The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 27, 1956, Page Four, Image 4
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. • ___ ._ _1 FOR RENT: One single room for working woman at 2114 Burdette St. Call Ja- 6684. FOR RENT: Nice large room for couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities paid. Call HA. 0800. WANTED. WANTED 1 WANT ED: We want to rent that A pertinent you havo for Rent. Can BA 0890. We want to Mil that car or truck you have ta sale. Cali HA 0800. We want to sell that piece of * furniture you have, for saV. Call HA 0880. REMEMBER We are in tha Rent ing and selling bus inane. Give us a ring. HA 9808. -i WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS j WAITING FOR WELA1 YOU HAVE GIVE US A RING. HA 8880. RELIABLE PERSON Man or woman from this area to service new revolutionary Cig areite Vending Machine. 6 t 10 hours weekly nets up to approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great opportunity for capable person to expand When fully es tablished, party selected should earn $15,000 00 yearly. $1,195.00 cash investment required. Ful ly secured. For local inter view give full particulars. Write P. O. Box 7047, Minne apolis 11, Minn. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24 th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St 1 block north from Lako St on the north side of North 20th St MALE HELP WANTED We will establish you in business with our capital. If you are trustworthy and energetic, write us. No investment or ex perience needed to start. Part time or full-time. WINONA MONUMENT CO. Winona, Minn. FcMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house coats at home. Earn from $17.40 to $26 16 dozen Write — AC CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New York. FOK RENT: Several nice exclusive rooms for men. Price reasonable. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Room for working man. Call At. 5674. WANTED TO RENT: 3 room a partment north of Lake St. that will accept children. Call Ja. 5087. FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room. Call PI. 2796. FOR Two nice rooms for men only i’iice location. Cali PI. 5119. \ HELP WANTED: x T *LE: $2.00 HOURLY possible dot's light assembly work at home. Experience unnece<?sa r y. CROWN Industries, 7159-Y Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. FOR RENT: One newly decorat ed 3 loom furnished apart ment. CaU Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: A furnished 2 room Apt Call PL. 1981. Mrs. Bodie Wheeler. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or 5 room apartment. Call JA 1825 after 5 P M. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 room house. Call Mrs. Cobbs. PL.8063. FOR RENT: A beautiful 3 and a 4 room unfurnished Apt. with modern gas stove and a Re frigerator furnished. All utili > paid by owner. In the new Be. £tiful Malburn Apt. at 21st and a. p^stte St Call AT. 4114. After if.gjt Call GL. 1411. ASTROLOGER* PSYCHO AN ALYST. The g, ^ impel but do not compeL $1 question. Send birth dates. 73c Wash., Council Bluffs, Phone v , 1056. FOR RENT: Three 2-room fund ed apartments. Three 3-roon. furnished apartments. Two 4 room furnished apartments. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: A 3 room unfurnish ed Apt. Stove and Refrigerator furnished. All utilities paid by owner. Only $60.00 per month. Phone HA 0800 FOR RENT: 2 3-room Apt. Un furnished. All utilities paid by owner. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. FOR RENT: One 5 room Apt un furnished. All utilities paid by owner. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished Apt for a working couple. Call We. 3372. All utilities paid by owner. Call at 2524 Caldwell St. FOR RENT: 2 or 3 room furnish ed Apt. Also 1 single furnish ed room for working man or woman. 2603 No. 18th St. or Call At. 8817. ---! WANTED TO RENT: A 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment or a 4 or 5 room house. Call Mr.j Jackson, Ha. 3690. FOR RENT: One furnished room kitchenette at 1924 Locust St.1 Phone Pr. 0673. For Sale: Large uphol stered new chair, cheap. New Corduroy trous ers, $1.50. Shoes. Phone Ke. 0637. 5348 N. 25th. FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished kitchenette at 1924 Locust or call Pr. 0676. ' FOR RENT: 1 Beautiful newly decorated 3-room furnished Apt. air conditioned. All utili ties paid by owner. 2537 Pat rick Ave. Phone Ha. 1378. FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur nished apartment. One 2-room furnished apartment. One 3 room furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One newly decorat ed 3-room furnished apart ment. Close to bus line. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: One lovely furnished room with the use of the kit chen. At very reasonable price. In a good Christian home. Call HA 0800. ^ block from bus line. FOR RENT: One nice 2-room furnished apartment with sleep ing porch. Close in. Call PL 0845. Be sure and say you saw it in the Guide. FOR RENT: One 3-room furnished apartment and one single room furnished for a working man. Call PL 5003 or call at 2004 Wirt Street. Mrs. Davis. Be sure and say you read this in the Guide. FOR RENT: 3 large nice furnish ed rooms for a working man or woman at 249.2 Erskine Street. Call PL 4703. Also a 3 room unfurnished apartment. FOR RENT: Two 3-room furnished apartments. One South of Lake Street and one North of Lake Street. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One large Kitchenette apartment. One large room to the front. Two one-room large, with side entrance. Both of the downstairs partmenls can have use of kitchen. Call HA 0800. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or~5 room unfurnished apartment or a house. Call PL 3876, Mrs. Starnes. . hree in family. FC” T’’~ . f: A lovely k.' room furn ished apartment at 3i/97 Bur dette St. Call after 5:30 P.M. PR 2158. ____ I FOR RENT: 3 large furnished rooms for working man or wo man or 3 rooms unfurnished at 2422 Erskine St. Call PL 4703. FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished apartment for working couple will accept one or two small children. Call PR 0673. FOR RENT. 2 room furnished Apt., 2518 Seward Stret. Call JA. 8524 WANTED TO RENT. A 4 room Apt. or a 4 room house. Will be glad to look at a large 3 room Apt. Call PL. 8969. Mrs. Lucille Stewart. THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE Walt Disney’s “The Great Lo comotive Chase” is now showing at the State Theatre in addition to Walt Disney’s special Cinema scope special “Men Of The Ar tie'’ and Technicolor Cartoon. The next attraction to be Sl -fm at the State Theatre will b® ‘ £The Fastest Gun Alive” starring Glenn Ford, Jeanne Crain am. ^roderick Crawford, this is a gr.^ing story of the west’s violent cU.* with one of I the most dramatic *jdmaxes of 'any story you’ve ever Name New Trinidad Officer The announcement by the Sec retaiy of State for the Colonies, Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd, that Jamaican born Mr. Solomon Ho choy, O.B.E., Deputy Colonial Secretary, Trinidad, has been ap pointed Colonial Secretary, Trini dad, has brought tremendous ovation from West Indians all over England. With this appointment, it is be ing argued that it will not be very long before the appointment of the first native governor in the West Indies. Princess Margaret’s tour of Kenya, Tanganyoka, Zanzibar and Mauritius, which begins with her leaving Britain by air on Setember 21, will include the opening of the new multi-racial Royal Technical College in Natro bi, Kenya. Acora Airort (GLD COAST) is being extended to provide facil ities comparable to those at in ternational airports elsewhere in the world. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (THE WORLD BANK) has made fifteen loans in Africa, totalling about 116 million. The first African to be pro moted to the post of Social De velopment officer in Tanganyika is Mr. F. J. Mohanu, who studied at the London School of Econo mics. The first Sudanese Ambassador in London to be appointed is Mr. Sayed Awad Satti. His apoint ment brings the total number of Ambassadors to the Court of St. Jame’s to fifty-nine. Sayed Awad Satti, aged 55, is married and has several children. The formation of a “Friends of jSatchmo Club”, to do honor to the music of Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong, is in process in Lon don, England. The organizers are planning [branches throughout the leading 1 British towns, and intend to : spread the affair to the Continent (France, Holland, Germany, Sweden). Hon. N. N. Nethersole, Jamai ca’s Minister of Finance, now in | London seeking a substantial loan could not be contacted at the time of going to press ,but the grapevine had it to say that they doubt whether he will get his substantial loan. Emphasis on Vice Presidents An Intimate Message From Washington By William H. Stringer This looks like a campaign year in which we are going to be hearing a lot about Vice-Presi dents. On the one side, the Republi cans are expected to use Vice-j President Richard M. Nixon ex tensively to carry the campaign to the people, if President Eisen hower sticks to his intention of conducting mainly a “front porch campaign” and making his own appeal mainly via nationwide television addresses. On the other side, the Demo crats are preparing to train their guns on Vice-President Nixon particularly. They are ready to emphasize simultaneously the health issue and the Vice-Presi dent’s presumed lack of appeal to independent voters by their new slogan: “A vote for Eisen hower is a vote for Nixon.” The Democrats also are search ing diligently for a vice-presiden tial candidate of their own who can match Mr. Nixon in cam paign vigor, who is invulnerable to the charges of “softness to communism” which Mr. Nixon hurled in the 1954 campaign, and who will enhance the popu larity among special groups of a Democratic presidential slate which is likely to be headed by Adlai E. Stevenson. Receiving careful attention is the able Junior Senator from Massachusetts, John Kennedy. Senator Kennedy has an attrac tive youthful personality, a good family background, and a strong record of anticommunism. He is a devout Roman Catholic. In the Democratic political spec trum he is mid-road—not a New Dealer, not a McCarran-Walter conservative. Senator Kennedys religion is not rated by Democratic strate gists as necessarily a political hazard. It is argued that objec tion to a Roman Catholic in high office, which was in part re sponsible for the defeat of A1 Smith’s bid for the presidency in 1928 by 6,000,000 votes, is de clining. A recent Gallup Poll opinion sampling is cited which found that 73 percent of those questioned would not oppose a generally well qualified presi dential nominee because he was a Roman Catholic. This is com pared with 62 per cent in a Gal lup Poll of 1940. On the other hand there are Democrats who argue that if a candidate starts out with approxi mately one-quarter of the voters objecting to him, this is a heavy handicap. The Kennedy candidacy is be ing seriously considered in the Stevenson camp. It is argued that Senator Kennedy’s name on the ticket might win back to the Democrats many Roman Catho lics who voted for General Eisen hower in 1952. It is argued that Senator Kennedy is presidential timber who could be built up for a future try at the White House. Weighed against the Massachu setts senator is his Senate vote opposing high rigid parity for farm supports. Mr. Stevenson, himself, has a moderate record on farm aid, and the Democratic politicians suggest he would do well to find a running mate pos sessed of a record favoring im mediate and direct support for farm prices—Senator Kefauver, for instance. Again, it is argued that Sena tor Kennedy is a “moderate” like Mr. Stevenson and that the tic ket should be strengthened by nominating a New Dealer for second position. And it is point ted out that Mr. Kennedy, too, The Last Word By Elizabeth Davis Pittman I don’t know whether the cld fashioned “burp” is still practic ed, but the old fashioned picnic is still with us. I attended one] of the most enjoyable I have ever had the pleasure of partici-1 pating in (or perhaps I should say “indulging in”) when my] church had its annual picnic out-; ing a few days ago. The tables] were piled sigh with barbecue, meat loaf, wieners, potato salad, cole slaw, relishes, baked beans,; green beans, corn pudding, pies,] cakes and ice cream. Now i] know how King Farouk got his spread! I left several pounds heavier and looking like a little stuffed toad. But aside from the games, camaraderie and general good fellowship, it gave me a deep] feeling of satisfaction to see so: many people who worship to ] gether. Everyone was smiling and saying kindly things to his fellow man and God was in His Heaven smiling down and know ing all’s right with the world. People who have grown up to gether watched their children has had a recent prolonged bout with illness, which might de-em phasize the health issue in the campaign. Other possibilities under con sideration are New Jersey’s able Governor Robert Meyner, who made a very favorable impres sion on his Democratic c o 1 leagues as host to the Governors’ convention at Atlantic City; New Dealish Governor Menneu “Soapy” Williams of Michigan; Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri, favored in southern circles; Governor Earl Clement of Tennessee, convention keynot er; Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, and Mayor Wagner of New York. Whoever is the choice, Demo cratic strategists say they intend to emphasize the vice-presidency. They will realize that Mr. Eisen hower, with his towering popular ity, is almost invulnerable to at tack . But they believe that the Republicans are vulnerable in their selection of Mr. Nixon as Vice-President. They would like to develop that vulnerability into an Achilles’ heel On the Republican side, when the 21 Republican Governors at Atlantic City signed a petition urging President Eisenhower to run for reelection, they omitted any reference to Mr. Nixon. This was because a few of the Governors regarded him as something of a political liability. If Mr. Nixon receives no fur ther smudges from the associa tion with his former campaign manager, Murray Chotiner, if his campaign strategy this time is held to a higher level, if his speeches are more carefully pre pared and reflect a more matur ed judgment, it is conceivable that Mr. Nixon may turn out to be a campaign asset to the Re publicans. The Democrats don’t think that Mr. Nixon can keep to this course, and one of their hopes is to needle him into a hard hitting mud-slinging campaign which will boomerang against the GOP playing together. People who are growing old together remin isced about past good times. And there were many who were members of the parish who have passed away and are no longer with us, but these kind, generous souls have heled make the parish what it is today. The parish priest was there knowing that in his congregation there was no room for pettiness and that these people had come together because they loved the church and its work. He knew that getting together for good wholesome outdoor fun means growth that will reflect itself as wc do God’s work on earth. It is well for all of us to real ize that in participating in the work of the church we are con tributing not only to its growth but to our own individual growth. There is no woik so rewarding as that in the church, f, for one, came away knowing that I had received new inspira tion and that I held a new ad miration for my fellow members. Woman Builds A New House By (lie Associated Tress Lee’s Summit, Mo. A mile and a half south of this Kansas City suburb, Mrs. D'orothy Spencer and family are living in a new, seven-room frame house. So what, you say? She built it herself—that's what. And, we don’t mean that she ‘•built’’ it by offering helpful suggestions to a crew of skilled tradesmen. W<- mean she built it by hand and virtuallv without help. Mrs. Spencer’s salesman hus I band, Richard, pitched in only when she needed a strong back. Without anyone’s help, Mrs. Spencer wired the house, in stalled the plumbing and floor ing, papered the walls, and paint Getting Up Nights If worried by "Bladder Weakness" (Oet tlng Up Nights or Bed Wetting, too fre quent, burning or Itching urination) or Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine, due to common Kidney and Bladder Irritations, try CYSTEX for quick help. 30 years use prove safety for young and old. Ask drug gist for CYSTEX under money-back guar antee. See how fast you Improve. electric cooking is . . . there's no wasted heat Once you’ve tried cooking electrically, you’ll agree that an elec tric range makes a delightful difference in kitchen temperatures dur ing hot weather. The reason is that your electric oven is completely insulated— top, bottom and sides—to keep heat in the oven and out of the kitchen. Electric surface units cut waste heat, too, because they heat by direct metal-to-metal contact with cooking utensils. - That’s one of the important reasons why last year Omaha house wives purchased more than twice as many electric ranges as any other type. Find out for yourself how coo] electric cooking can be, and dis cover its other advantages, too. You’ll like its cleanliness, safety, and economy. See your favorite appliance dealer soon. Omaha Public Power District ed both the exterior and the in terior. “We had a full basement pour ed and I had to get help on the heavy work, lifting the rafters and floor joists, but the rest I did myself,” Mrs. Spencer said. With the week-end help of her husband, she completed the job in 20 months, and had the house in livable shape in 18 months. The job wasn’t the initial ven ture into the construction field for this young mother of a two year-old son. She handled her first project, the remodeling of a barn and the family’s previous home, six years ago. That also was a major task, in which Mrs. Spencer reduced the bam from 48 to 36 feet in width and used the lumber she salvaged to re pair the structure. Next, she lowered the high ceilings in the old-fashioned farm home of her parents, and she’s been doing general con struction work ever since. General housework, caring for son Charles, and building pro ects don’t leave much time for Mrs. Spencer to follow such or dinary feminine hobbies as sew ing or gardening. Since the house was finished, she’s embarked on a new job— remodeling the garage at a neighbor’s home into a combina tion greenhouse. “I’m like most people,” Mrs. Spencer insisted. “If I have just a little to do, I’ll sit and look at it, but if there are a lot of things to be done, I get to it.” i ___ Village Planetarium The new $3,000,000 planetarium at Chapel Hill, N. C„ *lxth to bo built la America, ia the only one in the world located in a village. L Stop pain of piles today at home —or money back! In doctor’s tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo* instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave internal and external relief! 6 medically-proved ingredients including Triolyte, re lieve pain, itching instantly I Reduce swelling. Promote healing. You sit. walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Sup positories or Ointment at druggists, vrmtiemorfe of Grove Laboratories, /no. Ointment and Suppositories. sTOousoTuim^^ooDi PULL THE PLUG OH STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when conitlpa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. Laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Ovorolfht! No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged Intestines. Brings comforting relief In morning. Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Granulated form . . and now In new, eosv-to-take Tablet!, tool HMHIHUPHOI When constipation lUjUlUUMill sours children's di gestion snd disposition, gat Byrup ot Black - Draught. They love this honey-sweat liquid ’ MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. Automobile, Furniture and Signature Lean* Automobile Financing 819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 50b 6 Spotless Cleaners 1704 North 24th Street FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE Quality Workmanship-We Lead, Others Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING Claytee Brazier Phone AT 8526 • .* Make these easy Peter Pan Roll-Ups! nFrankly” speaking—they’re fabulousl Peter Pan Roll-Ups Cut lengthwise slit in each hot dog -in_°t quite all the way through). Smear slit v’th pre pared mustard or chili sauce. Stuff wiu'.thin sticks of tangy cheese, canned pineapple, -pr grated sharp cheese with grated onion o. pickle relish added. Wrap each hot dog, spirally, with strip of bacon. Secure with pick. Grill or broil, turning, until bacon is crisp and franks are hot. Tuck into buttered, toasted Peter Pan Finger Rolls. <?*t ethar Patar Pan ratipat at your groear'i \ r A real cool Idea for hot summer nlghtsl • Plan a meal around Peter Pan Sliced Finger ’ Rolls, fancied up with your favorite “fixings.” ‘They’re so many ways. Always fresh and delicious. Keep plenty on hand for quick, easy summertime treats 1 For Tastier Meals—Pick Peter Pan Finger Rolls V i 1 BAKED BY PETER PAN BAKERS • CEDAR RAPIDS • DAVENPORT • DES MOINES • OMAHA v '*'* ~~ • >