The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 28, 1956, Page Four, Image 4

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    WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and
the Names and Addresses of people
■ that are looking for a place to stay;
and for people who want to rent an
apartment. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One single room
for working woman at 2114
Burdette St. Call Ja. 6684.
FOR RENT: Nice large room for(
couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities
paid. Call HA. 0800.
ED: We want to rent that
Apartment you Have for Rent.
CaD HA 0840._
We want to aell that ear or truck
you hare to sale. Call HA 0800.
We want to aell that piece of
furniture you have, for tale.
Call HA 0800. _
REMEMBER We are in tha Rent
ing and telling business. Give
ue a ring. HA 0800.
HA 0800. _
The Waller Radio Re
pair Shop, which was
located at 1904 North
24th St has moved to
2525 North 20th St. 1
block north from Lako
St. on the east side
of North 20th St. Let
us Repair your Radio
in the car or your
home. Day & Night
Service, tall JA 0669.
FOR RENT: Several nu._ exclusive
rooms for men. Price reasonable
Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: A furnished apart
ment at 2433 Madison St. Call
PL 2433.
.. ■ " "" — i
WANTED TO RENT: 3-room a
partment north of Lake St.
that will accept children. Call]
Ja. 5087.
FOR RENT Nice sleeping room.
Call PI 2796.
fOR RENT: Two nice rooms for
men only. Nice location. Call
PI. 5119.
FOR RENT: A furnished 2 room
Apt. Call PL. 1981. Mrs. Bodie
room apartment. Call JA 1825
after 5 P.M.
WANTED-TQ~RENT: "A 4 "room
r house. Call Mrs. Cobbs. PL.8063.
ALYST. The stars impel but do
not compel. $1 pet question.
Send birth dates. 738 W. Wash.,
Council Bluffs, Phone 3 • 1956.
FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish
ed apartments. Three 3-room
furnished apartments. Two 4
room furnished apartments. Call
HA 0800.
FOR RENT: We will have a four
room unfurnished apartment to
rent on August 15, 1956 better
come in now, see it. These four
large rooms on North Lake St.
You have your own private
bath. All for only $17.50 per
week. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One furnished room
for a working woman or man.
% block from two bus lines.
Call PL 4645.
FOR RENT: One 4 room unfur
nished Apt. 1V4 block from
bus line. Call Ha (MOO before
9:30 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m.
FOR RENT: A lovely 2-room turn
ished apartment at 3007 Bur
dette St. Cali after 5:30 P.M.
PR 2158.
"TOR RENT: A 2-room furnished
apartment for working couple
will accept one or two small
children. Call PR 0673.
We have a mother with five
children who is having a hard time
keeping shelter over their heads
She can afford to pay $75.00 oi
$80.00 a month rent. She will
make someone a good steady ten
ant. She is now living in th«
housing project. Her daughtei
got married a few weeks ago du<
ta this fact she has been orderec
to vacate. She gets child assist
ant Aid and her daughter gets i
check from the army for her per
aonal support. She has a goo<
record of having her childrei
under good control. And a goo<
record of paying her rent oi
time. She wants four room* un
furnished except for Refrigerate!
and stove. If you want a goo<
reliable tenant call the Omahi
Guide. HA 0600.
FOR RENT: 2 3-room Apt, Un
furnished. All utilities paid
by owner. Call PI. 0256 or
Ja. 3634.
' FOR RENT: One 5 room Apt un
furnished. All utilities paid by
owner. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634.
FOR RENT: 2 or 3 room furnish
ed Apt. Also 1 single furnish
ed room for working man or
woman. 2603 No. 18th St. or
Call At. 8817.
room unfurnished apartment or
a 4 or 5 room house Call Mr.
Jackson, Ha. 3690.
FOR RENT: One furnished room
kitchenette at 1924 Locust St.
Phone Pr. 0673.
For Sale: Large uphol
stered new chair, cheap
New Corduroy trous
ers, $1.50. Shoes. Phone
Ke. 0637. 5348 N. 25th
FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur
nished apartment. One 2-room
furnished apartment. One 3
room furnished apartment. Call
HA 0800.
FOR RENT. One lovely furnished
room with the use of the kit
chen. At very reasonable price.
In a good Christian home. Call
HA 0800. *4 block from bus line.
FOR RENT: One 3-room furnished
apartment and one single room
furnished for a working man.
Call PL 5003 or call at 2004 Wirt
Street. Mrs. Davis. Be sure and
say you read this in the Guide.
FOR RENT: 3 large nice furnish
ed rooms for a working man or
woman at 2422 Erskine Street.
Call PL 4703. Also a 3 room
unfurnished apartment.
FOR RENT: One large Kitchenette
apartment. One large room to *
the front. Two one-room large, ■
with side entiance. Both of the!
downstairs partmenU can have
use of kitchen. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One 3-room unfurn
ished apartement with stove and
refrigerator furnished. All utilities
paid by owner. Call PR 0911.
Mrs. Howard, 2220 Pratt St. or
Call HA 0800. Private bath
room. !
FOR RENT 2 room furnished a
partment. Will accept one or 2
small children. This apt is
north of Lake St., only >4 block
from bus line. Call before 9:30
a m. HA 0800.
FOR RENT: A 3 room furnished
Apartment and One single sleep
ing room for man or woman.
Call PL 1981.
FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished
kitchenette at 1924 Locust or
call Pr. 0676.
FOR RENT. 2 room furnished
Apt., 2518 Seward Stret. Call
JA. 8524
man or woman, from this area,
wanted to service and collect
from automatic vending ma
chines. No selling. Age not
essential. Car, references, and
$600 investment necessary. 7
to 12 hours weekly nets ap
proximately $250 monthly. Pos
sibility full time work. For
local interview give full par
ticulars, phone. Write P.O.
Box 7047, Minneapolis 11,
FOR RENT: 1 four room furnish
ed apartment. All utilities
paid by owner. H block from
bus line. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: A 3-room partly
furnished basement apartment
Very reasonable. Call Ha. 0800,
FOR RENT: A 3-room unfurnish
ed apartment. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: 4-room unfurnished
apartment. Only one block
from bus line. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 7-room fur
nished house. Only 2 blocks
from bus line. Call Ha. 0800.
Need a Lift? »
Try Astrology.
Hollywood Stars Consult
^ Their Astrologer.
Phone 3-1956, Council Bluffs
1 F O R RE N»T: 3 unfurnished
rooms with private bath. Call
1 Pr. 0911.
i —
1 FOR RENT: One 8-room unfur
i nished apartment. Ready to
move in 8-20-56. Call Ha. 0800
I FOR RENT: One 4-room un
furnished apartment. Phone
Ha. 0600.
FOR RENT: One 5-room unfur
mshed apartment. Private en
trance. Only $40.00 per month
Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 2 room apart
ment and one 3-room apart
ment Call PI. 3566.
FOR RENT: 3room unfurnished
apartment. Stove and refrig
ator. Only $70.00 per month.
All utilities paid by owner
Call Pr. 0911.
FOR RENT: 3~rcT7m~ apartment,
furnished or unfurnished at
2004 Wirt Street. Phone PI 5003.
FOR RENT: A beautiful 3 and a
4 room unfurnished Apartment
with modern gas stove and a Re
frigerator furnished. All utili
ties paid by owner. In the new
Beautiful Malburn Apt. at 21st
and Burdette St. Call AT 4114.
After 5 P.M. Call GL 1411.
FOR RENT: Room for working
man. Call At. 5674.
FOR RENT: A 3 room furnished
apartment. Also 1 Single room.
Call PL 1981.
furnished apartment. Call Mrs.
Ducan, WE 7126.
FOR RENT: A furnished room for
working man or woman at 2518
Caldwell St. Call AT 5674.
FOR RENT: One 4 room furnished
apartment. One 3 room furnish
ed apartment at 1915 Spencer
St. PR 3979.
FOR RENT: 2 large, nicely furnish
ed rooms with use of kitchen at
2441 Pinkney St. PL 2823.
WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house
coats at home. Earn from $17.40
to $26.16 dozen Write — AC
CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New
FOR RENT One 3 room furnished
apartment. Call PL 3546.
FOR RENT: To couple, 3 unfurn
ished rooms for rent. Private
bath. Must be sober. PL 4493
Says President
Not Backing Up
, Representative William L. Daw
son (D. 111.) today took strong is
sue with President Eisenhower’s
stand that Presidential endorse
ment of the Suppreme Court’s
s c h o ol desegregation decision
would “ make no difference" as
far as efforts to comply with the
court's ruling is concerned.
At the same time, the Congress
man praised Democratic Presi
dential nominee Adlai Stevenson
and Vice Presidential nominee
Estes Kefauver for making plain
their stand on protecting human
rights in connection with the high
court's edict.,
"Both Governor Stevenson and
Senator Kefauver are doing all
within their power to further in
tegration of schools without vio
lence and lawlessness,” Congress
man Dawson stated, ‘and every
American without regard to race
can be proud of their leadership
in speaking out on this important
"Their position is in strong
contrast with that taken by the
President of the United States,"
Congressman Dawson declared.
“If President Eisenhower would
speak out, with the power and
prestige of the highest office in
the land, I am sure the American
people in every section of our
country would respect his call for
law and order in carrying out the
Supreme Court's decision. I sin
cerely believe the President could
do much from his high office to
lessen the force of the agitators,
many of whom are using the issue
to s*ir up bitter hatred between
the two races."
"Moreover, Dawson continued.
‘‘I am convinced that much of the
violence which attended efforts
of school officials to integrate
schools in several southern com
munities at the beginning of this
school term could have been a
voided had the President acted (
upon Governor Stevenson’s sug-.
gestion, made last February, that
he call a White House meeting of,
southern leaders of both races to
explore ways of meeting the high
court’s desegration verdict.”
The Democratic Congressman;
from Illinois pointed out that |
both Governor Stevenson, speak
ing in New York to the Liberal
Party Convention, and Senator
Kefauver, in a speech to Young
Democrats in Orlando, Florida,
of the Supreme Court decision
last week reaffirmed their support
and praised the men of good will
who are trying to wort out a
peaceful solution.
"It is this kind of leadership,"
Congressman Dawson said, "lead j
ership on the side of the law.
that helps reason to prevail rather
than the harmful force of agita
tors bent on defying the law."
The Last Word
By Elizabeth Davit Pittman
Equality of Opportunity, a un
ion approach to fair employment,
by John Hopt II sets up problems
met by the United Packinghouse
Workers Association in five com
munities which appear to be typi- ;
cal in the United States. Perhaps ]
it is more interesting at the pres
ent time because of other difffcul
ties now rife at the Swift Packing
Mr. Hope is Director of Indu® I
trial Relations, Race Relations j
Department, Fisk University and
has made a rather detailed report
of ouestionairek which have le -n
answered by 87 of the 251 UP'A'A
locals in the United States. This j
book, only recently published in j
its compiled form, is an account
of how this major labor union
"has gone about setting its own
house in order, reducing the gap
between national policy and local
practice, and extending a faith
fully executed program of non
discrimination into its bargaining '
relationships maintained with In
This self-survey deals with ma
jority- minority problems anc
points out that the minority is
primarily concerned with prob
lems of discrimination and state;
that "to eradicate discrimination
from the ranks and environment
of UPWA, the Anti-Discrimina
tion and Education l*epartmenU
must convince the white member
ship of its stake in fair employ
ment practices. By this means,
their active and determined co
operation may be developed."
This is being done locally for the
UPWA Constitution has strong
anti-discrimination classes.
The survey over all is rather
encouraging and the future, so
far as fair play is concerned, does
not look so dismal despite the
fact that Omaha, like many other
cities, does not yet have an FEP
Commission. I recommend this
report to you as good reading for
down to earth factual informa
Congressman Dawson said that
Governor Stevenson’s praise for
the officials and citizens of south
ern communities * would give
strength to the men ot good will
trying so desperately to avoid the
trying to desperately to avoid the
danger and shame of violence. ’
He referred to Governor Steven
son's New York speech, in which
the Governor said: "The things
that bind us all together as Amer
icans make us want to speak our
admiration for those citizens of
southern communities and those
Governors, mayors and local of
ficials who are upholding the rule
of law, sometimes even against
their own personal feelings, some
times in the face of violence,”
In the same speech, Governor
Stevenson declared: “I want tO:
say again what I have said from |
one end of this country to the j
other, that we must, of course,
support the Supreme Court de
cision. All who voted for my
nomination knew where I stood."
C o n g r essman Dawson also
praised Senator Kefauver for his
efforts to avoid lawlessness and
violence, and his encouragement
to southerners who are attempt
ing to live up to the law. "Sen
ator Kefauver is to be commend
ed,” he said, “for his forthright
support of the Supreme Court de
cision and his encouragement to
his fellow southerners to uphold!
the law.” ,
Senator Kefauvtr told a meet-'
ing of Young Denocrats in Or- j
lando. Florida, September 15,
that "if we permit agitators and
seditionists to act without regard
to law and order, if we permit
them to inflame lawlessness and
violence, then lawlessness and
violence will soon become ends
in themselves.” The Democratic
Vice Presidential candidate ex
pressed confidence that Florida
“will have the good judgment, the
calm reason, the fairness and the
courage to work out this sensi
tive problem without resorting to
lawlessness, and without any need
for Federal intervention.”
George Walker
Mr. George Walker, age about
80 years, of 2752 Lake Str-et, ex
pired Tuesday September 25, 1958
at his home.
He was an Omaha resident a
bout 40 years.
Lillian Johnson
Mrs. Lillian C. Johnson, age 05
years, of 1317 No. 29th St., ex
pired September 19, 1936, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Bur
tron Johnson Kellogg, 1619 At
kmson, St., Detroit, Michigan.
She was an Omaha resident
about 36 years.
Mrs. Johnson is survived by
4 daughters, Mrs. Mercedes Har
din of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Al
bertine J. Chandler of Omaha,
Mrs. Maxie May Peters "of Texar
kana. Texas and Mrs. Burtron Kel
logg of Detroit, Michigan, son,
Albert Johnson, Jr. of Los Ange
les, California, 5 sisters, Mrs. Car
rie Howell of Omaha, Mrs. Barna
Suber of New Orleans, La., Mrs.
Allie Abney of Moss Point, Mass.,
Mrs. Donnie Marshall of Cincin
ati, Ohio, and Mrs. Eliza Royster
of Drewry, Alabama.
Funeral services were held
Monday September 24. 1956 at
10:00 a.m. from St. John A.M.E.
Church with Rev. S. H. Lewis of
ficiating assisted by Rev. S. N.
Jacobs. Interment was at Forest
Laws Cemetery.
Pallbearers Messrs. Ralph Dor,
sey, Hubert Glover, Oscar Stamps,
James Hall and Garnett Lefall.
Myers Brothers Funeral Ser
Sunday afternoon, September
30, at 5 p.m. the Committee on
Administration will hold Open
House at the Northside Building.
Special feature will be a Cere
monial of Installation, at which
time all Cub officers will be in
stalled. Taking part in '.he cere
monial will be officers of the
Q u a c ks, Timekeepers, O.M.E.,
Gayettes, and Co-Weds; assisting
will be Y-Teens from Howard
Stop pain of piles
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—or money back!
In doctor's tests, amazing new
Stainless Pazo* Instantly relieved
plies' torture! Gave Internal and
External ^1,6 medical^^proved
walk in comfort! Only stainless
pile remedy. Stainless Pazo* Sup
positories or Ointment at druggists
mark of Grove I.aborat imet, I no.
Ointment end Svppoeitonee.
.. n mn ■■■1:111111111111 III llll I
Where There's Life ....
There's Bud
^IAOIR •««*
Omaha Wholaaalar CAPITOL LIQUORS, INC.
i ^ * a : - J
c. F1H~.. F~
John Williams <
John Williams, age 65 years, of j
3015 Pinkney Street, expired Sat-:
i urady September 15, 1956 at a j
| local hospital.
He was an Omaha resident 15
years and was a member of Nat ;
Hunter Lodge No. 12, F. St A.M. |
He is survived by hfs daughter,
Johnnie Mae of Omaha; 7. broth-1
i ers, Joe Woods of Ores ton. Iowa,;
and B. E. Woods of St. Lewis, Mis- j
Funeral services were held:
Wednesday September 19, 1956 at!
2:00 p.m. from Salem Baptist j
Church with Rev. J. C. Wade of
ficiating assisted by Rev. W. E.,
Fort and Rev. Columbus McMor ;
ris. Interment was at Fqjest Lawn j
Cemetery. * |<
Nat Hunter Lodge No. 12
F.&A.M. had charge of Masonic j
j rites and served as Pallbearers, j
; Brother B. A. Austin is the Wor-,
shipful Master of Nat / Hunter j
Lodge. j,
My*ri Brothers Funeral Sar
Vie#* ~_11
: Kennedy, Lake, Lothrop, and Long j
| Schools. Miss Barbara Long, pro- j
gram chairman has arranged the j
program. Presiding will be Mrs. j
Leroy Wright.
Music will be furnished by Miss |
Gloria Hogan, and by Mrs. Eva
Hearn and her group, from St.
Johns Church. Mrs. Chas. Brown,
Branch chairman, will give the
special charge to the officers. |
There will be a Social hour with
refreshments, in charge of Mrs <
Leroy Gude, Membership chair
man. She will be assisted by
other committee members. All
members and friends are wel
According to an University of
Pennsylvania survey, 71% of
married people say they are
happy, and 14% say they are
miserable. The rest, apparently,
can't tell the difference.
Ask For
J| Immediate
A t#w drops of OUTGROUP brin« blessed
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OUTGRO toughens tne skin underneath ths
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COLD discomfort* yield quickly to
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STAN9ACK tablet* or powders work
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Raliava paint of tirad, tor#, aching mus*
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STANBACK acta fact to bring comforting
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Half-alive, headachy, when constipa
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Help* sweeten sour stomach too.
Larathre Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight!
No harsh griping. Made from pure
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I Brings comforting relief in morning.
[ Then life looks sunny again! Get
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now In new. ean-to^lake Tableti. tool
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Automobile, Furniture and Signature Leana
Automobile Financing
819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 60bb
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Across from Lothrop School
Spotless Cleaners
1704 North 24th Street
Quality Workmanship-We Lead, Others Follow
Claytee Brazier Phone AT tS24
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Exclusive Distributors
Ed Phillips & Sons Co.
Omaha, Nebr.
llllimimiiiiii miiimiiiimimuiiiiimmiUMiimmiiiiimmiiiiimi
smart figuring ... 3 coats in 1
girls' 100% wool
fleece combo coats
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(/* detach
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V Here's a winning coat combination at a very tiny
'Nj price! Wear it with the alpaca lining in, for a heavy
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miss Sizes 7-14. Only 35 at this low price. Hurry1
school girls'—Csurih f ocr you 'i confer