The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 02, 1956, Image 1

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; THE OMAHA GUIDE ._ __ ;; „ ...P n in
'i.■!! /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE LINE \ ii the omaha guide ii
Vol. 30 No. 35_Friday, November 2, 1956________ 10c Per Copy
New Charter Assures
Greater Consideration of
Omaha Negro Workers
The Prosposed new Home Rule
City Charter opens the way to ade
quate pay plans, promotions and
generally "better conditions" for
employees of the city.
That point was made by Sam
Cooper in a speech Monday night
to some 60 Negro leaders at the
Near Northside YMCA. The din
ner meeting was sponsored by the
Near Northside Activities Associa
tion. Charter Delegates Cooper
and Jack Maenncr led the pro
Cooper said, up-to-date person
nel practices, such as those in
cluded in the new Charter, will
elevate city imployment to the
level of a career service that will
be trusted and respected by the
public as it deserves to be.”
He pointed out that ail but a
half a dozen employees are under
civil service in the proposed new
Charter. Currently, more than
300 city employees are not under
civil service..
The two delegates lauded the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of the Colored People
and the Urban League and other
Negro groups in Omaha for their
help in establishing the civil
rights provisions in the new Char
"The old Charter did not ade
quately protect the mirjprity
groups," they said. "And we com
pliment your groups for the assis
tance they gave the Charter Con
vention in making it possible to
write these provisions into the
new Charter."
Ray L. Williams, secretary of
the Near Northside Activities As
sociation, said the 60 leaders at
the dinner meeting represented
"about 5000 members of various
Northside clubs and organiza
Many Homes
Unsafe Says
An Omaha Safety Council clin
k on home aafety Thursday will
study a pictoral survey of Omaha!
which shows that 100 per cent of
the Omaha homes inspected
flunked a simple home safety
"The “camera’s eye” was taken
by Gus Kelson, supervisor of j
meter reading for Metropolitan
Utilities District.
Mr. Nelson will show the pic i
tures he took on the survey -when
the clinic opens its luncheon ses
sion at the Rome Hotel at noon
At the Omaha Safety Council's
request, Mr. Nelson surveyed 20
homes with his camera to give the
clinic an idea of the problem
Omaha faces.
Mr. Nelson included in his pic
tore! survey the homes of people
who should be leaders Hi the
home safety movement—among
them a claim adjuster, a safety
engineer, a supervisor, a business
man, an attorney and an educa
He found from one to eight
hazards in every home surveyed.
Any one of those hazards could
have led to a mishap which may
have killed or injured occupants
of the homes surveyed.
Mrs. A. E. Karnett and Mrs.
Glen Sorensen, co-chairman of
the clinic, said the survey was
rrdared to put the spotlight on
Omaha's rising home accident
The number of Omahans killed
or injured in the home exceeds]
the number of Omahans killed or
injured in traffic accidents.
Wayne Koaki. chairman of the
Safety Council Home and Child
Committee, said the clinic hopes
tc awaken Omahans to the need
for some accident prevention
work in their own home.
Jean SulLran, television per
tonality, will be mistress of cere
monies at the clink luncheon.
James H McCauley, council,
manager, said the clinic also will
serve aa the kickoff date for
launching an inventory of ail or
ganiiattooa in Omaha who are
promoting Home safety program's
Omaha has been picked aa one
of nine test cities In the nation
U. report beck Rationally on all
the home safety programs that
are underway In the community
Links Is
The Omaha Chapter of Links,
Inc., are honoring the Northside
Y.W.C.A. of Omaha, Nebraska for
outstanding contributions to the
community at a coffee hour to be
held on Friday Evening, Novem
ber 2, 1956, at 8:00 P.M. to 10:00
P.M. at the Northside Y.W.C.A.,
Twenty-eighth and Miami Streets.
This affair is being given in com
memoration of National Links
Week, which is celebrated through
out the country. The public is in
vited to attend.
Move Needs
“A chance of a lifetime!" That
it -how Urban League officials
described the proposed City
Charter. Urging citizens to vote
for the New Charter, rs. Verne
Vance, President, and George
Robinson, Executive Secretary,
issued a joint statement declar
ing that "Omahans have a chance
of a lifetime to modernize their
city government.”
“Every citizen who wants a
better Omaha and a democratic
city government with a respon
sible Mayor and Council should
vote for adopting the Charter,"
the statement said.
The League officials recalled
that the New Charter was draft
ed after a thorough examination
of all aspects of the city govern
ment. Experiences of other cities
with similar problems were
studied. Special needs of Oma
ha were considered ^and opinions
of various groups and individuals
were sought.
“The New Charter has a for
ward look," they declared, “pro
viding the means for a normal,
healthy growth of the city.
“It also provides opportunity
for all citizens to participate in
their local government and is de
signed to benefit all citizens,"
they said.
Points of special concern 10
minorities are provision for (1)
a unified civil service system
which requires that no action af
fecting the employment status
of an employee or applicant, in
cluding appointment, promotion,
demotion, suspension, or remov
al, shall be taken or witheld by
reason of race or religion; (2)
an anti-discrimination clause in
city contracts requiring that in
connection with the performance
of work under the contract, the
contractor agrees not to discrim
inate against any employee or
applicant because of race, reli
gion, color or national origin;
(3) a Human Relations Board
which would deal with all monor
ity problems of the community.
It will carry en an educational
program and make recommenda
tions to the Mayor and Council;
(4) a Civil Rights section re
quiring that all persons regard
less of race, creed or color shall
have equal enjoyment of and
equal protection under all the
provisions of the Charter and all
ordinances, resolutions, rules, re
gulations, orders and directives
adopted pursuant thereto; (3)
provision for a Housing and Re
habilitation Co-ordinator whose
responsibility will be to further
those projects having to do with
neighborhood conservation, prop
erty redevelopment, and rehabil
While most of us ere vaguely;
fware of the fact that our eye<“
are pretty remarkable Instru
ments, we sometime* lose sight of
just how wonderful—and valu
able—they are. If man wanted to
duplicate the eyes' adaptability,!
It would take a camera with 40
different kinds of film capable of
(•ring interchanged at split second
Any parent, educator, public
official or other person interested
in attending the clinic may do so
by phoning the council at At 2744
to make a reservation.
15 Are Granted Scholarships
Fifteen Coeds from almost as
many states have been granted a
total of $5,500 by Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority to study in some
of the nation’s outstanding col
leges and universities during the
1956-57 year. Recipients of the
scholarships awards and their
fields of interest include the fol
First Row: Freddie Mitchell of
Chicago, junior in physical educa
tion at the Uni. of 111.; Mary Ruck
er of Anderson, S. C., junior in
English at S.C. State; Rochelle
Hood of Louisville, Ky., sopho
mpre in chemical engineering at
the University of Louisville; Juan
. #
1 ita Stewart o f Onoonta, Ala.,
junior in biology at Alabarrfh A.
& M. College; Lovie Nall Jackson
of Chicago, junior in languages at
the University of Chicago.
Second row: Helen Ferguson of
Phoenix, Ariz., senior in business
administration at Arizona State
College; Barbara Daniels of New
York City, junior in pharmacy at
Columbia University; Gloria Mat
thews of Miami, Fla., graduate
student in dramatics at Yale Uni
versity; Shirley Jones of Touga
loo, Miss., graduate student in
speech therapy at Hunter Col
lege; Henrietta S. Matthews of
Oklahoma City, Okla., graduate
student in social worK at me uni
versity of Oklahoma.
Third Row: Grace O. Lyttle of
Chtlsa, Mass., student in physical
t&erapy at Boston University; Eve
lyn Cain of Tyler, Tex., senior in
home economics at Texas College;
Shirley Davis of Roanoke, Va.,
junior in biology at Talladega Col
lege; Carolyn Fowler of Los
Angeles, sophomore in languages
and political science at University
of California at Los Angeles; and
Rosalyn Wilcox of Dayton, Ohio,
sophomore in nursing at Ohio
State University. —ASSOCIATED
A Vote for Eisenhower is a Vote Against
President Eisenhower's Administration has Done More in
The Past 3'A years to Kill Jim Crowe Than All Other
Administrations have done in 89 Years.
Vote for the City Charter
It Virtually Ends Jim Crowe in Your City Admistration of
Vote FOR The Ton-Mile Tax Amendment
It Will Help Give You a Better Highway and Lessen the
death toll of your loved ones.
WE PREDICT President Eisenhower and
Vice President Nixon Will Carry
The Following States:
A Vote For Glenn Cunningham Is
A Vote for Your Way of Life.
(Geneva Anderson
Mrs. Geneva Anderson, 67
years, 2802 Caldwell Street, pass
ed away Tuesday afternoon, Oc
tober 16th at a local hospital
Mrs. Anderson had been a resi
dent of Omaha fifty years and
was a member of the St. John
A.M E. Church. %
She ia survived by her hus
band. Mr. Deallie Anderson. 0-.
maha, one dadghter, Mrs. Sybil
|va Kit.g, of Chicago, Illinois,
one sister, Mrs. Margaret Cribbs,
Omaha; four nieces, Mrs Clem
enza Williams. St. Paul. Minne
sota, Mrs. Oletha Sandard. Col
umbia. Mo . Mrs Eva Mae Jeffer
son. Omaha. Mrs Mildred Walk
er, St Paul, Minn, on# nephew,
Mr. Charles Walker, St Paul.
Minnesota and other relatives.
Funeral services were held at
two o'clock Friday afternoon
from St. John's AME Church]
with the Rev. S. H. Lewis offi
Thomas Funeral Home Ser
While it is generally true that
it is impossible to strain our eyes
to the point of permanent dam-|
age. eyestrain can—and often;
does—contribute to such wide
spread discomforts as indigestion,
nervous fatigue and a general
lowering of physical efficiency.'
You can always depend on Uni
ted States Savings Honda.
Overheard on the street the
other day a man describing some
thing as. "it's aa good as gold." ;
He must have been referring to
a mutilated Savings Bond.
Although we aren’t conscious
of the fact, most of us are “right
eyed" or “left-eyed” just as we
are right-handed or left handed.
Pigurs show that in 60 per cent of
the people, the right eye domin
ates the vision, while the left
eye takes over in 25 per cent of
the cases studied. The remain
ing 19 per cent alternate.
Many persons assume that
wearing eye glasses will cure them
of the ailment for which they
were prescribed. But this la not
the case. Instead, they serve
merely as a badly needed correc
tive for vision for those who are
nearsighted, farsighted, or have
Henry Brown
Mr. Henry Brown, 75 years,
2639 Charles Street, passed away
Saturday afternoon, October 13th
at a local hospital. Mr. Brown
had been a resident of Omaha
thirteen years. There are no
known survivors. The body was
at the Thomas Funeral Home.
E. W. Killingsworth
Mr. Edward William Killings
worth, 64 years, 2203 Lothrop
Street passed away Saturday
afternoon, October 6, at a local
hospital after an extended ill
Mr. Killingsworth had been a
resident of Omaha forty-seven
.vears. He was a veteran of World
War l and was a Past Command
er of Roosevelt Post No. 30
American Legion from 1325 to
1930, a member of Rough Ashler
Lodge, No. 1 F & A. M. (P.H.A.)
Norman Ross, W. M. The Mid
City Business Men’s Association
and various civic organizations.
He jeceived such honors as Ad
miral of the Navy of the State of
Nebraska and was an Auxiliary
Policeman. A member o* St.
Phillip's Episcopal Church.
He was a graduate of Gibbons
High School. Paris, Texas, Bar
nett's Barber College, Paris, Tex
as, Minenhall Beauty College,
Chicago, Illinois and Drake Uni
For 3fl years he was one of the
owners of the Killingsworth and
Price Barber Shop, the
oldest Barber partnership in the
state, and known from Coast to
Military services were held at
2.00, Wednesday afternoon Octo
ber 10 from the Zion Baptist
Church. Roosevelt Post No. 30 was
in charge of the American Legion
rites, participating with Rough
Ashler Lodge No 1 F & A. M.
E p i s copalian burial service
were at 7.00 P.M. with Father F.
Wilde officiating. The body was
for warded Thursday morning
October 11, from Thomas Funeral
Home, to Paris, Texas for burial
services, Saturday October 18,
1956 at 2:00 P.M.
Military rites Jodie Hunt, fPost;
Hugh, Oklahoma, Mr. Harvey Nel
son, Post Commander participa
ting, Mt. Siani Masonic Lodge No
1570. Interment Killingsworth
Cemetery, Maxey Funeral Home
in charge.
Ministers attendin funeral ser
vices were Father F. Wilde, Rev.
F. C. Williams, Rev. J. Andrew
Thompson, Rev. John Adams Sr.,
Rev. Malcom Chambers, Rev. H.
W. McCowan, Cameron, Arkansas.
Mr. Killingsworth is survived
by his wife, Ethel Killingsworth
brother, Mr. Elisha Killingsworth,
Omaha; sister, Mrs. Carrie Ford,
Paris, Texas; niece, Mrs. Carrie
Mae Hightower, Chicago; sister
in-law, Mrs. Edith Killingsworth,
brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Ford
and a host of friends.
Among those accompanying the
body to Paris, Texas were: Mrs.
Belle Taylor, Omaha, Nebraska;
and Mrs. Walter Jones, Des
Moines, Iowa. Many friends from
other states attended the funeral.
Beverly Ann Curtis
Beverly Ami Curtin, age 3
months, of 1811 No. 26th Street,
expired Wednesday October 17,
at a local hospital.
She is survived by her parents,
Mr and Mrs. Jesse Curtis of Oma
Funeral services were held
Friday October 19, 1986 at 10.00
t. m. from (he Myers Funeral
Chapel with Rev. L. A. Parker
officiatlntf assisted by Rev. A.
Ralph Davis Interment was at
Uiaceland Park Cemetery.
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Eisenhower Administration
Sponsored Great Forward
Steps for the Negro People
- I
Mrs. Clara Sterling
Mrs. Clara Mae Sterling, age
35 years, of 2583 Pinkney Street,
expired Friday morning October
19, 1956 at a local hospital.
She was an Omaha resident 9
She is survived by her husband,
George W. Sterling; son, Bobby;
daughter, Gwendolyn all of Om
aha; mother, Mrs. Annette An
derson of Los Angeles, California;
aunt, Mrs. Beulah Oliver of Waco,
Texas; cousin, Mrs. Goldie Mur
ray of, Omaha; mother-in-law,
Mrs. Mozell Cade of Waco, Texas.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday October 23, 1956 at
2:00 p.m. from the Clair Methodist
Church with Rev. E. T. Streeter
officiating assisted by Rev. Co
lumbus McMorris and Rev. David
St. Clair. Interment was in the
family plot at Forest Lawn Cem
Pall bearers Messrs. Arthur
Justus, John Bradley, Henry S.
Smith and Franklin H. Miller.
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Texas Would
TYLER, TEX., Oct. 11 — The
State of Texas is expected to
rest its case today in a hearing
here in which the state is seek
ing a temporary injunction to
ban NAACP activity in Texas.
If so, tne NAACP will start pre
senting its side in the case on
Oct. 12. '
The hearing, which began on
Sept. 28, now is in its third week.
Judge Otis T. Dunagan is presid-J
ing in the Seventh District j
By the close of yesterday’s
session, the state had presented
389 exhibits. Among the docu-j
ments are many pertaining to;
non-partisan political activities |
of the NAACP in Texas, includ
ing get-out-the-vote campaigns
which urge all those eligible to
pay their poll tax and vote
Others include financial records.
The state’s suit names the,
NAACP and the Texas Confer-'
ence of NAACP Branches, alleg
ing that they are profit-making
organizations illegally operating
in the state. Association attor
neys deny the charges and con
tend that there is no legal con
nection between the national
body and the unincorporated
branches in Texas.
NAACP May File Suit
Last week, NAACP Special
Counsel Thurgood Marshall indi
cated that the NAACP is consid
ering filing suit to restrain
Texas Attorney General John
Ben Shepperd from questioning
children and their parents in-|
volved in integration suits be-|
fore the federal courts. Two
days- before a scheduled hearing
on an appeal in a Dallas school,
desegregation case on Oct. 1, the(
police rounded up the plaintiffs.
Thereupon, Mr. Marshall request ^
ed and was granted a postpone
ment of the hearing.
The Association contends that|
while school desegregation suits
are pending in the federal courts,
the Attorney General of Texas
has no right to detain, question
and intimidate witnesses, es
pecially minor children, in the
presence of armed police.
Peters Is
Speaker On
New Charter
The proposed new City Charter
"puts city government hack in
the City Hall where it belongs,"
Charles A, Peter* stated in a
speech before the Central Park
School PTA at 8 p m. Tuesday
Mr. Peters stated that by abol
ishing the five administrative
commissions in the city today, the
new Charter put* city government
under "your elected representa
tives, who must answe. to you at
the polls.
He pointed out that the (tve
a d ministrative commissions —
“The Eisenhower Administra
tion is entitled to full credit for
the decision of the Eighth United
States Circuit Court of Appeals
upholding a Federal District Court
injunction forbidding interfer
ence with racial integration of the
public schools at Hoxie, Arkan
sas,” Val J. Washington declared
Mr. Washington, Director of
Minorities for the Republican Na
tional Committee called the de
cision “another Eisenhower vic
tory for equal educational oppor
tunity for all children.”
The decision affirmed by the
three judge appeals court at St.
Louis had described the fight a
gainst integration of the schools ta
Hoxie in 1955 as being marked
by intimidation, acts of terrorism,
and threatened violence.
“The facts as found by the Dis
trict Court show that defendants
acted as they did for the purpose
board from continuing to operate
desegregated schools,” the appeals
of preventing the plaintiff (school)
court said.
Defendants in the case are White
America, Inc., the White Citizens
Council of Arkansas, and the
Hoxie Committee for Segregation.
The case was the first in which
the Federal Government has ever
intervened in a United Stales
Court of Appeals to defend the
rights of a school board and of
colored children within a school
district against private individuals
who sought to prevent the opera
tion of public schools on a nonse
gregated basis, Mr. Washington
He also noted that the case was
the first in which the Federal
Government has intervened since
the upreme Court on May 17,
the Supreme Court on May 17,
in public schools. ,
A11 o r ney General Herbert
Brownell indicatedjidien the case
was argued in St. Louis several
weeks ago that the decision might
help determine the Government’s
course of action in other sclio<^
integration trouble spots.
OK's Court
Adlai E Stevenson told south
ern audiences this yeek that the
Supreme Court decision on school
integration is right In a blunt
reaffimation of his personal be
lief the Democratic candidate for
the office of President called on
the South to accept the decision
as law abiding citizens and to
work toward the common goal of
orderly accomplishment of the
result decreed by the Court.
Governor Stevenson’s posi
tion was in marked contrast to
that of Mr. Eisenhower who, last
week, told a Washington press
conference that it didn't make
any difference whether or not he
endorsed the decision.
Speaking in Little Rock, Arkan
Omaha Links
Are Named
The following committees have
been appointed by the President,
Mrs. Vera K. Cowan, to serve the
Omaha Links, Inc. for the 1956
1957 year:
Membership Committee: Mrs.
Aibertine Chandler, Chairman,
Mrs. Ruth Wheeler and Mrs. Flor
ence Wilson.
Budget Committee: Mrs. Viola
Lennox. Chairman, Mrs. Lois
Goode and Mrs. Bernice Peebles.
Program Committee: Mrs. Men
dota Mosley, Chairman, Mrs.
Eleanor Haynes and Miss Lena
P u b 1 i city Committee: Mrs.
Elizabeth Davis Pittman. Chair
man. and Mrs. Ruth Solomon.
Airport Commission. Park and
Recreation Commission. Sanita
lion Commission, Omaha Improve
ment Commission and Auditorium
Commission manage city pro
grams and spend tax money but
are not directly responsible to the