Kefauvers Record On . Rights Bad Washington—Senator Estes Ke fauver, the Democrat Candidate | for Vice President, has a record on civil rights as bad as that of Senator James O. Eastland, (Demo crat, Miss.), Val J. Washington, Director ol Minorities for the Re publican National Commit tie, charged today. According to Mr. Washington, Kefauver has been consistently a gainst civil rights ever since he entered the Congress. As proof, Mr. Washington calls attention to a speech made in the House by Senator Kefauver while he was a member of the House of Representatives and a candidate for the United States Senate, on July 29, 1948. Opposes Civil Rights In this speech Senator Kefau ver said: “I have always opposed, and will continue to vigorously oppose, the FEPC, the anti-lynch, and any non-segregation provs ions." "ii senator neiauver nas ever changed his attitude on such measures,” Mr. Washington said, “there is no record of It because he has voted for segregation and the filibuster and against anti lynching at every opportunity." Senator Kcfauver’s speech to which Mr. Washington referred follows and is to be found in the Congressional Record of July 29, 1948, page 9549: "MR. KEFAUVER. Mr. Speak er, the civil-rights issue was toned down by President Truman in his message to Congress on July 27... 1 am glad that he.. .indicated that he was not anxious for the civil-rights issue to be brought up In this special session of Congress. “I hope very much that the civil-rights issue will not be push ed at this Congress, for 'being brought up would only add to the fire of prejudice and the disunity in our nation..... "Most of the matters embraced In the President's civil-rights pro gram cannot be dealt with by legis lation. I have always opposed, and will continue to vigorously op pose, the FEPC, the anti-lynch bill, and any non-segregation provis ions. “The FEP£ is, in my opinion, a dangerous step toward regimenta tion. 'RTs of doubtful constitu tionality and it certainly violates the rights of the employers of our Nation. It simply would not , work especially in the South. Any effort to put such a law in opera tion would cause widespread diffi culty which would be very detri mental to the Nation. “Thff" anti-lynch bill has been before the Judiciary Committee, of which I am a member, and 1 have always opposed it “There is no real demand for anti-segregation laws in the South. The Negroes of the South are not interested in this kind of legislation. (What Negroes does he speak for, in Heaven’s name!— Editor.) They want schools, better economic opportunity, and houses. I hope their lot in these respects can be improved. It would not bo in the interest of their own wel fare to fan the fires of passion and disunity by espousal of federal non-segregation laws.” That’s what the man now aspir ing to the Vice Presidency—"one heartbeat from the Presidency it self”—said on the floor of Con gress. And his voting record, when it did not show his absence, which is often, underscores his own admission that he does not believe in non-segregation laws! nil voring necora Mr. Washington charged that Senator Kefauver voted as follow! in the House: May 4, 1948—For a resolution giving the consent of Congress to a compact on regional education entered into between the Southern States at Tallahassee, February 8, 1948, to enable them jointly to maintain racial segregation in public education. February 21, 1948—Against the Powell Amendment to the school lunch bill, providing that no funds appropriated for the school-lunch program shall be paid or disbursed to any State practicing racial dis crimination in carrying out the program. May 24, 1943—Voted against mo tion to discharge the House Rules Committee from further consider ation of the anti-poll tax bill. January 8, 1940—Against rcs lution to discharge the House Rules Committee from further consideration of anti-poll tax bill. January 10, 1940—Against anti lynching bill. In The Senate Mr. Washington also charged tljat Senator Kefauver had voted in the Senate: Twice in 1950 against ending a filibuster against motions to take up the FEPC bill. Voted in 1949 against amend ment to housing bill to prohibit discrimination or segregation in public housing. Voted against amendment to 1949 housing bill to prohibit dis crimination in public housing. Voted against Lodge amendment to Federal aid to education bill to require states receiving funds to abolish school segregation. Voted to table the amendment to the draft bill outlawing vio lence against servicement. For the amendment offered by Senator Richard B. Russell. Educational Contracts Approved The Office of Education, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, today announced approval of the first two contracts for cooperative educational re search in its history . The contracts, with Indiana University and with Vanderbilt University, will be financed from a recent aptvopriation of $1,020,000 for research by col leges, universities, and State agencies in the problems of edu cation. Several other projects are under active consideration. Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, said he was pleased that the Office of Education is starting the new program so quickly. “Research can make a significant contribu tion in solving some of the pro b'cms|MMM*e beset schools and colTeWW many years,” Mt“ Folsom said. Indiana University will under take an 18-monlh research project to determine why capable high school students in the State of Indiana do not continue their schooling. Dr. Wendell W. Wright, Vice President of Indiana University, with Christian W. Jung, Associate Professor of Education and Dir ector of the University’s summer session, will direct the Indiana research project He search will be taken to de termine the reasons why only one fourth of the top 10 percent it Indiana's high school graduates in 195455 entered college. Also j studies will be made to learn how • many of the top 20 percent of the states 1955 56 high school I graduates do not continue their educational programs into col I lege, and why they do not. Among the factors to be given i consideration are problems of money, health, family obligations, lack of concern for education, 1 distance from collage, scholarship | aid, junior college programs, as ; well as high school and college l guidance efforts. The Office of Education has al > located $15,900 in Federal funds |for the project. About one-third , of the cost will be provided by j Indiana University. Vanderbilt University will con j duct, under the direction of Dr. 1 Albert J. Reiss, Jr., Professor and j Chairman of the Department of j Sociology and Anthropology, a I three-year study of causes of ju ) venile delinquency. The study will be made among children in the grades 7 through ill in Nashville and in Davidson ' County, Tennessee, with the co operation of public, private, and parochial schools, and in com m u n ity agencies. Information will be solicited from teachers, parents, attendance officers, Ju emlc court officials, and other citizens. Federal funds totaling $49,000 are planned for the Vanderbilt project. Commission Head Urges United Action Sidney J. Phillip*, President. Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission, today released the ; first in a series of messages to the American public. He remind ed them that "A house divided against itself shall not stand," and QooduuU feuildUuf GnuAjcule. Booker T. Washington in his historically famous Atlanta Exposition Address delivered ii\ Atlanta, Georgia a little more than 61 years ago, called the attention of the nation to the fact that “There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all.” Our land in that day was faced by group problems similar in nature to those that are affecting us today as an outgrowth of the Supreme Court’s Decision of May 17, 1954. It is because of these problems that this the first in a series of messages from the Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission, is being issued. This Commission was brought into existence in April to pay tribute to the one-hundreth anniversary of the birth of Booker T. Washington (April 5, 1956), through a year long program designed to focus the attention of the nation upon the present day value of the sane fundamental teachings of this great American. Since Booker T. Washington was an Apostle of Goodwill and since portions of our land today are being torn asunder by mistrust, fear, and hate among Americans of different racial strains, the Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission humbly invites all Ameri cans to join its “Goodwill Building Crusade.” Ours is a land of many races and creeds. We have different origins, cultures, and backgrounds—but we are Americans all! Ours is a nation of Washington and Jefferson, Lincoln and Lee, and millions of ordinary men and women who toiled and sweated, sacri ficed and died to build their wonderful heritage. It was worth their lives to build it— surely it is worth ours to preserve its hopes and ideals by working together in peace and * Remember France’s Maginot Line—built so strong of steel and stone that Frenchmen felt secure behind it—but France fell. Not so much because of a lack of strength in its great wall but mainly because of the spirit of its people. And remember too, Divine teachings SCI IUILI1 111 UIC9C WUIUO HI juui I-'IU»«- **w — - creed—“A house divided against itself shall not stand.” Hate and mistrust in your community might be wiped out if group representatives meet, discuss, and work together to find answers for the problems that are causing racial sores to fester. Communities that pull together unite our nation. We invite you to help to make yours such a community. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL COMMISSION Sidney J. Phillips, President wm mmm.-M SIDNEY J. PHILLIPS . President " FREE Per ■ limited time copies of “Corns of Wisdom" Washington’s most famous quotations — poors FREE. --=*= YOU TOO CAN HELP CELEBRATE! Hurry! Just a fete left CARVER—WASHINGTON fil QO COMMEMORATIVE COINS A Autobiography “UP FROM SLAVERY” Porkct size — 50e ORDER TODAY BOOKER T. WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL COMMISSION BOOKER WASHINGTON BIRTHPLACE, Virginia Sidney J. Phillip*, Pre$ii»nt «ed for goodwill between the while solving problems ar fecting the nation as a result of the Supreme Court's decision. The Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission came in to existence in April of this year to pay tribute to the One Hun dredth Anniversary of the birth of ooker TB. Washington who was bom in Franklin County, Virgin ia, April 9, 1896. A year-long program has been arranged to focus the attention of the nation upon the present day value of the iundamental teachings of this *gneat American. _| Mr” Phillips recalled that it was - ’'ttle more than 61 years ago, in an address at the Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia, that Booker T. Washington said, “There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all”. This admonition delivered before a critical audience in 1895, i applies with equal force today. Certainly the need for unity is just as strong as ever. Urging communities to pull to- i gether for the solution of race | problems, Mr. Phillips stated that "Hate and mistrust may be wiped out if representatives of various groups will meet, discuss and work together to find an swers to the problems that are causing racial sores to fester.” Locomotives Get Pretty Stand-Ins When Walt Disney was complet ing preparations to produce "The Great Locomotive Chase" in Cine mascope and Technicolor, he dis covered that the two locomotives —“General" and "Texas”—were not available for action. Both are still around as muse um items, but examination re vealed that the cost or recondi tioning them for safe—and wild —operation would have been pro I hibitivc. The "General stands a.1: a monument in the Union Station! at Chattanooga. The Texas is on view in the basement of Atlanta's \ colorful Cyclomrama. Disney, luckily, had no trouble in finding exact duplicates to j .tand-in for them. To portray the "General," he borrowed the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad's "Wil liam Mason.” And from Para n.ount Pictures, he obtained the “Inyo" to pinch-hit for the "Tex as.” The "William Mason,” it turned out is a hardy Civil War veteran, 99 years old, and had carried troops around Harper's Ferry,} l __ ___ _ where John Brown’s Raid was staged. The “Inyo" is younger. She was built in the lP70's to help carry the flood of silver pouring from the fabulous Comstock Lode near Virginia City; she traveled over Nevada’s story-book railroad. FOR A FULL LIFE Retirement has become enough a part of the American pattern of life to give the authorities a good deal of experience tO'be authorita tive about. One thing they seem to agree on is that one retiring should not merely stop doing what he has been doing. He should start doing something else. Doing what? That depends on the individual. If he, conscious ly or intuitively, will start doing something that fills some lack in j his experience thus far, he is likely to find satisfaction—pro-1 vided he has thought his course ( through with reasonable clear-, headedncss. Some years ago a man who had gained some reputation and wealth as a retail jeweler decided to retire at 65 and to undertake the study and practice of law. Why? He didn’t say publicly. But we have an idea his business —success—which was not incon siderable—had never sufficient ly challenged the intellectual capabilities he felt to be within him. He did as he planned, and made another modest success— a professional one. A short time ago an engineer with a respected record in his profession behind him decided to retire, enter a theological school, and become a minister of the gospel. Then, a modestly comfor table living assured through the annuity he had built up, he pro poses to ask his church to place him with the poorest congrega tion within its fold. Why has he chosen thus? Perhaps because the technical and abstract charac ter of his particular work has not fulfilled his yearning for warm, helpful association with his fel low men. An .appealing ambition that ought to succeed because of its very selflessness—provided. Pro vided t h is engineer-clergyman arms himself for the peculiarly difficult test to which he will be putting himself and his future congregation—the test of giving gracefully and receiving grate fully where no tangible, commen surate quid pro quo enters in. If he is prepared to give without dependence upon outward show of gratitude, his rewards should be great indeed. Apple-Cidered Halloween Eggs Mountainous State Idaho la extremely mountainous and full of forces and old lava de poatta. Limits Presidents The 12nd amendment limits presi dents at the United States to twe terms. What wiH be happening on your highways by 1966.'’ Arthur S. Genet, 46-year-old President of The Greyhound Cor poration, has come up with some exciting predictions. For instance, he predicts that by 1966: America's intercity bus trans portation industry will be a billion dollar-a-year business — more than twice its present total. Tho nation's railroads will have virtually abandoned the business of carrying passengers. Bus routes will grow to an amazing total. wmmmmmmmmmmmm juimwe. l m Dus of the Future The number of communities en tirely dependent upon buses for public transportation will increase from today’s 50,000 to 100,000. , \ As for the buses, he envisions: Many will be powered by ex citing new engines that are already undergoing secret tests. '-f They will be more colorful — ] with new type dyes, paints and metals, adding brilliance to our highways. More glass than ever will be used—they will be virtually picture windows on wheels. They will ride more smoothly and quietly. They will be lighter in weight due to the use of new plastics and still-to-be discovered new metals. \ As for the nation itself he says: ' More and more people will be at work. The average income will rise— the work week will be shorter— vacations longer—and more people will live longer—enjoy retiremenl longer, f Get the Vote Out With "Campaign Button” Cakes and Coffee Coffee cake and conversation add up to a delightful afternoon or evening. With the conversation turning to politics these days, key your food service to that theme and bring on a platter of colorfully frosted cupcakes bearing the letters, "vote” or other political note. The food couldn’t be simpler with cupcakes from the bakery with your own frosting, possibly in delicately tinted red and blue with a band of white. Make your coffee service the focal point of the party and dress up the customary service with a bowl of whipped cream topped with a sprinkling of grated orange or lemon rind. A dusting of cinnamon or nutmeg or of a mixture of instant coffee, cocoa and cinnamon over the whipped cream adds a festive touch. With the economy of instant coffee you can serve this easily prepared coffee with a lavish hand. You will find an even greater economy available with a special introductory offer on the large, 6-ounce jars of such a famous coffee as Instant Chase & Sanborn now at your dealers. Glamorize your coffee by trying some of these unique ways to serve it. CAPPUCCINO STYLE COFFEE An Italian favorite. Make instant coffee extra strong. Serve, with equal proportions of hot milk. Jop with whipped cream, sprinkled with instant coffee and cinnamon. BORGIA STYLE COFFEE Make hot cocoa using milk. Serve equal parts of cocoa with hot extra strong coffee. Pour into cups. Top with whipped cream, grated orange peel and cocoa powder. MEXICAN STYLE COFFEE Drop a rum-flavored chocolate mint in the bottom of a cup. Pour hot black coffee over the cyndy. Stir. | NATIONAL TICKET For President Dwight D. Eisenhower For Vice-President Richard M. Nixon STATE TICKET For Governor □ Victor E. Anderson, 6501 Havelock, Lincoln, Neb. For Lieutenant Governor □ Dwight W. Burney ..Hurting ton, Neb. For Secretary of State □ Frank Marsh .. 2701 So. 34th St., Lincoln, Neb. For Auditor of Public Accounts □ Ray C. Johnson...3911 “A” St, Lincoln, Neb. For State Treasurer □ Ralph W. Hill ......._Hebron, Neb. For Attorney General □ Clarence S. Beck, 5th & Pine, North Platte, Neb. For Railway Commissioner □ Wayne R. Swanson..6617 Spencer, Omaha, Neb. For Representative In Congress Second District □ Glenn Cunningham.5514 Harney, Omaha, Neb. COUNTY TICKET For County Clerk □ John Slavik__Omaha, Neb. ■ it I', i, ■ ; For County Commissioner 5th District □ Leonard Bergman . 3263 Jackson, Omaha, Neb. For County Commissioner 3rd District □ Dexter N. Nygaard ...» 2446 Redick, Omaha, Neb. For Register of Deeds □ Jack Loyd Ewing. 6060 So. 37th, Omaha, Neb. For County Attorney Short Term □ Joseph R. Moore, A tty., 1526 City Na’tl Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. For Public Defender □ Ralph W. Adams, Atty. 2622 No. 24th, Omaha 72econatvi& 'Jtotefo*6 -luf. Alicia jjoyce Fine Wood TV Sets Blend With Furniture The most-looked-at piece of furniture in your room, your TV set, no longer need be a jarring note in the decor of your home. In response to homemakers’ de mands, the newest television sets, are being offered in beautiful furniture woods and all the favo rite furniture styles. Whether you have traditional or modem furniture it’s easy to find a fine hardwood TV set to match or blend with your furnish ings. There’s every size from table models to combinations in these handsome real wood cabi nets, and every style, including French and Italian Provincial, 18th Century, Early American and a wide variety of modem, contemporary and transitional designs. Many of these new furniture styled TV sets have doors or tam bour fronts so they look like handsome chests or commodes when closed. Typical is this three s’eaker UCA “Brantley" model offered in natural-finished gen uine mahogany, walnut or birch in a simple stylo that goes with almost any type of furniture. Hi-fi rodio-pho’ ograph units are also now offered in attractive “decorator” cabinets, alone or combined with TV. Some units look like (nodular cabinets stucked on low contemporary benches, and the handsome new wood table TV and hi-fi sets lend themselves both to stacking on cabinets or benches, or use with matching legs or swivel-table stands. You’ll even find fine hard wood cabinets for scparat<^com ponent parts in various end-table, chest and corner cabinet styles. You can choose the same wood or one that contrasts with your furniture, for nil genuine woods mix readily with each other. Because so many TV sets havo been offered in imitation woods and wood grains that lack this natural ability to mix with fine fumishing3, a number of leading manufacturers are now using a genuine hardwoods seal to iden tify their quality real woods. This seal is your best guide to the versatility, lasting natural beau ty and better acoustics of a gen uine hardwood cabinet. Phone Your News To HA0800