The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 20, 1956, Image 1

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Voi:30 No. 20 Friday; July20ri956 _ ■ ~ ~ TOc Per Copy
Eisenhower Hopes For
Possoge of Pending
Civil Rights Legislation
A hope that Congress will en
act Administration - sponsored
pending civil rights legislation
was expressed by President Ei
senhower in a message of greet
ings to the NAACP’s 47th annual
convention which opened for
mally here last Tuesday.
A telegraphed message from
the Chief Executive declared
that the civil rights measures, if
enacted, “will materially assist
the government in discharging
its responsibility to safeguard
the Constitutional rights of every
citizen in this country, including
the right to vote."
“But laws on the statute books
are not enough.” the presidential
message continued. “Patience and
forbearance and wisdom are re
quired of all of us if we are to
solve effectively the perplexing
problems of this trying period of
rdjustment. As you turn your
attention to these problems, I
wish all of you a most successful
President Eisenhower's greet
ing noted that since 1909, NAA
CP members “both white and
Negro have been striving to se
cure for all persons regardless of
color their full measure of Con
stitutional rights.”
"A Badge of Honor"
A telegraphed greeting from
Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of
the American Jewish Congress,
asserted that the “label of ‘ex
tremism' placed on” the NAACP
is a badge of honor won in the
fight against the shameful badge
of Jim Crow.”
“Generations of Americans to
come will benefit from your firm
ness in refusing to accept any
substitutes for full attainment of
Constitutional rights.” Dr. Gold
stein added.
Greetings to the assemblage
from the president and Board
chairman of the Association
singled out for special praise
southern NAACP members who
have refused to yield to pressures
and threats during the past year |
The messages were received at |
convention headquarters in writ
ten form since President Arthur
B. Spingarn and Board Chairman
Channing H. Tobias were unable
to attend the proceedings.
Mr. Spingarn and Dr. Tobias
predicted new NAACP victories
during the coming year. The
latter said, that “new tactics and
methods have been developed to
meet the present crisis in the
South.” He indicated the Asso
ciation may “develop additional
methods for dealing with the
present situation.”
Enemies Tactics Are Desperate
Of the Association’s members
Mr Spingarn declared: “It is in
large part due to their devotion
to the democratic way of life and
*o their belief in the ideals set
forth in our American Constitu
tion that the NAACP has be
come at this time a significant
and. in fact, a powerful instru
ment in achieving equal citizen
ship rights for all Americans.
Our enemies know this, and their
tactics in fighting us have be
come the tactics of desperation.
“Some of our members have
been victims of the economic
pressures exerted by the White
Citizens Councils. Others have
been threatened with violence
for advocating civil rights and
desegregation. I am certain that
the great majority of American
citizens who believe in equality
of opportunity admire the cou
rage of our people in these trou
bled times, and I personally salute
their refusal to bow down to the
forces of bigotry.”
Period is Crucial
On the same subject Dr. Tobias
maintained that “we are facing
a crucial period in the history of
our organization. Our successes
in breaking down the ancient
segregation barriers have aroused
the enmity of those committed to
the obsolete Jim Crow patterns.
As a consequence, we are under
attack throughout the South.”
“O u r members have been
threatened and penalized,” the
Board chairman’s message con
tinued. “Our name has been
villified. and all our activities
banned in two states. Despite
these provocations, our people
have remained calm and assured.
They have not sought to retaliate
Monday July 16th, at 8:15 the
State Theatre offers a sneak pre
vue of an outstanding picture
from a Major Producing Com
pany, this is being offered in ad
dition to the current screen at
traction Alexander The Great.”
Opening Tuesday at the State
Theatre is the Walt Disney pro
duction “The Great Locomotive
Chase” starring Fess Parker and
Jeff Hunter.
Man, 101,
Goes To
K.C. Alone
Two weeks ago a 101-year-old
ex-slave and father of 19 children
traveled alone from Houston
Texas to Kansas City for Father’s
day. He is 5-foot, 171-pound Wil
liam Coney, born December 2nd
1855, near Paris Louisiana.
While in the city' Mr. Coney
has divided his time among Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Coney, 2639 East
28th St., his son and daughter-in
law; Miss Mary Coney, 2106 Gar
field Circle, his daughter; and
Frank Coney, 2445 Wabash Ave
nue, another son.
Following his early morning
walk, a habit since he was very
young, this well-dressed man
could be seen sitting on the porch
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coney.
Rising at 5:00 a.m., he feels that
something is wrong if he doesn’t
have a clean white shirt, tie, a
pair of freshly pressed pants and
! shined shoes to put on.
Besides this attire, he always
checks to see if he has his ad
dress book and certificate of ex
emption from payment of poll
tax. Included in the address
book are the names of his nine
children still living and of his
present wife, 80-year-old Mrs.
Oreal Coney, with whom he has
lived for the past four years in a
j Houstan apartment of their own.
Of the children still living, five
are in Houston, three in Kansas
City and one in Shreveport, La.
Those in Houston are Alvard
Coney, Ollie Redly. Willie Cross.
Floyd Coney and Ike Coney. Mrs.
Beulah Shaw lives in Shreveport.
Passed Florida Bar Exam
Attorney Alphonso McGee of
Tallahassee, the first male grad
uate of the college of law at Flor
ida A and M University, recently
passed the Florida Bar Associa
tion examination and is permit
ted to engage in the practice of
law within the state. He is shown
receiving congratulations from
University President George N.
Gore, Jr. (A and M staff photo by
C. J. Smith. HI)
except through legal action. This,
they will continue to do and we
will regain our right to continue
our activities in those states
which now ban us.”
Membership Growth
Both Association officials took
I note of the past year’s growth
in NAACP membership and in
come. It was pointed out that
in 1955, for the first time since
1948, the membership exceeded
300,000 and that NAACP income
for January through May, 1956
totaled $301,569.75 compared to
$169,122.97 for the first five
months of 1955. The Association
plans to reach the 400,000 mem
bership mark by the end of 1956.
Teressa Cousins
Mrs. Teressa Cousins, 60 years
of age, 3809 North 29th Street,
passed away Tuesday morning
July 17th at a local hospital. Mrs.
Cousins is survived by one son,
Mr. Henry Darden, Chicago, Il
linois, step son, Mr. Tom Darden,
Cleveland, Ohio, daughter with
whom she was making her home,
Mrs. Juanita Smith, Omaha, sis
ter, Mrs. Addie B. James, Cairo,
Illinois, two brothers, Mr. George
I ichols, of Chicago, Illinois, Mr.
Willie Nichols, Cairo, Illinois, five
grand children, eight nieces, two
nephews and other relatives. The
body is at Thomas Funeral Home.
Women who would like to learn
to swim are invited to join the
YM-YW Swim on Tuesdays.
Morning classes are held at
9:15 a.m. for intermediates, 10:15
a.m. for beginners. Evening
classes are scheduled at 6:00 p.m.
for synchronized swim, 7:00 p.m.
intermediates, and 8:00 p.m. for
Registration may be made at
the YWCA any Tuesday. The
fee is $8.00 for three months and
included a YWCA yearly member
Elinor Van Steenburg
Health Education Director
of Talladega
Guest Here
Dr. Arthur Gray first Negro.
President of Talladega College at J
Talladega, Alabama, and hisj
gracious, charming wife were
dinner guests of the Thomas E.
Hayes family on Sunday, June j
24. Following the dinner hour
many Omahans dropped in infor
mally to meet these distinguished
Dr. Gray, a delegate and mem
ber of the Executive Committee
of the General Council of Congre
gational Christian Churches also
appeared on Television Station
K.M.T.V. on a panel discussion of
minority problems at 3:30 P.M.
the same Sunday. He and Mrs.
Hayes were school mates at Talla
dega from which both received
their college degrees.
The Grays and the Hayes com
pleted a busy but enjoyable day
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo
South and “The Swankv Eight
Club” at their very colorful, uni
que and hospitable garden party i
in the picturesque setting of the
Russell Reeses’ garden.
Omahans expressed great pride
at having such prominent people
as the Grays and other leading
Congregationalists who attended
the convention. Our city has to
be better by their having paused
for a while to bring new hope and
goals for future actions toward
complete democracy and equality
of citizenship and opportunity.
Preventing Wrinkles—Fabrics
of manmade fibers will come out
of the dryer wrinkle-free if two
dampened towels are put in the
dryer with the clothes. Run dry
er on low for five minutes.
Moss H. Kendrix Given Citation
Moss H. Kendrix, Washington,
D. C., public relations firm head,
views with Mrs. Mayme E. Wili
liams, Miami, president of the
National Congress of Colored
Parents and Teachers, citation
given him by group in recognition
of his work in the Negro market
and his efforts “to increase the
efficiency of personnel” and pro
mote “good public relations with
the business world.” Citation
was made during anniversary
dinner of the NCCPT at Shreve
port, Louisiana, last Sunday.
Rifle Meet
Is Sunday
The second annual Eastern Ne
braska small bore tournament will
be held at Dodge Park. Omaha,
Nebraska, on July 22, 1956. This
is sponsored by the Omaha Coun
cil of rifle clubs and the Omaha
park and recreation commission.
The meet is a registered rifle
association shoot, consisting of
seven matches. Entries are open
to both men and women and also
junior boys and girls. The meet
is scheduled to start at 8 a.m.
Reports Are
Due July 31
Nebraska employers of four or,
more persons newly covered by j
the Nebraska Employment Se
curity Law were urged today by
officials of the Division of Em
ployment Security to supply the
Division with required reports
and remittances if they have not
already done so.
July 31st is the last day of
grace the law allows for filing
reports and making tax payments.
After August 1st interest char
ges will accrue on delinquent re
mittances, the officials said.
The newly covered employers
are those who have had at least
four persons working for them
for twenty weeks or more this
year. They have been liable for
reports and tax contributions
since January 1, 1956. Those who
have not already complied with
the law should contact the Divi
sion of Employment Security, Box
1033. Lincoln, Nebraska, before
the dead line date.
Muscle Men
To Vie
There will be a midwest A.A.U.
weight lifting and physique con
test on July 21 at Boyd Softball
field, sponsored by the Ormha
park and recreation commiss:on.
The weight lifting events are
broken down into six weight
classes - 123 lbs., 133, 148, 165,
181 and heavyweight. The weight
lifting contest will be broken
down into two contests - open
mid west which is open to any
one in the United States, and the
closed contest which is open only
to midwest entrants. The mid
The Big Money Drive
Against Liberals
Efforts are being made to keep liberals from voicing their views
over the air, while well-heeled politicians have ready access to the
radio and TV.
That picture, a familiar one to close observers of public affairs,
was painted again in striking colors by two widely-known individuals
recently. One, Rep. George Rhodes, liberal Pennsylvania Democrat,
said: “From personal experience I can reveal that strong efforts have
been made to prevent me from making radio reports to the people
on what is happening in Congress and the nation's capital. The at
tempt to silence me becomes more persistent each day.” Shortly
thereafter, Rhodes was cut off a Reading radio station for the first
time in eight years.
The other, Mrs. Agnes Meyer, wife of Eugene Meyer, board
chairman of the Washington Post & Times Herald and head of the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. under Herbert Hoover, charged that
public relations experts are using mass media to control, rather than
enlighten, public opinion.
“They are a menace to democracy,” said Mrs. Meyer, 4 because
only the political party that is well-heeled with money can afford
their exorbitant fees.”
These Madison Avenue public relations experts, she asserted,
“have now entered the political arena and learned to sell personal
ities and policies with the same skill with which they formerly sold
Just about the only place where a liberal candidate can look tor
help is from people who work in the shops, offices and factories. The
implest and easiest way for them to help get liberals elected is to
•ontribute voluntarily $1 apiece to COPE.
Politics Okay For Doctors
But Not for Working Men?
It’s all right for doctors to be politically active but it’s all
' vrong for trade unionists. So asserts Dr. Elmer Hess, president of
[the American Medical Association. After blasting organized labor’s
political activities, Hess told the AMA convention in Chicago June 13
that members of organized medicine “must as individuals register
the party of our choice. ” Continued Hess: “We must as individuals
vote at every election. We must as individuals support those candi
dates ir both parties who favor our point of view, and oppose politi
cally all those candidates who take the point of view that we believe
; is not in the best interests of the public’s health.” The AMA presi
dent thus backs the same nonpartisan approach as does the AFL-CIO,
which has always urged union members to vote for labor’s friends
and against its enemies regardless of political labels.
Meantime, the AMA shut down its unionized printing plant in
I Chicago, throwing 200 men out of work, and contracted with a notor
ious open shop firm in Nashville, Tenn. for printing its official Jour
lal and other publications . AFL-CIO President George Meany said
‘this comes as no surprise to those) who have observed the selfish and
reactionary policies and actions of the medical politicians who control
he AMA.”
Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey told the Joint Con
gressional Economic Committee June 12 that the nation’s economy
is enjoying a “refreshing pause.”
I ....—
/ ■ "■ ..—
west area is Nebraska, South Da
kota, and western Iowa.
The physique contest will be
broken down into open midwest
and closed mid west. The high
school divisions will also be offer
ed .. . open Mr. mid west high
school and closed Mr. mid west
high school.
Entries can be obtained at the
park and recreation department
office, 605 city hall.
The meet director is A.A.U.
chairman, Dick Steno - and Char
les Mancuso, park and recreation
athletic director.
Range location: Approximately
2 miles north of Omaha on the
river road.
Suggested route: north on 19th
Street, continue north on Flor
ence Blvd. and John Pershing
Drive; pass under the Morman
Bridge; approximately 1% miles
north of bridge, turn east at sign.
“The secret of writing is to
learn the big words—and then
learn not to use them.”
NAACP Sets 1963 As
Target Date For Complete
Equality of Citizenship
Kathaleen Ross
Kathaleen Ross, age 5 years, of
2034 No. 30th Street, expired
Friday July 13, 1956 at a local
She is survived by her mother,
AMcte Bowman; brother, Lester
Bowman; grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cole, all of Omaha.
Private funeral services were
held Monday July 16, 1956 at 8:30
a.m. from the Myers Funeral
Home Chapel with Father Kerr
officiating. Interment was at
Calvary Cemetery.
Earns Doctorate
A. A. Abraham, professor of
education in the Florida A and
M University school of education,
was recently awarded the doctor
of education (Ed.D.) degree from
Indiana University. He was grad
uated from South Carolina State
College with the bachelor of
science degree, received the
master of arts degree from the
University of Buffalo and the
master of education degree from
Indiana University. (A and M
staff photo by James Walden)
Council of
Seeks Funds
The Omaha Council of Churches
is the one agency in our city and
its suburbs that unites all the de
nominations in the common cause
of progressive Christianity. It
is dependent upon the support
of the churches it serves. But it
needs as well the continuing in-1
terest of firms and individuals
who know the value to the com-1
munity of its many civic interest;
projects and betterment pro
Omaha is growing. Its new
residents and our many churcnes
make good use of the expanding
services of the Council. Just now
there are great opportunities for
united Christian effort in civic
affairs and in the fields of youth
work, education, radio and tele
vision. Additions to the Council
Staff are urgently needed to meet
this challenge.
Your help, added to that which
we already receive from many
individuals and firms, will supply
the needed supplement. This
year your contribution could
mean a greater unity of church
endeavors in Omaha than ever
before. We ask that you give
generously to the 1956 program.
Your gift will help determine the
course of Christian community
effort for the future.
The whole city was aroused
ibout juvenile delinquency and
s o me constructive suggestions
came out of various study groups.
There are three agencies - the ]
home, the school, and the church |
which have always been charged
with the primary responsibility |
for the constructive work which
prevents all but a very few of our
youngsters from becoming dclin
The Omaha Council of Church
es is the agency which cooperative
Protestant and Orthodox churches
use to strengthen the hands of
these primary agencies and to
assist public and private organi
sations working for youth.
During Youth Week two rallies
of Protestant youths were held on
(continued on page 2)
NEW YORK, N. Y., July 18,
6:00 P.M. EDST - A target date of
1963 has been set by the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People for the “com
plete elimination of all vestiges of
second-class citizenship among
Chief strategist of the organiza
tion, Thurgood Marshall, is quo
ted in the current issue of Coro
net Magazine as declaring “We
will not go fast; but we cannot go
slow. We move with ‘deliberate’
Marshall, a New York lawyer,
whose 14 Supreme Court victories
have made him the symbol of the
NAACP acts as the organization’s
special counsel and spokesman.
Among the many notable
NAACP victories discussed in the
Coronet article “The Story of the
NAACP” are:
1. Negroes are now voting in
all states but Mississippi.
2. The Jim Crow car has dis
appeared from inter-state trav
el; golf courses and public re
creation facilities have been de
3. 2,000 Negroes arc studying
in Southern colleges from
which, prior to 1950, they were
Once upheld mainly by North
ern whites, the Association has
gained mass support throughout
the country, with 45% of its
current 300,000 members in the
South. Only one-tenth of this
total is white.
Says No *
Race Issue
In Europe
Sp3 Clifton H. Blackburn, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hayes,
2928 N. 24th Street, returned
home Friday July 6th, after ser
ving three years in the U. S.
Army, Engineers Division 118.
Blackburn in an interview la
loud in his praise of Europe. He
states that among native Euro
peans the item of race never
enters the picture and that De
mocracy over there is a true real
ity in every sense of the word.
After graduation from Central
High School in 1953 where he was
active in Athletics and Extra
Curricular Activities, he enlisted
and became Squadron Leader in
the Culinary School at Fort Leon
ard Wood, Missouri and received
the rank of Private First Class
before leaving the states. In
Europe he was active in Athletics
and other activities. He played
; right tackle with the Toule Roy
als a top Air Force Team, which
enabled him to travel throughout
France and play other outstand
i tng service teams. He also play
; ed forward in the Squadron Level
Basketball with the Phalsbourg
Falcons. He was also a member
; of a singing quartet overseas,
| The Vedettes which entertained
: at officers and service mens’ clubs
in France and Germany.
In the span of three short years
Blackburn attained the rank of
Sp3 which gives him the stripes,
rights and pay of a Buck Ser
geant in the Air Force.
He plans to enroll in a technical
i school to pursue a course in elec
tronics because specializing in
I this new uncrowded field will of
fer great opportunities for ad
. vancement.
Steven Sheppard
Mr. Steven Sheppard age 56
years of St. Paul, Minnesota ex
pired here in Omaha Saturday
j evening July 14th, 1956. after
I having completed a run for the
railroad for whom he worked.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Eula Sheppard of St Paul Minn
His remains were forwarded to
the Brooks Funeral Home at St
Paul, Minn. Monday July 16tb
Arrangements by the Myers
“The boy who cried wolf has
probably grown up to be the wolf
who cries ‘Boy’.”