The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 07, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 30 No. 39_ __ Friday, December 7, 1956__10c Per Copy
Xmas Seal
Drive In Its
50th Year
"With the 50th Christmas Seal
Sale, the Tuberculosis Associa
tion celebrates no complete vic
tory over TV, but a series of achie
vements great and small . . mile
stones along the road.”
This was pointed up today by
Dr. E. A. Rogers, director of the
Nebraska State Department of
“It was just 11 years ago," he
continued, “that the discovery of
the miracle drug streptomycin
gave the fight against tuberculosis
and other infectious diseases its
biggest medical boost. Since then
many other drugs have been dis
Dr. Rogers hastened to remark
that none of these actually kills
the tubercle bacilli in a patient's
body. The drugs only slow up or
inhibit multiplication of the
germs, so that more and more
people are living today with tu
berculosis that has been converted
from active to inactive — approxi
mately 800,000, with an estimated
5,000 of them in Nebraska.
“Satisfaction over the saving of
lives of these TB patients is tem
pered, however, by the realization
that even today more than a mil
lion Americans require medical
care or supervision for active or
inactive tuberculosis,” the state
medical director said. “And an
other fifty million are unwilling
hosts to live tubercle bacilli."
He declared that 1,290 cases
under medical care were regis
tered with his department last
year. Each one of these that is
active costs Nebraska about
$15,000 by the time you figure
treatment, rehabilitation, welfare
services and lost wages.
“It is your voluntary contribu
tion through annual purchase of
Christmas Seals that will help re
duce this terrible toll,” Dr.
Rogers stated. “While 94% of our
Christmas Seal contributions is
for Nebraska use, each county
tuberculosis organization al s o
contributes a part of every dollar
to the national research program
to help sppread victory over TB.
The Omaha Council of Church
Women is responsible for the
yearly operating budget of $18,000
for the UTE Halee Home. We
know that many of our church
members are not reached through
the women's organizations of our
churches, and feeling that all ■
Protestant church families want
to have a small part in this worth -
while endeavor, we "offer you this
I opportunity to help.
We feel that it is a real priv
ilege to have a part in preventing
rather than correcting delinquen-,
cy. Caring for our homeless and j
dependent girls, as other faiths I
care for theirs, is a noble Chris
tian gesture.
f V , - ' '
As 1956 Holiday Season ap
proaches, persons here and
abroad again arc being asked
to purchase NAACP Christ
mas Seals as support for Asso
ciation's civil rights work.
Lena Horne, chairman of
Christmas Seal campaign,
points out that purchase of
Seals will enable NAACP “to
meet adversaries of freedom
with something more than
mere hopes and wishes.”
Court Says
Null, Void
NEW ©RIJSANS, La., Nov. 30 —
The Louisiana Court of Appeals
ruled this week that a lower
court injunction banning NAACP
activities in the state was null and
void and should never have been
The ruling was on the techni
cal point that since NAACP attor
neys had filed a motion in the
Federal court last March prior to
action by the state court, the
court had decided what it would
do with the NAACP motion.
The state court ignored the fact
that the NAACP had tiled in the
Federal court and proceeded
with a hearing, after which it is
sued the injunction. NAACP at
torneys appealed to the state
court of Appeals.
The effect of the ruling this
week is to place the matter where
it was before the state court acted,
namely, the NAACP is free to
continue its activities in the state
or may not appeal this week’s
until the courts act on its peti
tion. Attorneys for the state ma>
ruling to the state supreme court.
They have ten days in which to
At the moment the state must
now file an answer to the petition
filed by the NAACP in the Feder
al court last March 28. The Fed
eral court will then decide wheth
er it has jurisdiction and whether
it will hear the case. It may re
quire both sides to file briefs on
the question of jurisdiction and
hold a hearing before rendering
a decision. Or it may take juris
diction and require the filing of
briefs on the issue and then hold
« hearing.
If the Federal court for any
reason should not hear the case,
the nutter will doubtless be
' Holiday Salads And Relishes
Jaunty, colorful salads and relishes lend a cheerful touch to the
table. Try these during the holidays.
Tomito Aspie Layer Cottage Cheese Layer
1 envelope unflavored gelatine 1 envelope unflavored gelatins
K cup cold water 14 cup cold water
1 cup tomato juice % teaspoon salt
1 can (8 o»./ ‘omato aauce 1 tablespoon minced onion
1 teaspoon grated onion % cup light cream
1 teaspoon sugar 1 pkg. (12 oz.) cottage cheese
Atplti Soften gelatine in water. Dissolve in hot tomato juice. Add
rest of ingredients; mix well. Pour into mold and chill until firm.
I Cottage Cher-ta Layer t Soften gelatine in water. Dissolve over hot
water. Add to remaining Ingredients; mix well. Add to top of
aspic layer; chill until Arm. Eight to ten servings.
a • 0
Cranberry Party Relish: Combine a ground orangs with a can
(1 lb.) cranberry sance and a half eup drained pineapple tidbits.
Chill and serva as a relish or salad.
Corn Relish: Drain Vi cup liquid from a can (12 or 18 os.) of whole
kernel com. Add 1 eup sweet pickle relish, 2 tablespoons celery
seed and a tablespoon sugar; bring to boiling. Add drained corn
and simmer 10 minutes. Chill.
I Attackers
of Nat Cole
Fined $50
—Four white men who attacked
pianist-singer Nat (King) Cole here
early this year have been fined
$50 each on appearances in muni
cipal court.
Two other men arrested after
the disturbance in which Cole was
knocked to the floor are await
ing trial on felony charges of as
sault with intent to murder.
Willie Lee Vinson, 23, and Ken
neth Adams, both of Anniston,
Ala., are scheduled to go on trial
next month.
Edgar Lee Vinson, 25, brother
i of Willie Vinson, was found
Ruilty of disorderly conduct by a
jury in Judge George Lewis Bailes'
court two weeks ago. He was
fined $50 and given a six-months
suspended sentence. The sentence
was pronounced last week by
Judge Bailes, as the other three
men prepared to go on trial.
After the sentencing, the other
three sentenced pleaded guilty
and drew fines of $50 and costs.
They were Orliss W. Clovengcr
and Mike Fox, both of Anniston,
and Jesse W. Mabry of Birming
Five years ago only 19 per cent
of our families hed incomes from
$5,000 to $10,000 a year, but now
it is 32 per cent.
Maggie Ford
Evangelist Maggie Ford, age 62,
2617 Spencer Street, passed away
Wednesday November 7th at a
local hospital. Mrs. Ford had been
a resident of Omaha thirty three
years. She was a member of the
Church of God in Christ, 2318
North 26th Street and served
most all important offices of the
church. She is survived by her
husband, Mr. James Ford. Omaha;
one sister, Miss Wren Dilwood,
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma; three
brothers, Mr. John Dilwood, Oma
ha, Mr. Richard Dilwood, Mr. Fred
Dilwood, Fort Gibson, Oklahoma;
two cousins, Mrs. Frankie White
side, Mrs. Helen Baker, of Omaha
and other relatives.
Funeral services were held two
o’clock Monday afternoon Novem
ber 12th from the Church of God
j in Christ, 2318 North 26th Street,
i with Bishop Charles Plaiz, offici
i ating, assisted by the following
Ministers: the Reverends, Wright,
Chambers, Cooper, Crawford, Hal
comb, Price, Cork, Bradford,
Sampson, and Wright. Pall bear
ers, Mr. L. Phillips, L. J. Johnson,
S. Lawson H. Kimsey, A. Baker,
and J. Johnson Interment was
in the family plot at Mt. Hope
Cemetery with arrangements by
the Thomas Funeral Home.
1 ^
brought promptly again in the
state lower court by th» state at
torneys and the state court could
be expected to grant the injunc
tion all over again.
This week's ruling means that
for about a month the NAACP
branches in Louisiana will be
free to resume their activities
while the lawyers and courts
wrestle with the legal maneuvers.
Paxton Is
Honored At
C of C Dinner
James L. Paxton, Jr., general
chairman of Omaha’s 1996 United
Red Feather-Red Cross fund- rais
ing campaign, will be honored by
the Omaha Chamber of Commerce
at a Public Affairs Luncheon
Tuesday noon, December 11,
The drive, held in October,
raised more than $1,656,000 for
Red Feather agency and Red Cross
needs in Omaha. The total is five
to six percent greater than the
amount raised last year for simi
lar purposes.
In addition to a Chamber ci
tation to be presented to Mr.
Paxton for his leadership in the
campaign, special awards will be
made to local firms where at
least 90% of their employees con
tributed according to the’ fair
share formula.
Victor L. Toft, a vice president
of the Chamber of Commerce and
1952 general chairman of the UCS
campaign, will describe the activ
ities and great importance of the
Red Feather agencies and Red
Cross to the Omaha community.
Field Remembers
Two Negro
CHICAGO (ANP) — Bequests
totaling $200,000 were left to two
Negro grandchildren of the late
Marshall Field, it was disclosed
in the 60-page will of the great
philanthropist, humanitarian and
Gregory Eldridge Bruce and
Catherine- Bruce, two of Field’s
11 grandchildren were granted
$100,000 each under the will pro
bated last Wednesday which total
ly bequested $30,000,000 to phil
anthropic purposes.
Mrs. Bcttine Field Bruce, Mar
shall Field’s daughter, is the wife
of Eldridge Bruce, a Negro gradu
ate of Howard University, who is
studying child psychology in Lon
don under Anna Freud, daughter
of Dr. Sigmund Freud.
Gregory Eldridge Bruce and
Catherine Bruce are the children
of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce. The Bruces
reside in London.
Miss Jones
Singing In
The Messiah
Stenola Jones, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Lee Jone<‘
Spencer, Is a member of the
choir which will present Handel’s
The Messiah at Dana College,
Blair, Nebraska, on December 9.
Professor Paul Neve, head of the
Dana College Department of Music
since 1943, will direct the 82
voice choir.
The great oratorio will be pre
sented in full. While this was
common., spractice in Handel’
time, it is seldom done today. The
Dana College presentation has
been divided into two section ,
Part I, "The Birth of Christ," will
be presented at 4:30 p.m. and
following several hours of inter
mission, Parts H and ni, "The
Crucifixion" and “The Resurrec
tion,” will be presented at 8:00
p.m. Both sections will be sung
in the sanctuary of Blair’s new
First Lutheran Church.
Soloists in the Dana presenta
tion of The Messiah have been
selected from the student body
of the midcontinent college and
come from six states.
Warn End
To Abusing
Negro Pupils
Clinton, Tenn. . . (CNS) . . White
students were warned by Principle
D. J. Brittain, Jr. that they cease
intimidating or abusing Negr
pupils at the newly integrated
school or face expulsion.
The white students were told
of the threat at the student as
sembly after Negro pupils stay
ed away from classes for the sec
ond day in a row because of “a
buse.” They told how rocks had
been hurled at the ten Negro
teenagers and two white boys
threw eggs at three Negro girls.
Families of the kids, too, had been
.molested by bands of white men.
Seeking an easy way out, the
Anderson County School Boar**
has voted that the Negro pupils
could return to the all-Negro
high school in Knoxville, 20 miles
from the white school, if their
parents requested this.
j Dovie Andrews I
Mrs. Dovie I. Andrews, age 60
years, of 3011 Emmet Street, ex
pired Tuesday morning November
20, 1956 at a local hospital.
She was art Omaha resident for
many years, and was a member of
Sheba Chapter No. 10, O.E.S., Mrs.
Hattie Moore, Worthy Matron.
Mrs. Andrews was a member of
the Daughters of Isis, Zaha Court
No. 72, Mrs. Queenie Barber, Com
mandress, and was also a member
of the Senior Choir and Mission
ary Circle of Mt. Moriah Baptist
She is survived by her husband,
William J. Andrews of Omaha; 3
brothers, O. T. Whitlow of Omaha.
Benjamin F. Whitlow of Dallas,
Texas, and Tucker Whitlow of
Sherman, Texas; aunt, Mrs.
Bertha Davis of Sherman, Texas;
nephew, Andrew Whitlow ahd
niece, Pricilla Whitlow, both of
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Embo Triors cost the U. S. busi
ness $500,000,000 in 1955.
Legible Addressing Assures
Better Christmas Package Delivery
Addresses marked on gifts with
a felt-tip pen are colorful, clear
ly visible and quickly read and
appreciated by postal employ
ees, assuring that your packages
will reach their destinations on
Long a favorite with teachers,
artists, store and office clerks,
and businessmen, this felt-tip
pen, called the “Flo-master,” is
ideally suited for writing, mark
ing and drawing in the home.
This versatile pen can write on
any material . . . glass, wood,
ftaper, metals, plastics, porce
ain, cloth, rubber, etc.
Housewives can use felt-tip
pens to address parcel post pack
ages , ,. write children’s names
on the inside of their boots and
rubbers . . . identify contents of
home-frozen food packages . . .
mark boxes for storage .. . label
preserves . , . mark linen and
clothes . . . and put names on
birlhday gifts and party favors.
Their husbands use felt-tip
pens for marking window screens
and storm windows . . . mark
ing hardware storage containers
. . . initialing personal property,
tools, etc.. . . marking maps .. .
making business signs, charts or
graphs .,, laying out do-it-your
self projects . . . color-coding
pipes and house wiring ... and a
multitude of other uses.
Although you can use any one
of eight colors (including black)
that are available for this type
of pen, it is suggested that you
get a separate pen for each color
that you expect to use—to avoid
the necessity of cleaning before
each color change.
Made of chrome-plated brass,
and furnished! with four inter
changeable felt tips for different
width lines, this felt-tip pen is
a handy, useful household and
workshop article. Available at
stationery stores everywhere.
Mrs. Helen Mohammitt, who
lived at 2703 Binney Street, one of
Omaha’s most beloved citizens,
died Monday in a local hospital
after a month’s illness.
Mrs. Mohammitt was the wife
of one of Omaha’s leading news
paper publishers, Mr. T. P. Mo
hammitt, who passed away in 1950.
I .. .
Mrs. Mahammitt • j j
Mrs. Mohammitt a few years
ago in honor of her husband made
a gift to the St. Phillips Episcopal
Church at 25th and Binney a gift
of musical chimes.
Mrs. Mohammitt is survived by
three nieces, Mrs. Edessa Spais
of Battlecreek, Michigan, Mrs.
Alice Blattles of Toledo, Ohio and
Mrs. Doris Bacony of Pasadena,
Funeral services were held at
2 o’clock at the Episcopal Church
where she was a member for more
than half a century. Father
.'acobson officiated.
She was buried in the family
lot beside her late husband in
Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Georqia Scott
Mrs. Georgia Scott. 80 years,
2801 Pratt Street, passed away
Thursday November 15th at a
local hospital. Mrs, Scott had
been a resident of Omaha sixty
five years and was a member of
the Pilgrim Baptist Church. She
is survived by two nieces, Mrs.
Emma Oats, Omaha; Mrs. Frances
Sims, Los Angeles, California,
her guardian, Mrs. Gertrude Al
len, Los Angeles, California, Mrs.
Birdie Williams, with whom she
made her home. Funeral services
were held Monday November
19th at two o’clock from the Pil
rim Baptist Church with the Rev.
Charles Favors officiating. Pall
bearers, Mr. J. W. Porter, Guy
Wiley, Bobbie Williams, Lindsay
Young, J. Franklin. P. H. Norval.
Interment was at Mt. Hope Ceme
tery with arrangements by the
Thomas Funeral Home.
Combo Dance
At The "Y"
Fun Nite Council, teen-age
group at the YWCA, will hold a
dance at the YWCA, 17th and
St. Mary’s on December 8th from
8 to 11:30 P.M.
will play the entire evening. There
will be a snack bar, games room,
ping pong and novelties to round
the evening’s entertainment.
Teen-agers are cordially in
vited to attend.
Ebony Is
Walter White
Chicago — The heart-warming
love story of NAACP’s Walter
White and his white wife, Poppy
Cannon, is featured in the Janu
ary EBONY. The story, taken
from a book written by Miss Can
non, and finished prior to White’s
death, is entitled The Love That
Never Died. It describes the joys
and heartaches the two endured
during their seven-year marriage.
They first met in 1929. Poppy
was 20—White was 35. Despite
infrequent contacts a warm at
traction developed between them.
They fought against it and for one
period went ten years without
seeing each other. Then in 1944
they met at a luncheon and re
sumed their friendship. It was
three years before they were di
vored and free to marry each oth
er, she writes in EBONY. In July,
1949, 20 years after their first
meeting Walter White and Poppy
Cannon were married.
She writes that even though
White never admitted it, she
knew that their marriage added
to his problems in the NAACP.
Powerful forces within the Associ
ation wanted to oust him. He '
was told before the marriage, that
Negro women would severely
criticize him. They learned that
it was Negro women who support
ed them most. Famous people
like Mary McLeod Bethune and
I Lena Horne stuck by the Whites
i and dispelled the myth.
wnen wnue ana roppy. were
| married he had already suffered
I many heart attacks. After they
had been mtrried for a few
months, the attacks were more
frequent. Poppy tells how she
vainly pleaded with him to slow
down. He promised to slack
off, but events made it difficult
for him to keep his word. In the
spring of 1955, after a siege of
illness and seven yeais of mar
ried bliss* Walter White died sud
denly in Poppy’s arms.
Holiday Shopping Hours
Downtown Unchanged
Monday and Thursday evenings until Christmas are the Holiday
hours again this year in most Downtown stores. For several months
many stores have been maintaining these hours. Evening closing hour
is regularly 8:30 p.m.
Christmas and New Years Eve the stores will close at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, the days only after Christmas and New Years, the stores
will be open until 8:30 p.m. in place of the customary Monday and
Thursday nights.
Holiday buying has started with an active tempo. Shoppers appar
ently have been taking advantage of the regular promotions and added
to it a certain amount of their holiday buying. With the “no added
store hours”, as is practiced in most cities, shopping early is in the
minds of some apparently as practical procedure rather than to join
the last weeks rushes.
Retail Sales volume will reach new peaks in November and Decem
ber as pointed out in the newspaper’s financial section recently. Record
personal incomes couples with the recent wave of increased wages,
together with the fact that employment is at another heighth, assures
that shoppers will make the Holiday buying a busy one for retailers.
Negro A ttys
Seek N.Y.
New York. . .(CNS) . . When
Justice Carson Dewitt Baker va
cated his $17,000 a year judgeship
last week after much unfavorable
publicity for ignoring traffic
tickets, a wide-open race devel
oped for all Negro attorneys liv
ing in the 19th Municipal Court
District — which covers the Har
lem district.
Under the law, Mayor Robert
Wagner must pick a successor by
December 14th or within 20 days
of the vacancy. This caused
number of Harlemites to be
[ looked into. They include At
torney Maurice Gray, Rent Ad
I ministrator Thomas V. Sinclair,
I Deputy Comptroller Amos Bow
1 man, Joseph E. Dyer.
Considered a bit out front of
the pack is Assemblyman Ken
neth M. Phipps, a hardworking
young lawyer, who had just been
reelected for Assemblyman in the
recent election by an. overwhelm
ing majority. Phipps has the in
side track even over Mrs. Ruth
Whitehead Whaley, long a party
favorite. Phipps is Borough
President Jack’s man, which is
certainly to help his case since
Jack still maintains control ovei
the 19th District.
Meanwhile, Baker was being
investigated by the Appelate Di
vision to determine his fitness to
hold office after he ignored 17
summonses for traffic violations.
He now expects to resume bis
law practice in a few days.
Mrs. Cecil Sanders
Mrs. Cecil Sanders, 49 years,
928 14th Avenue, Council Bluffs,
expired Thursday night November
15th at a Council Bluffs hospital.
Mrs. Sanders had lived in the
Bluffs for two years.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs.
Linnie Gibson, Omaha; one broth
er, Mr. Willard Armstrong, Kansas
City, Missouri, two aunts, Mrs.
Hattie Beard, Omaha; Mrs. Ruth
Carter, Marysville, Missouri. Fun
eral services were held two
o’clock Tuesday afternoon Novem
ber 20th from the Mt. Moriah Bap
tist Church with the Rev. David
St. Clair officiating. Pall bearers
were Mr. Walter C. Carter, H.
Wind, F. Gordon, Arthur Jones,
Wm. Nicols, and H. C. Franklin.
Burial was at Mt. Hope Cemetery
with arrangements by Thomas
Funeral Home.
Hav* You?
Have you heard the one about
the absentminded husband who
sent his wife to the bank and
kissed his money goodbye?
MS Wtfk MtkiWk ft .•»’ftrTJftjCJ'ft
Shopping's Easy
If You
Read The Ads
Before Leaving Home!