WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; j and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One single room for working woman at 2114 Burdette St. Call Ja. 6684. FOR RENT: Nice Urge room for couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities paid. Call HA. 0800. WANTED. WANTED! WANT ED: Wo want to reat that Apartment you have for Rout Can HA 08*4. We want to eel! that car or track yon have to nolo. Can HA 9800. We want to aelJ that piece ef furniture you hare, for sale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER We are in the Rent inf and aelliag business. Give us a ring- HA 0804. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WH HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU HAVE- GIVE US A RING. HA 8840. RELIABLE PERSON Man or woman from this area to service new revolutionary Cig amte Vending Machine. 6 t 10 hours weekly nets up to approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great opportunity for capable person to expand When fully es tablished, party selected should earn $15,000.00 yearly. $1,195.00 cash investment required. Ful ly secured. For local inter view give full particulars. Write P. O. Box 7047, Minne apolis 11, Minn. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24 th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St 1 block north from Lake St on the north side of North 20th St MALE HELP WANTED We will establish you in business with our capital. If yon are trustworthy and energetic, write us. No investment or ex perience needed to start. Part time or full-time. WINONA MONUMENT CO. Winona, Minn. FEMALE HELP WANTED W'OMEN sew easy ready-cut house coats at home. Earn from $17.40 to $26.16 dozen Write — AC CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New York. 9 FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive rooms for men. Price reasonable. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Room for working man. CaU AL 5674. WANTED TO RENT: 3room a partment north of Lake St that will accept children. Call Ja. 5087. FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room. CaU PL 2798. FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for men only. Nice location. CaU PL 5119. HELP WANTED: FEMALE. $2.00 HOURLY possible doing light assembly work at home. Experience unnece«*ary. CROWN Industries, 7159-Y Beverly Bird , Los Angeles 36, Calif. j FOR RENT: One newly decorat ed 3-room furnished apart men* CaU Hu. 0800. FOR RENT: A furnished 2 room Apt CaU PL 1981. Mrs Bodie Wheeler. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or 5 room apartment Call JA 1825 after 5 P M. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 room house Cali Mrs. Cobbs. PL.8063. FOR RENT: 1 5-room unfurnish ed Apt and 1 6-room unfur nished Apt Gas stuve and Re frigerators furnished. >1 utili ties paid by owner. Call AT 4114. After 5 PM. GL. 1411. FOR RENT: A beautiful 3 and a 4 room unfurnished Apt with modern gas stove and a Re frigerator furnished. All utili ties paid by owner. In the new Beautiful Mai burn Apt. at 21st and Burdette St Call AT. 4114. After 5 P M. Call GL. 141L ASTROLOGER AND PSYCHO AN ALYST. The stars impel but do not compel. $1 p»r question. Sold birth dates 738 W. Wash., Council Bluffs, Phone 3 - 1956. FOR RD(T: Three 2-room furnish ed apartments. Three 3-room furnished apartments. Two 4 ■ FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur j nished apartment. One 2-room furnished apartment. One 3 room furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Two 4-room houses, two blocks from 3 bus lines. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One newly decorat ed 3-room furnished apart ment. Close to bus line. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: One lovely furnished j room with the use of the kit chen. At very reasonable price. In a good Christian home. Call HA 0800. ^ block from bus line. FOR RENT: One nice 2-room furnished apartment with sleep ing porch. Close in. Call PL 0845. Be sure and say you saw it in the Guide. FOR RENT: One 3-room furnished apartment and one single room furnished for a working man. Call PL 5003 or call at 2004 Wirt Street. Mrs. Davis. Be sure and say you read this in the Guide. FOR RENT: 3 large nice furnish ed rooms for a working man or woman at 2422 Erskine Street. Call PL 4703. Also a 3 room unfurnished apartment. FOR RENT: Two 3-room furnished apartments. One South of Lake Street and one North of Lake Street. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One large Kitchenette apartment. One large room to the front. Two one-room large, with side entrance. Both of the downstairs partments can have use of kitchen. Call HA 0800. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or~5 room unfurnished apartment or a house. Call PL 3876, Mrs. Starnes. Only three in family. FOR RENT: A lovely 2-room furn ished apartment at 3007 Bur dette St. Call after 5:30 P.M. PR 2158. FOR RENT: 3 large furnished rooms for working man or wo man or 3 rooms unfurnished at 2422 Erskine St. Call PL 4703. FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished apartment for working couple will accept one or two small children Call PR 0673. FOR RENT. 2 room furnished Apt., 2518 Seward Stret. Call JA. 8524 WANTED TO RENT. A 4 room Apt. or a 4 room house. Will be glad to look at a large 3 room Apt. Call PL. 8969. Mrs. Lucille Stewart. Elizabeth Rofrtand Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland, 77 years, 3016 Burdette Street, passed away Friday morning, June 29th at a local hospital. Mrs. Rowland had been a resident of Omaha twenty-two years and was on the Mothers Board of St. John Bap tist Church. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Blanche Rowland, Omaha; brother, Mr. John R. Brown, one of the leading barbers of Milwau kee, Wisconsin; nephew, M r. Thomas Brown, Milwaukee; aunt, Mrs. Sally Rucker, Clarksville, Mo.; two cousins, Mrs. Edith Watts, Bollen Green, Mo., Mrs. Nora Mozee, Clarksville, Missouri; other relatives and a host of friends. Tentatively funeral services have been set for two o’clock Tuesday afternoon from St. John Baptist Church with the Rev. E. D. John on officiating with burial at Mount Hope Cemetery and ar rangements by Thomas Funeral Home. Rosalind Fisher Mrs. Rosalind Fisher, age 58 years, of 2020 North 25 St., died suddenly Saturday, June 16, 1956 at her home. She was an Omaha resident 40 years. Mrs. Fisher is survived by her husband, Mrs. Andrew Fisher of Omaha; and three sisters of Pitts burg, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were held Fri day, June 22, 1956 at 2:00 P.M. Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs C. Davis, J. Anderson, N. Gilreath, E. Lee and L Fisher. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Village Pltnrlartem The new $3,OQSjQOO planetarium at Chapel Hill H. C.. ilxth tt be built * America, ia the only tmt M tbs wed* tecate* in a Tillage. What's With Willie Mays? New York (CNS) Willie Mays— the boy wonder of the Giants in bygone years — is having such a disappointing year so far that few newspaper folks hang around him. Has marriage caused Willie to lose his baseball touch? Or is it just the general sluggishness of the Giants as a whole that is con tagious enough to catch on to Willie? Even Giant manager Bill Rig ney is completely perplexed by wonderless Willie. “Frankly he puzzles me.” It looked for a while last week that he was coming on. But now he has slipped back a gain. Willie is swinging as hard as ever, except that the ball is going straight up in the air in stead of soaring toward the fences as it once did. — All in all, the Giants are mired in the cellar without too much hope. 'God Bless You' Is July 15 Topic On The Lutheran Hour The Christian benediction will be the subject of a July 15 mess age on The Lutheran Hour deliv ered by the Rev. George W. Witt mer, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in St. Louis and summer guest speaker on The Lutheran Hour. In addition to Pastor Wittmer’s message, listeners will hear an “Overseas Report” on Lutheran Hour activities in Great Britain. Speaker on the report will be the Rev. E. George Pearce of London, England. In his message over the Nation al Broadcasting Company, Mutual Broadcasting System and inde pendent stations, Pastor Wittmer will point out “day after day God gives us everything we need for body and soul—and we go our way as if he owed us these things.” He will say that “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace,” is the assurance of providence and protection and pardon and is also the guarantee of peace, “the peace of God that passes all un derstanding.” In addition, Pastor Wittmer will say, the benediction guarantees the “privilege of coming before the face of the King.” “What God has for you is not merely psychology. It is the cer tain pledge of Him Who always keeps His word,” the St. Louis pastor will conclude. _ If You Want the low - down, the inside baseball news, you'll went to take advantage of this spe cial offer. We'll send you 12 weekly Issues of THE SPORTING NEWS (reg ular value $3.00) PLUS a copy of the big, brand-new 528-page 1956 edition of the Official Base ball Guide (regular price $1.00) for only $2,001 IT'S OFFICIAL, AUTHENTIC This famous book contains major and minor league a ve rages, records, offi cial playing rules and thousands of facts about the game. trs tree to you — along with a 12-week subscription to THE SPORTING NEWS for $2.00. Let's get acquainted—use this coupon, without delayl I THI SPORTING NCWS 201 • Washing tan Ave. | St. Laais 2, Mo. j Herewith you will find S2-00 for which I I can to receive THE SPORTING NEWS J ter 12 weeks, and a free easy ad Ike | Official Baseball Guido. I j NAME__ i1™1-- I Rev. Geo. Wittmer Lutheran Hour Guest Speaker The Rev. George W. Wittmer, p a s t or of Messiah Lutheran Church in St. Louis, will begin a • two-month series as summer ; guest speaker on The Lutheran ! Hour July 8 when he speaks on the topic, “We Would See Jesus.” The broadcast will also feature the first in a series of “Overseas Reports” on Lutheran Hour activ ity. Missionaries and native past ors from countries around the world will participate in these re ports throughout the summer months. Pastor Wittmer will tell his audience on the Mutual network, NBC, and independent stations that “our greatest desire must be Rev. George W. Wittmer LUTHERAN HOUR ^ Summer Guest Speaker that ‘we would see Jesus,’ because we need Jesus as our Saviour from sin.” He will say that in Jesus can be found the answer to the ques tions, “Who are we, and where are we going?” “Some day,” he will tell his listeners, “you will have to make the descent into eternity. ^You will go down the steep mountain side of death. Have you accepted Jesus as your guide? Do you trust Him for your salvation from the deadly power of sin and your safe passage to heaven? People around us who are in need, who are anxious, fearful, frustrated, lonely and insecure, fail to realize that “basically they are out of harmony with God,” Pastor Wittmer will say. In an “Overseas Report,” the Rev. Fred C. Kreiss, a native of France, will discuss the work of The Lutheran Hour in that coun try. Pastor Kreiss is stationed in Paris. SERMON TOPICS: July 8—We Would See Jesus July 15—God Bless You I July 22—Proud of Our Gospel J July 29—Let Your Heart Be Troubled August 5—The Tender Touch of Jesus August 12—Our God of All Comfort August i9—From Here to Eternity August 26—Who Are Your Friends? September 2—The Problem of Labor Tri-State Art Exhibit in Wyo. Artists from Colorado and Wyo ming will again have an oppor tunity to exhibit their pictures in the Second Annual Tri-State Ex hibit at Cheyenne. The final date for filing entry blanks has been extended to July 8, 1956, at which time ex hibits will also be due at the Cheyenne Art Center. Over $500.00 in prizes will be awarded by a jury of well-known Artists. The Exhibits will be open to the public from July 22, 1956 to August 22, 1956. ’ r—PLAN CAREFULLY-—-, For That Perfect Vacation It’s here at last! And we’re speaking of that longed-for vacation time that seemed so far away when we trudged through the snow and slush just a few months ago. What’s your choice this year? A trip to the seashore? Perhaps a week or two of getting back to nature among the mountain greenery, or does a rustic cabin near a sparkling lake sirixe your iancyr wo matter what your selection, this is the time to relax—and take a prob ably much-needed breather. A well-planned vacation is a happy vacation. You’ll find life much simpler if you make a /eally complete list of every pos sible need before you lock the front and back door and start off. And this year, something new should be an important part of your list — a new all-purpose liquid detergent called Wisk. The hot-water supply at your vacation spot may not be as de pendable as back home—or if you are really getting back to nature, it may be very limited indeed. But there will always be some laundry to be done and dishes have an annoying habit of having to be washed two or three times each day. Swim suits should be washed and rinsed after each dunking — whether in salt or fresh water. And the perfect an swer to keeping life simple is this new blue liquid detergent. Wisk is pre-dissolved, and goes to work instantly in any kind of water—hot or cold, salt or fresh —in a way impossible with any powdered product. It comes in neat pint and quart cans thf.t will not add additional bulk to your probably already overloaded luggage. And you will find that it is the only cleaning product that you need, no matter where you choose to spend your well earned rest! JPerhaps you have a vacation cabin that needs to be put in order after being closed since last year. Once again, Wisk is the answer for cleaning everything from the kitchen sink to floors and window-sills—with no extra boxes or bottles or other cleaners. Remember, a vacation is sup posed to bo fun and the simpler you keen tho necessary duviss, the more time you’ll have with your family. So makes your list, follow 1*. and before, during and aftsr tiiu happy time of tho year—dop.S forget the Wisk. _Calling All Vacationers! HEW YORK IS A SUMMER FESTIVAL. From now through Labor Day, the big town is a great big welcome mat for the world. It offers vacationers a wide variety of relaxation and entertain ment in every possible field. “Miss New York Summer Festival” (Lee Meriwether—who was Miss America 1955 and is a per former on the NBC-TV TODAY program) points out one of the festival theme posters which decorate New York this summer. Miss Meriwether says that free tourist information is available by visiting or writing the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, 90 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Montgomery Bus Co. Has Half of Drivers Since Boycott Montgomery, Ala. (CNS) Before the historic bus boycott begun a gainst the Montgomery City Lines last December 5th, the company employed 70 drivers. In a new economy move this week, it laid off 21 more drivers—leaving the number yet employed by the company to thirty-seven drivers. More buses have been taken out of service, too. Office personnel has been cut to the bone so that there are only five on the pay roll and this includes office work ers as well as maintenance per sonnel. The manager, J. H. Bag ley, made the new announcement as to how hard the six month old boycott has hit the company. UNCF EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT APPOINTED CHIEF ADVISOR TUSKEGEE INDONESIA PROJECT Dr. L. H. Foster, president, Tus kegee Institute, recently announ ced the appointment of Air. <1. L. Washington as Chief Adviser of the Tuskegee-Indonosii Project. Mr. Washington is relinguishing his post as consultant on educa tional and fiscal problems for the United Negro College Fund, an organization composed of thirty one private accredited Negro col leges. Mr Washington ,a graduate en gineer of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has had over twen ty-eight years of administrative and related experience in the de velopment of programs of higher education. Prior to his associa tion with the UNCF, he served as Business Manager of Howard Uni versity, Washington, 0. C His earlier experiences include the deanship of the School of Mechan ical Industries of Tuskegee Insti tute, and of the School of Mechan ic Arts of A. & T. College. He has also served as Administrative Assistant to the President of Tus kegee Institute and Director of Aeronautics of Moton Field. He was educational consultant to the Ministry of Education of the Ba I hama Islands and to the Governor j of the Virgin Islands. The Indonesia-Tuskegee Project is a contractual agreement be tween Tuskegee Institute and the Ministry of Education of the lie public of Indonesia, subsidized by the Federal Government through the International Cooperation Ad ministration. Under this program, Tuskegee Institute is providing technical, advisory assistance and teacher-training for the technical vafcchers of Indonesia. Through the release of Mr. Washington for this service, the UNCF is rendering valuable asis tance to the Federal Government in its effort to up grade the teach ing personnel of Indonesia. Tus kegee Institute has at present a staff of twelve technical special ists and teacher-trainers in Indo nesia. Mr. Washington assumed his new responsibilities as Chief Advisor of the Tuskegee-Indouesia Project on June 1. He will leave for Dja karta, Indonesia, in late June to take over the direction of the pro ject by July 1st. A p p r o x i m ately 22,000,000 Christmas trees are produced in the United States every year, ac cording to the National Arborist Association. Seeds from cone-bearing trees range from 500 to 500,000 to the pound, says the National Arbor ist Association. White pine seed averages 27,000 to the pound, red pine, 52,000; black spruce, 400,000; Atlantic white cedar, 460,000. The Torrey pine aver ages about 500 seeds to the pound. The southeastern part of the United States—Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ala bama, Georgia, Tennessee, Ken tucky, and Mississippi— has more different kinds of trees than any other comparable section — at least half of those grown in this country. Treeless towns also are usually lifeless, according to the National Arborist Association. CHAMPONS IN SPORTS A preview of winners in""the forth-coming Olympic games in Melbourne, Australia, features the Fifth Anniversary edition of “Go-Guide to Pleasant Motoring.’’ The University of Pittsburgh's stellar half miler Arnie Sowell; Tennessee State’s speed queens Mae Faggs and Isabell Daniels, are featured along with their records. The brilliant record of the NCAA Basketball Champions, the fabulous San Francisco Dons, with BiH Russell and K. C. Jones; 1955 World Champions Brooklyn Dodgers; Gene Baker and Ernie Banks of the Chicago Cubs; The Milwaukee Braces’ Bill Bruton and Cleveland Indians’ Big Gun, A1 Smith, occupy favored posi tions in the 1956 edition. Edited with the Negro travelor in mind, “Go-Guide to Pleasant Motoring” is designed to assure him of first class accommodations wherever he goes in the United States, Canada, Alaska and Mex ico. The listed Hotels, Motels and Resorts have been carefully screened for cleanliness, whole some and inviting atmosphere, friendliness of employees and management, available services and reasonable prices. Each place is adequately described so that prospective guests know ex actly what to expect, and the prices charged. “Guests are ad monished throughout the book to always secure confirmed reser vations in advance, something that most Negroes are loathe to do, and therefore suffer needless disappointment, said Jackson, who heads Andrew F. Jackson & Associates, 918 F. Street, N. W., Washington 4, D. C. As a medium of travel, sport, convention and historic informa tion for Negro motorists, Go Guide to Pleasant Motoring, is vitally important to more than two million Negro families with automobiles. This Is The Termite Season This is the season for swarm mg Of Winged termites, accord ing to Robert Roselle, Univer sity of Nebraska Entomologist. He says that flights of the wing ed termites seen emerging from holes in the lumber inside or outside of the buildings indi cates the need for control mea sures . But he warns home own ers against unscrupulous control operators who attempt to fright en them into an immediate and usually costly control job. Ros elle recommends that estimates for the job be obtained from several reliable operators and comments that since termite damage is slow, there will be ample time for this precaution. Why 365 Day*? AH because of a river, there are 365 days in a yeks. When the ancient Egyptians made the first calendar about 4241 B. C., ae a Means ef measuring time from the moon and sun, they decided to reckon a year by the 365 days between the highest ' points of the Nile flood. DEDUCT FROM TAX TREE DAMAGE DUE TO BAD WEATHER Storm damages to trees may be deducted in figuring your income tax, advises the National Arborist Association. The dam age is deducted under casulty loss. The code allows a deduction equal to the difference in the value of your property just be fore and after the storm. The claim must be entered the year it occurred, and it must also be sub stantiated by the estimate of a qualified person, such as a local tree expert and a real estate ap praiser. Any insurance payment already received because of tha loss must be deducted from the total. Trees shrubs and lawns all are deductible if a true loss has been substained. The burden of proof is on the property owner. Rot in trees is caused by action on the wood of the tree by fungi, according to the National Arborist Association. The fungi are low forms of life whose threads pene trate the wood and break it down, resulting in decay. The softest American tree is the Corkbark fir. found in parts of Arizona and New Mexico, says the National Arborist Associa tion. It has a specific gravity of only 0.28. “Sofwoods” generally is the term given to the conifers, or cone-bearing trees, according to the National Arborist Associa tion. Getting up nights If worried by "Bladder Weakneu" (Get ting Up Night* or Bed Wetting, too fre quent, burning or Itching urination) or Strong Smelling. Cloudy Urine, due to common Kidney and Bladder Irritations, try CYSTEX for quick help. 30 years use prove safety for young and old. Ask drug gist for CYSTEX under money-back guar antee. See how fast you Improve. Stop pain of piles today at home —or money back! In doctor’s tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo* instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave internal and external relief! 6 medically-proved ingredients including Triolyte, re lieve pain, itching instantly! Reduce swelling. Promote healing You sit. walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Sup positories or Ointment at druggist*. •Trademark of Grove Laboratories, Ins. Ointment and Suppositories. B^^ CRAPE JUICE J sTOcHisoTuiiTrTffioW PULL THE PLBG ON STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. Laxative-Stsmach SweeUner (Marks Overnight! No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestines Brings comforting relief in morning Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Oranulated lorn , . and notv in new, eavy-to-taAe TaOiett, too! I Wliaa anmtlaelli * sorrs children s di gestion and disposition, get Syrup of Black Draught. They love this hooey-sweet liquid/ MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. Autamehile, Furniture ul Signature Lean* AutumuMte Financing 819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 806 b Spotless Cleaners 1704 North 24th Straat FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE Quality Workmanship-Wa Laad, Othars Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING Claytaa Braziar Phona AT S524 \ WITHOUT FU4JNO MU , , ^ m • , B ST0K2 IRCWINO COMPANY. OMAHA, NEftftASIO w U4JC . ' "