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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1956)
- READ THE OMAHA GUIDE - Plans Are Shaping Up For United Nations Sunday SPECIAL GUESTS at the “Uni ted Nations Sunday ' Celebration will include many representa tives of foreign countries, govern mental officials, the Armed Ser vices and civilian organizations. The observance is being spon sored by the United Veterans Council of Omaha. A "CAR PARADE", with con veAlble-type automobiles, will carry the foreign-born represen tatives from the corner of 17th and Chicago Streets, leaving at 1:45 P.M. to World War II Mem orial Park, 60 and Dodge Streets. NATIVE COSTUMES will be worn by many representatives from other nations, and the cars bearing them will be marked with the name of the native land. THE PROGRAM will include a concert, beginning at 2:30 P.M. by the ^Strategic Air Command $"S. A. C." Band, under the dir fction of 1st Lt. Ernest W. Geer. * The formal ceremony will open at 3:00 P.M. (not 3:30, as previ ously Stated.) This will include an address by Col. C. Sweeney, (former Chief of Nebraska Mill tary District, and former head of a Mission of the Russian Army). Also, there will be brief greet ings from representatives pres ent; prayers by former service chaplains. Rev. George Kemphcr, and Rev. Dr. Earle Conover, as well as Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER Entrance to Memorial Park, by cars, is from the north, on Un derwood Avenue at 57th Street. (Please, no parking of cars on the grass.) In case of inc lament waathar, the ceremony will be held in the auditorium of Omaha University, 60th and Dodge Streets, just across from the park. FOREIGN DRESS INVITED All foreign-born residents whp have foreign clothing are urged to wear it, or even parts of sue! Illlllllllilllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll!ll!lllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllll TRYJT--‘lOU BE THE Jl/DGE’ O-F-W OLD FASHIONED WHISKEY Kentucky’s Finest Straight Bourbon 6 Years Old , Charcoal Filtered • ‘Mild and Mellow’ ■ I Produced Under Seme Formula Sint* 1713 I AT ALL RETAIL LIQUOR STORES A BARS BLOTCKY BEVERAGE COMPANY ! A Whol*»al* DUtributor* Of Imported and Dom**tic Liquor*, Gin* and Win** Phon* JAckton 3990 Capitol Av*nu* At 12th St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliniillliliiilillliiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i Walls Completed Fast TkECORATED walls for a new ^ attic room or other addition to the home can be achieved in short order by applying prefin iahed hardboard planks over the •imple backing of furring strips wi open studs. For Marlite planks^gufflcient support is provided by 1* x 4* furring strips nailed horizontally \ .- .-I on 1C" centers —T a backing that is easier and quicker to fit and install than many other types. The planks are secured with •pedal metal clips that are nailed into the furring and hidden in side tongue-and-groove joints. When the paneling is applied over a masonry wall or over on old wall that is not solid, it is advisable to use euch furring etzips as a base. k'vr a furred base for a com panion product, lC"-square tongue-and-groove block*, on wrills, horizontal strips of 1' * 2"'stock on 8" centers are recom mended. IiSoause this paneling comes decorated in plain colors and wood grains, no finishing is necessary. With baked plastic finiijji fused to a Masonite tem pered hardboard base, the panels are durable and easily dump wiped clean. If — Remember Desk in Attic IN MODERNIZING an attic, don’t forget the advantages of a built-in desk, like the one shown in the illustration. Con struction is simple, but the fram ing should be installed before covering the rafters with panels. Actually, this is a desk plus two storage shelves. The door may be made the same height as II . -- ^ \-S’ I ft the space between the shelves or) 1 it may extend above the top shelf.' In the latter case, you'll protect the contents of tne shelf and have a larger writing surface. Both fhe dealt door and the shelves are made similarly, by forming frameworks of 1 by Si inch lumber, fastening them to gether with corrugated metal, and gluing Masonite 3/16" Tem pered Presdwood to both sides. A permanent material for cov ering attic rafters is Masonite Paneiwood, a hardboard that’s easy to work, quick to install and long lasting. Available at lumber yards, U comes in 4 by 8-foot) panels which go up in a hurry with a minimum of fuss and muss. For a free plan showing the desk and other plans for modern izing an attic, write to the Home Service Bureau, Suite 2037, 111 West Washington St., Chicago 2, 111., requesting No. AK 297. native dress, to distinguish them as coming from abroad. m Those born in other countries, not yet contacted directly to represent any other nation, are ured to contact at once Major Earle Conover, Webster 6035. TIME TO ENTERTAIN „ AT HOME AGAIN! best time to serve * v, . • f * *1 AMERICA'S PREMIUM QUALITY BEER * r AliT A ft IMWINO COHrOftATION. IT. lOUIfc MO. _:___i Whqt they are saying..._ I Men u>ho carry civic rewonsibi , lifiei should know -Hyrt John OCrontl Jr,frof«vorof PSormacoioay dttte , UiwyervVy of MoryJowf Wv»' of M«4 Ivecine W»: iwdrirtdnq pi .1 ircrtoeej »«M activity and / L*)0tcrh and irkfttem tt* jftih. "jj at provide) more ocvte xntatwu/' V X> ftmsp ft^hiaVic research men Mf _d NEW CIVIL DEFENSE uniform h shown here by Mrs. Jean Wood Fuller, Director of Women's 4ctivlties for the Federal Civil Defense Administration. The trim suit is done in Civil Defense Blue, a new shade of gray-blue.! The snappy attire, one of three new uniforms approved by the tgency, may be worn by women in civil defense and the Ground Observer Corps throughout the United States. ! trcDA Fhoto) -11 SUPPORT MONEY: Democratic presidential candidate Adlal E. Stevenson gets a campaign “lift” from the large volume of cash contributions being counted at Stevenson-Kefauver Headquarters in Washington, D. C. by Miss Mattie West, seated left, and Miss Lois Herbert, seated right. Looking on with Governor Stevenson are Democratic National Committee Chairman Paul Butler and Mre. Mary Zirkle, Comptroller, Democratic National Committee. favor/re sorts up agp/u!* \ \ i / ~ . A Room for Two Children ■y^'HEN two youngsters occupy the same room, ordinarily they have little privacy. However, by using a bit of imagination and ingenuity, the fix-it-them selves family can create a room that has two of everything, plus built-in privacy. First, the room is divided by means of an extra-wide divider desk and closets. This way, there’ll be a separate study and clothes storage area for each child. The separation of the epace is com pleted by a sliding door. Other features may include a radiator enclosure, fluorescent lighting, spacious drawers in the desks and an attractive soffit. Use of Masonite hardboards for the closet walls, desks, soffit and as underlayment for the flexible floor covering makes such a room improvement both economical and easy, A large variety of hard boards for the o purposes are available at lupiber yards. Hardboards made by Masonite Corporation, the pioneer producer, nre made by exploding'clean wood chips in huge guns and then compressing the fibers into thin, strong panels under extreme heat anjl pressure. Being all wood, ! Jhesc panels ipay be worked and ' finished like wood. For a free plan detailing how te ereate a youth room for two, write the Home Service Bureau, Suite 2037, 111 West Washington St., Chicago 2, 111.,. requesting plan No. AE-265. For the Home | Emergency Supplies 'p’OOD, water and light are often shut off to families whose homes have been damaged by floods, fires or other disasters. In the event of an enemy air at tack, these essentials of life would pose problems for all peo ple in the area. The answer is to keep emergency supplies in the home. * A A convenient and safe way to store the supplies is to use cov ered galvanized steel cans or pails. These containers are avail able in several sizes, so there Is one to fit the space needs of every family. They are strong and durable, so fire, moisture and rodents cannot destroy supplies kept in them. f. Items stored in tho contained should include bottled water, canned foods, flashlights, candlife and matcher. These are basjc ’ emcrgqpty supplies. A family which is isolate*! from its neighbors might al*i elect to keep a portable batterj powered radio and extra clothiiij among the emergency supplies, even though this may require using more than one cover*! ' metal storage can. An important point is to kei p the emergency cans of materia s' where they can be reached nuic i ly and easily NATIONAL TICKET For President Dwight D. Eisenhower For Vice-President Richard M. Nixon STATE TICKET For Governor □ Victor E. Anderson, 6501 Havelock, Lincoln, Neb. For Lieutenant Governor □ Dwight W. Burney___Hartington, Neb. For Secretary of State □ Frank Marsh.2701 So. 34th St, Lincoln, Neb. For Auditor of Public Accounts □ Ray C. Johnson..3911 “A” St., Lincoln, Neb. For State Treasurer □ Ralph VV. Hill______Hebron, Neb. For Attorney General Q Clarence S. Beck, 5th & Pine, North Platte, Neb. For Railway Commissioner □ Wayne R. Swanson.6617 Spencer, Omaha, Neb. For Representative In Congress Second District □ Glenn Cunningham.5514 Harney, Omaha, Neb. COUNTY TICKET ^ For County Clerk □ John Slavik .......— Omaha, Neb For County Commissioner 5th District □ Leonard Bergman_ 3263 Jackson, Omaha, Neb. For County Commissioner 3rd District Q Dexter N. Nygaard — 2446 Redick, Omaha, Neb. For Register of Deeds □ Jack Loyd Ewing_ 6060 So. 37th, Omaha, Neb. For County Attorney Short Term □ Joseph R. Moore, Atty., 1526 City Na’tl Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. For Public Defender □ Ralph W. Adams, Atty,. 2622 No. 24th, Omaha ONE FOR THE R< 'VwE AMERICAN REvOLUTk ended differently had * OFFICERS NOT TARRIED fKH BY A MRS. MURRAY IN THE C FOR NEW NORKCITV. INST. ' AND DESTROYING Tl IE D£FE THEY SPENT THE DAY PANCINS AKO DINIK'Z 1 FRENCH UNDERGROUND 'u’euPFLEs.THeaouevvers reu»uT,seow VMPtKtftOUHO! T.4EREPXE, IN CERTAIN BVKT5 OP FRANCE, Oft.'ANPSOWETlMEIi FIGS ARE U6ED TO 6NIPP OUT JTJ6K HAE-ITAT. TO PROTECT OUR CONSUMER BUYING POWER AGAINST A RAINY PAY,AMERICANS ARE BUYING -ANP BUYING REGULARLY- 1/ S. SAVINGS BONDS JOIN THIS VAST PARAPE OF PATRIOTIC CITIZENS WHO KNOW A OOOO Bi/V WHEN THE* SAM ONE/ Phone Your News T< > HA0800