WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. . 7 FOR RENT: One single room for working woman at 2114 Burdette St. Call Ja. 6684. FOR RENT: Nice large room for couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities paid. Call HA. 0800. WANTED. WANTBDi WANT ED: We wut to rant that Apartment you have far Rest. CaH HA 8880. We want to sell that car or track you have to sola. CaH HA 0860. We want to sell that piece af furniture you hare, far sale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER We are ta the Rent lag and selling business Give us a ring. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU HA YE. GIVE US A RING. HA 0800. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St 1 block north from Lake St on the north side of North 20th St FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house coats at home. Earn from $17.40 to $26.16 dozen Write — AC CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New York. FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive rooms for men. Price reasonable. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Room for working man. Call At 5674. WANTED TO RENT: 3-room a partment north of Lake St. that will accept children. Call . Ja. 5087. FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room. Call PI. 2796. FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for men only. Nice location. Call PI. 5119. FOR RENT: A furnished 2 room Apt. Call PL. 1981. Mrs. Bodie Wheeler. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or 5 room apartment. Call JA 1825 after 5 P.M. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 room house. Call Mrs. Cobbs. PL.8063. FOR BENT: A beautiful 3 and a 4 room unfurnished Apt. with modern gas stove and a Re frigerator furnished. All utili ties paid by owner. In the new Beautiful Malburn Apt. at 21st and Burdette St. Call AT. 4114. After 5 P.M. Call GL. 1411. ASTROLO£^rt ASD PSYCHO AN A* yST. The stars impel but do not compel. 31 per qtlc Send birth dates. 738 W. Wash., Council Bluffs, Phone 3 - 1956. ^ FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish ed apartments. Three 3-room furnished apartments. Two 4 room furnished apartments. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Two 3 room furnished apartments. Right on Bus line. Bath for apartments. For only $16.00 per week. Ready to move in now. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: We will have a four room unfurnished apartment to rent on August 15, 1956 better come in now, see it. These four ■arge rooms on North Lake St You have your own private bath. All for only $17.50 per Call HA 0800. — 1 FOR KVJJT. One furnished room for a v f£mg woman or man. block . am two bus lines. Cali PL 464fc FOR RENT: One 4 t sjn unfur nished Apt. 1% bloc, from bus line. Call Ha 0800 c jap. 0:30 s.m r>r after 4:30 p.m. ^__ FOR RENT: A lovely 2-room furn ished apartment at 3007 Bur dette St Call after 5:30 P.M. PR 2158. FOR RENT: 3 large furnished rooms for working man or wo man or 3 rooms unfurnished at 2422 Erskine St Call PL 4703. FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished apartment for working couple will accept one talks about and now the $$$ has invaded showbusiness. It’s getting so you can’t talk to a star without him telling you how much busi ness he grossed. That’s what makes them keep getting asked back we know but it seems kind of boring to those who do the listening just to hear how much the take was. Eddie Heywood’s “Soft Summer Breeze” has really entered the popular music sweepstakes. Writ ten by the master himself, it has a good chance to make the grade in pops and it already has made a good welcome to Heywood and his crew in New York. The Sidney Poitiers have a new addition to the family and she’s ! called “Sherrie”. Mrs. Rose Mor gan-Lewis flew to hubby Joe’s side when he was strickened. But her business in New York— growing so fast from the public ity, surely needs her. “That Certain Feeling” with Pearl Bailey in the steal role, doing pretty good business all summer long in cities as Pitts burgh, Cleveland and Los Ange les. . .Henry Armstrong another entertainer turned author. His “Gloves, Glory and God” due off the press October 1st. . . Las Vegas niteries fighting to | get the best acts for competition. | New Frontier has Judy Garland-1 paying her a record breaking salary. But Riviera has Harry Belafonte and he’s holding his own as usual. And over at the Dunes, it’s Billie Holiday singing her poignant best. Ethel Waters still doing “Mem ber of the Wedding” which was on Broadway several years back. She’s in Detroit now in her fam iliar roll at a tent theatre . . . Pearl Bailey’s “Solid Gold Cadil lac” expected to go to the top. Dizzy Gillespie dashed off ai telegram to President Eisenhower I immediately after the Senate de- ' cided to discontinue sending mu- j sical units- abroad. Southern senators headed by Ellender want, other types of music rtrd though the* don’t admit publicly, they're reaJy after keeping Negro talent from abroad. Wired Dizzy to Ike: “Shocked j and discouraged by decision of the Senate in the supplementary appropriations bill to outlaw American jazz music as a way of making millions of friends for the U. S. A. abroad. Our trip through -the MIDDLE EAST proved con clusively that our interracial grou* was powerfully effective against :Hed propaganda. Jazz is the communication with all peo our own American folk music— pies regardless '4 language or social barriers. I ui’-ge that you do all in your power to -continue exporting this invaluable tu.'Th of American expression of wb/\h we are so proud.” I because of a mysterious lack of long ball hitters, Skipper Walter Alston believes he may have fi nally found the most likely lineup. This one includes aging but still agile Jackie Robinson at sec ond, Junior Gilliam - the one .300 hitter in the line-up in left field and pitcher Don Newcombe back to a pitching rotation after being out with a sore arm. Newcombe figured in the first big game of the Dodgers on the "eomeback-road”, when he was Ci Jjited with their 15-2 win over I the G jjts. Rita Smith Rita Eileen Smith, infant daugh ter of Margaret Smith of 2515 Emmet Street, expired Monday morning July 30, 1956 at her home. She is also survived by her grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude Smith of Omaha; aunt, Linda Di ane of Omaha; 2 uncles, Glen and John Smith of Omaha; grandfath er, Stanley Hollowell of Denver, Colorado and other relatives. Funeral services tentatively arranged for Friday, August 3rd, 2:00 P.M. at the Myers Brothers Funeral Home. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. — Here's How The Be-Bop Dance Goes By Stan Grant Some years ago I was asked— What is Be-bop Dance? I replied —“Be-bop is a thing that gets in your spine—it makes you wriggle —just like you were drinking wine.” Today the question has come up j again, and my answer is just the same with the addition that the j “wine of be-bop has become more potent, and definitely acquired a high measure of refineness. Be-bop dance on the whole is composed of such moves and turns as APPLEJACK, JITTENG, JERSEY, SEAJAM, and other rake-up moves. The latest addi tion is the one called “Yank.” Doers v. ' the “yank” are generally referred to as “yankers”. In starting to dance bop-style, a fellow “seets” or “dig a cat or body”, places his left or right hand around her body; .as the case maybe, and proceeds with the other hand holding hers. In this be-bop - timing is most important, and the best way to get going is to do what is called a “half-time” or jersey-like move, by only moving the body and just hopping to the jive or rythyma tical beats. One doing this action which is called “cooling” looks like someone freezing. Bop dancing as it is, consists of slides, turns, dips and movements of the arms and head. The doer usually keeps his feet firmly on the floor, scarcely doing any movements on the toes, and ~ always ready to “rake or cl >wn —whichever you call it. “SEAJAM”—which was at one time very popular, is more lik' - frenzied ceremonial dance, where the dancer works himself into so much heat, that all he can do is hep to the jive—placing one foot behind the other, and hep in a jersey-like fashion to a half-time tempo. You may also do the “seajam” by placing your feet in a running position and using arm movements with a slide, dip, and hep to the beat. “MOOCHING”—is another of these artistic arrangements. It is done by staying perfectly rigid, and at timed intervals shuffling the body forward with a half-time jug. “APPLEJACK-”(men only) used to be very common, and is done by dipping the fingers between the leg* (I repeat “men only”) and at "he same time shuffling sideways - sending out and bring ing in one foot and then repeat ing this same performance on the other foot, without slipping and in unison to the beat. “JITTING”—is really dancing on your toes and doing mostly outside moves at the times when) you release your partner, and at the same time spinning with the half-spin or the full spin—which ever you like best, and balancing perfectly. “YANING” is the most recent. It is a personification of timing and co-ordination and is most pleasing to witness. The dancers get a correct timing on a given beat—keeping one foot firmly on the floor, raising the other in a spasmodic jerk with a noticeable list to give full effect. The move ment starts somewhere in the feet and carries on into the upper regions above the waist. At the same time, there are hand move ments resembling anything from a near cuddle to a strong beckon. While this move is particularly popular among Jamaicans all over England, I do not recommend it, as there has been cases of dislo cations—caused by the jerks that are involved. The pattern of be-bop dance is classed by some people as “scraps of nothing put together to form something.” By me, it it listed in boch fashion and otherwise as a cultural art derived from mod ern times, which have outmoded the old-time shindig and barn dance or quadrill. Be-bop is a style of progress ai?png the young at heart, and the ages Of the participants are any where ti7, 111 West Washington SC, .'bicago 2, 111. Getting up Nights If worried be “Bladder Weakness" (Oet ting Up Nights or Bed Wetting, too fre quent, burning or Itching urination) or Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine, due to common Kidney and Bladder Irritations, try CYSTEX for quick help. SO years use prove safety for young and old. Ask drug gist for CYSTEX under mocey-bacs guar antee. See how fast you Improve. Stop pain of piles today at home —or money back! In doctor’s tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo* instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave internal and external relief! 6 medically-proved ingredients including Trioiyte, re lieve nain, itching instantly! Reduce swelling. Promote healing You sit. walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo'® Sup positories or Ointment at druggists. ^Trademark of Grove Laboratories. loo. Ointment end Suppositories. Heath 400 ms Welch's Jua] pure Concoru GRAPE WICi SO RICH! SO PURE! SO 6000! POLL THE PL06 ON STOMACH UPSET Half-aliv*. headachy, when constipa tion tours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too luativs Stanacti Sweetener iartt No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestine*. Bring* comforting relief in morning Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •in Powdor or Qromnlol* ton odd now tn nrw. oon-to-tokn Todttu. tool BEQBtBESBB Z5n VMtton sad frt Syrup of BAMg DrmusUt. They loru thla bemey-eweet, AsCT. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. AataaiaMk, faraitara u4 HpiUri Lmm (19 First National Bank Bide- AT *0t>6 Spotless Cleaners 1704 North 24th Street FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE Quality Workmanship-Wa Lead, Others Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING I CI,V*** Brazi,r Phona AT SSS4