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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1956)
This Is Your Newspaper ..mmhhhh* What you are doing is news. ♦ T v ... _ 5 Please Phone Your News To o JJlJ8. Yo,ir Newspaper l HA 0800 II What you are doing IS news. ,, or send it to ; W P,ease PhoffAY2£lNew# To ! I THE OMAHA GUIDE __ __ ; L 242p Grant st. | /JUSTICE / EQUALITY HEWTOTHFliNEX the omaha guide ii r„ 2420 Grant St. J EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .......m i.----tit / Vol. 30 No. 34__-_ Friday, October 26, 195610c Per Copy Boycott Leader Tells Of Arrests Which Caused Bus Protest "You straighten out California —Well straighten out Alabama. “As beautiful as this Los An Seles is. we’re not coming— "There's not but one way to stop the Montgomery Movement, that’s to give us justice. "And we aren’t going to seek this justice anywhere else, but in Alabama.” In a speech that had the lyric beauty of poetry, the strength of rhythm, and the exaltation of faith, the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, pastor of Tirst Baptist church of Montgomery and chairman of the negoti ating committee of the Mont, gomery Improvement ass'n., transported Los Angeles to the shrine of freedom Wed nesday night —Montgomery, Alabama, once noted as a modest cultural canter of the South—today infamous the world over as the city which indicted its ministers and its plain people for walking. Short, stocky, mustached—ar ticulate, casual, humorous, relax ed, the Rev. Abernathy arose to an introduction by Los Angeles’ Rev. E. A. Anderson that was as eloquent as it was brief —*T,adic8 and gentlemen, I give you a £OtM Century Moses, the Rev. Ralph E. Abernathy” —to tell the story of Montgomery, where ‘50,000 peo pie have been walking the streets1 —not walking for health—or to be different —but are walking for freedom. "Wa have bean walking for 113 days—But even though wo have bean walking a long time, wo ain't got tired yet." Telling the story behind the bus boycott, which has paralyzed 1 city, putting 12 of it* 14 bus routes out of business, the minister re cited the story of his people’s an cient mistreatment by bus drivers. "We have been mistreated— dragged from busses, thrown into Jail, stood up over empty seats; pregnant mothers forced to give seats to men passengers — when they refused thrown into jail — Our cups are full, and we are tired of it— Of the loaders out of this Egypt. . . “No minister in Montgomery has had time to prepare a speech —nor preached a prepared ser mon since the boycott began. "We have gotten up at 5 a.m., used our cars, assisted our con gregations and Negroes from every section of the city to get to work. "The Price or Peace too high—" "Things were peaceful in Mont gomery until four months ago. "Why? Because we took the kicking around and said nothing But there comes a time when the ] price of peace is too high. The Southern white man, for the first j time since the Civil War is con-1 fronted by a new Negro— a Ne-1 gro who is not bowing, scraping, grinning, when he is not tickled, who does not look down when con fronting the white man — a Pre pared Negro, a Ready Negro, not afraid, not begging, not pleading, but demanding his rights as a cit zen. Dr. T. J. Bauer Is Named To State Services Dir. Theodore J. Bauer, a career officer In the Public HeoKh Service since December, 1034, has been named Deputy Chief of the Bureau of State Ser vices. He replaces Dr. Leroy E. Burney, recently appointed Sur geon General of the Service. Dr. Bauer for the past three years has been chief of the Ser-j Vise’s Communicable Disease. Center in Atlanta, Georgia, He| will become principal assistant to' Dr. Otis L. Anderson, Chief of the Bureau of State Services. Dr.| Bauer reported for duty in Wash-; lngton on September Ilf. Dr. Bauer was venereal dis ease control officer for the Cbi-j cago Board of Health from 1042 to 1048 and chief of the Venereal Disease Division of the Public Health Service in Washington from 1048 to 1053, when he was appointed to the Communicable Disease Center post. He is a na tive of Iowa liberal aria and medical schools. Richard Wright Mr. Richard A. Wright, 50 years, 1559 North 19th Street, passed a way Wednesday morning, Septem ber 19th at a local hospital. Mr. Wright was an employee of the Cudahy Packing Company and had been a resident of Omaha nine years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Arzella Wright; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Geraldine Gilmer of Omaha, Mrs. Esther Mays, Kansas City, Missouri; stepson, Leonard Hen son, U.S.A. Armed Forces in Ja pan; sister, Mrs. Ruth Carmichel, brother-in-law, Mr. B. C. Car michel, Kansas City, Missouri; sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida May Wilson, St. Joseph, Missouri. Funeral services were held ten oclock Saturday morning, Septem ber 22nd from the Thomas Funer al Home with the Rev. S. H. Lewis officiating. Pal bealrers were A. J. Sims, William Graves, Arthur Blanton, Felton Wightman, Robert Thornton, Walter Moore. Service by Thomas Funeral H^me. Powell Sees GOP Winning The Negroes lie Says 25% “Have" Shifted To Eisenhower. Announces National Speaking Trip Twenty-five per cent of Negro Democratic voters have decided to vote for President Eisenhow er, Representative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. declared yesterday. Ten per cent more will switch to Eisenhower before Election Day, he predicted. The Negro Baptist minister, who has represented his Harlem district in Congress for twelve years, voiced these opinions at a press conference at 270 Park Av enue. It marked the opening of headquarters of the Independent Democrats for Eisenhower, of which he is chairman. The Representative said he would tour the country making speeches for President Eisen hower, principally in cities where large Negro populations may swing from 'Adlai E. Stevenson to the President. He insisted that he was "still a Democrat” and would support lo cal Democratic candidates. The Representative reiterated yesterday tlfat his support of President Eisenhower was based on his belief that the President would safeguard the civil rights of Negroes more vigorously than would Mr. Stevenson. His speaking schedule will j take him to Michigan, California, j Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio Mas sachusetts, Missouri, Indiana and; Maryland. Mr. Powell told his press con-i fercnce that any insinuations that he made a deal with the President is a complete false hood. CANDIDATES FOR ILLINOIS GOVERNOR ASKED POSITION ON STATE FEPC Chicago, Oct 11 — The Re publican and Democratic candi date! for Governor of Illinois have been requested by the Chi cago NAACP branch to state their respective positions regard ing fair enifdoynwnt practices legislation. The request was made by Wil loughby Abner, branch president, to the present governor, WflHarn G. Stratton, thd his Democratic opponent, Richard B. Austin. In a letter to the candidates Mr. Abner maintained that the facts on employment discrimlna tion in Illinois are well known and "clearly point out the need| for enforceable equal job op-j portunitles legislation to combat discrimination In the employ ment of members of minority groups." g Mr. Abner’s message to Gover nor Stratton said: "In 1953 you agreed to and at least publicly supported the Equal Job Oppor tunities Bill. In 1055 you did not support the same bill and, stated that y.ou did not see any need for It. . . Mr. Austin was asked to state his position on the same Issue although the Democratic party in Illinois has adopted a pledge in favor of "an enforceable fair employment practices law.” More Women Enter Government Work Some of the talented and at tractive women who are now holding top-level jobs in govern ment—many of them opened for the first time under the Eisen hower Administration —or in oth er key administrative posts in the Nation’s Capital and throughout the world. TOP ROW, left to right: Mrs. Lois Lippman, White House See retary; Mrs. Carmel C. Marr, area advisor on the staff of Ambassa dor Henry Cabot Lodge at the United Nations; and Mrs. Julia P. Cooper, attorney in the criminal division of the Department of Justice. CENTER ROW: Mrs. Thalia Davis Thomas, assistant to the Director of Minorities, Republi can National Committee; Mrs. Gwendolyn Fowler, assistant pro gram analyst for the International Cooperation Administration, as signed to Saigon, Viet Nam; and Mrs. Jewel Stratford Rogers, as sistant U. S. district attorney in Chicago. BOTTOM ROW—Miss Roberta Church, minority group consul tant in the Department of Labor, Miss Lois Taylor (top), Informa tion specialist in the U. S. Infor mation Agency; Mrs. Jessie Vann I n t ernational Development A gency’s advisory board; and Miss (bottom) one-time member of the Ruth V. Washington, attorney in the solicitor’s office of the De partment of Labor’s regional of fice in New York City. (Photos by Clifton Cabell) Pastors Boo Dawson. He Leaves Meet The following story appeared in the Chicago Tribune of Oct. 15, 1956: NEGRO PASTORS BOO DAW SON, AND SOUTH SIDE BUZZES The booing of Rep. William L. Dawson, Chicago’s most promin ent Negro Democrat, by an audi ence of Baptist ministers was dh cussed widely on the south side yesterday. Dawson, the political boss of five wards, was shouted down and forced to leave El-Bethel Baptist Church, 5657 Lafayette Ave., when he tried to make a Democratic speech Monday to the Baptist Ministers C(inference of Chicago and vicinity. Present were most of the 600 ministers who belong to the conference. More than 200,000 Negroes are members of their congregations. Many prominent Negro minis ters have switched to the support of President Eisenhowsr and the Republican ticket this year. Dawson has been charged with being more interested in Demo cratic votes than in civil rights. Boeed Three Times Three stenographic reports of the meeting in the church show ed that Dawson was booed three times for periods of from 10 to 15 minutes each before be walk ed out, his speech unfinished. The first intensive booing Some O' This and That By John H. Hill In February, a Baptist missionary returned to this country after having spent four and a half years in Communist China prisons. In relating his torturing experiences, he said: "They took away my Bible and for three and a half years we had to read and discuss Communist literature and express Communist opinions. Anyone who did not was landed on with both feet. This dear brother of the cloth deserves our deepest sympathy because he went halfway around the world to receive that kind of treatment that perhaps his next door neighbor has received. His or deal of "Brainwashing," the most detestable curse of all the ages, has had Its field day right here in the United States, for quite sometime. He was wrong to think thot such methods practiced on him were the exclusive property of the Communists. It has been found that to Insure conformity of thought, the brainwashing device is a very handy tool. It is this tool that make men fail to adhere to the courage of their convictions. This brainwashing sets up a sort of inexplicable fear that makes knaves of brave men. How many are their in highplaces willing to stand up and be counted on the very timely question of Civil Rights? Go ahead reader you can count them as quickly as I can. came when the congressmen said that “white and Negro children were going to school to gether in Mississippi and Georgia and other states in 1945 after the war," which was during the Truman Democratic administra tion. Another outbreak came when, referring to contributions the churches had sent to help Negro protest movements in the South, Dawson said that ministers should not interfere with the work of politicians. Movement Dropped After Dawson left, some min isters asked for the resignation of the conference president, the Rev. Charles O. Trimm of New Testament Baptist Church, 330 | f * E. 35th St. That movement was dropped because his term of of fice is nearly over. The Rev. Mr. Trimm's wife, Trudie, formerly was 2nd ward Democratic com mitteewoman. Dawson, 2nd ward committee man, is running for reelection in the 1st congressional district. He voted against the anti-school segregation amendment sponsor ed by Rep. Powell (D.-N.Y.), who is supporting the President. As a member of the Democratic convention platform committee, Dawson worked for a compromise civil plank satisfactory to south ern Democrats. A woman's idea of a larger shoe is the same size that doesn't fit so tight Jr. Theater Ready For 7th Season Grade school students in this area will get an opportunity to buy season tickets for the seventh annual Omaha Junior Theatre this coming week. Starting Monday, October 29, for one week, season tickets at $1.00 each will be available for fourth through eighth grade stu dents at both public and paro chial schools. Ticket sales will be handled by teachers. Purpose of the increasingly popular Omaha Junior Theatre is to give grade school youngsters an opportunity to see legimate stage productions designed es pecially for them at the lowest possible cost. Both actors and audience are youngsters. Mere adults can only direct and chaper one the productions. The Junior Theatre is endorsed by P-TA groups and school offi cials throuhout Omaha, Douglas County and Council Bluffs. Three plays are set for the Jun ior Theatre’s seventh season. A gain this year, they were chosen for their wholesome, imaginative appeal to children. They are: Rip Van Winkle—November 27 through December 4—presented by Westside High School The Red Shoes—February 25 through March 3—Presented by Brownell Hall The Magic Horn—April 23 j j through May 3—Presented by the j Powell Bocks Eisenhower ] And Nixon for Re-Election WASHINGTON — Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Demo crat, New York, announced his un qualified support of President Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon for re-election. The announcement by Powell was made in the White House of fice of Presidential Press secretary James C. Hagerty following a dramatic half-hour conference with the Chief Executive. The Harlem representative add ed that he would campaign vigor ously—“to the extent of my physi cal abilities”—in eight or ten key cities, including Chicago and De troit, home cities of the other two Negro congressmen, Reps. William L. Dawson and Charles C. Diggs, Jr., both Democrats. To Speak for tke-Nixon In addition, he said, he would appear for Eisenhower and Nixon in Baltimore, New York City, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. Other cities might be add ed as his pans jelled, the New Yorker said. F'owell said: “I went into the White House undecided, but made my decision after the President expressed his views on two matters j of great concern to me. He indi cated his strong support of right to-vote legislation, and said it should have priority in the new Congress.” The congressman added: “Al though he has opposed my anti segregation federal aid-to-school amendment, Mr. Eisenhower react Founder of Salem Closes The public turned enmasse Sunday, October 21st at 3 P.M. to witness the ribbon cutting ceremonies, starting the dedica (Ion and nothing but praise could be heard of the beautiful Edifice. The following church es were guests this week, name-' ly: The Zion, St. Paul, Pleasant Green, St. Mark, Bethel, Im manuel, and Tabernacles Bap tist churches, The Bethel, Alien Chapel, St. John AME churches, The Grace Tabernacle, Calvary Community, Clark Methodist, Ebeneezer, and Immanuel Com munity churches. The public was cordially invit ed to hear Rev. J. S. Williams,! pastor of the new Mt. Zion Bap-1 tist Church, Detroit, Mich, close out the dedicatory messages. Tests For Clerks Being Offered A test for Accounting Clerks j and Supervisors was announced recently by Harold K. Knee, Civil Service Representative. Copies of the announcement,! application blanks and sample questions are available at Room 404, Post Office Building. Per-j sons who apply before October | 29, 1956 will bfe admitted to the first examination, and will be in line for first consideration 'for, jobs. The examination will be used for hiring in government offices locally and throughout a seven state ana, making up the Ninth Civil Service Region. Beginning pay rates run from $3415 to $4080 a year. CALIFORNIA VISITOR Curtis Wales of San Francisco, California spent a few days visit-i ing his brother, P. H. Wales, sis-1 ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, niece and nep hew, Mr. and Mrs. John Hart; his friend, Mr. Lee Washington. He also visited his niece and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Sammle Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hollingworth and Percy Hollingworth of Chicago, Illinois and many of hia old O maha friends. He left for Cali fornia October 8th. Junior League of Omaha The first two productions, Hip Van Winkle and The Red Shoes, will be given in the auditorium of the Joslyn Memorial. Weekday performances start at 4 p.m., and Saturday matinees at 2 p.m. Chartered buses will take the youngsters from their school to the play and back to their school ngain. Teachers will serve as chaperones for the trip. ed enthusiastically to a new form ula which I will embody in a bill to be offered to the New Congress. New School Aid Formula "This formula, which will bridge the gap between our past differ ences of viewpoint, was worked out during a conference with Ja cob K. Javits, attorney general of New York State and Republican candidate for the U. S. Senate. “Under it, federal funds would be denied to any school district which, having been uirected by federal court order to integrate its schools, declined to comply with such a judicial directive.” Referring again to the Presi dent’s reception of this formula Powell described it as “immedi ately enthusiastic.” He said that Mr. Eisenhower referred it im mediately to his staff for study. Top Secret Mission The tall, handsome representa tive said he had arrived October 3 from a tour of several European countries, in one of which—Yugo slavia—he had carried out a “top secret mission,” the report on which was for the President only. He toured under the auspices of the Education and Labor commit tee of the House of Representatives to gather data on federal or cen tral government educational aid abroad. ‘We do not have in this country, a concept of federal aid for educa tion,” he said, “and as a result, the bills on that subject get bog ged down in a morass of ignor ance.” He said after the e -tion he would compile a report for pub lication by the committee, and append his own recommendations to it. I will suppmt ana campaign . strongly for the top Republican ticket, for President Eisenhower and, of course, for Vice-President Nixon,” Powell said. Besaiged By Nawtman He arrived at the White House for his three o’clock appointment just as Princess Grace nee Grace Kelly of movie fame, and Prince Ranier of Monaco were leaving following an audience with Presi dent Eisenhower. Like them, he was beseiged by reporters and cameramen for newspaper, news reels, and television both inside and outside of the Executive Man sion. Tentatively, Mr. Powell said, he plans to organize an interracial “Independent Democrats for Eis enhower” to aid in the campaign on a national basis. Right-To-Vot* Vital "This decision of mine,” the congressman explained, “is one of conscience. On the right-to-vote question, we cannot talk about the denial of the vote behind the Iron Curtain and justify its denial be hind the Dark Curtain in this na tion.” Stand Up, Be Counted A reporter asked, “do you think you can sway the bulk of Harlem’s vote to Mr. Eisenhower?” Powell replied: "I don’t know, but I will do my best to sway every possible voter to back the President. I hope people are not blindly Demo- ~ cratic. This is the time for men to stand up and be counted. I must live with myself, and so I can take the risk of possible politi cal reprisal without too much con cern.” Lillie P. Wheeler Mrs. Lillie P. Wheeler, 39 years, 2508 Blondo Street, passed away Friday afternoon October 19th at a local hospital. Mrs. Wheeler had been a resident of Omaha twelve years and served on the Usher Board of the Salem Baptist Church where she was a faithful member. Mrs. Wheeler is survived by her husband, Mr. Jehue Wheeler, two sons, Lorian Moss, Walter Wheel er, mother, Mrs. Elouise Lee, of Omaha; father, the Rev. C. H. Trotter, Columbus, Ohio; step father, Mr. Cary Lee, Omaha; one bister, Mrs. Alberta Kitt, Omaha; step sister, Mrs. Estela Gross, De troit, Michigan, grand son, Albert Lee Moss, two nephews, John and Wesly Kitt, niece, Althea Kitt, cousin, Mrs. Lois Jackson, broth er-in-law, Mr. Lawrence Kitt, all of Omaha. Tentatively funeral services have been set for ten o’clock Saturday morning October 27th from the Salem Baptist Church with the Rev. J. C. Wade officiating. Thomas Funeral Home service.