The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 12, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 30 No. 32_Friday, October 12, 1956__10c Per Copy
Mob Violence Will Not
Stop Integration
It is reported in the Herald Tribune of Septem
ber 17, 1956, that the white townspeople of Clay,
Kentucky, prayed and sang their hymns on Sunday,
September 16, with their hearts full of joy over the
expectation that the little Negro children who have
been attending the Clay school under the protection
of 500 national guardsmen will be officially, legally
and politely turned away from the door of the Clay
Consolidated School when they appeared on Mon
day morning to enter the classrooms. In other
words, the southern way of life, namely, jim crow,
though in violation of the Declaration of Independ
ence, the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amend
ment to the Federal Constitution, will be restored.
It is inconceivable, however, that the State of
Kentucky and the Federal Government would stand
• idly by and permit the Federal Constitution to be
made a scrap of paper by mob rule.
certainly me major test ot the capacity ot
people for self-government is the maintenance of
law and order. Even an acknowledged criminal, in
a civilized society, is entitled to pay nis debt to so
ciety for the crime committed in accordance with
the due processes of law.
How can the United States of America, the most
powerful nation on earth, dare talk about free elec
tions in East Germany, and preach the doctrines of
democracy to the peoples of Europe, Asia and
Africa, when they permit the fury of mob law to
shape the way of life of various communities in our
own land, in obedience to racial prejudice? What
can the Declaration of Independence and the Fed
eral Constitution mean to tne yellow, brown and
black peoples of Asia and Africa, as well as the
white people of Europe, when little innocent black
boys and girls are turned away from a school house
merely because of race and color?
Even if a public official be not in accord with
the doctrine of integration, his moral and legal ob
ligation and duty are to maintain law and order.
While groups of misguided and inflamed citi
zens in various southern communities rage and rave
against colored children attending so-called white
schools, if the police in these communities, even with
out the assistance of the national guard, were sin
cere, impartial and determined to keep the peace, it
could be kept, and little colored and white children
would be safe in attending the same school. Of
course, whenever local authorities fail to carry out
their duties in preventing the monster of mob law
to run riot, the Governor of the State, as was done
by Governor Clements of Tennessee and Governor
Chandler of Kentucky, should send the national
guard. If the national guard should fail to restore
peace and maintain law and order, the President of
the United States should see to it that the national
guard and the local authorities are reinforced by
federal troops.
Boys Town
Choir Sings
Next Tues.
The Boys Town Choir, under
the direction of the Rev. Francis
F. Schmidt, will present a "going
away" concert next Tuesday
evening, October 16, at 8 o'clock,
at the Boys Town Music Hall.
The choir will leave the follow
ing day on its 10th annual con
cert tour which will take them
through midwestern and eastern
The program for the 1956 tour
spans five centuries of musical
composition, from 16th century
masters such aa Palestrina, V
loria and Monteverdi to modern
composers like FI or Peeters, Jean
Langlais and Bonavenlura Som
mi, ranging from liturgical music
through folk songs and carols,
spirituals and light classics, to
music in the modern idiom.
The concert program is divided i
into three general classifications,
the first consisting of folk songs
of England. Germany, France,
Ireland and America, along with
a group of songs for Twelfth
The second section of the pro
gram consists of liturgical music,
from Palestrina to the modern
day. An interesting note in con
nection with the liturgical portion
of the program la that three of
the contemporary composers rep
resented have visited Boys Town.
They are Flor Peeters, the em
inent Belgian composer and or |
ganist, who gave an organ recital
at the Dowd Memorial Chapel in
October, 1963, and more recently
was on the guest faculty of the
fourth annual liturgical music
workshop held at Boys Town dur
ing A usust.
Jean Langlais, blind French or
ganist, gave a recital at Boys
Maudine Mayo
Mrs. Maudine Cade Mayo, age
44 years, of 3019 Emmet Street,
mother of Omaha pianist, Robert
Robinson, now of New York
City, expired Wednesday Octo
ber 10, 1956 at a local hospital.
She was an Omaha resident
26 years.
Mrs. Mayo is survived by her
husband, Joseph Mayo of Oma
ha; son Robert Robinson of New
York City; mother, Mrs Maggie
Cade of Sulpher, Oklahoma; 4
and Mrs. Josie Giles of Omaha,
Mrs. Helen Reid of Pocatello,
Idaho; Mrs. Cecil Dowd of Sul
pher, Oklahoma; 3 brothers,
Buster Cade of Omaha, Curtis
Cade of San Francisco, Califor
nia and Eugene Cade of Sul
pher, Oklahoma.
Town in February of this year,
while Bonavent ura Somma
brought his celebrated Choir of
the Academy of Santa Cecilia
from Rome for a concert at i>
Town in October, 1955,
The final portion of the concert
program includes a variety of
light-hearted melodies such as
American folk songs, spirituals,
songs by Stephen Foster, and A
medley of Viennese songs.
The latter numbers were among
music which the late Msgr. Ed
ward J. Flanagan, founder of Boys
Town, had secured for the choir
in Vienna while on a youth wel
fare mission for the United States
Government, which were found
among his effects which were
shipped home after his death In
Berlin, Germany, on May 15,
The songs were arranged by
Father Schmitt, and have often
been included in the concert
The public is cordially Invited
to the concert. There will be no
admission charge.
“It is the highest privilege
of every citizen...”
If someone tried to take your vote away, you would probably fight Yet you can lose
ithe privilege of voting by forgetting to register in time.
So many elections have been won and lost by a tiny handful of votes in each voting
.{area that your personal vote this year could actually decide who is elected.
As President Eisenhower pointed cat recently:
Ml< b not Ml; the kifkal privilege but ike duly of every dtiaen
to vole. Lee us remember we rennet vole if wo do not register."
"Lincoln defined this government la three wayst ‘of, by, end for
the people,' implying that If people did not exerdae their right to
govern, their government would perish from the earth."
, "I have unlimited faith in America aa long as America will express
Hadf. The only thing I should like to see b every American vela!”
* -
'Make sure YOU are registered. Call your local election officials for time and plat* '
of registration days.
To Install
Sometime this week the North
western Bell Telephone Company
will install its two millionth tele
phone in one of the five states it
“It would be quite difficult to
determine where we put in the
telephone that is exactly No.
2 000.000”, said Mr. G. A. Holmes.
District Manager here. "Every
working hour there are many
telephones being installed Actu
ally, it’s quite possible that the
two millionth is right here in our
oun community.”
Northwestern Bell reached its
first million telephones In 1944,
which was 68 years after Alexan
der Graham Bell’s invention. It
has taken just 12 years to reach
the second million.
In the same 12 year period, the
number of telephones in Omaha
has increased from 82,604 to
150,808. a gain of 68,204. Seven
central offices - Pleasan . Pros
pect, Orchard, Regent, Terrace,
Lake and Yellowstone, have been
added to take care of this growth.
The average investment per
telephone when the first millionth
telephone was installed was $202,
Mr. Holmes said. The added In
vestment per telephone required
to reach the second million has |
brought to $285 the average for
all 2,000X100 telephones in ser
vice. In the last 12 months, re
flecting today's higher costs, the
average investment per telephone
added has been $434.
"It is interesting to note," Mr.
Holmes concluded, "that with all
the tremendous advances in the
use of automatic machinery there
»re many more telephone men and
women at work in our company
than ever before. We had 14,000
people in 1044 and today we have
well over 24,000.’’
Gun Blast
Kills Fred
Lee Booker
Fred Lee Booker, age 28 year*,
of 1441 No. 20th Street, was
I killed by shot gun blasts early
Sunday morning October 7, 1956
24th and Patrick Avenue.
; He was an Omaha resident 24
years and was a member of the
Goodfellows Athletic Club of
which he served as Chairman of
the Sick Committee. He had been
employed at the American Smelt
ing and Refining Co. for the past
14 months.
lie is survived oy ms wiie, airs.
Lorene Booker; 3 sons, Fred Lee,
HI, Stephen Laverne and Donald
Joe; daughter, Sandra, all of Om
aha; father, Fred Lee Booker.
Sr., of Sapulpa, Oklahoma; 2 sis
ters, Mrs. Ruby Morgan and Mrs.
Ruth McIntosh, both of Omaha;
2 grandmothers, Mrs. Pearly
Booker of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and
Mrs. Georgia Booker of Kansas
City, Kansas; 2 aunts, Mrs. Hen
rietta Hunter of Sapulpa, Oklaho
ma, and Mrs. Alma Johnson of
Tulsa, Oklahoma; uncle, Herbert
Robinson of Sapulpa, Oklahoma;
3 great aunts, Mrs. Georgia Coop
er of Omaha, Mrs. Maggie Mc
Neal and Mrs. Callie Booker of
Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and a host of
cousins and other relatives.
Funeral services tenatively ar
ranged for Thursday, October 11
1956 at 2:00 p.m. from the Para
d'se Baptist Church with Dr, C.
Adams officiating.
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
The average person eats about
104 pounds of potatoes a year.
“It would be easier for young
sters to learn good manners U
they saw more of them.”
Cut Tart Shells: Use the metal
top of a pound coffee can to cut
tart shells. The 5-inch circles
are just the right size to fit over
the back of muffin tins.
Seeking Jobs
On Merits
AIBANY, October 2 (AP) —
Governor Harriman praised today
the eighteen airlines serving New
York State for their pledge to
step up efforts to end all dis
crimination in airline employ
He said the agreement, an
nounced yesterday by the State
Commission Against Discrimina
tion, “ marks a new advance by
private enterprise in America to
ward achievement of vital dem
ocratic goals."
The Governor congratulated
C h a r les Abrams, commission
chairman for his part in bringing
about the agreement.
The eighteen airlines include
all major ones in the nation.
Students Told
of Doria
Mr, Ernest C. Griggs, Jr., Uni
ted Nations Social Welfare Ad
visor for the Middle East was
guest speaker at Virginia Union
October 3, during the regular
chapel hour. The purpose of his!
visit was to explain to the stu-j
dents the operation of the United)
Nations' social welfare program
for the Middle East. Aside from
the great interest shown by the
students in his address, there was
tremendous Interest in the fact
that Mr. Griggs, his wife and son
►/ere passengers on the Andrea
Doria at the lime of its accident
with the Stockholm during Aug
ust. After the question and an
swer period, Mr. Griggs praised
the students to some of the Uni
versity officials for being so up
to-date in their information and
interest in world affairs.
Union Is
Favorable to
The foil owing statement
was issued by AFL-CIOprcs
ident George Meany, on “Na
tional Employ the Physically
Handicapped Week”:
“The AFL-CIO is built on the
Trade Union tradition of working
for the general welfare of all
people — and that includes, of
course, the physically handicap
ped. We believe America's hand
icapped workers are entitled to a
chance to prove their ability.
It's ability, not disability, that
“This is the 12th year tn which
the National Employ the Physi
cally Handicapped Week (October
the millions of handicapped in
7-13, 1956) will be observed. For
America, this week will be just t
little brighter than the last
“During the past 12 years since
the law was enacted, we have
seen a growing interest in the
problem. Thousands of handi
capped workers have proved their
ability to perform useful work
whenever they are given employ
ment opportunities.
"Jobs must be made available
to them. Jobs for which they
have been trained and for which
they are qualified.
“Our unions are determined to
do what they can to see that a
person with an Impairment U not
denied the opportunity to earn
a living.
“We believe that management
should take an enlightened view
of this problem, but we also be
lieve in accepting our own share
of this responsibility.
"I urge all members of organ
ized labor as well as the national
public to help in the national
program to give tehphysically
program to give the physically
ity—not only during this week
but the year 'round.”
Leslie Shipman
Mr. Leslie Shipman, 70 years,
2724 North 30th Street, passed
away Tuesday morning October
Mr. Shipman was a retired
grading contractor and had been
a resident of Omaha thirty seven
He is survived by hi3 wife, Mrs.
Mollie R. Shipman, Omaha; two
daughters, Mrs. Thelma Unthank,
Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Madeline
Wright, Seattle, Washington; six
grand children., two great grand
children, three brothers. Mr. Ru
dolph Shipman, Omaha; Mr. Wil
liam and Mr. Elmer Shipman,
Fairfax, South Dakota; two sis
ters, Mrs. Mary Rosacker, Eugene,
Oregon; Mrs. Emma Stuckwich,
Battle Creek, Michigan; nieces
and nephews and other relatives.
Funeral services were held ten
oclock Friday morning, October
5th from St. Phillips’ Episcopal
Church with Father S. N. Jacobs
Pall bearers, Mr. Burns Scott,
Willis Gray, Russell Bryan, Wil
liam Haynes, Earl Wheeler, Bert
Fowler. Iterment was 2:30 p.m.
U. Nations
Sunday Is
October 21st
A “United Nations Sunday”
celebration will be held on Octo
ber 21st, at 3:00 P.M. in Memorial
Park, West Dodge Street, Omaha.
The gathering will be at the
place where a tree was planted
and dedicated last year, as part of
Omaha's observance then.
In case of bad weather, the
ceremony will be in the Omaha
University auditorium.
This observance is sponsored
by the United Veterans Council
of Omaha, an organization com
posed of representatives of the
several veterans’ groups in the
Colonel Sweeney, Speaker
Musical numbers will be given
by the Offutt AFB Band, which
will, also, render a band concert
beginning at 2:30 o’clock.
Clergymen, for mer military
chaplains, will participate in the
! The Governor, Mayor of Omab
our Congressmen, and other of
ficals, are being invited to attend
ai.d bring brief greetings. Also,
the Chairman of State United
Nations Committee, Samuel T.
Berek, Fremont.
The main speaker is Colonel
Hardin C. Sweeney, USA (Ret.),
a former Chief of the Nebraska
Military District. He has travel
ed extensively in both Europe
and Asia, so has wide acquain
tance with many of the countries
composing the United States *t
Colonel Sweeney, once the Dep
uty Chief of a mission, with the
Soviet Army, is one of the few
persons who has gone far into
those nations now behind the Iron
Native Costumes Wanted
Our newer citizens from foreign
countries, as well as their de
scendants, all who can wear na
tive costumes, are urged to at
tend to give both color and at
If possible to plan, a parade of
cars (convertible type) will carry
those in native costumes to Mem
orial Park from Courthouse
Square, as special guests of the
Those with foreign costume
who can comply with the request
to represent their former nations
are urged to contact one of the
following for further details: Jack
Head, 2036 Howard Street, (HAr
nry 0749) or Dr. Earle Conover,
3125 Mason Street, (WEbster 6035)
Mr. Speaker Of
The Gold Coast
The distinguished African. —
70, re-elected Speaker of the Leg
islative assembly in the Gold
Sir Emmanuel has been presid
ing over meetings of the Gold
Coast Legislature since 1949,
when he was appointed President
of the Legislative Council.
He was elected Speaker after
the 1951 general election, and a
gain after the election held in
June 1954, and is now serving his
third term.
Charter **
Talks Are
Scheduled -
Thirty-four speaking engage
ments are scheduled on the pro
posed new Home Rule Charter in
the next eight days, announced
the Co-Chairmen of the Citizenaf
Information Committee on Home
Rule Charter.
Dr. Milo Bail, President of Om
aha University, and Father Carl
M. Reinert, President of Creigh
ton University, are Co-Chairmen
of the group sponsoring the Char
ter Convention Speakers’ Bureau.
They are endeavoring eo encour
age Omahans to “study the Char
ter so they can vote intelligent
Dr. Bail and Father Reinert
said the “tremendous response
from the various clubs and organ
izations inviting Charter speak
ers is an indication of the large
interest in the Charter.”
To date, speakers have ap
peared before 75 clubs and or
ganizations in Omaha since the
Speakers’ Bureau was established
a month ago. Requests for speak
ers should be addressed to the
C h a rter Convention Speakers*
Bureau, 340 Electric Building
The telephone number is Jack
son 8044.
Following is a list of the spik
ing engagements scheduled dur
ing the next eight days. The
names of the speakers appear
when possible.
Wednesday, October 10 —8:2®
a.m., Central High School Civic*
Class, Wayne Anderson.
—9 a.m., Jewish War eteran*.
Samuel V. Cooper, Jewish Com
munity Center.
—6:30 p.m., Omaha Dispensing
Agency, Arthur Bradley, Jr.„
Town House.
Thursday, October 11—6 p.m.,
Omaha Credit Womens’ Assn.,
Hotel Sheratan-Fontenelle,
Arthur Bradley, Jr. —8 p.m.,
Corrigan School PTA, 38th and
X Streets, Fred Jacobberger.
—8 p.m.. Pilgrim Lutheran
Church, 42nd and Bancroft —
9 p.m., Omaha Food Retailers*
Blackstone Hotel.
Friday, October 12—9:30 a.m..
League of Women Voters,
YWCA, Howard Drew.
—12 Noon, Sertoma Club, Sher
aton-Fontenelle, A. V. Soren
Saturday, October 13—7:45 p.m..
United Commercial Travelers,
Castle Hotel. —8:00 p.m., Na
tional Federation of Post Of
fice Clerks, Labor Temple. A.
V. Sorensen.
Sunday, October 14—7:30 p.m-.
First Presbyterian Chun*
"Gateway to Life” Group, 34th
and Farnam, A. V. Sorensen.
Monday, October 15—12 Noon.
Insurance Executive Division of
Chamber of Commerce, at
Chamber, Howard Drew.
—12 Noon, Y’s Mens Club,
YMCA, John R. Maenner. —
2:00 p.m., YWCA Staff, YWCA.
A. V. Sorensen.
Tuesday, October 16—7:45 p.m..
Park School PTA, Mike Milder.
—8:00 p.m., North High School
PTA, Charles Peters. —8.15
p.m., Columbian School PTA,
Howard Drew. 8:15 pm»..
Saunders School PTA, N. Phi!
Dodge. —8:00 p.m., Kenom
School PTA, Fred Jacobber
ger. —8:00 p.m., Bancroft
School PTA —6:30 p.m., Ben
son Lions, Kenny’s Steak House.
A. V. Sorensen.
Wednesday, October 17—12 Now.
Junior Chamber of Commerce,
at Chamber, John R. Maenner
—12 Noon, Optimist Club, Hotel
Sheratan-Fontenelle, 1 Howard!
Drew. —8 p.m., Edward R<w»
water PTA, Charles Peters. —«
p.m., Women’s Division, Cham
ber of Commerce, Howl
Drew. —8 p.m., Beth Isne^
Samuel V. Cooper. —8 pun*
South Omaha American T rilm
Howard Drew and Thomas X
O’Conner. —8 p.m., Lone
School PTA. Charles Paters. _
€ p.m., Omaha Credit Women’*
Assn., Arthur Bradley. JT*
Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. —.
8 p.m., Clifton Hill School
PTA, John Maenner.
Thursday, October 18—12 Noam
South Omaha Kiwanis Club, A.
V. Sorensen and Thomas X
O'Conner. —10:30 a.m„ South
Omaha League of Women Vo
ters, Public Library, Hatiy