The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 19, 1956, Image 1

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! HEW TO THE LINEN the°omaha guide '
Vol. 30 No. 33 Friday, October 19, 1956 _10c Per Copy
6.O.P. Says
P. Bernard Young, Jr.
Director of Information
Minorities Division
Republican National Committee
WASHINGTON—The absolute
ly false statements made by Rep
resentative William L. Dawson
Democrat, of Illinois, shows the
desperation to which Democrats
are driven to defend their partv
against the Eastland* and Davises
are doing it
Val J. Washington, director of
minorities for the Republican
National Committee, made that
statement after he had been in
formed of statements made by
Mr. 'Dawson at a mass meeting ih
St. Paul, Minnesota, Sunday night.
Mr. Washington called "sheer
nonsense" the statement made try
Hr. Dawson that Senator James
O. Eastland, Democrat, of Missis
sippi, is handling patronage for
the Eisenhower Administration.
"Senator Eastland belongs to
the Democrat party,” said Mr.
Washington, "and the Republican
Party would not have him on a
silver platter.
"If there was a shred of truth
in Mr. Dawson’s statement, Sena
tor Eastland never would have,
as chairman, conducted a fiiibust
er to bottle up in the Senate Ju
diciary Committee the Adminis
tration's civil rights bills.
“The truth is that the most ini
portant Job of any importance
l anded out in Mississippi went to
an appointee named by Perry W
How ard. Republican National
Committeeman for Mississippi_
the appointment of Ben Cameron
as a Federal District judge in
"Mr. Dawson's statement that
the disgraceful hearings on inte
gration of the District of Colum
bia Committee which ordered the
investigation by a vote of 11 to 0,
with two absententions.
"Mr. Dawson was either absent
or did not vote. Nor did he at
any time while the hearings wore
in progress protest against their
conduct or seek to halt them, al
though the NAACP urged Demo
crat party leaders, Speaker Sam
Rayburn and Representative John
W. McCormack of Massachusetts,
the Democratic floor leader, to
atop the hearings which were aim
ed at discrediting integration of
the public schools here. Nor did
he attend a single session of th'1
hearings, although he was in
Washington at the time and, as
a member of the full committee
he bad a right to do so.
"On the other hand, two of the
three Republican members, Rep.
resentatives DeWitt S. Hyde' of
Maryland and Joel T. Broyhil! of
Virginia, tried unsuccessfully to
get the hearings postponed until
after the election. The other Re
publican member, Representative
A. L. Miller of Nebraska never
attended a single session.
"Mr. Dawson in no way busied
himself about the hearings until
the damgae became apparent to
him that Representatives James
C. Davis of Georgia and John Bell
Williams, both Democrats, were
doing the Democrat party among
Wegro voters.
On September 29, when there
was only one witness remaining
to be heard, Mr. Dawson issued
his first statement, saying that
Congressman Davis was ‘making
the best case for integration 1
ever heard.’
"Then on Monday, October 1,
after the committee had grillde
Dr. Hobert M. Corning, Superin
tendent of Schools, and had at
least temporarily concluded the
hearings, Mr. Dawson issued his
second statement calling the
hearings illegal.
The question of legality or il
legality of the hearings at that
time had become moot or mean
ingless The Congress was not in
session and will not be in session
until next January.
"The Democrats are saddled
with Eastland, Davis and Wil
ilams. There is nothing they in
tend to do about them and other
Southerners who hold key cnxir
manships of Congressional com
mittces. They will again be chair
men of the committees and oper
ating from the same important
stands if a Democrat Congress is
Adam Powell,
Negro Leader
Support 'Ike'1
By Josephine Ripley
The first real break in Demo
cratic ranks in the current-presi
dential campaign has given Re
publicans new hope of capturing
more of the Negro vote.
This came as Representative
Adam C. Powell, New York Negro
Democrat, bolted the Democratic
national ticket, announcing that
he would form a new group of
"indepelident Democrats for Ei
senhower" and stump the country
in behalf of the President.
The development came as a sur
prise. Republicans appar e n 11 y
have the Democrats to thank for
For Representative Powell bolt
ed bis party only after he was
not Invited to a rally held in his
own district where Adlai E. Ste
venson spoke, nor to the reception
that preceded it.
This slight, together with Mr.
Powell's claim that Mr. Stevenson
has refused to see him and discuss
the civil-rights issue, prompted
the New York Negro to turn to
President Eisenhower.
He found the White House door
open. The President had a half
hour conference with the Negro
political leader. Following this,
Mr. Powell stuck an “Ike” button
in his coat lapel, and made a tele
vised announcement of his party
bolt before he left the White
He said that the President had
promised to take action to have
the so-called "fight to vote" bill,
aimed at preventing discrimination
against Negro voters, come up
early in the next session of Con
Significance Pondered
Having just returned from a
trip abroad, Mr. PoweU said be was
also impressed with the Presi
dent's prestige there and is taking
his stand on the basis of that, a
long with what he feels is a
sympathetic stand on the civil
rights issue.
It is not possible to judge at this
point how politically influential
this new party f>olt wUI be in
Harlem, or elsewhere about the
country. Mr. Powell has made it
clear that he is not breaking from
the Democratic Party and will sup
port local and state Democratic
candidates on the ticket.
In campaigning for the Presi
dent, he will appeal to “all dis
illusioned liberal Democrats," as
well as to “nonsegregated people
of all races and religious faiths."
Mr. Powell, in addition to being
Switches To
a member of Congress, is pastor j
of the AbyssiTiian Baptist Church j
in New York City, said to be the
largest Negro church in the world.
He is author of the historic
Powell amendment to federal-aid- ]
to-education bills—an amendment
requiring withholding of federal
i funds from all segregated schools
and generally spelling the defeat
of all such legislation in the past.
The President has opposed this
move, but Mr. Powell indicated
that he and the Chief Executive
had discussed a compromise on this
issue, one which the President
“seemed to like.”
Maryland Watched
While the Negro vote is general
Ly found in the Democratic
column, there are some indications
that the ending of racial segrega
tion in the District of Columbia
may prove helpful in turning
Maryland voters to the GOP.
This is attributed to the state’s
proximity to the nation's capital,
and to the fact that school de
segregation has been accomplished
there under Republican leadership.
Republican Party leaders will
follow the new Powell movement
closely. It represents the first
sign of any break in what has ap
peared to bp a consistent trend of
1952 Democratic bolters back to
their own political ranks.
The way in which both parties
have tiptoed around the civil
rights issue so far has given it
'little persuasive prominence in the
campaign. How much the Poweli
bolt will do to persuade Negroes
that the Republican Party will do
'more for them on that score than
the Democrats is not yet clear, j
Skepticism in Harlem
There is said to be gome sleep-1
ticism on this score in Harlem,
where it is expected that influ
ential Democratic leaders will
keep voters in line on the local
level, and GOP antisegregation
policies on the national level may
make little impression,
j The Negro congressman has not
made up his mind whom to sup
port for the Senate in New York,
lie said Jacob K. Javits, State At
torney General, the Republican
candidate, and Mayor Robert F.
Wagner of New York City, the
Democratic nominee, "both are
excellent men."
There is no question about the
White House staff's delight with
the Powell switch. They are con
: fident it will mean many votes
for the President. It also was
evident that they had no advance
notice of what Mr. Powell was go
, ing to do.
2 New Life
New York, "oct~11 — Two life
insurance companies, a civic club
and a fraternity chapter are a-!
niong the organizations and In
dividuals who have become
NAACP life members in recent
weeks, it was announced here to
day by Miss Marion Stewart. j
Miss Stewart, who is in charge
of the Association’s life member
ship campaign, identified the
new NAACP life members as fol
Peoples Life Insurance Com
pany of Louisiana, New Orleans,
La.; Universal Life Insurance
Co. Memphis, Tenn.; Ladies of
Valhalla Civic and Social Club,
Berkeley, Calif.; and Nu Omi
cron chapter of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Jamaica, N. Y.
Also: Clarence Mitchell, dir
ector of the NAACP’s Washing
ton bureau; Cari Weschcke, St.
Paul, Minn.; Fred Hampton
Cleveland, Ohio; and Robert Roy
all, Richmond, Va.
Delorice Hare
Delorice Hare, age 4 years, of
2416 Caldwell St., expired Thurs
day, October 11, 1936 at a local
. She is survived by her mother,
| Mrs. Geneter Hare; 6 brothers,
(Fred, Frank, James, Percy, Leroy
and Jerry Hare, all of Omaha;
aunt, Mrs. Lilly White of Omaha; 6
cousins and a host of other rela
Funeral services were held
Monday, October 15, 1956 at 10.00
a m, from the Myers Funeral Home
Chapel with Rev L. L. Bragg of
ficiating. Interment was at Mt.
Hope Cemetery.
Mysrs Brothers Funeral Home.
Women To
Support the
New Charter
“We will work in every way
we can to support the new City
That statement was made Fri
day morning by Mrs. George F.
Owens, President of the League
of Women Voters, after a group
of 65 League yomen heard both
sidep of the City Charter story
aired at the YWCA.
The vote favored the new
Charter 60-5. However, Mrs
Owens pointed out that “once
the League takes a stand on an
issue as a body, we all work for
that particular issue” She con
tinued, “therefore, our job will
be to get the people to vote
‘yes’ for the new Charter."
Charter Convention Delegate
Howard Drew presented the talk
in favor of the new Charter. His
opponent was John J. (Jack)
Cavanaugh, the one member of
the Charter Convention who is
opposed to the new City Charter.
Drew pointed out three basic
problems in the present City
Charter. They were:
(1) Lack of proper checks and
(2) Administrative confusion.
(3) Lack of proper leadership.
To illustrate the confusion in
the present form of government,
Drew stated: "A city plumbing
inspector worked for the City of
Omaha for 22 years and still
didn’t know under which depart
ment he worked.”
"The whole m.,.ter boils down
to a need for pin-pointing re
sponsibility," he said.
Cavanaugh, on the other hand,
admitted Omrha “needs a change
in its city government." He
QooduuiL QuildifiiCf GfutAade
Booker T. Washington in his historically famous Atlanta Exposition Address delivered
in Atlanta, Georgia a little more than 61 years ago, called the attention of the nation to
the fact that “There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence
and development of all.” Our land in that day was faced by group problems^ similar in
nature to those that are affecting us today as an outgrowth of the Supreme Court’s Decision
of May 17, 1954. It is because of these problems that this the first in a series of messages
from the Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission, is being issued.
This Commission was brought into existence in April to pay tribute to the one-hundreth
anniversary of the birth of Booker T. Washington (April 5, 1956), through a year long
program designed to focus the attention of the nation upon the present day value of the
sane fundamental teachings of this great American.
Since Booker T. Washington was an Apostle of Goodwill and since portions of our
land today are being tom asunder l>y mistrust, fear, and hate among Americans of different
racial strains, the Booker T. Washington Centennial Commission humbly invites all Ameri
cans to join its "Goodwill Building Crusade.”
Our* is a land of many races and creeds. We have different origins, cultures, and
backgrounds—but we are Americans ail! Ours is a nation of Washington and Jefferson,
Lincoln and lee, and millions of ordinary men and women who toiled and sweated, sacri
ficed and died to build their wonderful heritage. It was worth their lives to build it—
surely it is worth ours to preserve its hopes and ideals by working together in peace and
Remember France’s Maginot Line—built so strong of steel and stone that Frenchmen
felt secure behind it—but France fell. Not so much because of a lack of strength in its great
wall but mainly because of the spirit of its |>eople. And remember too, Divine teachings
get forth in these words in your Bible—no matter wnat your race or
creed—“A house divided against itself shall not stand.”
Hate and mistrust in your community might be wiped out if group
representatives meet, discuss, and work together to find answers for
the problems that are causing racial sores to fester.
Communities that pull together unite our nation. We invite you
to help to make yours such a community.
Sidney J. PiiillJps, President
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Sidney J. Phillip*, Pretident
Give Nod
Washington, D. C. (CNS).. .The
NAACP has not only a right to1
seek its Objectives but their ob-1
jectives arc not in question, de-j
dared The Very Rev. Msgr. George j
O. Higgins in a syndicated state
ment to the Catholic press. He'
urged, too, all law abiding citiaens'
to come to the defense of the1
NAACP in those states where its j
existence is under attack. I
Msgr. Higgins declared that;
those Southern state governments1
who are trying to outlaw the1
NAACP because of its activities j
against segregation ‘are clearly '
violating one of the most funda
mental principles of the natural j
law. That principle is the free-1
dom of association which is given ,
to men not by government but by
the very law of nature itself and
which may not be legitimately
taken away from them by govern
Willie Chapman
• |
Willie Chapman, age 25 years, i
formerly of Omaha, expired Thurs-1
day, October 11, 1956 at San Fran
cisco, Calofirnia. He had been
making his home in Los Angeles,
California for the past five years.
He is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Chapman
of Omaha; seven sisters, Mrs. An
nie Mae Linebarger, Mrs. Edna
Floyd, Mrs. Pearline Johnson, Miss
Shirley Chapman of Omaha, Mrs.
Justine Woods, Mrs. Beatrice
Sampson and Miss Dorothy Chap- i
man, all of Los Angeles, Cali- I
fornia; brother .Robert Chapman,
Jr. of Chicago, Illinois; grand- ]
mother, Mrs. Annie Chalk of Oma- '
ha, and a host of nieces, nephews
and other relatives.
said, "our present government is
adequate." I
He stated that he is “not op
posed to the strong mayor plan
as such, but the way the new
Charter is written it takes away
representation City govern
At this point, A. V. Sorensen,
Chairman of the Charter Con
vention, who waa in the audience,
“The proposed City Charier
clearly spells out tte reasons
why the mayor will answer to
the people for his administration,
and any layman reading the
Charter can readily detect that"
Cavanaugh pointed out he "is
not as good a salesman as my op
ponents and It Is not easy for me
to object to the combined op
inion of such prominent and em
inent people in our city."
--w 1 1 ■
New York, Oct, 11 —, Thirteen
state NAACP groups will hold
annual meetings between now
and the end of the year, it was
announced today by Gloster B.
Current, the Association’s dir
ector of branches.
The conference schedule is as
Oct 19-21—Rockford, 111.; Kan
sas City, Kans.; Riverhead, N. Y.;
Winston-Salem, N. C.; Jackson,
Tenn.; Oct. 20-21—Beloit, Wis.;
Oct. 26-27—Sarasota, Fla.; Oct
26-28—Little Rock, Ark.; St.
Joseph, Mo.; Eria, Pa.; Oct. 27-28
—Des Moines, la.; Nov. 24—
Jackson, Miss.; and Dec. 8-9—
Columbus, Ga.
Columbia U
Stands Firm
On Sports Bias
New York, Oct. 11 — Columbia
University never participates in
any sporting event in which
Negro members of its teams are
discriminated against in any
manner, Ralph Furey, Columbia
director of intercollegiate athle
tics, announced on Oct S.
His announcement followed a
meeting with representatives of
the Columbia University NAACP
chapter, requested by the latter.
"Columbia never has and never
will participate in any aporting
event where a member of the
team is not accorded all of the
privileges, whether 01 the playing
field or in eating, sleeping, tra
veling, or social facilities, grant
ed his teammates,” Mr. Furey
asserted in spelling out the uni
versity’s policy.
The NAACP chapter had
sought the meeting with the
athletic director to define the
university’s stand on racial dis
crimination in light of an an
nouncement that Harvard Uni
versity was cancelling a schedul
ed southern tour by its basketball
team. The Harvard move was
taken because of legislation re
cently passed in Louisiana and
'Georgia banning interracial
sports, although Harvard now has
no Negroes on its basketball
Mr. Furey emphasised that his
statement was not to be inter
preted as a change of policy by
"In the past,” ho related
"whenever there seemed any In
dication of a possible problem,
we would explore the situation
immediately, informing the ottyer
school ol our position «n the mat
Columbia refused invitations
if its conditions were not met,
and as a result its policy never
Meeting Is
Switched To
By Clarence T. R. Nelson
Cincinnati, Ohio — The first na
tional meeting of chairmen of An
nual Conference Television, Radio
and Film Commissions of The
Methodist Church, which was held
here at the Sheraton-Gibson Hotel,
October 9-11, was changed from
Nashville, Tenn., to provide equal
and complete accommodations for
all members of the group in accor
dance with the General Conference
ruling that national meetings con
ducted by the denomination’s gen
eral agencies should be held in
cities where all delegates will re
ceive equal accommodations re
gardless of race.
Special arrangements had been
made in a Nashville hotel, where
the meeting was to have been
held, providing for interracial
luncheons and dinners, and for in
terracial meetings in ball room
■and committee rooms. Separate
'toilet facilities were to have been
| provided for the Negro members
of the group in the hotel, with the
1 use of a special elevator or stair
I way to committee rooms.
The Central (Negro) Jurisdic
Itiona delegates were to have been
housed at Fisk University with
some of the white delegates.
me cnange m tne meeting place
I was effected within a few hours
'after a protest had been made by
the Rev. C. Anderson Davis, pastor
of the John Stewart Methodist
Church, Bluefield, West Virginia,
home of one of the delegates.
The change of the meeting place
from Nashville, the headquarters
i of the Television, Radio and Film
Commission, to Cincinnati cost the
commission approximately $1,500
extra, and prevented the confer
ence chairman from seeing the
studio production facilities of the
commission in Nashville.
I Central Jurisdiction members
of the group, which was attended
by more than one hundred white
representatives, were Paul E. X.
Brown and the Rev. A. S. Dicker
son, Atlanta, Ga.; Frank J. Ellis,
Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. M. M.
League, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; the
I Rev. C. E. Strickland, Charlotte, N,
Carolina; Mrs. Bernice Hughes
Martin, Bluefield, W. Va.; Mrs. M.
F. Strong, Little Rock, Ark.; Rev.
and Mrs. Clarence T. R. Nelson.
Columbus, Ohio, and Dr. G. D.
Hancock, Denver, Colorado.
I The Methodist Church .will
spend more than one million dol
lars next year in its TV, radio and
has received publicity because
“we have never had any Inci
dents,” Mr. Furey added.
GOP Edge Will Be Thinner
In The November Voting 1
By Edgar M. Mills
Augusta, Maine
Maine voters still “like Ike” and
will give him a big plhrality in
November. However, up to one
in 20 who backed him in 1952 may
desert him this year.
The majority of President Ei
senhower’s Maine supporters are
still highly enthusiastic about him,
despite the failure of many of
them to heed his urging to back
him with an all-Republican con
gressional delegation and a Re
publican Governor.
These are impressions gained
from interviews with scores of
Maine voters to determine the
meaning of the heavily Democratic
outcome of the Pine Tree state’s
September 10 state election, first
in the nation.
Mayor's Aides
Must Be
The Mayor’s ‘cabinet’ as pro
vided in the new Home Rule City
Charter is patterned after the Fed
eral and State government ‘cab
This statement was brought out
in a speech Monday night by Mrs.
Kenneth Graham, a member of the
Charter Convention, at a meeting
of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sor
ority. The meeting was held at
8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ken
neth Myers, 1803 John Creighton
Known as department heads, the
mayor will have seven qualified
persons to administer a depart
ment assigned to him by the City
Council, as Mrs. Graham said.
“This is the sensible way of op
erating city business, just as it
has been proven by our federal and
state constitutioas and all private
businesses,” she said.
To be eligible for appointment
as a department head, a person
must have had at least five years
of experience in a responsible post
in his field, she stated.
As an example, she cited the
public works director outlined in
the new Charter. “He must be a
registered engineer with five
years of high level experience,"
she said.
This means the new Charter
provides “trained technicians to
perform the highly technical work.
Learn Issues
of Election
Notices have gone out to mem
bers of various clubs for a meet
ing on Election Issiws, being
sponsored by the Co-Weds Club
of the Branch. Co-presidents of
the club are Mr. and Mrs. Glover
Shearron. Members are young
married couples, with an interest
in their home, their community.
On the agenda will be discussion
on the Charter, the Ton-Mile
tax, the proposed Constitutional
amendments, and the issues in
the National campaign. Speak
ers will be Phil Allen, well-known
Radio and Television commen
tator, and Mrs. Homer P. Smith
from the League of Women Vo
ters. All interested persons are
invited to come and take part.
Meeting will be held on Saturday
evening, October 20, at 8 p.m.
The old couple had just cele
brated their golden wedding an
niversary. Now all the guests
were gone, and they sat by the
open fireplace, hand in hand, with
her head on his shoulder, and
‘‘Mary,” he said tenderly,
"you’re still my sweetheart, in
fact, I’ve never had another
sweetheart because I never found
anyone as sweet and beautiful as
“Henry,” she replied, “you’re
as big a liar as ever, and I be
lieve you just the same.
film productions, according to Dr.
Harry C. Spencer, general secre
tary of the denomination's Tele
vision, Radio and Film Commis
Dr. Spencer said at least 30 mil
lion persons in the U. S. move each
year, and many of them lose con
tact with any church when they
move. “Our plan is to follow
them to their new homes via TV
and radio.” he asserted.
These interviews, cutting across
Republican, Democratic, and inde
pendent voting segments, indica
ted that, on the average, not more
than one in 20 of those voters wbo
backed President Eisenhower four
years ago, but who voted for Dem
<;ratic state nominees this year,
are now planning to vote for Adlai
E. Stevenson.
Another very small fraction of
1952 Eisenhower supporters are
now on the fence, according to
these interviews.
Thus, if this 5 per cent shift
proves correct, President Eisen
hower will still carry Maine very
heavily. But if the same percent
age were to prevail in some key
states, the election would be ex
tremely close nationally.
Although political observers are
seeking to draw broad political
implications for the nation from
the Maine results, the Maine vo
ters themselves generally regard
the outcome as based almost
wholly on the high caliber of the
Democratic nominees and strictly
Maine issues.
JVhile they believe the Democra
tic propaganda value inherent in
those results is high, they consider
the Maine election a strictly Maine
affair, indicating n o national
trend in the November presi
dential and congressional elec
Those Eisenhower backers, Re
publican, Democratic, and indepen
dent alike, who in large number*
helped reelect Democratic Gov.
Edmund S. Muskie and give one of
the three GOP-held congressional
seats, and possibly another to the
Democrats, do not believe they
have handicapped the President,
whom they may hope to reelect.
Defections Explained
Rather then feel their action*
may lead to state and federal pro
grams to boost Maine’ economic
If the interviews are indicative
of the general political temper of
Maine's voting population, the
President will suffer some Maine
defections for a variety of reas
ons, usually 'bccanse of those »
round him rather than anti-Eisen
hower feelings or pro-Stevensoo
Not a single Republican or Dem
ocrat who voted a straight party
ticket this year and supported his
party’s presidential nominee four
years ago, among the scores inter
viewed in many communities, re
ported that he would deviate in
The interviews tooK place on
main streets, in garages, shop*,
and at factory gates in such com
munities as Portland, Augusts,
Lewiston, Auburn, Biddeford, and
Among those voters who backed
President Eisenhower in 1952 but
plan to support Mr. Stevenson in
November was a retired govern
ment worker in Saco. j : He said:
“Until this year I always voted
a straight Republican ticket. This
year I voted for Governor Muskie
and for ‘Jim' Oliver for Congress.
I am going to vote for Mr Steven
son in November.
'For Little Man'
“I still like Eisenhower but I
don’t like the crowd around him.
They are too much for big busi
ness. I felt Muskie and Oliver
are for the little man.”
James C. Oliver of Cape Eliza
beth, Democratic nominee for Rep
resentative in Congress from the
1st Congressional District, came
within 29 votes of defeating Rep
resentative Robert Hale (R) of
Maine, seeking his eighth consecu
tive term.
In Auburn, a housewife was
typical of the few interviewed who
said they are now “on the fence’*
regarding the presidential elec
tion. • She reported she voted for
Governor Muskie and Frank 11.
Coffin, chairman of the Democratic
State Committee, who wrested tbs
2nd Congressional District seal
from the GOP, but is more heat
tant about President Eisenhowsr
because of the health issue.
The first District, many persons
interviewed stressed that tkey
voted for Mr. Oliver, the Demo
cratic nominee, on the ground that
Mr. Hale has been in office 14
years and “has done little for
Maine,” despite the fact that Us •
Washington Mr. Hale is regarded
as an excellent congressman.
Mr. Hale's stand against public
power, in contrast to Mr. Oliver**
constant demands that Maine’*
five major rivers and Passamo
quoddy be deveoped as public
power projects, cost him vote*.