The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 25, 1956, Image 1

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EQUAL OPPORTUNITY j. 242QCrant st ; |
Vol. 30 No. 13__Friday, May 25, 1956'10c Per Copy
Field Gives $30,000 To NAACP Defense Fund
__ *
Corinth Women To Sponsor
"Women's Day Activities"
At Church Next Sunday
Th • Women of Corinth Bap
tist Church. 3212 North 24th
Street Paster, Rev. J. Andrew
Thompson, will sponsor Women's
Day Activities Sunday, May 27,
1956. The chairman and co
chairman are Mrs. Milburn
Frampton and Mrs LeRoy Baker,
respectively. The day's theme
will be “Women Working To
gether for a Christian World.”
The speaker for the 11:00 a.m.
and 3:30 p.m. services will be
Mrs. Maude L. Thompson, wife of
the pastor. Mrs. Thompson is a
native of Mississippi. She re
ceived her B. S. degree from
Lane College. Jackson. Tennessee;
and received her M. A. degree
from Howard University in Wash
ington, p.C. Mrs. Thompson has
also studied at the University of
Chicago and Omaha.
Mrs. Thompson was field dir
ector of the West Virginia Bap
tist State Women’s Convention.
At Howard University she assist
ed Mrs. Bessie Mayle, director in
charge of church music and re
ligious drama. Mrs. Thompson
has had years of teaching ex
perience; Omaha schools being
included in her teaching career.
She is a member of the Omaha
chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho
Women from other churches
and organizations are invited to
bring greetings to the Corinth
Baptist Church Women's Day ob
servance. The public is invited.
The evening program, 7:00
p.m.; will include a panel discus
sion on “Women’s Responsibility
in Today's World." Appearing on
the paned are Mrs. Martha Milt
on, Mrs. David Nicholson, Mrs.
Monty J. Bradford, and Mrs.
Thomas Frazier who will pre
sent topics pertaining to Home,
Church, School and Community,
respectively. Mrs. LeRoy Baker
will serve as moderator for the
panel. At the conclusion of the
panel discussion, a social hour
will be observed.
May Be Clue
To Health
NEW YORK. N. Y.. May 21, 6
P.M. EDST—"Your signature may
offer the first real clue to serious
illness," reveals a feature in the
current issue of Coronet Maga
The article by a psychiatrist
and a psychologist states that “for
the sake of better health and a
longer life, it would be wise to
save specimens of your hand
writing from year to year.”
An example cited by the auth
ors is President Eisenhower’s
sudden heart attack last Septem
Up to the Saturday morning
of his attack when the President
lay on his bed in Denver fighting
for his life, no one had suspected
any immediate danger to his
And yet, telltale signs of ap
proaching trouble had been tele
graphed at least a month before
President Eisenhower's actual af
The article includes samples
of the President’s writing on
documents written before and af
ter his attack.
The authors Dr. W. G. Elias
berg, and Psychologist, H. O.
Teltscher emphasize that the ex
amination of a person’s hand
writing is not conclusive in its
self. They do maintain however,
that bodily diseases can be diag
nosed from their earliest begin
nings with the help of writing
Mental and emotional distur
bances, points out the Coronet
article, can frequently be diag
nosed directly from handwriting.
Optimism is the gre*n u«ht at
the crossroads that starts things
Pessimism is the red light that
stops everything.
New York . . (CNS) . . . Gener
al Sessions Judge Jacob Gould
Sohurman has taken under ad
visement defense motions to dis
miss indictments against Billy
Daniels who has been charged
with shooting James R. Jackson
in a Harlem after-hours spot last
Opposing dismissal was Richard
G. Denzer, chief of District At
torney Hogan’s Appeals Bureau,
who in three hours argued that
testimony before the grand jury
showed the entertainer had fired
two shots into the ceiling just be
fore Jackson was hurt as he
tried to wrest the gun from Billy.
Daniels, meanwhile, is in Eng
land fulfulling engagements.
Asks Fund of
vice-president, announced the
formation of a special trade union
committee to raise a $2,000,000
“War Chest” in the battle for
civil rights.
Randolph, who is president of
the International Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters, told the
29th convention of the Interna
tional Ladies Garment Workers’
union the newly-formed commit
tee was the first ever created
within the trade union movement
for an all-out drive for civil
He said AFL-CIO President
George Mcany will serve as chair
man of the committee and David
Dubinsky, ILGWU president, as
The official name of the group
is the “Trade Union Committee to
Fight For Union Rights,” and its
headquarters will be in New York
Dubinsky told the more than
1.000 delegates later that he want
ed to assure Randolph “He will
i get the fullest financial support”
from the ILGWU. He said he
hoped ILGWU’s committee on
1 finances would ask the conven
tion to take action on Randolph's
appeal for funds.
Money raised by the committee,
Randolph said, would be used
primarily for these three pur
1. To aid the “Little Southern
Farmer” who is faced with losing
his property.
2. To aid the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of
Colored People in the prosecution
of civil rights court cases.
3. To aid the cause of Mont
gomery, Ala., bus protest.
The new committee, he ex
plained, will have no direct re
lation to the AFL-CIO civil rights
Randolph said the 2,000 mem
bers in his union are pledged to
contribute one hour’s pay to the
committee—an average of $.50
per member. He said he hoped
other unions would make dona
tions from their financial treas
ury' but that individual members
would also make denations of an
hour's pay.
The kickoff campaign on the
new committee, he said, will be
during a gigantic civil r.ghts ral
ly planned for May 24, in New
York’s Madison Square Garden.
Wrote an eminent English
journalist, back home after vis
iting the U. S.: “Whether it’s
bulldozing roads in Korea, or
breeding pigs in Illinois, or
making gadgets for removing
ice cubes from refrigerators; the
American people are alive, alert,
curious, combative—and rarin’
to go!”
Directly or indirectly, one out
of seven people employed in the
U. S. today owes his or her live
lihood to the automotive industry.
Farm families buy ten per cent
of the new cars sold, and six per
cent of the old ones.
Hfl American ichow-hW was built on our ability I
to encourase men with vision and the
To Study At UCLA
Geraldine Williams, instructor in
biology at Florida A and M Uni
versity, has received a Southern
Fellowship Fund grant-in-aid to
attend the University of Califor
nia at Los Angeles for a six-week
study period this summer. Miss
Williams, who received the B. S.
and M. S. degrees from Howard
University, joined the A and M
faculty in February of 1955. She
is a native of RoanoKe, Virginia.
(A and M) staff photo by James
O. K. With
Gov. of Okla.
mond Gary told Negro leaders of
this state last week that Okla
homa believes “in carrying out
the mandate of the Supreme
Court and school integration has
worked well in Oklahoma.”
He believes Oklahoma can solve
all of its problems in connection
with integration, Gov. Gary told
the Nergo leaders, and included
in these is the problem of Negro
teachers displaced by integra
Gary promised a state program
to devise jobs for displaced teach
ers. He said it is Oklahoma’s re
sponsibility to provide employ
ment for all its citizens.
F. D. Moon, Oklahoma high
school principal, spokesman for
the group, told the Governor that
92 Negro teachers have already
been notified they will not be
hired next year.
Nine in 25 of the cases he
studied hold master's degrees,
he said. Sixteen blame racial
discrimination and 11 said
new white teachers were
hired to replace them.
Moon told the Governor, “If we
can get officials to stiffen their
backbones a few months, we
won’t have any trouble integra
ting teachers.” He said Negro
teachers have been integrated in
to integrated schools in four com
10th College
World Series
Sales High
If the advance ticket sales for
the tenth annual College World
Series are any indication, Omaha
this year will top all previous
years in Series attendance, E. F
Pettis, general chairman, an
“The all-time high in College
World Series attendance was
set in 1952 when 38,731 fans at
tended the games, ” Mr. Pettis
stated. “It looks like we will
break that record in 1956,” he
added. The 1956 College World
Series will be held June 9-13 at
Omaha Municipal Stadium.
This year’s series starts on a
Saturday. “That way,” Mr Pet
tis said, “fans are afforded an
opportunity to see all eight
teams in action over the week
Although it is impossible at
this stage to determine which
teams wil play in the Series, Mr.
Pettis said it promises to be an
exciting one.
The eight teams which will
play in the collegiate champion
ship tourney represent eight geo
graphical districts in the nation
“These districts are having some
red-hot run-offs,” Mr. Pettis said.
Last year’s Series was won by
the Wake Forest team.
Tickets for the College World
Series are on sale at Russell
Sports, 1816 Famam Street. Re
served seats are $1.10. General
admission tickets are 90c.
Degrees will be awarded to
287 students by Creighton Uni-'
versity Thursday, June 7, ac
cording to the Very Rev. Carl M.
Reinert, S. J. University presi-i
The Commencement address
will be delivered by Dr. Clifford
G. Hardin, chancellor of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. For the
second year University officials
decided to hold commencement
exercises in the Music Hall of
the City Auditorium. The de-j
cision was made to take advan-j
tage of the air-conditioned facil-'
ities and the added seating capa !
Baccalaureate services are
scheduled for Wednesday, June
6, in St. John’s Church beginning
at 8 p.m. The Most Rev. Lam
bert A. Hoch, bishop of Bismark,
N. D., will give the sermon.
Following Baccalaureate an in
formal reception for graduates,
their families and friends will be
held on the Creighton North
Lawn, Alpha Sigma Nu and Gam-'
ma Pi Epsilon, Jesuit honor so-'
cieties, will be hosts at this af
Graduation ceremonies for!
Creighton students will begin;
with a communion mass in St.'
John’s Church Sunday, June 3,!
at 10 a.m. On Monday of Com
mencement Week each school
and college will hold a separate'
Ser or Night.
Tuesday evening, June 5, sen
iors will be guests of the annual.
Senior-Alumni Banquet. Follow'
ing the dinner the seniors will|
be administered the pledge
which makes them members of
the Creighton Alumni Associa
tion. Philip Klutznick, Chicago,
111., international president of.
B’nai B’rith, will be the main
speaker. The banquet is sche
duled for 6:30 p.m. in the Fon
tencile Hotel Ballroom.
The Creighton School of Medi
cine will lead the list with the
largest number of graduates. De
grees as M.D. will be conferred!
on 78 seniors. The College of
Arts and Sciences with 77 seniors
will confer the next largest
number of degrees.
The College of Business Ad
ministration will graduate 45
students, and the School of Den
tistry will confer degrees on 42
students. Creighton College of
Pharmacy will have 19 graduates.
The Graduate School will confer
masters degrees on 14 persons.
LL.B. degrees will be awarded to
12 Seniors by the School of Law.
State Gets 2nd
Negro City
SEASIDE, Calif. — Monroe
Jones, 29, elementary school cus
todian, became the second Negro
city councilman in the state in
this town’s elections last week.
Jones ran fourth in a field of
10 candidates garnering 664 votes.
He expressed the opinion that
two-thirds of his support came
from whites.
The new city councilman is the
father of five young children.
First Negro city councilman in
the state is the Rev. Holton Col
lins, of Bakersfield.
Michael Saunders
Michael Anthony Saunders,
3241 North 27th Street infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Saunders, Sr. expired Monday
morning, May 21 at a local hos
pital. Little Michael’s other
survivors are: grandparents, Mr
and Mrs. George Miles, Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Saunders,
Oakland, California, Mrs. Dealma
Thomas, St. Louis, Mo., great
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel Walls, Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Miles, Atchison, Kan
Services were held Friday
morning from Thomas Mortuary
with the Rev. W. A. Fowler of
ficiating with burial at Mt. Hope
Mrs. Ted Kolderie
Pres, of YWCA
Report of the Nominating
Committee of the Y.W.C.A. made;
known officers of the Board of
Directors for the coming year at
a recent meeting held at the Cen
tral YWCA Building. (May 16.)
Mrs. Theodore Kolderie was
re-elected President of the
Board; Mrs. George E. Robert
son, First Vice President; Mrs
E. T. Streeter, Near-Northside
resident, Second Vice President;
Mrs. George V. Shibly, Secre
tary; Miss Lula Pritchard, Treas
urer and Mrs. L. C. Arstad, Act
ing Treasurer.
Negro Editor
Sued For
ATLANTA—T h e editor and
general manager of one of the two
daily papers, published by Ne
groes in the country, the Atlanta
Daily World, has been sued for
$1 million for libel.
The charge is brought by a Ful
ton county white woman, whose
name has not been divulged, resi
dent of the Hightower-Baker Road
area where several demonstra
tions and bombings of homes
bought by Negroes, have occur
The woman claims she was
damaged by an article carried in
the World on the bombings last
February and charges that the
article was printed because the
plaintiff was “white and outspok-|
en for states rights since the Su- j
preme Court decisions as to pub-!
lie school integration."
The article also avers that the i
woman had “done naught to harm
or injure the Negro race.”
For his part, Scott avers that
there was no malice in printing
the story, which, he said, was!
based on information supplied by
police reports, and ihat the arti
cle mentioned “a Mrs. Holmes”
relative to the housing disorders.
“The suit they are attempting
to bring against me amounts to a
class suit against the Nero race,”
Scott said.
P. M. Jenkins
P. H. Jenkins ,age 74 years, of
2506 Maple St. expired Saturday*,
May 19, 1956 at a local hospital.
He was a resident of Omaha
44 years.
Mr. Jenkins was a member of
Omaha Lodge No. 9, F. & A.M.,
James C. Jewell, W.M., and a
member of Joshua David Kelly
Consistory No. 27 . He was Past
Grand Master and Past Grand
Treasurer of Nebraska and Jur
isdiction and organizer of Oma
ha Chapter No. 6, O.E.S.
Mr. Jenkins was an organizer
of the Layman’s Brotherhood of
Zion Baptist Church and was a
national organizer of the Na
tional Baptist Convention.
He was a retired Detective
Sergeant of the Omaha Police
Force having served for 24 years.
Mr. Jenkins is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Amanda Jenkins of
Omaha; two daughters, Mrs. Neo
la Combs of Omaha, and Mrs.
Verdia Stewart of Chicago, 111;
two brothers, E. Jenkins of Chi
cago, 111.; Horace Jenkins of
Houston, Texas; sister, Mrs. O
relia Johnson of San Diego,
Funeral services were held
Wednesday, May 23, 1956 at 2:00
p.m. from Zion Baptist Church
under auspices of Prince Hall
Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., Ne
braska and Jurisdiction. Rev. F.
C. Williams officiated at the Fu
neral Services assisted by Rev
erends S. H. Lewis, J. H. Rey
nwds, J. C. Wade, Z. W. Wil
liams, Presiding Elder John
Adams, Sr., Charles Favors,
Claude Williams, David St. Clair,
Columbus McMorris, Walter Irv
ing and Elder Crawford.
Masonic Brethren served as
pallbearers. Interment was at
Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Sendees were held at 10:00
p.m. Tuesday evening at the My
ers Funeral Chapel under aus
pices of Joshua David Kelly Con
Memers of the Omaha Police
Force served as Honorary pall
F.A.M. U
SPEAKER—The Rev. Edward T.
Graham, pastor of Mount Zion
Baptist Church, Miami, is sched
uled to deliver the baccalaureate
sermon at Florida A and M Uni
versity, Sunday afternoon. June
3 at 2:30.
Guilty of
Tax Fraud
New York . . . (CNS) . . Despite
all the pleading by the defense
that the government was trying
to jail Rep. Adam Clayton
Powell’s secretary, Mrs. Hattie
Freeman Dodson just so it could
“brainwash her” and get enough
evidence to prosecute Powell on
kickback charges, the smiling
Mrs. Dodson was convicted of
nine counts of evading $5,000 in
income taxes and of illegally re
ceiving $2,000 in tax refunds.
A Federal Court jury convicted
the business secretary of Powell
and Abyssinian Baptist Church,
which Powell pastors. She burst
into tears when the jury received
the case but was calm as the
verdict was announced 2% hours
She will be sentenced on June
4th. The maximum penalty on
each count is ^five years’ im
prisonment and a $10,000 fine.
Highlight of the trial was the
testimony that Mrs. Dodson kick
ed back her Congressional salary
to Powell. Powell took the stand
to deny it. Then the defense
counsel charged that Powell was
the real target in the case.
The jury, however, believed
that Mrs. Dodson wilfully evaded
taxes by filing two returns—one
jointly with her husband and the
second under her maiden name
and in listing false dependents,
some nonexistent.
For the Home
To Straighten Records
CINCE warped phonograph rec
ords are useless in that condi
tion, Popular Mechanics offers
a suggestion for straightening
them. Simply immerse the record
in hot water, 140 to 160 degrees,
in a cake pan or similar shallow,
flat-bottom container.
Over the record invert a dinner
plate of a diameter permitting its
edge to contact only the edge of
the record. In other words don’t
let the plate touch the t rooves
of the record.
Place a one-pound weight on
the plate, leaving the record un
der pressure until the water has
cooled to room temperature.
NEW YORK—The Field Foun
dation of New York has made a
$30,000 grant to the NAACP
Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, Inc., to help further the
organization's legal effort to se
cure justice and equality for all
Americans without regard to
race or color.
The grant covers a 24-month
period beginning May 1, 1956, and
is given in two payments of
$15,000 each.
The Field Foundation was
established in 1940 by Mr. Mar
shall Field and seeks to improve
intercultural and interracial re
lations. Past grants made to the
NAACP Legal Defense Fund have
enabled the organization to make
great inroads against the barriers
of discrimination in several areas
of American life.
The NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, Inc. is headed
by Thurgood Marshall.
A Great
Died May 15
Evanston, 111. — William Wil
son Fischer, age 90, a great Afri
can Methodist Episcopal church
man, distinguished scholar and
widely known humanitarian and
the father of Cecilia Fisher Hor
ton, a teacher of business sub
jects at Central High School of
Louisville, Ky., passed away at
his home in this city May 15,
last, at 9:20 P.M.
A leading citizen of Evanston
and an outstanding figure in na
tional life, Mr. Fisher was widely
known in church, educational,
chic and political circles in Kan
sas and Illinois. He was born in
Verdery, Abbeyville County, S. C
August 7, 1865 and later moved
to Topeka, Kansas where he serv
ed in the office of the Governor
of that state. He later served as
Fiscal Agent of the former West
ern University, Quindaro, Kan
sas. Mr. Fisher was at one time
a teacher at Erie, Pa.
Mr. Fisher moved his family
to Evanston, 111, in 1913 and
served for many years in the In
heritance Tax Division of the
Attorney General’s office of Ill
A teacher, churchman, phil
ospher and humanitarian, Mr.
Fisher stood high in the council’s
of the A.M.E. Church and over a
long period of years was a driv
ing force in the elevation of
many Ministers to the high of
fice of Bishop.
Mr. Fisher numbered among
his intimate friends the late Gov
ernor Frank O. Lowden, the late
Mayor William Hale Thompson
and the late ex-Vice President of
the United States—General Char
lies D. Dawes. He was a mem
ber of Ebenezer A.M.E. Church
and the Evanston Republican
Surviving Mr. Fisher are his
wife, Janie M.; three daughters,
Cecilia F., Jennie and Ermina;
three sons—Samuel, head of a
local printing company; Charles,
a member of the Industrial Com
mission of the state of Illinois
with offices in Chicago and Cecil
A., a Probation Officer and chair
man of the Housing Commission
of the County of Milwaukee as
well as a graduate minister of
Northwestern University and a
son-in-law, B. Benj. Horton, Jr.,
a Louisville publisher and Public
'relations Consultant.
Funeral services were con*
ducted for Mr. Fisher Saturday
afternon, May 19, at the Ebene
zer A.M.E. Church by the Rev.
U. S. Robinson, pastor. Inter
ment was at Sunset Memorial
Cemetery of this city.
Hundreds of friends and lead
ing citizens in the life of the
city and State viewed Mr. Fish
er’s remains. Perhaps, no in
dividual in the history of this
city was ever held in higher es
teem by his friends than the la
mented leader. Hundreds of
telegrams and messages of con
dolence came to the family home
from far and near as final tri
butes to the man who had play
ed so vital a role in the progress
of the Negro since emancipation
to the time of his illness and ul
timate demise. Hundreds view
ed the body as it lay in state at
the Porter and Owens Mortuary
and during the funeral services.
“Even if vnu’re on the right
track, you’ll get run over if you
just sit there!”