tiseiihc_ Cracks Solid South This Is Your Newspaper What you are doin^ is news. ■ Please Phone Your News To ■ HA 0800 or send it to THE OMAHA GUIDE __ 2420 Grant St | /JUSnCI/BMlMm EQUAL OPPORTUNITY tuI. 30 No. 36__Friday, November 9, 1956 __TOc Per Copy Davis Says Negroes Should Support Colored Stars »• Chicago — Sammy Davis, Jr., "rakes over the coals” Negroes who do not support colored stars, and Negroes who snipe at him for associating with whites. Speaking In the December EBONY, Sammy says, “The worst thing in the world is to be a star and a Negro. If 1 didn't have this racial mill stone around my neck, I could have made $20 million by now. But, being a Negro I must weigh whether I should do this or that. Nobody can escape what he is. I don’t want to. All I have to do is look in the mirror.” Commenting on the plight of other Negro stars, Sammy says, "If 1 had one wish it would be that Negroes would support other Ne gro entertainers. Most Negro performers with anything unusual don’t get any support from their people. Take Duke Ellington. It’s a shame. The man’s a genius, but who supports him? Whites.” Sammy makes no apology ror his racial record. Me Insisted that the Mr. Wonderful cast be fully integrated, and it was. He also points to the fact that he is * the only big Negro star with a Nero manager - his uncle, Will Mastin. "And nobody pushes Will around. He’s a shrewd one. He listens to my suggestion and 98 per cent of the time I’m right. In the last six years, I've been right all the time." It's no accident, Sammy says, that most of his time is spent with people who control the entertain ment industry. "I figured that the reason Negro performers were , alienated from the people who could help them was because they don't mix with them socially.” Sammy lives, works and plays among the moguls of the industry. He dines with them, attends their parties and throws parties for them. “This is business," he told EBONY. “I know how I made it. It wasn't all talent. I’ve been able to outthink the people I deal with. I meet them on even grounds be cause socially I'm with them 90 per cent of the time. Most deals in this business are concluded over drinks and at the dinner table, and if you’re cut out of that, you’re out, period!” YW Annual Vespers Sun •# | November 11 The Y.W.C.A. Annuel Vespers will be held Sunday, November lltb—4:30-5:30 P.M. In the YWCA Auditorium. Special feature will be the ehowing of NO MAN IS AN IS LAND, a 1956 film presentation. Also, there will be a very spec ial part in the program for Y Teens, teen-age members of the YWCA. This being their 75th Anniversary as a part of YWCA program, a special Candlelight Recognition Service will be con ducted by Mrs. Herold M. Diers, Co-chairman of the Teen-Age Committee. Representatives of the 1,100 Y-Teens in our Public High Schools and some Grad* Schools will be introduced to the YWCA at this time Edith Buis, Presi dent of Y-Teen Inter-Club Coun cil, will give Y-Teens’ Response. Mrs. Stanley Thornton, mem ber of the World Fellowship.Com mittee, will preside. Miss Fred ericks Clay will play the piano. Other special music will be in cluded. j All departments In the YWCA ! will make World Fellowship gift, presentation*. Among these are YW-Wives, represented by: Mmes. Willis Foster, George Brown, Clark Carnby, Leslie Hays and Duane Thee. V*Teen participants will be Karen Holmes, Sue Sutler, Dianne Birge, Virginia Dyaa, Bar bars Faiman, Janet Liltlethorup, Chiert Dot. Joy Johnson, Harrietts Day and Carol Bogle Young A- j dtUts will be represented by Pat Petersen and Beverley Jena Mur ray. Nsdtxld* trench. Health Education Department and the YWCA ftoetdesee will send rapre aentetive* as well Joseph Holloway Joseph F. Holloway, 48 years, 430 Q Street, passed away Wed nesday October 31 at a local hos pital. Mr. Holloway had been a resident of Omaha sixteen years. He is survived by one son, Mr. Amous Holloway, Kansas City, Missouri, daughter, Mrs. Rosie Lee, Fort Smith, Arkansas, moth er, Mrs. Bertha Holloway, sister, Mrs. Vanzella Freeman, of Spring field, Illinois, two brothers, Mr. Jiles Holloway, Kansas City, Mis souri, Mr. Aubrey Holloway, of Omaha. Tentatively funeral services have been set for two o’clock Saturday afternoon November 3, from the Church of God in Christ Congregational with the Rev. Jesse II. Bowers officiating with arrangements by the Thomas Fun eral Home. Chinese Spoke Here This Week Richard H. Hiller, chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce, announced that the Hon orable Hollington K. Tong, free China’s newly-named Ambassador to the United States, will be the principal speaker at a Public Af fairs Luncheon at the Chamber Friday noon, November 0. Dr. Tong is coming to Omaha to address the Saturday evening (November 10) banquet meeting of the All-Amerkan Conference to Combat Communism. He sms appointed Ambassador recently by Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek to replace Dr. V. V. Wellington Koo, who is re tiring after 44 years of diplomatic service. Dr. Tong is widely recognized as one of free China's most quali fied spokesmen and fair-minded interpreters. His books and other writings are accepted as the most I unbiased reports available on the China of 1837 to 1845. In the war years, he served as a high information officer for the Chinese government, following that assignment as the first post war ambassador to Japan, where his efforts aided greatly in the re-establishment of friendly and workable relations between the two nations. “We are very happy that Dr. Tong was able to accept our in vitation to address our members," Mr. Hiller said. “His appearance will provide us with, one of our most outstanding Public Affairs Luncheon events this season.” Reservations for the Luncheon, at $1.75 each, may be made now with Helen Singles, Atlantic-1234. Some high-speed annual climb ers with colorful blooms are Morning-glory, Moon-flower, Co 'joqunp i«utpj»D 'suapuess aaaq and Canarybird. Charles Curry Charles Raymond Curry, 63 years, 2703 Sprague Street, passed away Saturday morning October 27th at his home. Mr. Curry had been a resident of Omaha thirty eight years. He is survived by his; wife, Mrs. Sedalia S. Curry, one son. Mr. George Raymond (Jabo) Curry, Omaha, three daughters. Miss Gladys Curry, Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Charlesetta Bell, Miss Valencia B. Curry of Oakland, California, two step daughters. Miss Shirley Ann and Miss Shelia Mae Curry, of Oakland. California, brother, Mr. Watson Curry, Chi- j rago. Illinois sister, Mrs. Alberta | Haley, Brewton, Alabama, neph ew. Mr. Charles R. Curry. Chicago, Illinois, two grand daughters, four, grand son*. Tentatively funeral services have been arranged for tea o'clock Saturday morning November 3rd from the Pilgrim Baptist Church with the Rev Charles Pavers of ficiating with arrangement* by the Thomas Funeral Homs e 1 President Dwight D. Eisenhower 34 Million Negros Will Be Advanced To No. 1 Citi zenship In The Next Four Years! FAMU Students Honor President Zebedee Wright (left), presi dent of the Student Government Association at Florida A and M University, is shown as he read the special citation presented President George W. Gore, Jr*, (second from right), Monday evening at the student proclaim ed “Gore Day" observance. Second from left is Eugene Cro martie, cadet Colonel of the ROTC and at the far right Is John Sweeting, vice president of the SGA. (A and M staff photo) ———————— , Wilkins Says Both Parties Killed Senate Rights Bill NEW YORK —. Both political parties must share the blames for the Senate's failure to act on the civil rights bill, Roy Wilkins, NAACP executive secretary, said here today. “Some senators in Doth parties who heretofore have supported civil rights kept mum. At the times when motions were to be made, southern Democrats 'just happened' to be presiding tem porarily over the Senate and exer cised the prerogatives of the chair," Wilkins said. The measure, the NAACP lead er asserted, “could have been passed if it had been permitted to reach the floor" Bui, he said, the Dixiecrat leadership under Senator Lyndon Johnson, of Tex as, quickly "engineered the Mil, into the hands of Senator James' O. Eastland of Mi»siaai|ipi, chair man of the Senate Judiciary Com mittee, who, of course, bottled it up . * "Democratic Senators Douglass, of Illinois. Hennings, of Missouri and Lehman of New York; and Republican Senators Ives, of New York, Bender of Ohio, and Laag er, of North Dakota, all attempted to get the bill to the Senate floor for action but were blocked at every turn (by) the Eastland com mittee.” Civil rights supporters, Wilkins declared, “should remember the performance of their senators and should weigh carefully the actions of both parties." The NAACP spokesman noted that in the House “moat of the Republicans and northern Demo crats worked hard and voted for the civil right* bill with the re sult that it passed and was not1 crippled by the amendments uq , successfully offered by the south-. rrn bloc.” Alcohol la something that very often puts the wreck in recrea tion. Jt< Fritz McKim Fritz McKim, age 66 years, of 3225 Pinkney Street, expired Tuesday evening November 6, 1856 at a local hospital. He was an Omaha resident over 25 years. He is survived by bis wife, Mrs. Edna Marie McKim; 2 daughters, Mrs. Geraldine Miller and Mrs. Ernestine Peak; 11 grandchildren, all of Omfha. Funeral services tentatively arranged for Saturday November; 10, 1856 at 10:00 a.m. from the Myers Funeral Home Chapel. In terment will be at Holy Sepulchre; Cemetery. Myera Brothers Funeral Ser vlet. Party Mats—Use the small alu- i min si m pana (hat frozen foods come in to make party hats for i children. Run a piece of cord1 elastic, long enough to (It under a child’s chin, through small holm on each side of “hat.*’ Provide t different colored crepe paper: •tripe and cellophane tape and let each child decorate his own hat. Minton Says Ruling Inevitable Chicago — Former Associate Justice Sherman Minton, who re tired recently from the. Supreme Court, says in the December EBONY that the Court’s desegre gation ruling was inevitable be cause the high tribunal had been chipping away at the “separate but equal" doctrine (or a long time. In Minton’s view, the rul ing destroyed the legal foundation of an ancient, and to him, ob Mississippi 4-H'ers Helping Parents To Get Out Of i One-Crop Cotton Farming How 60 Mississippi colored ( 4-H’ers are helping their parents to get out of one-crop cotton farming and into dairying as a sideline is one of the outstanding accomplishments which will be reported during National 4-H Achievement Day, November 10, says W. E. Ammons, State leader of Negro extension work in Mis sissippi. Within, the past five years, these clubbers, who live in the Tupelo, Mississippi, area, have bought $14,000 worth of purebred noxious system of dual citizenship in America and decreed a new day of equality for Negroes. “We are conscious of the great progress the Negro people have made and now, with the school desegregation ruling, the possi bilities for them are infinite,” Minton says. Minton hated the riots that flared up when authorities at tempted to desegregate schools in Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. “It’s possible that we could even have much more violence than we’ve had so far," he states grave ly, “but the problem of violent resistance will have to be met as it appears." As to whether Federal forces should be used to quell such riots, Minton is quit* specific: “You can’t reject the use of FMcral forces in suppressing violence," be says. As to how long racial segrega tion will last in America, Minton says it is anybody’s guess. He adds that resistance to it will ultimate ly fail. Determination to preserve segregation at any price is so fanatical among a Urge segment of whites in the South, tbit they may even resort to mou« destruc tive measures in their futile ef forts to delay the custom’s death. Whether the Supreme Court’s ruling will ultimately lead to the end of segregation in all areas of national life, Minton refused to predict. As to future actions of the high court, however, he is firm in his belief that the great 1954 ruling has set a definite pat tern, from which coming deci sions on segregation shall not de viate. Commanded All Whites Major James T. Baker of In dianapolis, executive officer of the HOTC at Florida A and M University, commanded Company "C at the Summer Armored HOTC Camp held at Port Knox, Ky., during the past summer. Company “C" was composed of cadets from colleges and univec suit's which included Alabama! Polytechnic Institute (Auburn),, Illinois, and Texas A and M. (A and M staff pbotc by Horace Jones, Jr.) % dairy cows and now have herds of from two to eight animals. The addition of these quality cows which are bringing semi-monthly milk checks has encouraged their parents to put more emphasis on dairying and less on cotton, Mr.. Ammons points out. Partially as a result of this shift in fanning emphasis, says the State leader, Lee County, Mississippi, has upped its sales of whole milk during the past five years by nearly 200,000 galloiis a year, and its gross income from dairy products by $40,000 a year. The colored 4-H’ers of Lee County got started seriously in milk production in 1951 when Miss Alice Little, the Colored home demonstration agent, and W. J. Pernell, the white county agent began looking around foir a sideline enterprise for the colored farmers who were depend ing almost entirely on cotton; • “Why .iot dairying?’’ they ask ed themselves. A few of the colored farmers were already selling a little milk from their scrub cattle. There was a market for more milk at the local milk plant, and good cows were avail able right there in the county from white farmers who were selling off some of their purebred cattle because of a labor shortage. White 4-H club boys and girth were buying some of the ensre through the local bank. Perhaps, they thought, a similar arrange ment could be worked out for the colored clubbers. When the banker was approached be read ily agreed to try it out on an ex perimental basis, and made loans totaling $4,700 to 16 youths to busy pure-bred cows. The experiment worked out am well that the plan has been con tinued year after year. The 4-H clubbers repay their loans by giving the bank half their milk check each month until the full amount is paid. Today, 60 club boys and girts in the county own a total of 13k purebred female dairy animals^ Artificial insemination is em ployed to maintain the purebred strains and thereby keep produc tion up. Some of the cows give from four to six gallons of milk a day, sometimes bringing their owners as much as $40 per month. The income from milk is lack ing foj a real change in the coun ty.' More and more improved homes are to be seen, and an in creased number of youths are go ing to college. Josephine Gill of the Palmetto community, for example, now ha* seven offspring from the origin*# cow she purchased five years ago. Three of these are being milked and the check from the milk plant is enough to pay her fees at Lane College, Jackson,. Tennessee, where she is a junior,, and help her parents build a new home. Her parents now have four head of grade and purebred cows of their own. Darletha Frierson of the same community also is sending her self to college with the proceeds from her cows. And Joe Bell of the Plantersville community pfans to enter college next year with his milk check savings. Last year he won the first leg of a dairy trophy for maintaining the high est butterfat average among thw 4-H’ers in the county. Roy Beene of the Guntown community is a good example- of a top 4-H dairyman. He is oow milking two of his four cows and getting 10 gallons of milk a day. His efforts have been so success ful that bis grandparents, with whom he lives, have bought some fairy cattle through Farmers Home Administration, They now own 13 head. Miss Little and Mr. Pernell, who " have been stressing the impor tance of good animals and Im proved pastures, estimated that nearly half of the 1,082 colored! farmers in the county will be itn dairying within the nest fkm years if the 4*11 dairy prograu continues.