The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 12, 1956, Page Two, Image 2

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    Notional Advertising Representative
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Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday
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a C. GALLOWAYPublisher and Maaagtog EdHm
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As these news servirea.
Three Months _—_—
■fat Mentha_
One Year----4.0A
One Month-•
Three Months_-_—--— l-*0
■Lx Months_
Owe Year_____—-______-ABA
Don't Play the American People
For Boobs
The late Samuel G. Blythe was among the most astute writers on
politics and public affairs the country has produced. Once he said,
"It’s always a great mistake to play the great American people for
This statement is quoted in a newspaper column written by
Joseph Alsop. The column describes a two-day tour he took around
Oregon, accompanied by a man who has made a profession of polling,
in search of the views of typical citizens on the questions that are
uppermost in their minds as this year’s political campaigns swing
into gear. He found that this kind of polling, conducted on a con
versational, face-to-face basis, is an astonishing experience—“What
you get is a great, rich slice of life, like a marvelous slice of cake
and political surprises of every sort as the nuts and raisins.” And
he came to the conclusion that many of the professional politicians
are wrong in what they think will sway the electorate. To be more
specific, he doesn't think that Republicans can afford to rely on
“peace and prosperity” appeals. Nor does he think the Democratic
strategist who said “there is no mileage in foreign affairs or defense”
is on anything resembling solid ground.
Oregon, small as it is in population, is regarded as a key state
in the ’96 election. The reason for that is found in a battle for the
Senate which promises to be a bitter, no-holds-barred affair. On one
side is the incumbent, Wayne Morse—formerly a Republican and
Eisenhower backer, zz'.r a Democrat and perhaps the President’s most
vocal critic. On the other is Douglas McKay, a former Oregon gover
nor and until a few months ago Secretary of the Interior. McKay is
thus the symbol of the Administration’s stand on natural resources
development—including the partnership plan of hydroelectric power
development. Morse has nothing but harsh words for partnership, and
is 100 per cent in favor of federal dams and power plants. It has been
taken as a truism that these utterly opposed views on the electric power
question will dominate the campaign—and that this is the question
that most interests the voters of the state and region.
But Mr. Alsop, obviously to his surprise, found that this was not
the case at all. The power issue, to the people he talked to, “... .was
cot an urgent matter.” A large majority were content with the part
nership concept. The big issue, dwarfing all others, was foreign
policy. These people displayed, to him, an "amazing and stirring show
ing of realistic concentration on our truly major national problem.”
They were well-informed. They talked of the Suez Canal crisis, of
Russian cold war strategy, and other such matters. And they did not
feel that either party has any monopoly on virtue or achievement in
the foreign policy field.
To sum up,Mr. Alsop found that these representative American
voters—farmers, a housepainter, retired people, a young housewife,
and so on—were a thoughtful group with the ability to separate the
wheat of real issues from the chaff of political rhetoric. Those who
seek office would do well to remember Blythe’s admonition: “It’s al
ways a mistake to play the great American people for boobs.”
In A Free Country
One of Texas’ leading newspapers, the Dallas Morning News, re
cently ran an editorial on certain legal matters affecting the state's
right-to-work law. In conclusion it said: ..The News is sincerely
and unalterably dedicated to the conviction that in a free country, on
law should be enacted or upheld as constitutional that compels a man
to join a union to obtain or keep his job, just as no law should pre
vent him from joining a union to hold his job."
That is a simple and admirable sentence—for it completely coven
the great principle of the right-to-work movement, regardless of the
verbal complexities that many appear in a particular piece of legisla
United For Civil Defense
The United States. Probably never before in our nation’s history
has the word “united” had so much meaning. More than the States
united, it now means the united parts of every state — people united,
business united, cities and farms and rural communities, united.
Modern transportation, communication, buying and selling have
tied America together. No part of the nation is separate and apart.
The intercontinental bomber and atomic and hydrogen bombs in
the hands of a potential enemy have also united us in a common
danger. To meet that danger, we must unite under the civil defense
It is only common sense to plan now for our survival and our re
covery, so we can fight back and win any war that threatens to de
stroy us. Civil defense is that plan. Its importance to the nation
has been emphasized by President Eisenhower’s action in setting a
side the week of September 9th as the nation’s first Civil Defense
We in the nation’s smaller cities and rural areas are a vital part
of civil defense. A big part of survival depends on us.
It doesn't take military experts to figure where an enemy would
strike first. He’ll troy to knock out our air bases, cripple our in
dustries and destroy our cities. His goals will be to crush our ways
and will to fight back, and to win an early victory.
Despite Unrest, South Moves
To Integrate
(From Chicago Americgp)
The school integration issue, deepest thorn in the side of the
South, is stirring Dixie passions as never before since the Civil War,
and is casting a shadow of uneasiness over the rest of the nation.
Angry words, violence Dare in some southern communities; troops,
janfcs and bayonets have been called out to preserve order Other
sections are flatly resisting the Supreme Court desegregation order
with all kinds of legal maneuvers.
But the truth is that isolated disorders have tended to over
bh.idow the fact that desegregation is spreading—however slowly.
ALONG THE FRINGES of the Deep South, and in some instances
even in the Dixie heartland, Lntegregation is going ahead without
trouble in hundreds of classrooms.
Three weeks after the start of the 1958 school year, this is the
situation as outlined by a Hearst Newspapers’ survey;
An estimated 2,400,000 Negro pupils in the South and border
states still are segregated. About 300,000 have been integrated, an
increase of 40,000 over last year.
FIVE STATES—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South
Carolina—still are completely segregated at all school levels.
Three states segregated at elementary and secondary levels—Louisi
ana, North Carolina, Virginia—have Negroes in state-supported col
An estimated 723 school districts, now have desegregated, 183
more than last spring. But 3,000 districts still are segregated.
Most notable integration advances have been made in Maryland
where 85 per cent of Negro students are in mixed classes this fall,
and West Virginia, where 20 counties are wholly desegregated, 21
partly so. Last year's total for both categories was 17.
IN KENTUCKY, despite disorders and banning of Negroes at Stur
gis and Clay, integration is progressing in 105 of the state’s 120
In Texas, desegregated districts numbered 73 last spring, more
than 100 this fall and plans are under way to integrate East Texas,
an area with heavy Negro population, next year.
Oklahoma began the school year with 161 districts desegregated,
73 more than last spring; Missouri has thrown open its school doors
to Negroes in 120 out 244 districts and Arkansas has a gradual in
tegration plan running smoothly.
IN TENNESSEE, schools at Oak Ridge were desegrgated last year
and the only further integration has been at Clinton, despite demon
Admittedly, the progress of integration Is at a crawling pace. But
there has been less violence than expected aud educators, by and large,
feel a good beginning has been made.
What Others Say
there are too many politicians in our county, state and nation who
are barking up the wrong tree when they appeal solely to the immedi
ate self interest of voters. Thinking people understand that govern
ment money comes from somebody’s taxes. They also know that in
dividual rights and liberties are too precious to be traded for the
Esau's pottage of temporary government favors."
NOGALES, ARIZ., DAILY HERALD: “We Americans eat an aver
age of 65 millions pounds of meat every day—enough to fill 2,500
railroad refrigerator cars.”
FAULKTON, S. D., RECORD: .. .Dr. Jonas Salk and other re- j
searchers, coupled with the tremendous production effort of the na-1
tion's pharmaceutical manufacturers, have at long last given mankind ,
1 an inexpensive, plentiful vaccine that promises to end for all time i
the ravages of paralytic poliomyelitis. Whether mankind will take j
advantage of this golden opportunity remains to be seen-Of the >
31 million American Children most susceptible to polio_less than
half have sought Salk protection.”
SYCAMORE, OHIO, LEADER: "Nothing indicates approval of a
newspaper like a subscription check.”
Thank God For Our Courts!
The NAACP, which has stood as the bulwark of freedom and
justice in the United States for more than 40 years, is the target
these days of racists all over the southland. The home of a leader
is burned in South Carolina. An official in Florida is intimidated and
jailed by police officers over an alleged traffic violation Its activities
have been banned in two southern states and a third, Texas, is at
tempting now to have its operations declared illegal within its borders.
Already, the regional office in Dallas has been closed, pending the out
come of the trial now going on in Tyler.
Such acts of violence and injustice would alarm us were it not
for the great confidence that we have in the American judical system.
Our courts, for the most part, are directed by able, unbiased judges
whose well-trained, disciplined minds weigh both sides of every ques
tion which comes before them, apply the law and arrive at a fair and
just decision.
If our case is just and right is on our side, we need not fear. We
will come out all right in the end, even though there may be set
, backs from time to time. Unfortunately, judges in the lower courts
sometimes are influenced by attitudes in the community and decisions
are made not in accordance with the law and the facts but according
to “popular” thinking. But when the case goes on to a higher court
and is heard on appeal, only the facts and the law count. We can
depend upon our NAACP lawyers to establish such a strong case in the
trial court that even if the judge rules against them, they can win on
appeal. The integrity of our courts as a whole is unquestioned.
The NAACP will not be outlawed in Texas! The NAACP will
win its current fight for its life in the Lone Star state because through
out its 40-odd years of existence it has fought for justice, equality and
right. Wrong never triumphs over right. NAACP members in other
parts of the country need not despair. The temporary set-backs in
Ixmisiana, Alabama and Texas instead of discouraging them should
spur them on to fight the more vigorously in their home communities
to make the NAACP stronger than ever.
News From Around Nebraska
Dakota City is going ail out for the horse races which are
| being run on the new Atokad track there. Even the grocery
stores close so the owners and clerks can attend. In the first 11
days of racing the parimutuel windows took in $727,189 of bets,
the Star reported. Saturday, September 29th, saw $92,000 bet
at the windows.
The races are drawing big crowds, especially from Sioux City
where parimutuel betting is illegal.
• • •
At Lexington, the Future Farmers of America clubs have
undertaken the job of clearing rural corners of all high weeds,
corn and other obstructions to the view. Each corner, when
finished, is labeled “FFA jjaftey Corner” so that motorists may
know to whom they are obligated for the clear vision which has
been afforded them. The program is designed to eliminate some
of the blind corner hazards of rural driving.
• • •
At Crete, an outlying section near Doane College, known as
"Crete Heights” has been taken into the city, according to the
Crete News. The area, very similar to Blair’s Dana College area,
will henceforth receive city sewer, water and full utility service.
The addition of the area to the town was brought about by a
request for city sewer service which had been withheld because
the area did not pay city taxes.
• • •
The Garden County News, printed at OshKosh, carried an
item last week about the exceptionally fine corn near Lewellen,
Nebraska. The corn, raised on irrigated ground, will produce
an average of 75 bushels per acre, the News stated.
Another good corn 3tory was printed by the Dawson County
Herald at Lexington. The Herald showed pictures of a corn field
which was hailed into the ground by a storm on June 21st. Irriga
tion and good conditions brought the corn through to produce a
crop of 50 to 60 btlshels per acre. Fields in the area which were
not damaged by the hail will produce even better, the Herald said.
• • •
Chadron will have its first cross-country airplane service next
Sunday, according to the Chadron Record. A new runway, built
especially to accomodate the larger planes, has been completed
and Western Airlines’ Minneapolis to Denver flight will stop
there twice daily. A big celebration climaxed by a dance at one
of the airport hangars is being arranged in commemoration of the
start of the new service.
• • •
Voters at Central City put that community into the retail
natural gas business last week when they voted to buy the gas
distributing system from the Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co.
The vote was 667 to 72. Central City will pay the gas company
$92,000 for the system and will henceforth take care of the retail
details much the same way that Blair handles its electric utilities.
The decision to purchase the gas system was the culmination
of a long hassel arising out of an attempt on the part of the gas
company to raise rates. Central City users pointed to a franchise
which they said did not provide grounds for the price increase.
When blocked in their efforts at a price raise, the gas company
withdrew their office and other services which had been available.
Laws Choking
U. S. Growth
"How Many Immigrants
Should W# Admit*-'-'
NEW YORK, N. Y. —“This
country should admit ten times
as many immigrants as we now
do”, asserts Department of Agri
culture Economist Louis H. Bean.
The harsh provisions of our
quota system has dealt the United
States a $35,000,000,000 loss in
national income and production,
says Bean writing in the current
issue of Coronet Magazine.
If this country had admitted
only one per cent of its total pop
ulation during the past three de
cades. we would now have 500,000
additional enterprises, no farm
surplus worries and an 11 per
cent increase in national produc
tion, states the Coronet article.
The extent that this nation has
gone to choke off its economic
growth argues Bean, "leads us to
the conclusion that we have paid
an exhorbitant price for permit
ting the immigrant flow to drop."
Our country is big enough and
rich enough in land and other re
sources to add immigrants to our
population at the normal rate.
In the next ten years national
production is going to rise 40%
from its present level. It would
rise even more—with more im
“Although I have purposely
stressed only hard economic
facts”, states Bean in the Coronet
article, “I am keenly aware of the
great human problems that the
McCarron Act of 1952, and Presi
dent Eisenhower's Refugee Relief
Act of 1953 have created with
their severe exclusive provisions."
Helps Heal And Clear
Itchy Skin Rash!
Zemo, a doctor’s antiseptic,
promptly relieves itching, stops
scratching and so helps heal and
clear surface rashes. Buy Extra
Strength Zemo lot
stubborn cases!
Itching Torture
A doctor’s formula—soothing anti
septic Zemo—promptly relieves the
itching, burning of Skin Rashes,
Ecsema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and
Athlete’s Foot Zemo stops scratch
ing and so aids he al-ljf/^fyi
ing of irritated «kin " "" "
3053 S. State Street
Chicago, 9, Hi.
SAMPLE (State Shade Desired) 1
( ) High Brown ( ) Creole-Tan
( ) Nut Brown ( ) OliveTan
Address - -.
Re-Elect for Another Term as
8 Years Experience as a District
Judge —1946-1954
jji • Native ol Nebraska
1^8 • Omaha Resident Since 1921
• War Veteran
^ • Member of Confrere 1955 1956
Article in Reader’s Digest Reveals
Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension
Is So Often a Needless Misery!
Do you suffer terrible nervous ten
sion — feel Jittery, irritable, de
pressed—Just before your period
each month? A startling article In
READER'S DIGEST reveals such
pre-menstrua! torment Is needless
misery In many cases!
Thousands have already discov
ered how to avoid such suffering.
With Lydia Pinkham's Compound
and Tablets, they're so much hap
pier. less tense as those "difficult
days" approach!
Lydia Plnkham's
has a remarkable
soothing effect on
the tource of such
distress. In doctors'
tests, Pinkham's
stopped ... or strikingly relieved
... pain and discomfort! 3 out of 4
women got glorious relief!
Taken regularly, Plnkham's re
lieves the headaches, cramps, nerv
ous tension . . . during and be/ort
your period. Many women never
suffer—even on the flrtt day I Why
should you? This month,start tak
ing Plnkham's. See if you don’t
escape ore-menstrual tension.. .so
often the cause of unhappiness.
Get Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ...
or convenient new
Tablet* which have
blood - building Iron
added. At druggists,
•kff asUd 4mtm
la 4actan' aaaiia|
pra4act, 3 aal al 4 vaata (at
rclial ai aarvtat litbiu, paw I
Waa4arlal ralitl 4aria| aa4
Mara tbaaa "4iiii«all 4aj«"t
I. Your Present and Experienced
District Judges
0 James T. English
0 Carroll O. Stauffer
0 L. Ross Newkirk
0 James M. Fitzgerald
0 Arthur C. Thomsen
0 W. A. Day
0 James M. Patton
0 Patrick Wm. Lynch
0 Herbert Rhoades
The Public Is Entitled to the
Services of Experienced Judges
Even a slight change to feeding
schedule can cause a digestive up
set to young animals. Just as It does
to human beings.
QaTei Re/ief of
not a ana ingredient form,-la . . . STAN
BACK combine* taverpl medically proven
pam raliavart into ana aaty t* take data.
, . . The added effect,vena*# of that*
MULTIPLE ingrediente bring* fatter, mare
complete relief. #at*«g aneiaty and
ulually accompanying pain . , .
Agpinat Any
Yau'va Evar
For President
Dwight D. Eisenhower
For Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon
For Governor
□ Victor E. Anderson, 6501 Havelock, Lincoln, Neb.
For Lieutenant Governor
□ Dwight W. Burney_Hartington, Neb.
For Secretary of State
O Frank Marsh.. 2701 So. 34th St, Lincoln, Neb.
For Auditor of Public Accounts
□ Ray C. Johnson..3911 “A” St., Lincoln, Neb.
For State Treasurer
□ Ralph W. Hill_Hebron, Neb.
For Attorney General
□ Clarence S. Beck, 5th & Pine, North Platte, Neb.
For Railway Commissioner
□ Wayne R. Swanson.6617 Spencer, Omaha, Neb.
For Representative In Congress
Second District
□ Glenn Cunningham „.5514 Harney, Omaha, Neb.
4 ~
For County Cleric
□ John Slavik _____Omaha, Neb.
For County Commissioner
5th District
□ Leonard Bergman_ 3263 Jackson, Omaha, Neb.
For County Commissioner
3rd District
□ Dexter N. Nygaard_2416 Redick, Omaha, Neb.
For Register of Deeds
□ Jack Loyd Ewing — 6060 So. 37th, Omaha, Neb.
For County Attorney Short Term
□ Joseph R. Moore, A tty., 1526 City Na’tl Bk. Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
For Public Defender
□ Ralph W. Adams, Atty. — 2622 No. 24th, Omaha
2118 N. 24th Street
Phone JAckson 9368
Mr . Charles Hall, Prop.
Cleaners &
1H1 North 24th Stroot Wobttor 94«4