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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1956)
; What you are doing is news. I iWL TCi^ < 'T,,e s,,0P,,<,r'1* ",fie "ie" ] 'Please Phone Your News To I ■■B M/flrB ■ m ^ t,,e holy Babe of Beihlc-, Vol. 30 No. 42 Friday, December 28, 1956 10° Per Copy Our New Year's greetings now we send To each and every valued friend. We wish you happiness for every day; We wish you success in every way. You patronage we surely appreciate, And our thanks to you are great. I> m Sound the fanfare! Ring the bells! A bright New Year is on its way. j Ahead are 365 spanking-new days, jl yours to use and enjoy. Here’s to | you in ’57, and here’s hoping you’ll find each day full of pleasant surprises and exciting opportunities for happiness and success. THE OMAHA GUIDE C. C. Galloway, Publisher Ted Hughes Continues As Dimes Head The reappointment of Ted R. Hughes, Seward businessman and civic leader, as state Chairman for the March of Dimes in Nebras ka was announced today by Basil O’Conner, president ot the Nation al Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis. Mr. Hughes will head and co ordinate all activities of March of Dimes volunteers throughout the State, including city and county campaign chairmen. This is the fifth successive year that he has served in this capacity. "In 1957, the March of Dimes will be vitally concerned with the unfinished Job of fighting polio,” Mr. O’Connor said. "Thousands of unvaccinated persons were stricken with the disease in the past year. A total of 80,000 polio victims Mill may need help from f the March of Dimes to enable them to return to useful lives. "In addition, there remains an unfinished March of Dimes job In vaccine research and in the cd ucation of urgently needed medi cal personnel for the care of polio patients and other disabled peo ple.” Mr. Hughes is secretary-treat urer of Hughes Brothers, manu Robert Perkins Robert Perkins, age 17 years, of 2424 Pinkney St., expired Satur day, December 22, 1956 at a local hospital. He wa^an Omaha resident eight years. He is survived by his son, Rob ert; mother, Mrs. Mary B. Per kins of Omaha; father, George Per kins of Port Gibson, Mississippi; five brothers, Union Lee Foster, Henry Foster, Steve Baltimore, George Perkins, Jr., Eddie Lee Perkins all of Omaha; two sisters, Sarah Perkins and Rosa Perkins, both of Omaha; two aunts, Mrs. Lillie B. Jackson and Mrs. Caro line Jackson both of Omaha; three uncles and a host of other rela tives. Myers Brothers Funeral Service. (acturers of power line equipment. He has been active in civic affairs for the pest twenty five years. "We are most grateful for the fine support the people of Nebras ka have given to the March of Dimes in past years,” Mr. Hughes i said in accepting the appointment. I "We feel sure that Nebraskans I will continue this support to help I us care for those for whom the vaccine came too late and to see that polio is finally removed as a menace to our health and hap i piness." ^ , Gerhard Story To Be In Magazine Chicago — A celebrated Swed ish producer-showman and his 12 year-old Negro daughter whom he adopted eight years ago, are featured in the January EBONY. Since the adoption, Karl Gerhard has been devoting most of his off-stage life to the rewarding task of making his daughter, Fatima, happy. Gerhard adopted the youngster in Copenhagen, Denmark when the child was years old. Since that time they have toured the European continent many times and during their trips Fatima was provided with a tutor. This has resulted in her becoming one of the brightest students attending Stockholm’s French school. Gerhard was producing a show in Copenhagen when he first saw his daughter-to-be. Fatima had come to the theater with her mother to try out for a skit call ing for three small colored chil dren. Gerhard took one look at the little girl and decided to hire her. When he became better ac quainted with her mother, he ask ed permission to Invite Fatima to his home in Stockholm. There he treated the child like a member Mrs. Ethel Sadler Mrs. Ethel A~Sadler, age 50; years, of 2017 LocUst St. expired : Sunday, December 23, 1956 at a 1 local hospital. She was an Omaha resident for about thirty years. Mrs. Sadler is survived by her husband, Mr. Raymond Sadler; daughter, Mrs. Lorraine McWill iams; mother, Mrs. Hattie Owens, ail of Omaha; two sister*, Mrs. Alta Lowe of Chicago, Illinois and Mrs. Margaret Clayborne of Tope ka, Kansas; two grandchildren, Ethel and Andre McWilliams of Omaha; nephew, Captain John L. Harrison of Yeadon, Pennsylvania. Funeral services tentatively ar ranged for Friday, December 28th, 1956 at 2:00 P.M. from the Hope Lutheran Church. of his family. When the mother, a Danish seamstress whose Abys sinian husband had deserted her, | found it difficult to give her chil-1 dren the care they needed, she | suggested to Gerhard that he | adopt Fatima. Without a moment’s | hesitation, he assumed the re-1 sponsibility of parenthood. The 55-year-old bachelor show ered the youngster with luxuries and fatherly affection. He tells in EBONY how he found joy in seeing her change from a serious, defensive child "with her quills up,” to a glowing young girl full of love and zest for living. Negroes May Now Under Cut Wages OLD TIMERS VETO AMALGAMATION: NEGROES MAY UNDERCUT WAGES San Francisco, Calif . . The old timers turned out in numbers and the youngsters to whom it doesn’t matter too much failed to show , up, as .the Musicians' Local 6, rejected uniting with San Fran cisco's Local 669, a “Jim Crow” ^ unit composed of 350 members. , The vote came despite the ap proval of the American Federa tion of Music’s International Pres ident, James Petrillo, who felt | that if the unit were not absorbed it would resort to undercutting the whites’ wage scale to get jobs. This was the third attempt to join the two groups and it turned out as the other two when Local 1 6 — the fourth biggest local in the American Federation of Musicians —turned thumbs down. For over two years this third | attempt had been in the making and it was felt that it would make it this time. Local 669’s head, the late Al Forbes, had done so much to bring it off. It was to have been a tribute to his leadership when the two merged. f Mrs. P. L.V. Ridley Mr*. P. L. V. Ridley, 66 years 2860 Miami Street, passed away Friday afternoon, December 21 at her home after an extended illness. Mrs. Ridley had been a resident of Omaha twelve years. She is survived by her husband, Rev. N. A. Ridley, Macon, Georgia; one son, Rev. E. F. Ridley, pastor and founder of the Immanuel Com munity Church, Omaha; sister, Mrs. G. L. H. Ruth, Palatka, Fla. and other relatives. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock from the Immanuel Community Church with the Rev. Charles Fa vors officiating, assisted by Rev. Z. W. Williams, Rev. J. C. Wade, Rev. F. C. Williams, Rev. D. St. Clair, Rev. John Favors, Rev. J. W. Rodgers, Rev. H. N. Robinson. Pallbearers Messrs W. Fletcher, D. Smart, E. Skinner, P. Ball, R. Speece, I. H. Hampton. The body was forwarded Monday afternoon from Thomas Funeral Home to Macon, Georgia for fur ther services and burial Thursday afternoon. Clifton Robinson Clifton Robinson, 51 years, 2715 Wirt Street, passed away unex pectedly Friday afternoon, Decem ber 21 at a local hospital. Mr. Robinson was a waiter at the 0 maha Athletic Club. Georgia Fine, Jail Sentence Denounced as "Vindictive" NEW YORK — The $25,000 fine levied against the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the imprisonment of John H. Calhoun, president of the Atlanta NAACP branch, represents “another in a series of vindictive attacks upon the NAACP by the segregation forces in the South,” Roy Wilkins, executive secretary, said here today. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Dur wood T. Pye handed down the decision fining the Association and jailing Mr: Calhoun today at the end of a six-day trial in Atlanta. Tried along with Mr. Calhoun were Mrs. Ruby Hurley, NAACP re gional secretary, and L. D. Milton, Mrs. Eunice Cooper, V. P. Hodges and D. L. Hollowell, all officers of the Atlanta branch. Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Hodges were acquitted. The case against Mr. Hollowell was dropped. Mrs. Hur ley and Mr. Milton were found guilty, but no sen tence was imposed, ^hey were directed to produce such records as they have in their possession. The branch president was committed to jail without bond “to remain there until he shall cause the said order of this court to be complied with.” In addition to his conviction for civil contempt, Mr. Calhoun was given a 12-month suspended sentence for criminal contempt. The national NAACP was fined $25,000. The suit was instituted on the claim that the Associa tion, a non-profit organization, had failed to pay state income tax. Through its counsel, A. T. Wal den, the Association denied that it was subject to the tax. Without warning, Georgia revenue of ficers descended upon the local and regional NAA CP offices and demanded their records. The NAACP, Mr. Wilkins said today, “is mysti fied by the $25,000 fine levied against it by the Georgia Court because the New York office has never been requested directly or through any agent in Georgia to produce any'of its records.” Mr. Calhoun, he pointed out, “is the first officer of our Association in its history to be convicted and jailed for performance of his duties as a lead er of a local NAACP unit. He is not an agent or employee of the national organization and does not have in his possession any of the records of the national body.” Mr. Wilkins said that the Association’s Georgia attorneys are moving to appeal the decision. “We intend,” he declared, “to offer every possible lawful assistance to Mr. Calhoun and to all our members in Georgia and in other states where they are be ing persecuted because of their efforts to imple ment the Supreme Court anti-segregation decision. In our judgment, both Mr. Calhoun and the Associ ation have been denied due process of law by the Georgia decision.” * ' ( Phone Your News, HA0800 I ^ *