The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 02, 1956, Page Four, Image 4

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    WANTED: House*, Apartments, and
the Names and Addresses of people
that are looking for a place to stay;
and for people who want to rent an
. apartment. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One angle room
for working woman at 2111
Burdette St. Call Ja. 6684.
FOR RENT:~Nice large room for
couple. Share kitchen. Ultilitiea
paid. Call HA. 0800.
ED: We want to rent that
Apartment you ha.e for Rent.
Can HA 0880.
Wa want to aell that car or track
yon have tn sale. Call HA 0800.
We want to eell that piece ef
furniture yon hare, for sale.
Call HA 0800. _
EEMEMBER We are ta the Rent
ing and eelltng buaineea. Give
ne n ring. HA 0800.
HA 0800.
The Waller Radio Re
pair Shop, which was
located at 1904 North
24th St has moved to
2525 North 20th St 1
block north from Lake
St on the east side
of North 20th St. Let
us Repair your Radio
in the car or your
home. Day & Night
_Service. Call JA 0669.
house. Call Mrs. Cobbs. PL8063.
FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish
ed apartments. Three 3-room
furnished apartments. Two 4
room furnished apartments. Call
HA 0800.
WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house
coats at home. Earn from $17.40
to $26.16 dozen Write — AC
CURATE STYLE. Freeport, New
FOR RENT: One 3 room furnished
apartment. Call PL 3546.
FOR RENT: To couple, 3 unfurn
ished rooms for rent. Private
bath. Must be sober. PL 4493.
FOR RENT: One large Kitchenette
apartment. One large room to
the front. Two one-room large,
with side entrance. Both of the
downstairs partmenl* can have
use of kitchen. Call HA 0800.
If You Want
tfse low - down, the inside
koseboll news, yen'll went to
take advantage el this spe
cial offer.
*We'll send you 12 weekly Issues
elor value $3.00) PLUS a copy
of the big, brand-new 528-page
1955 edition of the Official Base
ball Guide (regular price $1.00)
for only $2,001
This famous
book contains
ma|or and
minor league
a v e rages,
records, offi
cio I playing
rules and
thousands of
facts about
the game.
IPs free to you — along with a
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SPORTING NEWS for $2.00. let's
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FOR SALE: House. 5 rooms on
one floor, many built-ins. Nice
location on level lot. at 2587
Pinkney St. Picket fence. A
home you will like Special
, price to cash buyers. Call PL
FOR RENT: 1 furnished room
for working woman or man.
Only 1*4 blocks from bus line.
Call PI. 3397.
FOR RENT: 1 3-room unfurnish
ed apartment. Private bath and
private entrance. Only $60 per
month. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 furnished kitchen
ette apartment with private
bath. Call Ha. 0800. j
FOR RENT: one 4-room furnish
ed apartment. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 8-room house.
JNow ready to move in. Call
Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: 2 3-room Apt Un
furnished. All utilities paid
by owner. Call PL 0256 or
Ja. 3634.
FOR RENT: One 5 room Apt un
furnished. All utilities paid by
owner. Call PL 0256 or Ja. 3634.
FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur
nished apartment. One 2-room
furnished apartment One 3
room furnished apartment Call
HA 0800. >
FOR RENT: 2 room furnished a
partment. Will accept one or 2
small children. This apt. is
north of Lake St., only block
from bus line. Call before 9:30
a m. HA 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 four room furnish
ed apartment. All utilities
paid by ownej. % block from
bus line. Call Ha. 0800
FOR RENT: A 3-room partly
furnished basement apartment.
Very reasonable. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur
nished apartment. Ready to
move in 8^20-56. Call Ha. 0800
FOR KENT: One 4-room un
furnished apartment. Phone
Ha. 0800
FOR RENT: One 5-room unfur
nished apartment. Private en
trance. Only $40.00 per month.
Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: A beautiful 3 end a
4 room unfurnished Apartment
with modern gas stove and a Re
frigerator furnished. All utili
ties paid by owner. In the new
Beautiful Malburn Apt. at 21st
and Burdette St. Call AT 4114.
After S PMl Call GL 1411.
FOR RENT: 3 Unfurnished room1
Apartment. Private entrance.
Private Bath. Large Living
room at 2317 North 20th Street,
Ja. 7563, Rev. Robert Sherman,
owner. Will accept 1 or 2
small children.
f OR RENT: 2 room unfurnished
apartment. One large living
room. At 2517 No. 20th Street,
Ja. 7583.
FOR RENT: A large furnished
2-room apartment Call PL;
5003, Mrs Davis, 2004 Wirt St;
Harry Truman
A crowd of cheering, shouting
people welcomed former Presi-(
dent Harry S. Truman to Harlem
last week. Accompanied by Gov- yj
ernor Averell Harriman, Tru- HI
man ri de up to the Hotel Ther
esa for the outdoor rally.
The crowd shouted “Give 'em
hell, Harry" aa Mr. Truman aaid j
the White House needs a man
with “nerve and convictions to
stand up and enforce the Con
stitution.” Harriman introduced
the former President as “Mr !
Civil Rights himself."
“I am talking to people who
ar- intelligent and understand
tne English language, asking you,
to >tudy the record,” Mr. Truman
aaid. “A president may get
abuse,” he continued, "They
throw bricks at you. But some
times you can pi> k them up and
throw them This state
ment was get-'**td with cheers
and laughter.
The crowd prcMed cine as the
former President finished his
talk, snd some tried to touch
him as he phased. One woman
asked, “Can I pa* him on the
shoulder?" Another said, “I Just
want It m a real President, of-;
fleer, just one pete time."
candies iw the center of orange
slices and float them, lighted on
top of the punch at an evening
The Last Word
By Elizabeth Davit Pittman
Profile* in Courage authoried
by Senator John F. Kennedy, the
young Senator fmin Massachus
etts, is a “roust" on the reading
list of all who like the human
I foibles mixed with their history.
This book goes into the annals of
history and extracts incidents of
courage exhibited by men who
have given their lives to public
Professor Allan Nevins of Col
umbia University, one of the
foremost political historians and
biographers of our time, has writ
ten the foreword, and in it he
points out that men are great
statesmen because they have a
special kind of courage—the
courage to bear the criticism of
their constituents and the major
itl of the public. The men whose
careers are described in these
pages have had this kind of cour j
age and the illustration of this
fact makes brilliant literature for
the reader.
Kennedy, himself, grows in sia
! ture with the reading of his pub
lication; for if he has been m
i spired by these men of decision
under pressure, namely, Adams,
Webster, Norris, Taft and such as
they, he cannot fail to grow in
affluence and wisdom in his own
time. He is the "fair haired boy"
from Massachusetts and demon
strated his own popular appeal
in the Democratic Convention
of 1956 when it looked as though
he would receive a landslide nom
ination for the office of Vice
President in lieu of Senator Ke
fauver. He went down in defeat,
but he has the resiliency of youth.
To say that Kennedy has the
courage of the men in this book
is a bit premature. That, only
t,me can tell. But for examples
of courage in office, I advise the
political scientist, historian and
student of human nature to read
Profiles in Courage.
Poll Shows N. Y.
Still Prefers Ike
New York—An indication that
President Eisenhower has retain
ed his popularity with New York
voters was given Wednesday
The first results of the New
York Daily News poll gave the
President a higher percentage of
votes than he got in 1952.
The News, with the largest
circulation in the United States,
revealed in its Thursday edition
that of 2,927 straws—about a
tenth of the 30 thousand to be
collected before election day—
Mr. Eisenhower got 59.2 per cent,
against 40.8 per cent for Adlai
Biography Of
Clayton Powell
(Note-for current use of your
reference library. Source Con
gressional Directory 1956.)
Represents 16th Congressional
District, New York County. Demo
crat. Born in New Haven, Conn.,
November 29. 1908.
Education. B.A. degree, Colgate
University, 1930; M.A. degree,
Columbia University, 1932; DD.
aegree, Shaw University, 1934;
1947, honorary LL.D., Virginia
Union University. Studied four
months in Europe, North Africa,
and Asia Minor.
Minister, Abyssinia Bap t i s t
Church, New York City, 1937;
church organized in 1808, raember
bership over 10,000; budget $95,
000, property worth $750,000.
First Negro councilman of the
City of New York, 1941; member
In the 1952 official tally, the
News said, Mr. Eisenhower carried
the state with 55.5 per cent.
This is the paper’s twenty
second poll, and in the preced
ing straws dating back to 1928 it
has scored 18 bulleyes, two near
misses, and one standoff.
- -nrW
Judge THOMSEN asks
your vote on a basis of
merit and on his capa
city for continued ser
Vote For
Re-Elect One Who Knows
The Problems of the Poor
He Has Served Them For 24 Years
Do You Want To Pay
Higher Gas Taxes
Higher License Fees
For Your Car?
Then Vote FOR The
§As a Motorist - You Already Pay 5 Times
More For Roads Than the Big Trucks.
• Make the Big Trucks Pay as They Pound
Our Roads to Pieces.
• Good Roads Save Lives.
Commit*** S*c S*t**r Re*4f TSrv Solr T*«*ti*«*
of the Phi Upsilon Kappa Society,
honorary fraternity in philosophy;
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Ma
j sons, I.B.P.O. Elks of the World,
In the community—director of
'relief for Harlem during 1930-31;
conducted first successful cam
paign for jobs for Negroes in vari
ous stores; staged successful bus
! strike secjring employment for
Negroes with the bus company.
Instructor, Columbia University
Extension school. Department of
Religious Education, 1932-40; edi
torial "writer for New York Eve
ning Post, 1934; executive com
. mittee, Negro Exhibit, New York
World’s Fair; elected in London,
I September 1952, vice-president of
World Association of Parliamen
| tarians for World Government; re
elected in 1953 and 1954; author, j
"Marching Blacks,” Dial Press,
Married, August 1, 1945, to Miss j
Hazel Schott; son. Adam Clayton
Powell 3rd. bom July 17, 1946;
first Negro congressman from the
East, being elected to the 79th
Congress, November 7, 1944. Re
elected to the 80th, 81st, 82nd,
Stop pain of piles
today at home
— or money back!
In doctor'* tests, amazing new
Stainless Pazo* instantly relieved
piles' torture! Gave internal and
external relief! 6 medically-proved
Ingredients including Tzielyte. re
lieve pain, itching iiutantly! Reduce
swelling. Promote healing. You sit,
walk in comfort! Only stainless
pile remedy. Stainless Pazo* Sup
positories or Ointment at druggist*.
-Trtdtmark of Grout l^tbentoritt. Ine.
Ointment end SuppeeUeritt.
Immediate '
Relief I j
A few droM fef OUT'iKiJW hOfijr ?
relief tram tormenting pun of ingrown a*!I |
rente further pa:n and diemnfort. OUTuKO I .
ie at all drug coont*r» I
Ha If-Alive*, headachy, when constipa
tlon sours stomach? Black-Draught*
relieves constipation overnight. .
Helps sweeten sour stomach too.
LmSw-Sttweti S»«rtr*«r W»rt* OwnrtfW!
No harsh griping. Made from pura
vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but
§enlly uncorks clogged intestines. J
irings comforting relief In momingi |
Then life looks sunny again f Get \
Black-Draught today.
•In Powder or Oronulatod form .. omd
now (a new, wip-lo-lfih Tablet!, tool
I-1 Whom '* aaoattpatlaw
I I amir* children • 41
ga*ttot) mod disposition set Syrup of Black
Drausbt They ices this honey-mat liquid
'83rd, and 84th Congresses.
Decorated by His Imperial Ma
jesty, Haile Selassie, Knight Com
mander, Golden Crews of the Order
|«jf Ethiopia in 1954; attended 1955
| Asian-African Conference, Ban
1 dung, Indonesia, as an unofficial
Toured a half dozen European
; countries in the summer and fall,
j of''l956, performing in Yugoslavia
I a “top secret mission" for Presi
i dent Eisenhower. Announced on
'October 11, 1956, that he was sup j
porting President Dwight D. Eis
j enhower and Vice-President Rich '
ard M. Nixon for re-election as “I
can't support the national standard I
bearer of the Democratic Party." |
He said he would, for time being
at least, retain Democratic Party
Those at the top have reached
their positions by tackling uphill
jobs. * ✓
Douglas County
My Past Record Is My
BEST Recommendation
Roliovo paint of tirod, »or«, aching mui
•lat with STANBACK, tab lata or pewdtra
8TANLACK acta foot to bring comforting
roliof... booauaa tha STANBACK formula
comb mot aovorol protection typo la*
grodionta for foot roliof of gain.
| COLO discomforts yield quickly to
STANBACK'S preieription formula.
STANBACK tebieU or powdere work
fast to bring comforting reliof from
tired, sore, asking muscles, neuralgia
and keadeeket due to colds.
IlilllilllllllllllllllllltllllllilllilItjilltllllllllllllllMllllMlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIItlllll I
Across from Lothrop School
Spotless Cleaners
1704 North 24th Stroot
Quality Workmanship-Wo Load, Othors Follow
Claytoo Brazior Phono AT SS24
"Nu-Glo" Spun Rayon. Geld
53x53 sin: 1 QO I
Reg. 2.98. le7Q|
Striped Cloths
53x72", Reg.
63x90", Reg.
63x108", Reg.
68" fringed round, Reg. 8.50. 6.98
Matching Napkins, Reg. 49c. .39e
In lush shades of pink, aaua charcoal,
gold and white. The non-tamishable
gold mylar stripes lend a touch of glit
ter and glow that will light up your
dinner table. Completely washable,
colorfast and long wearing.
Lisees—Sixth Rear
Two Good Reasons
For Voting YES
On The New Charter
The proposed new City Charter has strong CIVIL RIGHTS and HUMAN RELATIONS
provisions. In fact, they are stronger than those urged by the NAACP headed by Rev.
Streeter when this group appeared before the Charter Convention.
The section on Civil Rights reads:
"All persons, regardless of race, creed or color, shall have equal enjoyment of, and
equal protection under all the provisions of this charter, and all ordinances, resolu
tions, rules, regulations, orders and directives adopted pursuant hereto."
A Human Relations Board will:
rl."Advise the Mayor and Council on all matters concerning the administration and
enforcement of laws and ordinances prohibiting discrimination against persons
because of race or political or religious opinions or affiliations.
2."Institute and conduct educational programs to encourage the granting of equal
rights and opportunities to all persons, regardless of their race or political or re
gious opinions or affiliations."
When you go to the polls Tuesday, look for the small special ballot reading:
"Shall the charter prepared and proposed by the Omaha Charter Convention of
1956 be adopted as the new Home Rule Charter1 of the City of Omaha?"
It's A Vote For Progress
Citizens Committee for Ratification of New Charter
James F. Green, Einar Viren,