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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1956)
WANTED: Houses the Names and i that are looking and for people apartment. Call i FOR RENT: Nice large front room. Also Apartment JA 5038. FOR RENT: Nice room for single or couple. Call JA 2870. FOR RENT: 3 Kitchenette Apart ments. Nice Location with Utilities paid. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 2 large Chairs, newly upholstered in red. Also a large Mirror. Call after 2 P.M. 2510 Erskine. PR 0994. FOR-RENT: Nice large room for couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities paid. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 3-roof unfurnished Apt. 1 block from 2 bus lines. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: 3 3-room furnished Apts. Call HA. 0800. FOR RENT: One 2 room unfurnish ed apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished apartment on bus line. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 2-room furnished apartment and one 3-room un furnished apartment Call HA 0800. WANTED. WANTED I WANT-] ED: We want to rent that Apartment you hare for Rent. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that car or truck you have to tale. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that piece of furniture you have, for eale. Cell HA 0800. , — REMEMBER We arc in the Rent ing and selling business. Give ua a ring. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYT-RS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. GIVE US A RING. HA 0800. CALL GROW GLOSS for Haii appc.ntment. Hair dresser and oil. 2512 N. 24th. Phone Pi 9016. FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished apartment 2 2-room apartments. 1 2-room unfurnished apart ment. 2 1-room furnished i. partment for working man or woman. Call Ha. 0800, Omaha Guide Office. FOR RENT: 3 modern unfurnished rooms, ell utilities furnished. Call Ha 0800 before 9:30 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. WANTED: A cook for private home call Mrs. Pettis, Ha 0323, 404 S. 39th St FOR SALE: TWO LIKE NEW TELEVISION COMBINATIONS. WERE $500.00, NOW $195.00. EVANS RADIO & TV SERVICE, 2936 N. 24th. PL 9879. FOR RENT: A large sleeping room right on a bus line for only $7.50 per week. Call PI. 4318. FOR RENT 1 3-room unfurnished aoartment. Call Ha. 0800. FOR SALE: 2 large chairs, newly upholstered in red. Also a large mirror. Call after 2 P.M. Ja. 0994. 2510 Erskine. RELIABLE PERSON Man or woman from this area to' service new revolutionary Cig arette Vending Machine. 6 to 10 hours weekly nets up to approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great opportunity for capable person to expand. When fully es tablished, party selected should earn $15,000.00 yearly. $1,195.00 cash investment required. Ful ly secured. For local inter view give full particulars. Write P. O. Box 7047, Minne apolis 11, Minn. Announcement The Waller Radio Re pair Shop, which was located at 1904 North 24th St has moved to 2525 North 20th St 1 block north from Lake St on the north side of North 20th St FOR RENT: One 3 room furnished or unfurnished apartment at 2520 Lake SL Call PL 3165. FOR RENT: 1 4-room house. Call At. 3747. Between 2 bus lines. FOR RENT: Nice room for settled couple or elderly single person in a private home with use of kitchen. Call HA 08ul. 2310 N. j 22nd SL 1 , Apartments, and \ddresses of people for a place to stay; who want to rent an HA 0800. FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN sew easy ready-cut house coats at home. Earn from $17.40 tc $26.16 dozen Write — AC CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New York. FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive rooms for men. Price reasonable. Call HA 0800. I FOR RENT: 1 large furnished room for working couph WE 1477. FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for couple or single person $7.00 and $7.50 Nice location. PL 6376. MALE~H EL PLANTED ~ We will establish you in business with our capital. If you are trustworthy and energetic, write us. No investment or ex perience needed to start. Part time or full-time. WINONA MONUMENT CO., Winona, Minn. Who's Who In Baseball Is Released The 1956 edition of “Who’s Who In Baseball,” forty-first in the ser ies and the third edited by Allan Roth, statistician of the Brooklyn Dodgers, is now at newsstands. Included in the book is the fol lowing information on 445 players (more than ary previous issue) now on majoi league rosters: place of birth; date of birth; how player bats and throws; height; weight; year-by-year batting records of 259 payers (in ten different batting de partments); year-by-year pitching records of 186 pitchers (in nine different pitching departments); and World Series statistics on play ers who have participated in the Series League-leading perform ances have been indicated. Playing records of 123 players not listed in 1955 have been in cluded in the 1956 edition. This group contains a number of rook ies. some with no major league ex perience, and a few who have play ed briefly in the majors. Among this group are such players as Henry Aguirre, Luis Aparicio, Don Blasingame, Neil Christley, Rocco Colaviio, A1 Curtis, Billy Harrell, Connie Grob, Ken Lahman, Frank Malzone, Buddy Peterson and Ranee Pless. Also included in tills year’s edi tion ace final standings of the 1955 championship races, team bat ting, fielding and pitching and the box score of the 1955 All-Star game. Vv*Jy'N. / VoU -n/ ^OVinl TRADE | BLOW YOUR OWN HORN In The Advertising Columns OF THIS NEWSPAPER PULL THE PLUG ON STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. laxative Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight! No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestines. Brings comforting relief in morning. Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Granulated form . . . and now in new, easy-to-take Tablets, toot I I When constipation I I sours children's di rection and dlsposlUon. ret Syrup oi Black Draught. They lore this honey-sweet liquid' No surgery needed to reduce swelling of painful piles! In doctor’s tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave internal and external relief — without surgery! 6 medically-proved ingredients re lieve pain,itching instantly! Reduce swelling. Promote healing. You sit, walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Supposi tories or Ointment at druggists. Want fresher bread? PICK Kellom Kapers Kellom i Youth Study Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency Panel March 26th The Kellom Youth Council will lay the quilty for the large increase ! in juvenile delinquency at the door steps of the Adult World in a fiery panel on juvenile delin quency at Kellom Community on March 26. A panel of four girls and one boy, led by Carolyn Robinson will challenge the adult world to in vestigate its self and to do some thing about what they will find. The public is invited to attend this discussion which will start at 8:00 P.M in the Center Auditor ium. Admission is free. TAP RECITAL The Kellom Adult Council will sponsor their annual tap recital on March 29th in the Center’s auditor ium. Starting time is 8:00 P.M. and the price of admission is 25c. Tickets may be purchased from members of the Adult Council and at Kellom Community Center, 24th and Caldwell Streets. This year’s recital which will follow the school age boy and girl through their school day holidays will present the Kellom Tap Dan cers and several guest stars. You will want to see this grand show. I CELTICS HAND CRUSADERS SECOND DEFEAT, 54-48 An inspired Celtic basketball club staved off a desperate rally by the once invincible Crusaders in a Senior Boys make-up game Fri day night and gave the Crusaders their second licking in the Second Half of the Senior Boys Basketball League. The Celtic’s victory over the Crusaders coupled with their Monday night 58-58 squeeze past the Roses assured them of the second half championship and a playoff spot against the Crusaders, the first half winners. The play off, a 2 out of 3 affair, is scheduled ' to start at 7:00, Tuesday, March 27.I Other Monday Results: Falcons 45 -Courtmasters 20 Crusaders 36_Bouncers 29 Blue Trotters 49 _ Purple Tide 46 BROWNS CHILL GOLDEN KNIGHT'S TITLE HOPES With Charles Skaggs hitting 14 points and Dick Rice pitching in with 12, the Browns cinched the YAL Junior High School Basketball Crown at KelJom. Wednesday night as they drubbed Golden Knights' 43-30. The Golden Knights had j been strong contenders for the : titln, a game behind the Browns. With only two games left on the I schedule, the Browns’ victory as | sured them for a share of the title. Other YALY results: Sacred Heart 47 _ Red Raiders 9 City Mission 33 . Social Settlement 26. Hope Lutheran 28_13th Street Eagles 34 LAKE JR. HIGH JETS ADVANCE IN MIDGET MEET Lake Jr. High and the Kellom Jets advanced to the finals in the Ke'Iom Midget Boys Double Elimin ation Tourney, Saturday morning, March 17th. The Lake Jr. High team remains undefeated in tournament play as they knocked off their semi-final foe the Court Devils, 16-10. Playing in the losers’ bracket, the Jets, reached the finals the long way round as they elminated both the Devils (32-16) and Sacred Heart (50 14). Saturday. F;»als will be played at 10:00 A.M Saturday, March 24. Youth Council Hold Tryouts For Stars Of '56 The Youth Council will hold try outs for the Stars of ’56 Show at 7:30 in the Kellom Auditorium on Wednesday, April 4. Further in formation about the show and try outs may be had by calling Pat Hopson or Josh Gibson, JA 1116. The Kellom Senior Citizen Club is working on crafts displays to enter in the Home Improvement Show which will be held at the City Auditorium on May 5, 6, 7. Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon of the Colo rado la 217 miles long, tour to If , miles wide at brim, end 4,000 te 0,900 feet deep. Toothbrush Mirror On sslo Is ■ toothbrush with a dental mirror built into its handle, so you can look at your teeth as your dentist does. Nicaragua The production of gold in Nlo ; aragua has taken first rank in the •owntry, taking precedence orer cod Army Reserve Program Fighting Losing Battle The much touted Army Reserve program is “fighting a losing bat 1 tie” according to the current issue of PICTURE WEEK magazine. The program, designed to provide young men with an attractive al ternative to the draft, “has been a dismal failure,” the magazine reports. The program permits a high school graduate to spend six months cn active duty with the Army or Marine Corps. Instead of a two year draft. That service would be followed by seven and a half years in the Ready Reserve. ! The six month reserve program For the Home Frame Your Memo Slate JLJERE’S a clever way to make an attractive memo slate for your home: Take an old picture frame; the size isn’t important. Give it a good cleaning and sanding. Then prime and enamel it to suit the surroundings in which you plan to hang your memo slate. For best results, sand lightly between coats. Now you’ll need a piece of Ma sonite Tempered Presdwood to fit the old frame. Take it from your stockpile or buy some at the lum ber yard. Also obtain some chalk board paint, either black or green. Follow the manufacturer’s direc tions for preparing the Presd wood and applying the slate sur facing material. Finally you mount the chalk board in the frame. A piece of scrap aluminum bent into a U shape or a discarded Venetian blind slat screwed to the bottom of the frame makes an excellent trough for a piece of chalk. You now are ready to hang the memo slate in a convenient place. Unframed chalkboards may be made in any useful size, too. They are excellent for grade schoo' youngsters. was implemented last fall. So far, about 12 30C young men have vol unteered But only 5,500 of these have actually begun their initial training. By June 30, 1956, the Army had hoped to have at least 90,000 volunteers. It is apparent now, that they will not reach that goal. PICTURE WEEK says that reasons for the failure are many: Since the reserve program is a completely voluntary one, many young men have preferred to take their chances with the draft. Many have taken this “calculated risk”, hav-! ing heard about the cases of men j passing tbe draft age without serv ing. mitrmtrwme iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir BEAUTICIANS! I It’s Real Smart to be Listed in Our 1957 DIR- j ECTORY. Your Name Will be Seen in 100 CITIES Across the Nation by Over a Million People. THINK, Write for Details Today. NEGRO NATIONAL BEAUTYLOGUE P. O. BOX 3, TIMES SQUARE STATION, NEW YORK 36, N. Y. llllllinnnilllliHiilllHiHHllllliiHIIINllinilHHIlHiiMlllHHHliilllllllimilimin Continental Stand-Up The New Style Hit by Collar with fUXmiiD STAYS, front ' and Sock-100% WASHABLE I f Double i toII Up \ Sleeve f Cuffs f Red, Turquoise, Lemon QC i Sizes: 6 to 20 ^Ao# J j THE UNIVERSITY SHOP.FOURTH FLOOR For Immediate Release ■ i * mniiniwimwiii m«iiiuui.i in «.'v John C. Colombo, Architect House No. A-118 Split-Level Here is a home in the modern manner—a brick and siding, split-level beauty. There’s a! maximum of living comforts packed into this design. The huge living room is complemented by a rear picture window and the cheerful fire place. The separate dining room adjoins the kitchen-dinette. Up a short Right of stairs there are three bedrooms. Besides having its own pri vate bathroom, the master bedroom has a closet along one entire wall. For relaxation, enter taining or watching TV, there is a playroom, only a few steps away from the living area. There is another fireplace in this room and an entrance to the outdoors. An extra bedroom and bath on this level is ideal for a maid or guests. Don’t overlook that large basement, so handy for storage, hobbies, or a workshop. A king-sized sketch plan of this house is available to readers. Simply send 25f in coin to Modern Plan Service, Department 118, Lincoln Building, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Area: 1,790 sq. ft. Cubage: 34,000 cu. ft. YOU CANT QUIT ADVERTISING YOU’RE TALKING TO A PARADE ^ NOT A MASS MEETING Boatswain's Mate First Class, U. S. Navy Recruiter Ted R. Luster Phone: JAckson 7900 — Ext. 8311 — Ext. 420 U. S. Navy Recruiting Sta. U. S. Navy Recruiting Sta. 30th and Fort Street* 24th and O Streets Omaha 11, Nebraska Omaha 7, Nebraska -....... • • r *'TXT WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PACKAGE LIQUORS We Make Free Delivery on Orders Of $10 Or More B & R GROCERY 2302 North 27th Street Phone PL 9831 Spotless Cleaners 1704 North 24th Street FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE Quality Workmanship-We Lead, Others Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING Claytee Brazier Phone AT 8526 IN CONSTANT USE BY SPORTS ANNOUNCERS* WRJTERSr CLUB OFFICIALS AND PANS This book b ocfborixod by fed Frick, Commissioner fl# iosefeoU, end the presidents of the two major leagues* No baseball book offers such complete up-to-date inf or* motion on averages, highlights af previous season, pirn hires of teams, etc. b covers everything. Including out standing records, etc., etc. There are also schedules at the American and National Leagues, os well os playing dates of outstanding miner leagues. I-—i 1 THE SPOUTING NEWS, Notional BoxboH Wookly I | J01I Wadilogtaa Avanua, St. laud 3, Mluoun ■ naaaa nod Official Baseball Guido, poctopo paid, at | : law prico of $1 -00. Chock or a»nop ardor aadocad. • KB { | NAME_ I | 5 ADDEESSS { I art TONE 3TATE j -PICK UP Cleaners & Laundry f ONE DAY CLEAN t ING, LAUNDRY I SERVICE CROSSTOWN CLEANERS 2101 North 24th Streot Web*t*r cJiffbrQnt -flavor Delicious Honey ’n sugar 'n spicy cinnamon tY THE IAKERS OF SUPREME SAIAD WAFERS