The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 20, 1956, Page Four, Image 4

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    WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and
the Names and Addresses of people
that are looking for a place to stay;
and for people who want to rent an
apartment. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT. One single room
for working woman at 2114
Burdette St Call Ja. 6684.
FOR RENT: Nice large room for
couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities'
paid. Call HA. 0800.
ED: Wa waat to reat that;
A part hi eat you have for Rent
Can HA 3800.
We waat to sell that car or truck
you have to Bale. Call HA 0800. |
We waat to sail that piece ef
furniture yen here, fer eele.
Call HA 0800.
REMEMBER We are ia the Rent-:
lag selling business. Give
us s ring. HA 0800.
HA 0300.
Man or woman from this area to
service new revolutionary Cig
areite Vending Machine. 6 t
10 hours weekly nets up to
approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great
opportunity for capable person
to expand. When fully es
tablished, party selected should
earn $15,000.00 yearly. $1,195.00
cash investment required. Ful
ly secured. For local inter
view give f"ll particulars.
Write P. O. Box 7047, Minne
apolis 11, Minn.
The Waller Radio Re
pair Shop, which was
located at 1904 North
24th St has moved to
2525 North 20th St 1
block north from Lake
St on the north side
of North 20th St
We will establish you in business
with our capital. If you are
trustworthy and energetic,
write us. No investment or ex
perience needed to start. Part
time or full-time. WINONA
MONUMENT CO. Winona, Minn.
WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house
coats at home. Earn from $17.40
tc $2^.16 dozen Write — AC
CURATE STYLE. Freeport, New
FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive
rooms for men. Price reasonable.
Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: Room for working
man. Call At. 5674.
WANTED TO RENT: 3-room a
partment north of Lake St.
that will accept children. Call
Ja. 5087.
9 - • »
FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room.
Call PL 2796.
FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for
men only. Nice location. Call
PL 5119.
$2 00 HOURLY possible doing
light assembly work at home.
Experience unnece«sa r y.
CROWN Industries, 7159-Y
Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36,
FOR RENT: One newly decorat
ed 3-room furnished apart
ment. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR RENT: A furnished 2 room
Apt. Call PL. 1981. Mrs. Bodie
room apartment. Call JA 1825
after 5 P.M.
house. Call Mrs. Cobbs. PL.8063.
FOR RENT: A beautiful 3 and a
4 room unfurnished Apt. with
modern gas stove and a Re
frigerator furnished. All utili
ties paid by owner. In the new
Beautiful Mai bum Apt at 21st
and Burdette SL Call AT. 4114.
After 5 P.M. Call GL. 1411.
ALYST. The stars impel but do
not compel. $1 per question.
Send birth dates. 738 W. Wash.,
Council Bluffs, Phone 3 - 1956.
FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish
ed apartments. Three 3-room
furnished apartments. Two 4
room furnished apartments. Call
HA 0800.
FOR RENT: A 3 room unfurnish
ed Apt. Stove and Refrigerator
furnished. All utilities paid by
owner. Only $60.00 per month.
Phone HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur
nished apartment. One 2-room
furnished apartment. One 3-j
room furnished apartment. Call
HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One newly decorat
ed 3-room furnished apart
ment. Close to bus line. Call
Ha. 0300.
FOR RENT: One lovely furnished
room with the use of the kit
chen. At very reasonable price.
In a good Christian home. Call
HA 0800. hi block from bus line.
FOR RENT: One nice 2-room
furnished apartment with sleep
ing porc^ Close in. Call PL
0845. Be sure and say you saw
it in the Guide.
FOR RENT: One 3-room furnished
apartment and one single room
furnished for a working man.
Call PL 5003 or call at 2004 Wirt
Street. Mrs. Davis. Be sure and
say you read this in the Guide.
FOR BENT: 3 large nice furnish
ed rooms for a working man or
woman at 2422 Erskine Street.
Call PL 4703. Also a 3 room
unfurnished apartment.
FOR RENT: Two 3-room furnished
apartments. One South of Lake
Street and one North of Lake
Street. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One large Kitchenette
apartment. One large room to
the front. Two one-room large,
with side entrance. Both of the
downstairs partments can have
use of kitchen. Call HA 0800.
room unfurnished apartment or
a house. Call PL 3876, Mrs.
Starnes. Only three in family.
FOR RENT: A lovely 2-room furn
ished apartment at 3007 Bur
dette St. Call after 5:30 P.M.
PR 2158.
FOR RENT: 3 large furnished
rooms for working man or wo
man or 3 rooms unfurnished at
2422 Erskine St. Call PL 4703.
FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished
apartment for working couple
will accept one or two small
children. Call PR 0673.
FOR RENT. 2 room furnished
Apt., 2518 Seward Stret. Call
JA. 8524
Apt. or a 4 room house. Will
be glad to look at a large 3
room Apt. Call PL. 8969.
Mrs. Lucille Stewart.
Map Wrong!
Ntar Yuma, Ariz., a band of Mes
Icans, who had crossed the border
Illegally to search for farm work,
ran Into a movie company on loca
tion, took one look at 00 Hollywood
Arabs on horseback, fled back
across the border yelling. "The map
was wron*!"
Village Planetarium
The new $3,000,000 planetarium at
Chapel Hill. N. C„ sixth to be built
in America, is the only one in the
world located in a village.
For the Home
Recreation Room Divider
'P’OR materials costing under
$75, the amateur craftsman
can build for his home a good
looking, well designed recreation
center that serves also as a room
The unit has three roomy
cabinets behind sliding doors, a
four-drawer chest, shelves and a
bar cabinet. It provides room for
a high-fidelity phonograph and
speakers. It has a built-in desk
for writing letters and for a
family business center.
The entire back, formed of
Masonite “Peg-Board” panels,
may be used for displaying photo
graphs, pictures, dishes or other
Made of lumber and Masonite
Presdwood, the combination unit
has style, utility and beauty.
For a free plan detailing how
to make this unusual combination
project, write the Home Service
Bureau, Suite 2037, 111 West
Washington St., Chicago 2, 111.,
requesting No. AE-314.
GOP Dent
In Labor
Vote Noted
By William H. Stringer
Chief, Washington News Bureau,
The Christian Science Monitor
The hard work which a big,
powerfully built, - friendly gen
tleman in the Eisenhower Cab
inet has put into his contacts
with organized labor, is paying
The latest Gallup poll, sur
prisingly, shows that organized
labor—as of today and as indi
cated by a sampling from coast
to coast— actually prefers Presi
dent Eisenhower over Adlai E.
This is sorry news for the
Democrats, and it must be quali
fied by all sorts of provisos, In
sofar as it does represent a steady
shift in labor sentiment, the man
who receives an important share
of the credit is Secretary of Labor
James P. Mitchell.
Secretary Mitchell is one Re
publican who has always be
lieved that the Eisenhower ad
ministration could make a vig
orous dent in the Democratic al
legiance of organized labor. And
in an indefatigable, painstaking
manner, by promoting favorable
legislation, by personal contact
and by speaking to labor conven
tions here, there, and everywhere
he has made that dent.
Of course the other Republi
can who has helped along this
unusual shift is President Eisen
hower. Riding above the politi
cal storms, nonpartisan in his per
sonal preferences, he has attract
ed labor strength right along.
In 1952 it is estimated that
President Eisenhower received a
substantial vote from union mem
bers. some 39 per cent. Now, in
a Gallup “trial heat” against Mr.
Stevenson, Mr. Eisenhower re
ceived a majority of the votes—
56 per cent.
Campaign Fund
A polling of union leaders
would of course show a very
different sentiment. Only the
other day David Dubinsky, presi
dent of the International Ladies
Garment Workers Union esti
mated that the united labor move
ment (AFL-CIO) would raise a
maximum of 3 million dollars in
voluntary political contributions
for the 1956 presidential and con
gressional elections. And the
presumption is that most of this
money would go to support Demo
cratic candidates.
But not all of the rank and
file followed its leadership in
1952, and possibly a still larger
percentage of the rank and file
may not follow the leadership in
It should be noted that some
members of the Eisenhower camp
do not rate precisely as high
with labor as do the President
and Secretary Mitchell. The Amal
gamated Clothing Workers of
America, in their recent Washing
ton convention, charged that Sec
[ retary of State John Foster Dulles
was “unfit” to continue in his
high office. Labor has had sim
ilarly uncomplimentary things to
say about Secretary of Commerce
Sinclair Weeks.
But the labor movement, while
it may not always agree with Sec
retary Mitchell, recognizes in
him an individual who has sought
to pursue a course which is bene
ficial to labor. And as a man
who does not shun contact with
and plain speaking to, labor.
James P. Carey, president of the
International Union of Electrical
Workers, said recently of him:
“Whatever else the American
labor movement may think of the
Republican administration it will
and does acknowledge that the
Secretary of Labor is both a fight
er and an extremely courageous
By espousing minimum wage
legislation, equal pay bills, and
safety proposals and by person
ally opposing state enacted right
to-work laws, Secretary Mitchell
has worked to cultivate labor’s
friendship. Recently he criticized
Congress for failing to act on
labor legislation proposed by the
Spur for Harriman
A number of other labor lead
ers have praised Secretary Mit
chell for his course of conduct.
He is at least as effective with
labor leaders as was the original
Eisenhower appointee to the la
bor post. Martin P. Durkin who
was himself a union offical.
The Gallup poll sampling will
be c o n t ested by Democratic
spokesmen as insufficiently
broad. Simultaneously it will
set in motion vigorous efforts by
labor leadership to return the
straying membership to tradi
tional allegiances.
And the fact that Mr. Eisen
hower triumphed over Mr. Ste
venson will not be lost on the
supporters of less “moderate”
Democratic presidential candi
dates, particularly Gov. Averell
Harriman of New York, who is
an original New Dealer enjoying
strong support in the labor move
ment. It will be argued that
only Governor Harriman can hold
organized labor and the nation’s
minority groups for the Demo
crats in November.
But for the moment the Gallup
results remain a testimony to
President Eisenhower’s remark
able popularity with just about
every group in the country and
to Secretary Mitchell’s able and
assiduous courting of organized
Meet Here
August 2 - 5
A four day assembly of Jeho
vah’s witnesses will be held in the
Civic Auditorium here, August 2
through 5, according to John Mc
Laughlin, Convention Director
from Lincoln. An estimated 4,000
ministerial delegates are expected
by the conclusion of the assem
bly. The ministers will be com
ing from Nebraska, Iowa, South
Dakota, Missouri and Kansas.
The purpose of the assembly is to
provide practical instruction in
the ministry and to offer sound
scriptural counsel in meeting to
day’s problems. ——
A former Omaha resident, Rob
The Last Word
By Elizabeth Davis Pittman
Well, Ive waved goodbye, said
I goodbye and received numerous
postcards from fortunate vaca
tioners. Now the question is—
when is it my turn? Much as we
all like to travel, there are many
of us who have not done so thus
far this summer; and, consequent
ly, we’re sweltering in our all
too familiar surroundings while
the travelers are sweltering or
cooling in new and intriguing at
I can’t point out too often the
importance of these annual treks
to far away, not so far away and
almost across the street vacation
spots. We all get a little tired of
the same old dull routine once in
a while and a change of pace in
a different environment is just
what the doctor ordered. How
nice to meet people from various
places of residence and exchange
notes about current affairs, mu
tual acquaintances and amusing
experiences. Many lifelong friends
are formed in this casual manner
and many a person has met his
or her future marriage partner—
ert W. Wallen, will be the fea
tured speaker. Wallen is now
with the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society, of Brooklyn, New
York, sponsors of the assembly,
and governing body of Jehovah’s
witnesses. His principal talk will
be Sunday, August 5. at 3:00 P.M.
Peace Will Come in Our Day.”
on the subject, “Why Permanent.
“Preparations are already well
under way,” said McLaughlin.
Temporary headquarters have
been set up at 2901 North 30th
Street. To look after the details,
19 departments have been organ
ized. Meetings of the depart
ments were held over the week
end. Ministers from Missouri,
Iowa, Nebraska and South Dako
ta attended.
Another Omaha resident, Al
fred Nussrallah, will also address
the group. Nusrallah is now
working in the headquarters of
the Watchtower Society, Brook
lyn, New York.
A dedication service to Jehov
ah God, symbolized by complete
water immersion of the candi
dates will be held Saturday. Panel
discussions and staged dramati
zations will be presented em
phasizing training for the mini
stry and separation from world
conflicts. The delegates will then
put these suggestions into prac
tice by calling on residents of
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
The Civic Auditorium will be
transformed into an enlarged
Kingdom Hall for the convention.
The present boxing ring in the
auditorium will become a stage.
(Local meeting places of the con
gregations of Jehovah’s witnesses
are called Kingdom Halls.)
There are seven congregations
of Jehovah’s witnesses in the
Omaha-Council Bluffs area.
All sessions of the assembly
will be free and open to the pub
Second Smallest
Dels war* is the second smallest
state in the Union.
Indoors or out—feed the gang these
delicious Peter Pan Chili-Burgers l
Peter Pan ^
Chili-Burgers '
2'/j lbs. hamburger 4 No. 2 cant red kidney beans
% cup fat 1 tablespoon chili powder
2 cups chopped onion 2 teaspoons salt
2 qts. tomato puree 1 clove garlic, chopped fine
Melt fat, add onion, and brown. Add
hamburger and stir till delicately browned.
Add remaining ingredients and simmer
gently for 1 hour. Spoon generously into bot
tom halves of Peter Pan Buns. Replace tops
and spoon more of the mixture over the whole
burger. Serve with a fork. (Makes approxi
mately 30 servings.)
Get other Fetor Fan recipes at your grocer's
The sure way to satisfy hearty appetitesl
You can’t miss pleasin’ a hungry crowd
when Peter Pan Sliced Sandwich Buns are
on the menu! So fresh ... so good ... they
bring out the full flavor of everything served
with them. Keep plenty on hand!
For Tastier Meals — Pick Peter Pan Sandwich Buns
realizing all the while that only
happenstance has thrown them
The adventure that lies ahead
as you speed down the highway,
over the railroad tracks and along
the air lanes is an ever challeng
ing and refreshing thrill. The
conversation seems to grow more
stimulating, the food seems to
become that fit for a king and
each person seems to project a
captivating personality. Just the
thought of all this excitement
makes the traveler tingle as he
leaves thought of humdrum duties
and responsibilities behind him.
How many times has the traveler
forgotten minor irritations, made
plans for future development in
his own life and generally taken
stock of his assets and liabilities?
There is nothing like a vacation
to enhance one’s existence,
broaden one’s personality and
give life an effervescent quality!
Pardon me—while I look at
these vacation folders. I think
I’ve convinced myself there's
nothing like a vacation!
Willca Mae Gray
Mrs. Willa Mae Gray, age 56
\years, of 2618 Decatur Street, ex
pired Saturday evening July 7th,
1956 at a local hospital.
She was an Omaha resident 34 ]
years and was a member of Zion
Baptist Church.
She is survived by her husband,
Finis Gray, son, William Gray;
sister, Mrs. Lizzie George; 2 broth
ers, Lawrence and Eddie Cole and
a host of other relatives.
Funeral services were held
Thursday July 12, 1956 at 2:00
p.m. from Zion Baptist Church
with Rev. F. C. Williams officia
ting assisted by Rev. Emmett Al
len. Interment was in the family
plot at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Pal lbearers Messrs. Jimmy
Bland, Arthur Justus, G. B. Burl
eson, James Armour, John Wil
liams and Robert Johnson.
Myers Brothers- Funeral Ser
Getting Up Nights
If worried by "Bladder Weakness" (Get
ting Up Nights or Bed Wetting, too fre
quent, burning or Itching urination) or
Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine, due to
common Kidney and Bladder Irritations,
try CY8TEX for quick help. 30 years use ,
prove safety for young and old. Ask drug
gist for CYSTEX under money-back guar
antee. See how fast you Improve.
cooking is
.» *
. . . there's no wasted heat
Once you’ve tried cooking electrically, you’ll agree that an elec
tric range makes a delightful difference in kitchen temperatures dur
ing hot weather.
The reason is that your electric oven is completely insulated
top, bottom and sides—to keep heat in the oven and.out of the
kitchen. Electric surface units cut waste heat, too, because they heat
by direct metal-to-metal contact with cooking utensils.
That’s one of the important reasons why last year Omaha house
wives purchased more than twice as many electric ranges as any other
' Find out for yourself how cool electric cooking can be, and dis
cover its other advantages, too. You’ll like its cleanliness, safety, and
economy. See your favorite appliance dealer soon, z'
Panelgroove Siding
A NEW, attractive siding
which is both economical
and durable has been introduced
and now is available at most
lumber yards. Known as Mason
ite Panelgroove, this panel sid
ing has distinctive-appearing
grooves, %" wide, which appear
vertically at intervals of 4
Made of Tempered Presd
wood, a material already in
wide use for exteriors, Panel
groove is distinctive for these
Its resistance to weather.
J Its dramatic appearance,
which presents a pleasing archi
tectural effect.
Its easy, economical installa
tion due to the large size panels
and shiplap joints requiring no
special skills or treatment.
Available in lengths of 12'
and 16' and in widths just over
4', Masonite Panelgroove may
be applied directly to studs, or
over sheathing. Like the plain
Tempered Presdwood, Panel
groove takes and holds paint
unusually well.
Automobile, Furniture and Signature Leans
Automobile Financing
819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 60ti6
Spotless Cleaners
1704 North 24th Stroot
Quality Workmanship-Wa Load, Others Follow
Claytoo Brazier Phone AT 8524
Stop pain of piles
today at home
—or money back!
In doctor's tests, amazing new
Stainless Pazo* instantly relieved
piles’ torture I Gave internal and
external relief! 6 medically-proved
ingredients including Triolyte, re
lieve pain, itching instantly! Reduce
swelling. Promote healing You sit,
walk in comfort! Only stainless
pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Sup
positories or Ointment at druggists.
*Trudemark of Grove Laboratories, Inc.
Ointment and Suppositories.
Half-alive, headachy, when constipa
tion sours stomach? Black-Draught*
relieves constipation overnight.
Helps sweeten sour stomach too.
lixativo-Stomach Swootonor Works OvomigMI
No harsh griping. Made from pura
vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but
gently uncorks clogged intestines.
Brings comforting relief in morning.
Then life looks sunny again! Get
Black-Draught today.
•In Powder or Granulated form . . end
now in new, eatv-to-take Tablets, tool
I I When constipation
I_ sours children's dl
section and disposition, set Syrup ot Black -
Draught. They love this honey-sweet liaukkl