find that their neighbors, across a tut* line, are receiving more favor able treel men t " 400 Will Work In Ak-Sar-Ben's 63rd Annual Membership Drive Febr. Is! Tax Filing For Insurance Is Jan. 31st The Division of Employment | Security today warned Nebraska employers of 4 or more persons that .State unemployment insur ance tax payments for the fourth quarter of 1956 must be mailed to the Division office in Lin coln by January 31, 1957. A her that date, Division offi cials said, the employer will be unable to offset the full amount of the unemployment insurance taxes paid to the state aqc-ney against the 3 per cent Federal unemployment tax because of his failvre to pay the State tax when due. In addition the delin quent State unemployment in surance taxes for the fourth quarter of 1956 draw interest at the rate of 1 per cent per month after January 31, 1957. YWCA To Hold Public Affairs Forum A Public Affairs film FORUM celebrating the Norths i d e Branch Anniversary will be held at the Central YWCA, 17th and St. Mary's Avenue Sunday, Janu ary 20th at 4:00 P.M. The film A TIME FOR GREATNESS, sponsored by the Friends Service Committee wi'l "Be shown. Excerpts from thy life of Mahatma Gandhi, depict ing his sacrifices and struggle in seeking a non-violent soluticn to India’s nrnblems. Also, A WALK TO FREEDOM, a current film, sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation will be shown. This film shows non-violent ef forts of Negroes in parts of the South to achieve their birth right of full citizenship. Action senuences from Montgomery, Alabama and Tallahassee, Flori da were filmed. After the show ings, there will be a period of discussion. Panelists include: Mrs. Alex ander McKie, Jr., Chairman of the YWCA Public Affairs Com mittee; Mrs. Chas. Brown, Chair man Committee of Administra tion at the Branch; Phil Allen, radio commentator; William A. Mott, leader, Friends Commun ity; Mrs. Homer P. Smith, Chair man Omaha Peace Education Committee, and Mr. Milton Lewis. Musical selections will be of fered by Arthur Bryant, former ly of Paris, France; Mrs. Pearl Gibson,, Director of St. John’s - - -1 ... — _ .... Ak-Sar-Ben’s sixty-third annual membership campaign—one of the most spirited member-sign ing drives in the nation—will start the first of February, Mem bership Committee Chair man Peter Kiewit announced Satur day. More than 400 volunteer work ers on 12 campaign teams will be signing members for the O maha philanthropic organization during the month-long push. Other members of Mr. Kio wit’s committee are Ben H. Cow dery and John F. Davis. As in the past, the drive will be under the active direction of Ak-Sai* Ben’s Councillors, whose mem bership committee consists of Vice Chairman Morris Miller, Edward T. Foster and M. Cooper Smith. Mr. Kiewit revealed that re newal? are arriving daily at Ak Sar-Ben’s office, 201 Patterson Building, in greater numbers than ever before from 1956 mem bers who wish to get their mem bership applications and dues in before the deadline. The drive traditionally closes the first week of March and Mr. Kiewit has announced that no members will be accepted after that date. As in the past, the 1956 members will be given first preference to renew before new members are accepted. This year’s goal, Mr. Kiewit stated, has been increased from last year's 19.000 to 20.000. Dues once again are $10—the same as when Ak-Sar-Ben was formed in 1895. The big enter tainment. year ahead, featuring some of the biggest names from Broadway and Hollywood, will give each member nearly $40 worth of shows and other events. Membership applications and dues may be given to any mem bership worker or can be sub mitted to the Ak-Sar-Ben office. AME Choir and Miss Estella Voner, pupil of Mrs. Florentine Pinkston. This meeting is open to all persons interested in helping build <a better world. Also at the YWCA on January 24th at 6:15 P.M. there will be a dinner meeting. Mrs. Bartlett Hurd, member of the National YWCA Board, will be the main speaker. Her subject will be “CURRENT TRENDS IN THE YWCA.” This meeting too, is open to all friends and members of the YWCA. Mrs. Theodore Kolderie, Presi dent of the Omaha Board, will preside. Motorists should remember that even St. Christopher begins to lose faith at 90 miles an hour. PREVIEW Husband and wife in real life, Mel 1 Ferrer and Audrey Hepburn bring new fire to one j>f the greatest love stories of all times, Moyerling, to be seen on Producers' Showcase i [L- over NBC TV, in color on Feb ruory 4th. ii Thy (lory of taker Coptunng Ihy pogyantry and gaiety pioco m the gay romantic period of tho Vionnyiy Court, Moyerlmg of Vienna during the I BIO *. II prormrei to be on unforgottaMo )eltl of the brief and tragic lore yeaning of TV entertainment tt niff affair of Prince Rudolph of be telecoit both hi color and in Arabia and hit beoutifvi rweel- black and ahite ond rpenrered by heart Maria Vatiara. RCA. Vee year local paper for time and Malign |||