The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 30, 1956, Image 1
! . S. EisicriCdl '150C B St. I .Lincoln, Leer. \\ This Is Your Newspaper V, ' ;; What you are doing is news. 31 ; ; Please Phone Your News To <! Ll | This Is Your Newspaper Z HA 0800 !! H w ;; What you are doing is news. I! X or send it to JL# *; Please Phone Your News To 1 THE OMAHA GUIDE JI _ $ HA 0800 :: I-*“3™‘31-. i /JUStlCI/EOUAtlTY HEWTOTHEUNEN ji the*oihlJha guide !i EQUAL OPPORTUNE 1 2420 Grant st :: ,_ Voi. 30 No. 5___Friday, March 30, 195610c Per Copy Nebraska Finds Added Reserves of Oil and Gas Omaha, Neb., — Proved reserves of liquid petroleum and natural gas in Nebraska went up another notch in 1955, despite record-breaking production and consumption, ac cording to R. E. Osborn, Sinclair, Omaha, who is Nebraska chairman for the Oil Industry Information Committee. The OIIC is the pub lic relations branch of the Ameri can Petroleum Institute, the trade association for the oil industry. Proved reserves are those under ground supplies of liquid petroleum and natural gas whose locations have been established and esti mated, and which are known to be available for production. Not taken ' into consideration are the millions of acres of U. S. lands known to be ; favorable to the accumulation of oil and gas but whose potential has j not yet been developed or estab-| lished. Mr. Osborn said that proved re serves of liquid petroleum rose to 64.133.000 barrels in 1955—a one year increase of 23,834,000 barrels. He emphasized that, although the net results of the annual report are on the favorable side, they serve to point up further the re peated statements of oil men that the search for oil is becoming more difficult and more expensive with each passing year. Osborn noted that nationally, the oil industry drilled more than 56.000 wells in 1955, a record num ber in itself—yet the net increases in proved reserves are only moder ate, and a far cry from the im mediate post-war years when they exceeded a billion or more barrels on at least six occasions. Production of both liquid petro leum and natural gas in Nebraska hit all-time peaks in 1955, the two associations reported. Production of liquid petroleum was estimated at 12,195,000 barrels. Liquid petroleum, according to th£ API, consists of crude oil and natural gas liquids. Crude oil proved reserves went up to 57,697, 000 barrels in 1955, an increase of 19.666.000 barrels, while natural gas liquids proved reserves rose to 6.436.000 barrels, an increase of 4.168.000 barrels. Production of crude oil amounted to 11,846,000 barrels last year, an all-time peak. Production of natur al gas liquids was estimated at 349.000 barrels, also an all-time high. OMAHA U OFFERS KNOWLEDGE FOR LIVING COURSE “Great Religions of the World,” a six-lesson Knowledge for Living course offered at the University of Omaha, will begin on Wednesday, April 4. Dr. Wilfred Payne will be chairman of the class, which will feature visiting clergymen speaking on Religion in the Classi cal World, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The class meets from 7 to 9 p.m. each Wednesday in the Federal Room of the Adult Education Con ference Center. Each registered adult may bring one guest to each session. -— --— I Hostesses Of YWCA To Meet The YWCA Military Hostesses will hold the monthly orientation meeting Thursday, April 5, at 5:30 P.M. All Omaha girls eighteen and over are invited to join the hos tess group. Junior Hostesses are scheduled at dances and special events at the Service Club, Offutt Air Force Base. Senior Hostesses, who will act as chaperons, are also needed. Additional information can be secured by calling Elinor Van Steenburg, JA 2748, YWCA. BiggestShrme Circus Here Next Month The man stands inside the iron cage, whip in hand, virtually sur rounded by a bevy of African lions and tigers. Methodically he puts them through a rather amazing series of stunts, inclu ding wire walking by the obedient “cats”. The fearless gentleman is Capt. Terrell Jacobs, who will bring his lion and tiger act to the twenty-seventh annual Shrine Indoor Circus in Omaha’s City Auditorium April 16 through 22. The lion-tiger performance will j be the first of its kind ever staged ! ty the Shrine Circus and will be part of an enlarged program fea turing animal acts. CHIMPS RUMBA Another feature with less ten sion but much humor will be the chimpanzees educated by A1 and Jeri Antonucci. The chimps, who have appeared often in Hollywood movies, offer a little rumba-type music, cavort on cycles, pound a typewriter, answer the phone and walk on stilts. A more stately group of per formers will be Jack Joyce’s swaying camels. Mr. Joyce was the first to introduce a camel act to circuses. And this year he has added llamas and a zebra to his animal act. ELEPHANTS CAVORT Five monkeys will be put through fast paces by James and Jo Madison, who have been ele phant trainers for many years. The circus will as usual have performing horses. Many Ne braskans and Iowans will be interested in the Rudvnoris and their ballerina steeds. Portis M. Sims will send a group! of Liberty ponies through drills and rhythmic maneuvers. Rink Wright, who is again pro ducer of the circus, has also sign->' ed a couple of dog and pony acts, j The seven evening perfor- j mances will start at 8:15 p.m. There will be a matinee at 4 p.m. on Friday and matinees at 2:15 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, the final days of the run. Animals Appear At Shrine Circus Mix three camels, two Peruvian white Hamas, a zebra and pony together and you have one of the most unusual animal groups ever to perform at a circus. The animals pictured above will go through some fast paces for Jack Joyce, veteran circus showman, at the Shrine Indoor Circus April 16 through 22 at Omaha's City Auditorium. Mr. Joyce last summer discus sed adding something to his camel act with Mr. and Mrs. Rink Wright, Shrine Circus producers. He began training the group last December at Sarasota, Fla. — —-...---■ — The program also will feature I A1 Antonucci’s chimpanzees, who have appeared in movies, and a variety of other animal acts. The circus, always known for' its hard working clowns, will have the usual clown band and several new faces. There will be seven evening shows and matinees the last three ' days of the run. General admis sion will be $1.25 and reserved seats 75 cents extra. Two child ren under twelve will be admitted for the price of one ticket. Box office is at the City Auditorium. Integration Requires Time, Patience Union City, N. J. — “Deliberate speed seems the only answer” to racial integration in the South, The Sign, national Catholic magazine published here, asserts in a leading editorial in its April issue. “Everybody knows the decisive factor will be the attitude of the | white Southerner’s heart”, the editorial states. “Many whites in the South have grown into their racial opinions innocently, having absorb ed them uncritically from the time they were children. Upon these notions they have built the whole fabric of their society and their self respect. “There is, of course, another — and very different — type of white citizen in the South. . . he is fixed in his determination that Negroes will never acquire equal status with him ... It behooves everyone to be patient with this man, too. Not because he deserves patience, but because the only way he can be brought around is through being silently shamed by the influence and example of his more democratic neighbor. That influence must be given a chance to go to work.” “The wiser Negro leaders”, The Sign declares, “understand this. They realize how bitter a thing it is to have to swallow one’s pride and how much of a struggle it will be for the Southern white to swallow his large dose of it. . . .They know it is as unrealistic for themselves to want integration to go impossibly fast as it is for reluctant whites to want it to go impossibly slow. “The conflict in the South is a conflict sparked on the one side by social pride and on the other by social hunger. The white man has more rights than he is entitled to. It will take a lot of humility on his part to give them up. The Negro has less rights than he is entitled to. It will take a lot of patience on his part to wait for them to come to him. “There is no question that the Negro’s cause is more just,” the magazine concludes. There is no question, either, that the white man’s adjustment is going to be more difficult. Humiliation is more painful than hunger.” Co-Ed Heads FAM Club FAM-U CO ED HEADS “CAN FONBALL” CLUB—Samantha Ed wards, popular Fla. A and M University co-ed, and Taliassee ladio singing star, is president of the first chapter of the Julian ‘ Cannonball” Adderley Fan Club. - , organized by Tallahassee admirers of the modern jazz newcomer who is acclaimed as the succes sor to the late alto sax great, Charlie (Yardbird) Parker. Ad cierley is a Fam-U graduate. Negroes In England Ask More News Negroes all over England are showing great interest in the racial situation that is now in process in parts of the United States. Up to now, there have been no militant move, because of lack of accurate information from members of note in the Negro society of the United States. The situation has been watched purely from reports in the British Press. This measure does not seem to fill the desired need, and a committee under the secretary ship of Me, Roy McFarlane. Exec utive Assistant of the Association for the Advancement of Colored j People in the United Kingdom' has been set up, to enquire from j Negro leaders concerning the true ' state of affairs. After this, I suppose direct1 action will be taken through representations to the U. S. Am bassador to the Court of St. James' England. The Great Book The Bible says: “Give as you have been profitted through the ^ week.” If a person has no job or a! small income, the pastor and mem bers should not look at such per-1 sons with cross-eyes because they j are trying to obey the scriptures, j --- Council Considers Delinquency Monday night, the Kellom Youth Council successfully ven-1 tured into the realm of serious thinking as they presented a j \ ell-prepared panel discussion on ji venile delinquency. Leading the panel was Miss Carolyn Rob inson, a North High student. Her able assistants were Nate Gold ston, Youth Council President and Central High athlete, Stanley V. are, Tech High student, Joyce and Rosemary Pope, Tech High j students and debaters. The panel expressed the opin ion that the lack of the rieht kind f facilities for youths to attend is one of the major causes oi juvenile delinquency. They also expressed the opinion that the;e are so few of these facilities be cause of the laxa daizical attitude j of adults and taxpayers toward ihe problems of the teen-ager. It is only when they get in trouble that people are aware of the teen-1 eger as a person. The panel ex pressed opinions the parents paid too little attention to their children and where they go,; brought a round of applause from ether teenagers in the audience. 1 The panel is scheduled to carry ' its discussion to Pilgrim Baptist j Church on the evening of Sunday April 8. |1 4 II Fwo Networks To Carry Special Easter Lutheran Hour Features The Mutual Broadcasting Sy stem will carry a special Easter Sunday program sponsored by the Lutheran churches of north ern Florida, originating in Crest view, Fla., at noon, E.S.T. on April 1. Speaker of the program will be Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, dir ector of Overseas Operations for The Lutheran Hour. His topic will be “Go Quickly and Tell.” Dr. Bertermann will say that “if we remove the resurrection reality from our Christian faith, we are doomed to death and des pair, but in the blessings of East er faith we have the living Christ.” Music on the special broadcast will be furnished by the Lutheran Hour Chorus of Concordia Semin ary of Springfield, 111., under the I direction of Prof. Fred Precht. The broadcast will be heard across the country at 11 a.m. C.S.T.; 10 a.m. M.S.T.; and 9 a.m. P.S.T. The regular Lutheran Hour broadcast will originate over Mutual at 1:30 pm. New York time with Dr. Oswald Hoffman speaking on ‘‘The Resurrection.” In addition to these two broad casts, special Easter hymns from The Lutheran Hour music library will be carried in the afternoon of Easter Sunday, over Monitor, the NBC weekend radio service. A commentary explaining the meaning and origin of the hymns of praise will accompany each song. The hymns will be heard throughout the regular afternoon programming. Begins 7th Year As President BEGINS SEVENTH YEAR AS PRESIDENT OF FAM-U—D r. George W. Gore, Jr. distinguished educator, will begin his seventh year as president of Florida Ag ricultural and Mechanical Univer sity on April 1. At the time he ■ccepted the duties and respon sibilities of the office of the pres ident of the institution on April I, 1950, the school was officially designated as “college” and had an enrollment of 1790; today it is one of the state’s three univer s:ties that had a record breaking, fall semester enrollment of 2,649. Within the past week Dr. Gore has received two high honors- - first he was awarded the coveted honor key of Kappa Delta Pi, a rational honor society in educe tion for “20 years of conspieious service to Kappa Delta Pi and to education,” and was one of nx individuals honored by the Char les Sumner Lodge No. 24 of the Knights of Pythias at a testimon ial banquet for “35 or more years of service” to the organization. (A & M staff photo by H. J. Jones) Freedom If we are living in a country of democracy why can’t the dark race i ind the white race attend school ogether peacefully? P. S. Foreign-, sr. Knowledge Unused knowledge is like dead lumber. We need inspiration to quicken the resources we have. Let us use the opportunity. —Elsie Allen. Urge Caution With Fires During The Spring Season FACULTY WOMAN'S CLUB MEET APRIL 5 The Faculty Woman’s Club of the University of Omaha will meet Thursday, April 5, at the Univers ity and hear a lecture-demonstra tion of women’s millinery by Mrs. J Ruth Miller. Chairman of the meeting is Mrs. Donald Emery; social chairmen are Mrs. Roderick Peck, Mrs. Michael Beilis, and Mrs. Wilfred Payne. LodiesOf ^Sunday / American ?°Sevclt Post I scene 0f n L gl°n Hall * No 30 Sitter^« >l.6 <ie/ day oft * a*fairs, for ns most/ Ladies ?000*1’ March 25 ast s“n ^side^ry he^ the/ «U| the f0i^: Emory bi its pauline Hawl??8 Coaunitte?^a / pra GMss, MrsnS’ Chairman *• ?S' Peari VounJ V e°Ja Co^bs Jr "' mans anHg’ Mrs. i*n ^s- Mrs. had an IS, ^ Pearl ^ Co noon and °rate tea in fh /nn,cB tilat Was Ve^Senting Joca^(!fer' 0fte aPPearinJ °uts‘andin! pJent S'reat with ?8 °n ‘he ProfTf Every Var?* ,e^c*T °id faithJ0,Wiag sick r follows: jLFrank Pay??rted fay Batson, /^n PierCe, S are as Gnderw00d R?? Beasley Ha”I<?i free‘s, C]i#*'chard Johnson r Ph Smith, wap d Poster n?’ Gene Donald r ' ? mi'“ams r°bert B. good Wii? 0d Work don CeJ° Mc faB m On?1?HCon)mitte? tbe and visit th nd g0 °ut o'. Let Us a‘J°n of toe***** now to put Ambers J f0^ ‘he samp *■ fde Program needecf and spSt fe freeP up S 0Ver- at «* £en-olT'« £ £ rrate/ fell^rnan ?,Le,g°n for GoT° °f »■ F *■£,•£ *—£* °ur K F; Embry J.C°?mander * * 2°““. Major James E. Osborn, Com manding Officer of the U. S. Army Recruiting Main Station, 30th and Fort Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, announced today that another group of women from the Iowa and Nebraska area will leave for Fort McCllellan, Alabama, on the 14th of May which is the fourteenth birthday of the Women’s Army Corps. All women between the ages of 18-34 are eligible to become mem bers of the Women’s Army Corps if they can meet the stringent men tal, moral and physical qualifica tions that are required. The outstanding success of 1955’s “Operation Glamour” when 13 wo men from this area were sworn in to the Women’s Army Corps, prompted the establishment of a program to send at least one large group each year into the WAC. There are several advantages for a young woman to join this group, such as, she will be able to leave her home with a group of young women from her own community, she will be able to take her entire period of basic training with her friends at the home of the Women’s Army Corps in the sunny south, and she may even continue her service in the company of the wo men she left her home with. Sev eral of last year’s group went to the same technical schools and have since been assigned to the same post and Women’s Amy Corps Detachment. In addition to this outstanding opportunity of being able to enlist with a group, any woman who is a high school graduate and who can pass the entrance requirements may choose a technical school be fore she enlists and be guaranteed attendance at this school after she enlists. These schools are in the administrative career fields. Complete details concerning this outstanding opportunity can be ob Historically the coming of Spring is attended with a very definite in crease in the number of fire a larms which are associated with the practice of unconfined burning in the open. In an attempt to minimize all such fires we are asking the assist ance of all of the press, raido and television agencies to carry the fol lowing message to the people of Omaha. 1. It is unlawful to conduct open burning except by special per mission by the Fire Department. 2. Burning which is confined to approved incinerators is per missable between the hours of 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. provided that the burning does not create either a smoke or odor nuisance. 3. It is unlawful to maintain on any premise accumulations of dry weeds, refuse or debris in such manner as will enchance the danger of fire on said premises. The law does provide a penalty for non-compliance. Specifically it stipulates that a person may be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 or shall be imprison ed for not more than 9(5 days for each and every violation. In order to eliminate fire haz ards and to afford compliance with the Ordinance it is essential that dry weeds and ledves and other accumulations of combus tible waste be removed from all premises. In many cases this can be accomplished by taking advantage of the City Garbage and Waste Pick-up Service which will accept these combustible if they are placed in containers which are equivalent to the con ventional garbage can. By taking advantage of this service the cit izen can benefit himself not only by using a service for which he is paying but also by eliminating the hazard of improper burning, the hazard of the accumulation and the nuisance and air polution which is created by unrestricted individual fires. Also we would like to caution people who are using approved portable incinerators. It must be remembered that these de vices should not be left unattend ed if in use, should be at least 15 feet from any structure or from dry grass, etc., and should not be over-taxed. It is much safer, and the smoke and nuisance factor is much less if a moderate amount of material is burned at a time. We will appreciate your coop eration in carrying this message to the people at intervals over the next several weeks. Please accept our appreciation for the many times in the past that you have rendered similar service to the public. Investigate African Trouble A London announcement states that a Commission of Enquiry has been appointed by the Gov ernor of Sierra Leone, West Africa, to go into the causes of the recent disturbances, in which a number of persons were killed, and the action taken to deal with them, and to make recommenda tions. The full composition of the Commission reads: Chairman Sir Herbert Cox, Q. C, Mr. A. J. Loveridge, C.M.G., 0.3.E, Judge S.P.J.Q. Thomas (a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Western Region of Nigeria) and Mr. A.T.A. Beckley, J.P. OMAHA ~U HISTORY PROF. ON TV CLASSROOM Dr. Thomas N. Bonner, Universi ty of Omaha professor of history, will discuss “The American Story —From Philadelphia to Appomat tox” on the TV Classroom begin ning Saturday,, April 7th. The new class offers 3 semester hours cred it and runs until June 30. It is offered at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morn ings on Station KMTV. tained by contacting your U. S. Army Recruiter at U. S. Army Re cruiting Station, Room 101A, Post Office Bldg, 16th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha, Nebaska.