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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1956)
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Nice room for couple. Use of kitchen and washing privilege. Will take two child ren. HA 0800. FOR RENT: 3 Kitchenette Apart ments. Nice Location with Utilities paid. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 2 large Chairs, newly upholstered in red. Also a large Mirror. Call after 2 P.M. 2510 Erskine. PR 0994. FOR RENT: Nice large room for couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities paid. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: One 2-room furnished ' apartment and one 3-room un furnished apartment. Call HA I 0800 - -. WANTED. WANTED I WANT ED: Wa waat to rest that Apartment you have for Rent. Can HA 0890. Wo waat to oell that car or truck you havo to oalo. Call HA 0800. We want to aeli that ptcco of furniture you have, for oale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER Wo aro to the Rent ing and telling bunin roe Give ue a riag. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE , RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU ] HAVE. GIVE US A RING. , HA 0800. ■' ' ■ " --■ < CALL GROW GLOSS for Hair ] appointment. Hair dresser and j oiL 2512 N. 24th. Phone PL , 9016. FOR RENT 1 3-room unfurnished ( apartment. Call Ha. 0800. FOR SALE: 2 large chairs, newly j upholstered in red. Also a large mirror. Call after 2 P.M. Ja. 0994. 2510 Erskine. RELIABLE PERSON Man or woman from this area to service new revolutionary Cig arette Vending Machine. 6 to 10 hours weekly nets up to approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great opportunity for capable person to expand. When fully es tablished, party selected should earn $15,000.00 yearly. $1,195.00 cash investment required. Ful ly secured. For local inter view give full particulars. Write P. O. Box 7047, Minne apolis 11, Minn. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St. 1 block north from Lake St on the north side of North 20th St FOR RENT: One 3 room furnished or unfurnished apartment at 2520 Lake St. Call PL 3165. MALE HELP WANTED We will establish you in business with our capital. If you are trustworthy and energetic, write us. No investment or ex perience needed to start. Part time or full-time. WINONA MONUMENT CO. Winona, Minn. FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house coats at home. Elam from $17.40 to $26.16 dozen Write — AC CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New York. FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive rooms for men. Price reasonable. Call HA 0800. WANTED TO RENT: A 4. 5 or 8 room house or a large apart ment . Call PI. 1786. Ask for Mr. Booker J. Adkins. Can give good references. FOR RENT: Room for working man. Call At 5674. FOR RENT: Nice room in the home of a widow. For work ing man. Reasonable and privileges . Cali Ha. 0801. FOR RENT: Five room house for couple or adults. Nice loca tion Call Ha. 0801. WANTED TO RENT: 3-room a partment north of Lake St. that will accept children. Call Ja. 5087. FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room. Call Pi. 2796. FOR RENT: Five room house. Nice location. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for men only. Nice location. Call' PI. 5119. I I - WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or ! room apartment. Call JA 1821 after 5 P.M. ASTROLOGER AND PSYCHO AN ALYST. The stars impel but d( not compel. $1 per question Send birth dates. 738 W. Wash Council Bluffs, Phone 3 - 1956 FOR RENT: One Bedroom, on< living room with kitchen. All to gether. 3 nice rooms. Call Hi* 0800. FOR RENT: One large 3-room fur nished apartment. Call HA 0800 FOR RENT: Three 2-room furnish ed apartments. Three 3-roon furnished apartments. Two 4 room furnished apartments. Cal HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 3-room unfur nished apartment. One 2-rooir furnished apartment. One 3 room furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Two 4-room houses, two blocks from 3 bus lines. Call HA 0800. TV NETWORKS CAREFUL TO BAN RACIAL LYRICS Hollywood, Calif. (CNS) TV net works are in an all-out but quiet drive to end all lyrics in songs which are offensive to races. Especialy are they deleting words offensive to Negroes. At NBS-TV “Ole Black Joe” by Stephen Foster has been banned for years and other Foster songs have had words changed, at CBS, too. “Darky” is out of “Old Ken tucky Home” and in “Swaunee River”, darkies have been changed to children. “Mammy” has been blue pencilled from “Shortin’ Bread”—on the strength that it, too, is “offensive to Negroes.” CBS has changed “darkies” to brothers and NBS has banned blackface routines or stereotyped Negro characters. ABC has not gone as far as the two biggest net works, but it, too, is keeping care ful eye on what’s offensive racial ly. Highest Moan tain France has the highest mountain In Europe west of the Caucasus, Mont Blanc, which towers to 15,7*1 feet Wax Is Dangerous Don't wax a floor to the point that It becomes a skid hazard, especially If there are old people or children In the famOv. If You Want the low - down, the inside baseball news, you'll went to take advantage of this spe cial offer. We'll send you 12 weekly Issues of THE SPORTING NEWS (reg ular value $3.00) PLUS a copy of the big, brand-new 528-page 1956 edition of the Official Base ball Guide (regular price $1.00) for only $2,001 IT'S OFFICIAL, AUTHENTIC This famous book contains major and minor league a v e rages, records, offi cial playing rules and thousands of facts about the game. It's free to you — along with a 12-week subscription to THE SPORTING NEWS for $2.00. Let7* get acquainted — use this coupon, without delay! I" } THE SPORTING NEWS J 201S Washington At*. | St. Louis 3, Mo. j Herewith you will find $2.00 for which I am to recoir* THE SPORTING NEWS ■ for 12 w**ks, end a fro* copy of tho I Official Bosaball Guide. J NAME_ J ADDRESS | CITT-ZONE_ | { STATE- j Seein' Stars By Dolores Calvin New York (CNS) EARTHA KITT BECOMES FIRST NEGRO A T PLAZA HOTEL’S PERSIAN ROOM.. .Only the most sophisti cated of white stars play the fab ulously wealthy Plaza Hotel in New York. Such stars as Lisa i Kirk, Hildegarde—who makes it > her yearly visit—get to the Plaza. Now an unheard of thing is about to happen. . . .The Plaza will have a Negro performer and the first , one to break through is none other than Eartha Kitt, who recently went to lunch with former Prime Minister Winston Churchill of ! Great Britian—a statesman who s grants precious few interviews ■ with anyone. 1 Meanwhile, back in Las Vegas, Nevada another top fame artist is . making news. Hazel Scott is first headliner in the history of Las iVegas to double between the main ■ dining room and the lounge. 1 Jumping back and forth from one • section of the Flamingo to the other, Hazel is doing a “squeeze schedule” all because of her friend A1 Parvin, who owns the hotel. She’s on at three shows in the Lounge each night plus two shows in the main room—for a total of ; five shows a night—and finishing | up at 3:30 in the morning. No other performer has been seen that much in a night in Las Vegas. The word “confidential” so ang ers Sammy Davis, Jr. that he wants no part of it after three ! lurid stories from the magazine. ' Even so, the magazine’s publisher can’t see it this way and has ap proached Sammy to record a tune by a local newspaper columnist titled: “Shh—It’s Confidential.” I When Sammy turned a deaf ear, the publisher continued on to Sam my’s recording company to influ ence him to record a tune of pub licity value to the magazine that has called him more names imag inable. The CRUST of some peo ple! Louis Armstrong in England af ter 21 years from Her Majesty’s Isle, was sensational as usual. Especially after he broke all pro tocal regarding the royal family j and announced he was playing especially for the “special guest in the audience — Princess Mar garet.” Satchmo got a lot of publicity for that remark—several ; front pages back home—and he ; won a lot of friends. Plus he car 'ried a lot of Her Majesty’s loot out of England. “Mr. Johnson which closed May 5th on such a sad, tearful note— 'for it was a good play that was’nt fully appreciated—lost officially $100,000 coming to Broadway. A starring vehicle for Earle Hyman and Josephine Premice—it gave these youngsters a wonderful ; chance. The distinguished name ; of the theater—Cheryl Crawford— | who brought “Brigadoon and other notable shows to the white stem— backed “Mr. Johnson.” After 44 performances, the play closed. Dizzy Gillespie due home the last week of May after his terrific tour of the near-East. He and the boys are finishing up some Euro pean dates before getting back to the States... .Harry Belafonte made $8,500 in one night at Columbus, Ohio. The troupe did the $$$ performance before an audience of 3,962. Roosevelt ; Scores Kefauver Representative James Roosevelt (Dem., Calif.), eldest son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, expos ed Senator Estes Kefauver’s “political expediencey” on civil rights before a meeting of the New York Young Democratic Club this week. “It’s no secret,” Roosevelt said, “that in Negro districts in Cali fornia, Kefauver made pledges which he contradicted in Florida. Once he got to Florida, he obvi ously felt that he had to back track.” When told of Roosevelt’s state ment, Mrs. Lois Dickson Irish, Harlem civic leader, observed, “What Congressman Roosevelt said is absolutely correct. Anyone who has followed the primary campaign closely realizes that Sen ator Keauver’s statements on civil rights change from one day and one place to another.” Mrs. Irish , is co-chairman of the Stevenson for President Committee of Upper Manhattan. Roosevelt represents a predom inantly Negro Congressional dis trict in Los Angeles, Mrs. Irish ex plained. The late president’s son pointed out that in California Sen. Kefau ver advocated that Federal school aid funds be denied to any state that does not practice integration. But once Sen. Kefauver arrived in Florida, the Congressman added, Kefauver spoke from the other side of his mouth, saying that “the 1 problem must be worked out grad 1 ually.” “Kefauver’s about-face in Flor ida was no surprise to me,” Mrs. ; Irish said. “He has gone about the country posing as a great champion of civil rights, yet in the Senate, where actions speak loud er than words, he voted against civil rights on six out of eight issues, as recorded by the Wash ington office of the NAACP. “One need only compare Kefau ver’s statements on civil rights I when he was a senatorial candi date with those he makes as a presidential candidate to realize the hypocritical nature of the man,” Mrs. Irish said. “Once this is exposed, nobody will be fooled by the Tennessee Senator.” Mrs. Irish added that Kefauver’s sorry civil rights record must be placed in contrast with Adlai E. Stevenson’s splendid accomplish ments on civil rights while Gover I nor of Illinois and “the sound and consistent position on racial equal ity that he has taken throughout this campaign.” In another development in New York City, John R. “Tex” Mc Crary, noted television personali ty, spoke before a gathering of Re publican advertising executives, boasted that many of the individ uals in the audience had raised money to get Kefauver nominated over Stevenson in the Minnesota primary. C of C To Honor Gen. Potter One of the city’s foremost citi zens—Brigadier General William E. Potter—will be honored at a Publis Affairs Luncheon at the Omaha Chamber Monday noon,1 May 21. The occasion will cite General Potter’s many services to the community and the nation during his tenure here as Division En gineer in the Missouri Basin, and wish him well in his forthcoming assignment as Governor of the Panama Canal Zone. The General will be sworn in for that office at special cere- * monies in Washington, D. C., May 28. i Richard H. Hiller, Public Af fairs chairman, said that General Potter, as head of one of the largest flood control and river development projects in the na tion, “has gained a host of friends and brought to near-com pletion one of the greatest and most beneficial developments in , the midwest.” < General Potter, who has devot- j ed 28 years to the profession of ; engineering in the military ser- ; vice, graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 1938. He received a master’s degree in civil engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of ' Technology in 1933, and served four years as assistant professor ' of military science and tactics at Ohio State University. Between civil works and mili- 1 tary assignments, General Potter has had wide experience. He {1 made major contributions to major water resources develop- - ment projects in the country; he : constructed large scale military ! installations in the nation and in Alaska; he spervised nation-wide river control programs; and he ' directed logistical planning for the Normandy Invasion during World War H. The General s work and ser- ( vice to this nation in many pro jects during the years has earned him a place and position of prom inence,” Mr. Hiller said. “We in Omaha have been fortunate to have him, not only as a top pro- j fessional in his field, but as a : friend and co-worker in the ad vancement of our entire area. “His transfer is a loss to our community, but his future has the best wishes of all of us.” i Reservations for the May 21! luncheon will be accepted now at, the Chamber offices. Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon of tha Colo rado U 317 miles long, four to II Bailee wide at brim, and 4,000 to 1,900 foot deep. — Toothbrush Mirror Ob tala la a toothbrush with a dental mirror built into its handle, so you can look at your teeth as your dentist does. Nicaragua Tha production of grid to Nlo- | aragua has taken first rank in tha , aouatry, taking precadence over eof Rose Summers Mrs. Rose Payne Summers, age 73 years, of 2734 Parker Street, expired Tuesday May 8, 1956 at a local hospital. She was an Omaha resident 33 years and a long-time member of the Stewardess Board of Mt. Calvary Community Church. She is survived by her daugh ter, Mrs. Roosevelt Manuel of Omaha; 5 grandchildren, Melvin, Raymond, Clarence, Odell and Juanita Manuel all of Omaha; 2 sisters, Mrs. Lena V. Williams of Omaha, Mrs. Cecilia Riley of Omaha; 4 brothers, P. L. of Kan sas City, Paul of Pine Bluff, Ark., Clabourn and James of St. Louis, Mo.; 4 nieces, Mrs. Lela Shelton of Mobile, Ala., Mrs. Shenetta Day of Pine Bluff, Ark., Miss Lou emily Williams of Omaha, Mrs. Lena M. Edwards of Omaha; 6 nephews, Leecurtis, Lloyd, Link, Lewis and Leonard Williams of Detroit, Mich., Lafayette Williams of Omaha. Funeral services were held Monday May 14, 1956 at 2:00 p.m. from Mt. Calvary Community Church with Rev. Roy W. Johnson officiating assisted by Elder G. H. Taylor, Rev. Sis. Mosley, Rev. Harry Jenkins, Rev. Mildred Jack son and Missionary Sis. Bryant. Interment was at Graceland Park Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs. Hilliard Thompson, George Douglas, Henry Stewart, Haywood Douglas, Robert Dixon and Rev. Willie Ross. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. Telephone Relay Is Planned Plans for construction of a radio relay system in the Omaha area were announced today by W. A. Alf, Omaha district manager of I the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. The new route will start at North Bend, Nebraska and proceed eastward through Wins low, Nebraska, Mondamin, Iowa and Portsmouth, Iowa to Elkhorn, Iowa. From Elkhorn, it will go south through Griswold, Iowa to Red Oak, Iowa, where the route terminates. The new route is be-1 mg engineered and built by the Long Lines Department of the A nerican Telephone and Telegraph Company. Historically, communica t i o n s •outes, like highways, have gone xom city to city. This new route vill be like a super highway which »oes from point to point avoiding :ities and congested areas. The . lew system will tie in with a cross :ountry express route by-passing | najor cities. Building contracts for new juildings at North Bend, Monda-1 nin and Elkhorn have been award :d the Geer-Meurer Construction Company of Grand Island. These luildings will range in size from >0’ to 50’ at Mondamin to approxi-' nately 80’ by 35’ at North Bend.! \ new type construction known is “sandwich” panels will be used, n this method of construction, orms are laid flat on the ground, oncrete poured, a layer of insula ion added, and another layer of oncrete poured. After a curing leriod, the panels are tilted up ind placed by cranes. This type )f building is quicker to construct ind less costly to add to, if future idditions are required. The new buildings at Winslow, Portsmouth and Griswold will be 12’ by 36’ and of conventional nasonry construction. The con xact for these buildings was a varded the Klinger Construction Company of Sioux City, Iowa. Contract for the construction of Jie 50’ by 115’ building at Red Dak will be awarded in the near uture. The Elkhorn-North Bend section vill be available for service in November of this year. The re maining section between Elkhorn and Red Oak will be placed in ser vice in February of next year. The new system will be used for long distance message service jnly. Television programs being :arried o n existing facilities ;hrough Omaha will not be affect 'd. The latest type of microwave intennas will be used throughout. These antennas, which look like < giant cornucopias or horns of j plenty, can transmit or receive up j ;o 20,000 simultaneous conversa-1 tions as compared to the 3,000 con-i versation capacity of the old type.< The antennas, a recent develop ment of the Bell Telephone Labor atories, are approximately 20 feet long, tapering from three inches in diameter at the base to approxi-1 mately 10 feet wide at the top. I The mouth will be mounted atop 1 steel towers at each station. The towers will range in height from 112 feet at Mondamin to 287 feet at Red Oak. In the radio relay method o transmission, super high fre quency radio waves called micro waves are transmitted from poin to point. They are focused lik< light beams by the transmitting | antenna and like light beams, an limited to a line of sight path. Th< curvature of the earth causes in termediate amplifying stations t< be required approximately even 30 miles. With the pin point fo cusing of the antennas, only % I watt, or the power of an ordinary flashlight bulb, is required t< speed the microwaves from towe: to tower. 4th NAACP Suit Worries Virginia Richmond, Va. (CNS) The filing of the fourth suit by the NAACI for integration in Virginia school! really started things moving ir the state of Virginia, which hac just settled down to a “do-noth ing” program on segregation ir its schools. Now, Governor Stan ley has called for an early meet ing of the controversial Graj Committee—whose task has beer to hold the line on desegregation Meanwhile, the NAACP at torneys filed suit in Federal Dis trict Court at Norfolk on behali of 96 Negro parents and school children and asked that Federal Judge Walter N. Hoffman give a ‘speedy hearing” and a temporary or permanent injunction forbid ding continued segregation. This fourth suit was identical to those filed in other parts of the state — at Charlottesville, New port News, Harrisonburg Counties. A fifth one is being planned for Arlington County School Board— which will probably be served this week. A motion for prompt enforcement of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Prince Ed ward County case is awaiting a hearing before a three judge Fed eral District Court on July 9th. Virginia is worried by all of this action. It had planned through the Gray Commission to avoid Compulsory integration by assign ing pupils to private schools, should it have to. This has still not been acted on. The new meet ing of the Gray Commission is to act on “any new proposals other than those noted.” LONDON NEWS During the past weeks, the talk of the City of London and indeed the whole of England has been nothing but ‘Louis “Satchmo” Arm strong’ and the ALL STARS—who has been playing at Empress Hall in London and other big cities. “Satchmo” was at his greatest, and virtually knocked everybody out with his golden playing. He was ‘real gone’—in the highest measure and had Her Royal High ness Princess Margaret hepping to the jive in her seat, and cheering as loudly as the other thousands of fans, when she attended at the Empress Hall. The Princess des cribed the affair-really wonderful. His Royal Highness the Duka of Kent who collects records of “Sat chmo” was not to be left out of the picture, and when he attended one of the performances, he went backstage in the dressing-room of ‘the dean of the faculty’ and spent over an half hour discussing vari ous aspects. The Lords and their Ladies to gether with other titled ones also had their piece—and so the hap penings went on. Indeed the greatest single sensa tion of the ALL STARS who ac companied “Satchmo”—was dear and beloved Velma Midleton, who digged’ the blues in such a man ner that she did not have under a treble encore at each of her ap pearances. ‘CUTE’ is hardly the word to describe her method of operations, but as I can find no other words to describe the situation at the moment. I am using it. Velma — the darling of Lon don, will be remembered in Eng land for a long time, and it is only unfortunate that she could not stop with us a while longer. Althea Gibson, famed American tennis star, whose recent victories in Italian tennis has created a world-wide ‘stir’ — is listed as a favorite participant in the coming big tennis games at Wimbledon. Edric Connor^ talented West Indian actor has left London with a party of five for Trinidad to do a picture called “Fire Down Be low.” The party will be joined by Rita Hayworth and Robert Mitchum. Speaking in the House of Com mons, Lt. Col,. Marcus Lipton, Member of Parilament for Brixton —“Little Harlem” said—“Either we pay. more for our bananas or j we accept an increased number of immigrants from the West Indies —that is the choice we must face.” He was taking part in the discus sion of increased duty on bananas E from two shillings and sixpence to ■ seven shillings and sixpence. Continuing, he added “We have t to balance the advantage to our i fellow citizens in the West Indies ; against the effect on our cost of ! living. “I think that by the narrowest of margins the economic advant i ages to our fellow citizens in the West Indies just carry the day. “For that reason and with less reluctance than usual I find it possible to agree to this further i increase in the cost of living of the British Consumer. LIBERIA SHIPPING VINDICATED Recent reports and comments on foreign flag registration of ships give a very one-sided and on some points completely inaccurate pic ture of the situation. Shipowner’s free to register their vessels under the Liberian Flag if they so desire, but accusa tions — both implicit and implied — that ships registered under the Liberian Flag can ignore recog nized International Standards of Saftey, employment and so on are entirely unfounded. The Government of Liberia is a member of the following Conven tions, and the provisions thereof and the regulations adopted there under apply to vessels registered under the Laws and Flag of the Republic of Liberia: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1948. International Load Line Conven tion, 1930. International Telecommun i c a tion and Radio Conferer"es, 1947. No vessel is accepted under Li berian Registration unless all classification requirements are ac cepted by the respective Classifica tion Societies. The majority of tankers built i since the end of the last war are registered in Liberia, which has the most modern tanker fleet a float: Eighty-three percent of its total tanker tonnage is under ten years old, and sixty-eight percent less than five years old. The standard of crew comfort in Liberian registered ships are as high, if not higher, than in vessels registered under other flags. Wages are good and taxes are paid to the Liberian Government. The numerous critical comments would have carried more weight had they been based on personal investigation of conditions on board Liberian-flag ships rather than on unsubstantiated and ten deneious evidence. World light heavy-weight champ ion Archie Moore who is busy pre paring to defend his title against Yolande Pompey on June 5th, is making a name for himself among Britain sports-writers with his un usual charm and wit. While his “jives” are on top, his weight is in constant discussion as he must get rid of around twenty pounds to meet the 12st. 71b. limit. tot/Urw rrwTHB Britain Wild Oxen Chlllingham cattle are a breed of cattle preserved In the park oi the Earl of Tenkerville, supposed to be the last remnant of the wild oxen of Britain. ——-— BLOW YOUR OWN HORN In The Advertising Columns OF THIS NEWSPAPER PULL THE PLUG ON STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnipht. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight' No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestines. Brings comforting relief in morning. Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Granulated form . . and now in nets, easy-to-take Tablets, too/ I-1 When constipation 1 1 sours children's di gestion and disposition, get Syrup of Black Draught. They lore this hooey-sweet liquid? “Just Arrived” From Switzerland “THE HELVETIA” ELECTRIC DRY SHAVER Made in Switzerland. Sensationally Quiet with "Direct Cut" Self Sharpening Blade of the finest Steel... .Silent as a Whisper. Give One to "HER" And One For "HIM" ONLY $7.35 Order Now While Supply Lasts From: “ THE CRITERION” Importers • Exporters I P.O. Box- 1297 Hollywood (28) California MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. Automobile, Furniture and Signature Loana Automobile Financing 819 First National Bank Bldg. AT BOlib Spotless Cleoners | 1704 North 24th Stroot FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE Quality Workmanship-Wo Load, Others Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING Claytoo Braxior Phono AT 8526 Exciting For Tots Sensational!... a one word description of the reception accorded the newest addition to the popular Hampden line of juvenile folding furniture at the recent New York toy show. The new “Hidden Storage Drawer” represents the first really constructive addition to the juvenile furniture line. An ideal storage place for coloring books and crayons, it has secrecy to appeal to children and conven»ence to appeal to parents. The drawer, which completely disappears from view when closed is invaluable in teach ing neatness to youngsters at an early, impressionable age. Created by Hampden Specialty Products, Inc., of Easthampton, Mass., the set features ail of Walt Disney’s famous characters it» full color on table sides and chair backs. All channel steel construc tion and washable, stain resistant table top and upholstery makes! this easy folding set practically indestructible. >