Mini IMiMn hmiMii WN R iEKLY I Newspaper Representatives, inc sL New York • Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia f A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday ■reach office for local news only, 2420 Grant St, Omaha 11, Nebr. Iscond-elaas mail privileges authorized at Omaha, Nebraska. 6. C. GALLOWAY_.__Publisher sad Managing EMtot (MEMBER) CALVIN NEWS SERVICE GLOBAL NEWS SERVICE \ ATLAS NEWS SERVICE STANDARD NEWS SERVICE This paper nmittm the right to publish *11 matter credited Is these news aervkea. SUBSCRIPTION BATM8 DM Meath-----I M Three Months _____— IjH fix Months_IN Ou Ysar __4-00 OUT or TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ons Month---------9 -*0 Three Months_-_-_UM Mx Months_EM One Year-4Jf ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON REQUEST Rights of Negro Citizens Mirror of World Opinion It is imperative now that responsible citizens irrespective of color or creed, talk sense about race problems in their communities and state. In resolving this crisis over public schools it is vital to the honor, peace and progress of the state that there be mutual respect, goodwill and intelligent cooperation between our white and colored races. In the promotion of these objectives it is up to the white people to lead the way because the advantages of economic and political power are on their side. Their first move should be to do everything they can to banish forever what is left of cruel and absurd notion that there could possibly be any stigma attached to any human being because of race, color or other physical characteristics. The Creator never stigmatizes anybody. The next step our white people should take to help create a j wholesome climate for tolerance, justice and interracial cooperation is to try to convince everybody, especially themselves, that in demo cratic America no citizen's rights are meted out on a basis of color, creed, occupation, education, intelligence, wealth or social position. Human dignity, freedom, justice and qivil rights are indivisble—all our citizens must Hive them equally or nWsfe ‘can ever be secure ill them. ^ All our people, colored and white, need also to understand the vast difference between civil-legal rights and personal-social privileges. In the latter field discrimination is not a bad word nor an evil prac tice. In our personal affairs and social relationships we all discrim inate and, indeed, must do so to get along. In these relationships background, color of skin and other factors can and frequently do make practical differences which must be considered. Recognition of such differences does not reflect onj anybody. Difference is not stigma, not sin. It is natural and neces-1 sary, A free society is full of differences and benefits enormously' from them. It is violently contradictory in a free nation for anyone to insist that “white supremacy,” or any other sort of racial “supremacy,” be supported by law. The only supremacy that can properly be a part of our government is the supremacy of individual freedom, justice, fair and equal treatment under law. Interracial conferences on seg regation problems that do not start from that basis can accomplish no lasting good. History and our own experiences teaeh us that attempts to force the mixing of the races in some areas of life, ignoring the customs and preferences of the people involved, are not only unrealistic but dangerous. Progress in these fields must come slowly and naturally by mutual acceptance or the great gains already achieved could suffer a severe setback or be lost altogether. For instance, the largest public swimming pool in the Asheville area has just been abandoned and our Municipal Golf Course seems to be on the way out because leaders of our white and colored citizens failed to face up to realities and agree on a voluntary arrangement whereby both o£ these splendid facilities could continue to serve this community_It could be decades, even generations, before the ..war ed people of most communities could afford their own private recrea- j tional facilities. By sensible cooperation on a fair and equal voluntary basis our white and colored citizens can “have their cake and eat it too” in pub lic school, public recreation, in tbctr churches and in many other fields..,. Because our Negro citizens are a minority group with relatively little political or economic power they would be severely penalized in the “private enterprises” developments in all the fields under dis cussion. Our white citizens have delayed much too long in sharing policy making responsibilities in civic, educational and governmental affairs with colored feiiow citizens. For instance, the case for public school segregation is greatly weakened without proper Negro representation on school boards and commissions. The best insurance for a segregated public school system, volun tarily maintained, would be integration on the official level, giving Negroes a proportionate voice in the operation of separate schools, which most of them, as sincerely as the whites, genuinely desire. Furthermore, there should be a proper ratio of Negro representation on the official level in other governmental agencies, local and state. We appeal to our Negro citizens to cooperate in voluntary segre gation in the areas mentioned here not only to promote general peace and progress in North Carolina but for their own sake. It must be obvious to them that if undue pressure is applied to force racial inte gration in these sensitive fields in the months and years just ahead enormous damage could and would be done tc our public service institutions and facilities as well as to existing friendly relations be tween our white and colored races. Should disasters take place in thic connection all informed people surely must realize which race would suffer most grievously. The Negro race has been handicapped far too much already. Our colored and white citizens owe it to themselves and to each other to cooperate intelligently in peaceful and constructive evolution rather than to al low their current racial difficulties to precipitate chaos and revolu tion.—Asheville (N.C.) Times * News From Around Nebraska Fire is becoming the big worry throughout the rural areas of northeastern Nebraska as dry weather, which has grown steadily worse for the past sixty days, continues. Near Wynot, Nebraska (near Hartington) firemen were called to fight a blaze in some grasslands last week. Two departments fought the blaze which spread over 200 acres before it was ex tinguished. Some hay stacks, some timber land and pastures were consumed by the blaze. Another fire in the Hartington area destroyed some hay land and hay stacks when an electric fence started a fire in some weeds which touched the wire. A third fire was started by a tractor which was hauling a toad of corn to a crib. The steel crib, in which the corn was be ing placed, had to be cut open to get at the blaze. White Loses Son. Married Negro Doctor WATERBURY, Connecticut — ANP A white divorcee lost her son last week because she mar ried a Negro. This followed the marriage of Mrs. Dorothy Murphy to Dr. Wen .tell Urling, prominent Negro dentist here. Since then, the couple have been involved In a swirl of court action as to the custody of Mrs. Murphy’s eid»t year old son, Edward Murphy, Jr. After his parents were divorced, Edwards’s custody was granted to Mrs. Urling while his sister, Patricia, 12, was awarded to the father, a brass factory foreman. Taking the case intr court, Murphy asked custody of the boy after Mrs. U'ling remarried. He was granted his request Mrs. Urling took the case to the Supreme Court of Errors, highest appeal tribunal in Connecticut, claiming that Judge Roberts had ruled against her in the case just because she had married a Negro. Last Monday, however, the nine-member court unanimously upheld Judge Robert’s ruling. The opinion, written by Associ ate Justice Wynne, said that Mur phy already had custody of Pa tricia and that the sister and brother would be happier to gether. i The court also said that because of her divorce, Mrs. Urling wa^ excommunicated from the Catho lie Church and had made no provision for the religious edu cation for her son. In addition to this, the opinion .-aid that Mrs. Urling, by her mar riage to a Negro, had alienated herself from her parents and de jttived her son pf the “care and pood influence of grandparents." Dr. Urling said that he and his wife would discuss with their at torneys the possibility of further appeals. He added: “They're quite wrong about his religious training. "He has been going to church and has made his first Commun ion. And he has been going to public school only becauso paro chial school has not been comple ted.'' He was to start there this fall." _ Edw. Fletchers Is Feted On Homecoming Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fletcher, Sr. 3113 Franklin Street held a family reunion welcoming the arrival home of their son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs., Edward Fletcher, Jr. and their children Jeanlce, and Edward Fletcher, in of San Diego, Cali fornia. A number of family gath enngs were given, one being an J out-door picnic held at the home bf Mrs. Lavon Davis, aunt of Mrs Edward Fletcher, Jr. st which all j present enjoyed a wonderful time: being well entertained with games j and a delicious repast was served by the hostess. The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fletcher, Mrs. Henry- Thomas, Mrs. i. B. Crumbley and Mrs. Charles Dick erson had a family dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McWilliams and son of Lincoln, Nebraska, granddaughter of Mr. and Mr*. Fletcher present. Other hosts for the family were Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Mar sin Price, aunt and •■ncle of Ed ward Fletcher, Jr. Their trip was made by motor, this being the first visit to the home of the At Ogallala a Union Pacific freight train pulled through an area where weeds were being burned along the track and some sparks got into a load of lumber. By the time the blaze was dis covered one whole end of the car was ablaze. The train crew wired ahead for help and pulled the fire to the Ogallala firemen who were waiting in the freight yards. The load of lumber had to be removed to completely extinguish the blaze. Trainmen said the spark was apparently picked up near Julesburg, Colorado. At Atkinson a tractor and eleven stacks of hay were burned when a spark from the tractor started the blaze. One of the stacks was being hauled to the feedlots of the ranch when it started to burn. Before the blaze was out the entire hay meadow and 11 stacks were gone. Atkinson had another fire started by a diesel train locomotive which shot oat a spark into some weeds along the tracks. «. • • There is a spurt in house building at Minden, reports the Minden Courier. Permits for ten new homes have been issued since September 1st. The value of the houses averages nearly $12,000. Commercial building, in sharp contrast, is very slow at Minden, says the Courier. • • • . Ainsworth C of C has started its annual membership drive and has set a goal of $5000 as the amount wished to be raised. This is about $1000 more than the Blair Chamber has to work with. Ains worth is making an effort to secure memberships from farmers and ranchers in the area. • • • At Schuyler the fire department has mailed telephone stick er to every resident of the district suggesting tnat they fix the label to their telephone. The sticker gives directions on how to call the fire department, including the numbers to dial. The Schuyler Sun showed a picture of the new sticker. * • • Chadron is being plagued with an "epidemic" of skunks. The police department reports killing several skunks almost nightly. Most of the skunks are found ambling down the streets after the town has quieted and most everyone is at home asleep, the Chad ron Record reports. A number of the skunks have been quite beligerent, the police report, threatening to retaliate at close range on anyone who disturbs their nightly prowling. • * • The Aurora News-Register announced plans of the city last week to provide bicycle parking in the business district. The parking facilities are aimed at keeping the bikes off the sidewalks where they are a hazard to pedestrians. Special racks are to be built m • • • At Allen, Nebraska, in the northern part of the state, the Holmquist Grain and Lumber Co. lost an elevator and contents valued at $300,000 last week, according to the Nebraska Journal Leader printed at Ponca. Six trucks from five towns battled the blaze without effect • • • Members of the Oakland, Nebr. Lions Club entertained their wives at a hayride party last night (Wednesday). The evening wu concluded with a wiener roast at the farm of one of the members, reported the Oakland Independent last week. • • • South Sioux City, which currently has only one auto dealer (Ford), is to have another soon, according to the Dakota County Star. Construction of a new building is going forward to provide quarters for the new agency. The Star stated that the agency would handle a "popular" make which leaves the way open for either Chevrolet or Plymouth sales. • • • At Loup City, irrigators have challenged the order of the Loup River Public Power District regarding an ordered reduction in use of water from the river. The power company has ordered that the farmers cease taking water from the river and that they pay a sizeable sum for water they have already used. The irrigators have organized, and are pointing out that they are within their rights and they are challenging the power company to enforce their order. The Sherman County Times carried a large ad last week setting forth the position of the farmers. Article in Readers Digest Reveals Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Is So Often a Needless Misery! Do you suffer terrible nervous ten sion — feel Jittery, irritable, de pressed— lust before your period each month? A startling article in READER'S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment Is neediest misery in many cases! Thousands have already discov ered how to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Plnkham’s Compound and Tablets, they're so much hap nier less tense as those "difficult stopped ... or strikingly relieved ... pain and discomfort! 3 out of 4 women got glosious relief I Taken regularly, Ptnkham's re lieves the headaches, cramps, nerv ous tension ... during and before your period. Many women never suffer—even on the firtt day I Why mould you? This month, start tak ing Pinkham's. See if you don't escape pre-menstrual tension . to often the cause of unhaDDiness days" approach! Lydia Pinkham'g has a remarkable soothing effect on the source of such distress. In doctors' tests, Plnkbaro's la IkImi' tads aa a.aiiag product, 3 aat of 4 waaaa gal rrliaf of aervaai diitren, paia I Woaderfal raiiaf duriag aad Mara tbeaa " dan”! Oet Lydia E. Plnltham‘» Vege table Compound ... or convenient new Tablet* which have blood - building iron added. At druggist*. moud tUxtm fcrand parents. Motoring across the country' proved entertaining ns well as exciting for Jeanice aud Edward IIL All are planning a return trip soon to Omaha. They arrived safely to their San Diego, home expressing lots of thanks to their Iriends and a wonderful tune was had by all. Washington Said to be A Special Case Replying to a telegram from the NAACP charging Negroes desegregation, President Elsen however disassociated the admin istration from the current con gregational inquiry into the Dis trict of Columbia school situa tion. It may be true that the members of the House subcommittee now holdings hearings are all oppon ents of desegregation. And wit nesses thus far have given a very dark side of the story. But it is true, also, that Washington need' to be understood as a special case. Washington is not just a border city. Its population make-up is what it is largely because it is the seat of national government and the site of huge federal agencies. Its general Negro-white propor tion is 37 to 63; but at the time it desegregated its schools the pu pil proportion was nearer 54 to 46. It is even higher now. In spite of the generally harmonious workings of the integration with in the federal bureaus, racial friction in the community outside has long been a problem. The administration felt, quite understandably, that the nation's capital could hardly lag in im plementing the Supreme Court's ruling against segregation. Wash ington's schools were desegrega ted promptly, not without care ful planning but without the grad ual steps which have worked so well in Baltimore, St Louis, and Louisville. And the changeover was made in a metropolis with a much higher percentage of Ne groes than has any of the other three cities. S m a 11 wonder Washington's school’s are having intramural difficulties. If they should r.ow have to retrace certain steps and take others more slowly no one should be surprised or alarm ed. EX SLAVE SAYS HE WAS BORN IN 1839 CHARLESTON, W. Va., August 1—Registrars at the permanent registration office were certain they had caught an error. The birth date of William Edwara Davis was listed as December 25, 1839. A form letter, asking the voter to “straighten out the error,’’ brought a personal appearance by! Davis himself, a former slave who J ,-ubmittcd affidavits to prove he ' really is 117 years old. Davis said ] -r-mm — ii— » , ' STATEMENT OP OWNERSHIP Statement required by the set of August 24, 1912, at amended by! the acts of March 3, 1933, and J ly 2,1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 233) showing the 1 ownership, management, and cir-, culation of the Omaha Guide pub lished weekly at Omaha, Nebraska for October 1st, 1956. Charles C. Galloway, of 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebraska, publisher, edi tor, managing editor end business manager. The owner is Charles C. Galloway, 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. The known bondholders, mort gagees, end other security hold ers owning or holding 1 percent er more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are none. The average number of copies of each issue of this publi cation sold or distributed through, the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was 16,928. (Seal) C. C. GALLOWAY Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of October 1956. NELLE BRITTON Re-Elsct THOMSEN i mw ii—iih i—■—■—■in Jude* THOMSEN asks your vote! on e basis of merit and on his ca pacity for continued service. h$ renumbers being sold in silvery at the age of 12 in Win ston-Salem, North Carolina, where he was born. s Helps Heal And Clear Itchy Skin Rash! I Zemo, a doctor’s antiseptic, | promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface rashes. Buy Extra Strength Zemo tor fVAftftA stubborn cases! £|CxIl\| QuicA Re/ief of PAIN Im« PAINS mi MCADACMt. NIUftAL* CIA, NCUPITIS w*th STANBACK TAB LIT S if POWDERS- STANBACK it lit • •nt mgrNunt ftrmwla . . . STAN BACK timhiiM ttvtnl mtdictlly pnvw •••« rtlttvtrt into mm$y U lakt dttt. . e • Tk* »dd«d tlfMtiviMM •# th«# MULTIPLE lAfrtditAla hriRfl fmtmr. mot* rtlitf, Mttnf •«nitty !•*•»•* Mtftily M«tmptnyiR| •••• , . . TmI BTANBACK Itching Torture PROMPTLY RELIEVED A doctor’s formula—soothing anti- ! septic Zemo—promptly relieves the Itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and Athlete's Foot Zemo stops scratch ing and so aids heal-PyfkfVl Ing of Irritated skin^^glAU MTM UII KADI ' Ove#2£iort& High brown ^ LIGHTENS AND BEAUTIFIES _ Face powder rtmjrjt l,,,,^, 1 ■ OVERTON-HY<NIC MFGi CO. CHICAGO OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFC. CO. 3653 S. State Street Chicago, 9, Hi. PLEASE SEND ME FREE SAMPLE (State Shade Detired) ! [ ) High Brown ( ) Creole-Tan : ) Nut Brown ( ) Olive-Tan Name __ UdrMi —. .... City - State _ Your Present and Experienced District Judges 0 James T. English 0 Carroll O. Stauffer / 0 L. Ross Newkirk 0 James M. Fitzgerald 0 Arthur C Thomsen 0 W. A. Day -cf' 0 James M. Patton ^ 0 Patrick Wm. Lynch 0 Herbert Rhoades v ALL SEEK ELECTION The Public Is Entitled to the Services of Experienced Judges iilHIHllllllilimHHIliHHIlllllUllIHlIUlllllllHIHIlllllUHHHUUIIIllJIlHlIHilHU JACKSON B. CHASE Re-Elect for Another Term as DISTRICT JUDGE 8 Years Experience as a District Judge —1946-1954 ' ^ • Native of Nebraska ^ e Omaha Resident Since 192} B • War Veteran B • Member el Congress 19SM9S4 , mnannmannaHammanMHnaM ELECT DISTRICT JUDGE How Serving 3rd Consecutive Year as Presiding Judge oi District Court DOUC1AS, WASHINGTON AMP SUIT CfrJHTm__ His Fine Record Of: Training, Experience, Honest Thought Adds Up To: GLENN CUNNINGHAM For Congress In nit 20 years of public service, both as a full-time, elected of ficial, and as a volunteer, Glenn Cunningham has earned tho popular support of the people he has served, and the respect of the people he has served with. Twice Mayor of Omaha, volun teer and leatler In the Chamber of Commerce, Omaha Safety Council, Treasury Department, winner of Nebraska's Outstand ing Young Man of the Year A ward, he is the young, experi enced man we need in Congress. Let's Elect Glenn Cunningham This ad paid tor by Cunningham (or Congress Committee | Sam Reynolds, Chairman f BRANBEIS "Nu-Glo" Spun Rayon. Gold Striped Cloths 83*72", Reg. 3.78 .. r..... 2.78 I 63*70", Reg. 7.78 ....... .6.78 A 63x108", Reg. jjj\ 68" fringed round, Reg. 8.80. 6.78 Matching Napkins, Reg. 47«. .37c 1° lush shades of pink, aqua, charcoal, gold and white. The non-tamishable gold mylar stripe* lend a touch of glit ter and glow that will light up your dinner table. Completely washable, eolorfast and long wearing. Linens—Sixth Floor — —- . . . . . e