The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 31, 1956, Page Two, Image 2

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National Advertising Representative
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New York « Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia
Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday
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C. C. GALLOWAY_Publisher and Managing Editot
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Pae Meath_I M
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Hz Months _2.50
Dm Year___4.5**
30 Years a Democratic Supporter
Now a Hard Working Republican
(Pres, of Negro National Fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma and a
Democrat from Texas)
at the
10:30 a m., MAY 31, 1956
Mr. Chairman, honored guests, members of the committee, friends
My status with the Republican Party as I face it today, reminds
me of the story of the boy and his puppies. It goes like this.
A minister drove down one of the busy streets in a small city
one day and saw a lad standing on the corner holding a basket filled
with small pups. He drove up to the curb and asked the lad if the
puppies were for sale. He replied very readily, “They are, sir.”
“What kind of puppies are they?” the minister asked. The boy
thinking that he would appeal to the man’s fancy in the belief that
he was talking to a minister, said, “Methodist puppies.” This did
please his fancy and he bought two puppies. The boy said, “Pick your
ehoice.” This he did and drove away with the beautiful puppies.
About three or four days later, this same minister decided to try
the lad again, so he drove by and found him still doing business.
He inquired, “Young man, are these pups for sale?”
“Yes, sir,” said the lad, “they are."
“What kind of pups are they?” the minister asked. The boy
remembering just a few days ago he had just answered such a question
and to make sure that he would make a sale, he said, "Baptist puppies.”
The minister said, “I was by here the other day and you sold me two
pups—with the understanding that they were Methodist, but today
they have changed to Baptist, how did this happen?” The boy
studied for a few minutes and finally came out with this thought,
when you were here the other day, the puppies were very young, so
young that their eyes were still closed, but now they have opened
their eyes, and just as soon as this happened, they had a remorse of
conscience and immediately changed from Methodist to Baptist.
When I think of the number of years (more than thirty) that I
have spent as an ardent supporter of the Democratic Party, I find
that my eyes were closed during this entire period, but today, I
should like to say to you and to the world that having noted the
progress under the present administration, not only are my eyes
opened and I have accepted the change, but I have seen the Glory of
the coming of the Lord.
Today as you and I view this desperate struggle between two
lections of America, we almost lose heart. Everything about the con
flict re-echoes the past. One of the most painful reactions we are |
noting in the South today is the behavior of people in positions of I
leadership *
It is painful to see how men who consider themselves men of
good-will are letting themselves be forced step by step into assuming
stubborn positions, which no doubt they wanted to take and which
are plainly untenable (certain practices in the southland today, such
as boycotts, scare-waves, name-calling, etc.)
We have to face up at a time like this to the evils -of our day. I
There abounds frustration, fear, unrest, and tension on every hand.
It is very necessary to have a leader in times like these whose
mind is clear and void of prejudice, one who can easily consider I
values found in individuals, people or nations, groups or clans. The j
time has come when the American citizen must be able to scrutinize
every expression and evaluate every decision. Ther. was a time
when the American citizenry was swept from its feet by loud promises
and fluent oratory. But the last two decades have convinced the A
merican public that it must weigh and measure men, policies and
issues in relation to their value to the program as we face it today.
When we consider the Eisenhower Administration and place a
gainst it a yardstick of its actual value, worth and accomplishment;
we make decisions not on what it has done for any particular people,
but what it has meant to the peoples of the world. In the languages
of one outstanding statesman, “America or the United States must
consider its peculiar place and standing in world affairs, and if we
are to hold our own as a world-leading nation, we must be able to
cope with every issue that affects people, irrespective of their social
level of living, without regard for their race, creed, color, or pre
vious servitude.”
I find a positive correlation between the sixteen letters of Mr. I
Eisenhower's name and the sixteenth letter of our alphabet, “P”.
Yes, “P” begins the word ‘‘President,” but the following six P’s
will tell you Why I Am For Eisenhower.
Preparedness — Mr. Eisenhower is prepared in his heart, for I
believe him to be a Christian. He is an educator military commander j
and a kingly person who can “Walk with kings, ’ but never lose the
common touch.
Purpose — In a forthright way the president’s purpose surely has
seemed to me to be a-Iiving-out his oath of office.
Policy and program — It has been the policy of this administra
tion to keep its eye fixed upon the progress of each vital factor that
has served to keep a friendly relationship between the United States
and the other peoples of the world. To that end, it has offered a
program to utilize for peaceful means outstanding modern discoveries
in science. It has also been the policy of this administrat on to keep
informed and alert of enemies both at home and abroad.
This administration has sought to purge itself of all subversive
movements in both high and low places. It has sought to keep the
doors open for the proper exchange of its resources, and it has advo
cated a policy that has stimulated world trade without endangering
the United States.
Principle — I am for President Eisenhower because his general
principle has been to place emphasis upon efficiency rather than up
on partisanship. Just one look at the type of leadership that has
been appointed to various branches of service, irrespective of their
party affiliation, will reveal the principle.
People — I am for Mr. Eisenhower because of his genuine inter
est in people, both at home and abroad. I like the way that he ad
ministers to their needs. This statement that he made at Baylor
University a few days ago is indicative of his actions:
“There are millions of people who still seek a reward that is be
yond money or place or power; still dream of the day that they will
walk fearlessly in the fulness of human freedom.”
Yes, I am for Eisenhower because of his preparedness purpose, I
policy, program, principle, and his interest in people
Everytime I read the 10th chapter of Luke, relating the story
of the good Samaritan, I am reminded of the effort as rendered by
our President, which is in keeping with that “certain man who went
down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves and robber*
and was beaten, robbed and stripped of his garments and left to die.
A certain priest came along, saw him and gave no aid, but passed
on to the other side. Then a Levite passed, representing those who
are supposed to have compassion, but passed on the other side also.
Finally, a Samaritan came along and poured oil on his wounds,
placed him on his beast and carried him into the village, gave the
keeper two pence and said, “Take care of this man. If this is not
enough, when I return, I will pay you.”
Isn’t it strange that the priest, a man whose life was dedicated to
help, to lift, to pursue the road of human rights, and the Levite who
represented the generation of people whose lives were dedicated
to the cause of justice, would pass on the other side, and the Samari
tan, a man of no high repute, at the bottom of society stopped and had
compassion on him and cared for him?
As we look back across t^e years, we see people of all kith and
kind, seized by robbers, stripped of their right to live as other men,
stripped of their citizenship, stripped of their educational opportuni
ties, stripped of a decent place to live, stripped of the privilege to
ride as first class citizens on public conveyance—left to die.
Across the long profession of the bloody years, the Democrats
came along and passed on the other side. And on goes the march—
one generation after another passed on the other side, until one day
a political group represented thruugh the efforts of Dwight D. Eisen
hower came along and had compassion and courage in their hearts
and picked them up and began to pour oil of justice in their wounds,
and began to ask for freedom for all, regardless of race, creed or
It is this kind of freedom that has given to the idea that all men
are created equal and should be given the opportunity to live as
first-class citizens.
Let us work together, not for selfish interests as relates to racial
groups, but together as American citizens for a common cause and a
common country. And may I admonish you as did the apostle Paul
in his letters to the churches at Galatia to “standfast, therefore in
the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled
again with the yoke of bondage And let us not be weary in well
doing for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not.
News From Around Nebraska |
At a meeting of stockholders of the Atkinson Cooperative
Creamery Association held last week in Atkinson, the rtockhold- ;
ers voted to keep the business going. The management had pre
viously stated that the business was losing money and that it
should be closed out. But the stockholders didn’t feel that way
about it and they voted 49 to 20 to keep the business running- |
with a new set of managers. The Atkinson Graphic, which re- i
ported the meeting in its last week’s issue emphasized that the j
association is not broke and that whatever business doldrums it
might be in at the moment could be remedied by better manage- |
ment. Apparently there has been some dissention within the
• • •
Pierce, Nebraska has been widening some streets in much
the same manner that Blair has been doing. The Pierce Leader
last week showed before and after picutres of a street. One
spot which had been used for parallel parking had been widened :
to accomodate diagonial parking and 10 cars were parked where
five had been before. The Leader pointed out the street as a
sample of what could be done about the parking situation with a
little planning.
A farmer near Loup City has demonstrated what can be done
with a little imagination and ingenuity. He was a hill farmer
and he has several earth dams on his farm to catch run-off water
which had been washing his fields. As the shortage of moisture |
became more acute, he considered the water behind the dams, ;
rigged up a pump on his tractor and bought some irrigation pipe.
Now, revealed the Sherman County News last week, he has had
water to irrigate 70 acres of corn with results which promise to
pay good dividends this fall.
His project is a parallel to the big reservoirs held in the ;
mountains, although on a vastly smaller scale.
• * •
At Bassett, one of the rural extension clubs has purchased a
waste paper can for use on the city streets to help keep that
community clean. The club is to have its name printed on the
container so that local residents may be reminded of the work
done by the club, stated the Rock County Leader last week.
• • •
Near Aurora, Nebraska last week a Hamilton County road j
maintainer slashed into a main line of the Kansas-Nebraska Na- j
tural Gas Company ripping open the pipe and generally disrupt- j
ting service. The line, carrying 250 to 300 pounds pressure let
go such a blast of gas that it stalled the maintainer right over the
pipe. The escaping gas made such a noise that it could be heard
in Aurora several miles away and men working on the line h?d
to place cotton in their ears to get close enough to make repairs, j
It took five hours to put a “saddle" on the line to close the
break and during the time the line was open the company esti
mated they lost enopgh gas to take care of all of Aurora for the
entire coming winter.
• • •
The town of Crete has found itself in need of a lot of street
repairs and not enough money to do it. Moreoverrtbe citiSehs "
don’t appear to be too anxious to help, according to news released
in the Crete News.
Needed street improvements and repairs will cost an estimated
$80,000 and a recent suggestion that the residents on streets to
be repaired should pay one-half the cost has not met with much
response. A suggestion that the city buy an asphalt machine and
make the repairs themselves resulted in the decision that there
was not enough money to buy the machine and also material for
the repairs.
So, it appears, Crete will continue to have chuckholes this
• • •
Meanwhile, Crete is also discussing the possible annexation of
a newly-developed area near Doane College. The annexation talk
has been brought about by application of the area for a new sewer.
Again, the same problem: where will the money come from for
manholes and other portions of the city’s costs?
• • •
The Omaha Horseless Carriage 'club put on a program at
Missouri Valley last Sunday. The club, specializing in old time
automobiles presented a number of trophies and prizes in various
contests. Funds raised went to help the new Missouri Valley
Community hospital.
• • •
Next Sunday, September 2nd, an auto Demolition Show will be
held in the wildcat hills near McGrew, Nebraska. The show, ad
vertised in the Chadron Record, claimed that cars would be
driven at lull throttle over high cliffs, allowing them to hurtle to I
their “death” in the deep valleys between the hills. Some of the
cliffs are 300 feet high, it is claimed. A dynamite exhibition is
also part of the show.
That’s something new in the way of "thrill” exhibitions.
• • •
Central City has OK’d a plan of improvement for the city
water distribution system which will cost about $35,000. The
Central City Republican-Nonpareil revealed last week that the
only improvements made to the water system in the past twelve
years is a 700 foot addition to the lines. Included in the improve
ment program is a newer, larger reservoir, plus new pipelines.
• • •
Only 24-mral schools are operating in Polk County this year, '
the Osceola Record revealed last week. There were once 70
individual districts. The reduction in rural schools has been
brought about by consolidations which have been worked out
rapidly in recent years.
Ask Strong
Rights Plank
i Five hundred and fifty citizens
from all of the 13 Southern states
signed a petition to the Platform
; Committees of the Democratic and
Republican parties urging a firm
stand in support of civil rights.
The petition, stating that “the
federal government has a clear
duty of guarantee to all South
erners the rights and privileges of
full citizenship," was presented to
the Platform Committee of the
Democratic Party in Chicago Au
gust 9th, by Dr. James A. Dom
browski, Executive Director of the
Southern Conference Educational
Fund, Inc.
The same petition will be pre
sented to the Platform Committee
of the Republican Party.
The petition said: “disturbing
events have occurred recently in
the South which put in peril the
basic freedoms of great numbers
of the region’s people. Southern
legislatures and state courts have
harassed and prescribed eminently
respectable organizations. Pro
spective voters have been denied
the right to register or have been
stricken from the rolls, without
just reason.”
The statement said further “a
Catholic Archbishop ,ias been de
famed and threatened, and num
erous clergy of other fsiths driven
from their pastorates. Untold
others — teachers, journalists,
lawyers, merchants — can no long
er earn their livelihoods in their
native land. And some have even
lost their lives.
“These deeds of terror and in- j
timidation are the work of official
and unofficial groups who boast
openly of their determination to
thwart the highest tribunal in the
country — the U. S. Supreme j
Court. In the name .of States
Rights they deny the basic rights
of citizens. They say they intend J
to nullify the decisions which have
outlawed racial segregation in the.
public schools.
put whatever the validity of
the doctrine of States Rights, it
cannot be made an excuse for in
surrection. It cannot be inter
posed against rights guaranteed to
all American citizens by the con
stitution of the United States.
“The federal gocvrnment has a
clear duty to guarantee to all
Southerners the rights and privi
leges of full citizenship in a free
and democratic society. This re
quires a free ballot, a free church,
and a citizenry free to organize
and to speak out without fear of
The petition urged the commit
tee to pledge the party to a five
point program to:
1. Ensure the enforcement of
the decrees of the federal courts
issued for the protection of A
merican citizens.
2. Enact legislation implement
ing the Supreme Court decision on
integration in the public schools.!
Pledge federal assistance — finan
cial, technical and moral to local
officials in the task of bringing
their active systems into compli
3. Take steps to ensure every
qualified citizen the right to vote
and to participate in all civic en
jdeavors without threat or hind
4. Revise procedures whereby
citizens whose rights have been
abused can seek redress.
I 5. Support revision of the Sen
' ate rule on cloture, “restoring ma
! jority rule, and removing the chief
road block to civil rights legisla
Beauties To
Parade Sqt.
proximately 25 girls from over
the country will vie for six tro
here August 22 when the annual
phies and $4,000 in scholarships
Talent and Beauty Pageant of the
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine gets
underway at National Guard Ar
10,000 delegates from North
and South America are scheduled
to visit the capital city during the
Shrine Convention August 10-24.
Convention headquarters will
be located at the Dunbar Hotel
and business sessions of the No
bles will be held in the Presiden
tial Room of the Hotel Statler.
The Daughters of Isis will hold
their meetings in the Congres
sional Room.
The Talent and Beauty Pageant,
under direction of Junior Dean,
Imperial Promotional Director of
New York, is expected to be one
of the most popular features of
the five-day meeting.
First place winner will be a
warded a $1500 scholarship, with
second place winner receiving a
$1000 scholarship.
Six beautiful trophies, donated
by The Coco-Cola Company, At
lanta. Georgia, for the second
year, will also go to contest win
Contest proceeds will be turned
over to the Shriners’ cancer and
tubercu losis research fund,
$60,000 of which has been ordered
desposited in 12 Negro banks
tover the country. Industrial
Bank of Wahington was designa
ted one of the depositories.
Imperial Potentate Alexander,
of Detroit, directed that $5000
be designated for each bank. The
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