The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 23, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 30 No. 4 Friday, March 23, 1956 _•__10c Per Copy
Kef au ver's Food Stamp Plan
Would Ease The Plight Of
Urban and Rural Negroes
Senator Estes Kefauver in mid
west speeches, this week, proposed
amendments to the farm bill which
would directly affect the Negro
city dweller who is feeling the
piu-h of unemployment and high
food prices.
Under his overall farm program,
the Negro stands to profit most
through the consideration given
the family-type farmer.
Carryirg his bid for the Dem
ocratic presidential nomination in
to Iowa, the Senator declared: “I
am sick and tired of hearing the
Secretary of Agriculture moan a
bout ‘overburdening surpluses’ and
blaming the farmers’ woes on
This is significant in view of
the many areas where Negroes are
applying for relief to meet the
bare necessities of subsistence—
food and clothing ”
The Senator does not believe
we car afford to classify these
food surpluses as a burden, since
there are many ways they can
serve to relieve suffering at home
and make friends abroad.
Under the Senator’s Food Stamp
Plan, the Secretary of Agriculture
Would be authorized to issue food
stamps through regular state wel
fare agencies. Such stamps would
be redeemable for food on the sur
plus list at stores participating in
the plan.
he says. “Any of those who are
receiving benefits or assistance
under the program of old-age as
sistance, Federal Old-Age and Sur
vivors Insurance Benefits, aid to
dependent children, aid to the
blind, and aid to permanently and
totally disabled will he eligible for
food stamps.”
The Urban Negro is particularly
aware of the need for the distri
bution of suiplus food in a manner
which will reach the thousands
who are on the rolls of the agen
cies listed.
These statements by the Senator
will be met by opposition in many
quarters. However, the Senator
has the evidence to refute the op
timists who claim that everyone in
our nation has plenty to eat. He
cites as an example a member of a
group which operates a center for
assisting the needy in Washington.
“He brought along some of the
letters that they receive daily—
grubby, grimy, written on torn
pieces of paper with pencil,” the
Senator said, and quoted from the
‘Will you please send me a food
order. My children haven’t had
anything to eat all day long and
wdl you send some food please be
cause I have five children.’
‘W’ill you please send me some
fool. I have six children. I will
appreciate anything you can send
me Thank you.’”
The Senator concludes: “We cal
culate that there are about 18
million persons in the United
States who would qualify for use
of the food stamp plan.”
On the other side of the surplus
food problem, the Negro farmer
stands w;*h other farmers. The
Senior included in his speeches
the following statements which di
rectly affect the Negro farmer.
“I intend to propose that we
have a 100 per cent price supports
from those farms showing revenue
of $7000 or less; 90 per cent on in
come between $7000 and $20,000;
75 per cent up to $50,000. This
graduation will give the major
benefit to the family-type farmer
instead of the big ones.
“Right now hogs are selling, I
bel’eve, at around 53 per cent. If
we set the minimum level at 90
per cent, then we would be say
ing, in very rough figures, that the
income of the hog farmers would
be increased by around 30 per cent.
I think that’s the kind of vital as
sistance you need.”
The keystone of Senator Kefau
vers farm proposals is aid to the
family-type farmer.
Spring Classes
Spring class enrollments are be
ing accepted at the YWCA for the
groups beginning April 2. Includ
ed is a variety both in the after
noon and evening for adults.
Classes scheduled are: Ballroom
dancing, sewing and tailoring, trim
gym, badminton, golf, tennis,
bridge (beginning and intermedi
ate), painting and sketching, bowl
Manuel Caldwell
Manuel Caldwell, age 65 years,
of 2423 Binney St., expired Tues
day, March 13, 1956 at a local hos
He was an Omaha resident 43
Funeral services were held
Thursday, March 22, 1956 at 2:00
P.M. from the Myers Brothers Fu
neral Chajjel with Rev. F. C. Will
iams officiating. Interment was at
Mt. Hope Cemetery.
Asks Return
To a.P.P.D.
J. M. Harding, president of the
Omaha Public Power District, has
filed for re-election to the utility’s
Board of Directors.
Mr. Harding has been president
of the Power District since it took
over the properties of the Ne
braska Power Company on Decem
ber 2, 1946. He was appointed a
director by the late Governor
Dwight Griswold and elected presi
dent by the original Board of Di
rectors. He is the sole remaining
j dir ector of the original Board still
serving the utility. Mr. Harding
was re-elected to a second six-year
term in 1950. The post of presi
dent of the utility pays $150 per
In the investment business in
Omaha, Mr. Harding is a native of
Wisner, Nebraska, and a graduate
iof Yale University. He was as
sociated with the Harding Ice
Cream Company, 1910-1937, and
served as president, 1929-1937. He
is a director and member of the
executive committee of the Pull
man Company. Active in civic af
fairs, Mr Harding has served as
1 trustee of Creighton Hall, director
of Defense Funds, Inc., and has
participated in activities of the
I Omaha Industrial Foundation, the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce,
and the Community Chest.
Commenting on OPPD’S contri
butions to the influx of new indus
try to this area during the past
several years, Mr. Harding said
that adequate electric power supply
at low rates has been a highly in
fluencing factor. “No industry
has side stepDed Omaha and lo
cated elsewhere because of lack of
low-cost electric power,” he said.
OPPD’S industrial rates are the
lowest of the ten major industrial
cities in the Midwest.
Under Mr. Harding’s leadership
since 1946, the Power District has
reduced electric rates, amounting
to $l,250,00t annually; increased
total assets from $42,000,000 to
$121,000,000; and stepped up gen
erating capacity from 116,000 kilo
watts in 1946 to 290,000 today, with
further additions scheduled for
1957 and 1959 that will bring gen
erating capacity to 490,000 kilo
watts. During the years of Mr.
Harding’s presidency, customer use
of electricity throughout the Dis
trict has nearly doubled.
Regarding future developments
of the Power District, Mr. Harding
expressed optimism. He stated
that growth of the Omaha area as
an industrial center will continue
to bring new demands for elec
trical energy,
ing, judo, and swimming.
Children’s classes included this
spring are: Tap and ballet, swim
ming, and painting and sketching.
For teenagers: a special ball
room dance rlass is offered on Sat
urday afternoons.
For additional information call
the YWCA, JA 2748.
Press Workshop Scenes
More than 75 students attended
the sixth annual Florida A and M
University interscholastic press
workshop held recently. Some of
the scenes from the event are a
bove. Top right, two students
show their certificates of attend
ance t0 workshop consultant Eric
0. Simpson (right), editor-publish
er of The Florida Star in Jackson
ville. At the right a group of
students surround James K. Bay
lor, instructor in presswork in the
department of printing, as he op
erates the university printing
press on which the four-page work
shop newspaper, “The Workshop
per” was printed.
Bottom photo shows the consul
tants with President and Mrs. J
George W. Gore, Jr., with whom
they had lunch on Friday at their
home, Sunshine Manor. Left to
right, C. J. Smith, III, workshop
director; Wesley W. South, public
relations-director, Johnson Publish
: ing Company; President Gore; Mar
ion E Jackson, sports editor, The
Atanta Daily World; Eric 0. Simp
son, editor-publisher, The Florida
Star, Jacksonville; Mrs. Gore; A. K.
Knight, radio station WHRC, Jack
sonville; Samuel E. Russell, co-or
dinator, Trade and Industrial Edu
cation, School of Engineering and
Mechanic Arts, A & M; and Robert
M. Ratcliffe, national news editor,
The Pittsburgh Courier. (A and M
starf photo by James Walden).
Annette Hamilton
Mrs. Annette Hamilton, age 75
years, of 3027 R St., expired Sat
urday evening, March 17, 1956 at a
local hospital.
She was an Omaha resident 21
years and was a member of the
Deaconess Board of Mt. Olive Bap
tist Church.
She is survived by her husband,
Dave Hamilton of Omaha; daugh
ter, Lovie Hamilton of Omaha; son,
Dewitt Hamilton, U. S. Army, Ft.
Bliss, Texas, sister, Mrs. Bell
Breakfield of Omaha and a host
of nieces, nephews and other rela
Funeral services tentatively ar
ranged for Saturday, March 24,
1956 at 30:00 A.M. from the Mt.
Olive Baptist Church with Rev. J.
0. White officiating.
Myers Brothers Funeral Service.
Girl Scouts
Sell Cookies
To Aid Fund
Again this year the Girl Scouts
will be selling cookies from April
11th, Wednesday, through the 23rd,
Monday. This is a worthy cause
and they are looking for promotion
al support.
Anything you can do in your
windows, in stores, or giving them
sales room in stores will certainly
be appreciated by them. The
World Herald and neighborhood
newspapers will be given cuts
should anyone want to promote the
event in their ads. If the mat is
too large a few lines in the ad
vertisements may help get the job
In a juvenile delinquency panel
discussion the other night it was
pointed out that very, very seldom
is a member of the Girl Scouts or
Boy Scouts in trouble in town. By
supporting activities of this nature
we are helping develop our future
citizens as well as our present com
munity life. Anv support you can
give certainly will be appreciated.
Yvette Butler
Yvette Denice Butler, 2 month
old daughter of Blonzine and Na
thaniel Butler, 3233 Willis Ave.,
expired Monday evening, March 19,
1956 at a local hospital.
She is also survived by two sis
ters. Roxie Ann and Carmen De
lores; two brothers, Gregory and
Nathaniel, Jr. all of Omaha.
Committal services were held
Wednesday, March 21, 1956 at
Graceland Park Cemetery.
Myers Brothers Funeral Service.
Writer Says Negroes Ready
For Trouble As Price Of
Justice And Freedom
Arthur Montgomery, 71 years,
2508 M Street, expired suddenly
Saturday morning, March 18th.
Mr. Montgomery was a retired
Union Pacific Railroad employee.
He is survived by a brother, Mr.
1 Alfred Montgomery, Vicksburg,
The body is at Thomas Mortuary.
Ad Taker Is
Mrs. James W. Allen who has
been taking care of the Classified
ad department for the Omaha
Guide the past month, sprained an
ankle Monday and hindered her
from being at the office the most
part of the week. But hope to give
full time from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
starting Monday, March 26th. Will
appreciate calls for ads and apart
ments. HA 0800.
Gives Holy
Week Service
For the second year, J. L. Bran
deis & Sons v'ill provide television
time for a series of Holy Week
religious services and programs.
A “Festival of Faith”, including
Catholic, Protestant and Jewish ob
servances. will be seen on WOW
TV on March 29 and 30.
Opening the series will be the
traditional Holy Thursday service,
I “Consecration of the Oils”. It will
be telecast direct from St. Cecelia’s
Cathedral on Thursday morning,
March 29. from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Narration of the service will be
done by Rev. Michael Kelly, as
sisted by Ray Clark of WOW-TV.
On Thursday afternoon from
2:30 to 3:00, “The Passover Seder”
will be presented. Beth El Syna
gogue Children’s Choir will per
form a model “seder” or festival
banquet, which opens the Jewish
observance of Passover. Rabbi
Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron
I. Edgar are supervising the pro
duction. -
The American Negro is prepared
for trouble “if that is the price”
in his fignt for “justice and free
dom”, a prominent Negro writer
said today.
Prize-winning reporter - author
Carl Rowan described “What Ne
groes Really Want” in an article
in the new issue of Look Magazine.
“From illiterate cotton pickers
to college presidents,” Mr. Rowan
said, “I heard the same story.”
“The Negro wants his children
to grow up free from the scourges
of illness, ignorance and poverty.
“He wants the opportunity to
work at the best job for which his
intellect and training qualify him.
“He wants to live in a society
where individuals are free to as
sociate whatever their race or
“The Negro wants a voice in the
government that shapes his life.
“Perhaps most of all, the Negro
wants the dignity to which free
men are entitled. He wants to be
judged on his individual merits as
a first-class American citizen, and
not as a savage whose tastes ‘re
main close to the caterpillar and
cockroach,’ as Judge Tom P. Brady
of Brookhaven, Mississippi, put it.”
“The Negro is confident,” Mr.
Rowan said in Look, because,
“There is a new Negro in the land.
He is better educated, economical
ly stronger, and he strides toward
freedom with a determination bol- i
stered by the knowledge that the'
major forces at work in the world
today are on his side.”
A Good Friday service, conduct
ed by the Omaha Council of
Churches, will conclude the “Fes
tival of Faiths” series. It will be
telecast on Friday, March 30, di
rect from the Omaha Theater,
starting at 12:30 p.m.
“Festival of Faiths” is presented
through tie courtesy of J. L. Bran
deis & Sens, as pert of their com
munity service program. Brandeis
also provided television time for
a series of holiday programs dur
ing the Christmas season.
In announcing the “Festival of
Faiths” schedule, Karl N. Louis,
vice president and general man
ager of Brandeis, said, “The pur
pose of these programs is to put
emphasis on spiritual values and
religious ideals—the things that
bring strength and happiness to
our community.”
Effie Land
Mrs. Effie Washington Land, age
56 years, of 2807 Franklin St., ex
pired suddenly Wednesday, March
14, 1956 at her home.
She was an Omaha resident 56
She is survived by her son, Elm
er Washington of Omaha; sister,
Mrs. Hattie Myers of Omaha; three
Funeral services were held
Monday, March 19, 1956 at 2:00
P. M. from the Myers Brothers Fu
neral Chapel with Rev. L. A. Park
er officiating. Interment was at
Graceland Park Cemetery.
Pallbearers Messrs Wilson, W.
Thomas, H. Blackson, A. Brown,
A. Beene and C. V. Dodson.
Legion Meet
Draws Big
Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30
American Legion held at the
Legion Hall on last Thursday
night the 15th one of the most
well attended joint meetings in its
history. The men were there in
large numbers as well a very fine
attendance by the Legion Ladies.
The essence of the meeting was
mostly promotional procedures for
the good and welfare of the Post.
Already wonderful financial pro
gress is being made as all commit
tees reported progress in their re
spective fields and missions. In
this way the Post is bound to come
to the front again as several brand
new young Legionnaires were pres
ent ar.d pledged full support of
the program of the American
The following sick veterans are
in V. A Hospital: Raplh Under
wood, Clifford Foster, Richard
Johnson, Water Williams, Robert
Smith, Gene Freels, Edward Beas
ley, Nathaniel Watson, John Pierce,
others not reported in time to go !
to press. The self appointed sick
committee is as ever on the job
and continues to do a very fine
work. Let’s all join them and go
ourselves out to see a sick buddy.
Lest we forget the Ladies served
a very fine and tempting repast at
the aforementioned joint meeting
such a fine cooperation and genu
ine exhibit of American Legion
spirit makes us know the truth
and that our aim is to do our best
and so doing we serve our God,
our Fellowman and our Country.
H. D. Stewart, Commander.
H. L. Embry, Jr., Adjutant.
N. H. Comans. Pub. Officer.
Senator Asks
New York, Senator Sam J. Ervin
(Dem., N. C ) today called upon
the South to organize a “system of
voluntary school segregation,” to
get around the controversial Su
preme Court decision on that is
Senator Ervin also attacked Chief
Justice Earl Warren and his as
sociates for their decision on
school desegregation in an article
in the new issue of Look Magazine
entitled, “The Case for Segrega
Senator Ervin, known as a
Southern moderate, asserted that
if the philosophy of the Supreme
Court prevails, “the Constitution
will be reduced to a worthless
scrap of paper, the American sys
tem of government will perish, and
the states and their citizens will be
come helpess subjects of a judi
cial oligarchy.”
Claiming in his Look article that
voluntary school segregation is
sanctioned by the Supreme Court
even under the ruling in Brown
vs. Board of Education, Senator
Ervin cited an opion of Chief
Judge John J. Parker of the U. S.
Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit.
Judge Parker said, “Nothing in
the Constitution or in the decision
of the Supreme Court takes away
from the people freedom to choose
the schools they attend. The Con
stitution, in other words, does not
require integration. It merely
forbids discrimination. It does not ■
forbid such segregation as occurs
as a result of voluntary action.”
Voluntary school segrega t i o n
“would afford moderate Southern
ers of both races an opportunity to
solve the South’s racial problem in
an atmosphere of good will, pati-'
ence and tolerance,” the North
Carolina Senator continued in his
Senator Ervin, acknowledging his
belief in “racial segregation as it
Southern Writer Urges
Caution On Promotion Of
Compulsory Integration
Dr. Jones To
| Speak On Easter
Dr. Laurence C. Jones, the
“Little Professor”, and founder of
Piney Woods Country Life School
in Piney Woods, Mississippi, will
be one of the speakers at the Bald
Knob Easter sunrise service near
Alto Pass, Illinois Sunday morn
ing, April 1 at 6 o’clock.
Dr. Jones has become world
famous by starting a school for
Negro children on a log under a
pine tree near his home and build
ing it into a thriving institution.
Recently the public contributed
more than $700,000 to endow his
school following his appearance on
a national TV program.
British Seek
Negro As A
White Slayer
A statement appearing in Lon
don today announced that more
than one thousand detectives were
ordered last night to find out
where every colored man in Lon
don, England spent Saturday af
ternoon of last week. Area cover
ed by this order is seven hundred
square miles of the Metropolitan
police area.
Search is to find the killer of
Mrs Selma Schwartz fifty-five
year old white woman from Vien
na, Austria who came to England
as refugee from Nazis persecution.
She was found strangled in her
basement flat at Bayswater, Lon
don where there is colored popula
tion. Was well known as friend of
[scores of colored peoples from
Jamaici, Trinidad, West Africa,
America, etc. had them as regualr
I ——__________________
exists in the South today,” denied
that it “is based on any theory of
racial superiority or racial inferior
Segregation “results from the ex
ercise of a fundamental American
freedom—the freedom to select
one’s associates.” the U. S. Sena
tor wrote in Look. “It is recognized
by the vast majority of Southern
ers, both white and Negro, as an
acceptable way of life for both
At the same time, Senator Exwin
denied that the system has robbed
Southern Negroes of major eco
nomic opportunities. “In many
Southern cities they operate banks,
insurance companies, public trans
portation systems and other sub
stantial business enterprises,” he
Senator Ervin’s article in Look
presented the Southern viewpoint
| as part of a survey in the current
issue of the magazine on the sub
i ject of, “The South vs. the Supreme
Anna Welch
Mrs. Anna Welch, 81 years, 2433
Caldwell Street, passed away Sun
day evening, March 18th at a local
| hospital. Mrs. Welch had been a
resident of Omaha sixty-six years.
She is survived by one brother,
Mr. Jasper Brown: sister-in-law,
Mrs. Roxie Brown, of Omaha; seven
nieces, Mrs. Harriett Brown, Blan- i
chard, Iowa, Mrs. Rossetta Welch,
Oskaloosa, Iowa, Mrs. Beaulah
Price, Mrs. Viola Taylor, Mrs. An
na Stewart, Mrs. Iola Holliday, of
Omaha and other relatives.
The Rosary was recited 7:30 P.M.
Tuesday evening at the mortuary,
New York — Mississippi’s Nobel
Prize Winning author, William
Faulkner, today warns the NAACP
and ail the organziations and
groups which would force integra
tion on the South by legal process
to “stop now for a moment.”
“Vou have shown the Southern
er what you can do and what you
wiH do if necessary; give him a
space in which to get his breath
and assimilate that knowledge; to
look about and see that (1) nobody
is going to force integration on
him from the outside; (2) that he
himsell faces an obsolescence in
his own land which only he can
cure; a moral condition which not
only must be cured but a physical
condition which has got to be
cured if he, the White Southerner,
is to have any peace, is not to be
faced wich another legal process
or maneuver every year, year after
year, for the rest of his life.”
The Untenable Middle
Faulkner, writing in the current
isue of LIFE Magazine, says that
he is against compulsory integra
tion from principle and because
he doesnt’ believ compulsion will
work. He describes his views on
integration as being those of “a
comparative handful” of Southern
ers who are "present yet detached,
committed and attained neither by
Citizens’ Council nor NAACP.” He
says that those holding this "mid
dle” position will be trampled by
“any incipient irrevocability” on
integration and forced to abandon
their position “where we could
have worked to help the Negro im
prove his condition.” Faulkner
writes in his "Letter to the North”
that the Southern moderates were
drawn to the Negro’s side by “the
simple human instinct to champion
the underdog,” but that this “un
derdog” status will disappear if
l forced integration advocates per
sist. At that point, Faulkner says,
his group would “have to make a
new choice” and side with “that
embattled White minority who are
our blood and kin.”
Faulkner likens this choice to
that of many Southerners, includ
ing Robert E. Lee, in 1860 who
chose civil war rather than accept
alteration of racial condition by
mere force of law or economic
threat. He states that the North
erner has failed to recognize this
lesson of the Civil War and that
he still does not know the South.
“He can’t know it from his dis
tance. He asumes that he is deal
ing with a simple legal theory and
a moral idea. He is not. He is
dealing with a fact: the fact of an
emotional condition of such fierce
unanimity as to scorn the fact that
it is a minority and which wil go
to any length and against any odds
at this moment to justify and, if
necessary, defend that condition
and its right to it.”
League To
Aid Youth
I _
Mrs. Kathryn Favors chairman
of the Urban League’s Vocational
I Guidance Advisory Committee, an
nounced today that the League will
ANCE INSTITUTE for youth in
grades through twelve on Saturday,
April 21, 1956. The Institute will
be held at Kellom School and Rec
reational Center.
Mrs. Favors stated that around
two hundred youths are expected
to attend the Institute. Subjects
to be covered by the Institute are:
“Recent Developments in New and
Extended Job Opportunities for
Minorities”, “The Challenge of
‘Blue Collar’ Jobs”, and “Basic
Facts which Parents and Pupils
should Have about Vocational
Social and Civic organizations
are again being asked to sponsor
the attendance of youths who they
feel can benefit from participation
in the Vocational Guidance Insti
with Father C. Kerr, in charge.
Funeral services were held 8:30
Wednesday morning from St. Bene
dict’s Catholic Church with Father
John Kiloren, S. J. officiating
: Pal1 bearers Mr. Charles Martin
George Bryant, Richard Lecoq, Joe
Smith, James Owens, Cliff Ham
. mock. Interment was in the family
.Plot at Forest Lawn Cemetery