The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 16, 1956, Page Four, Image 4

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    f*I* Four
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WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and
the Names and Addresses of people
that are looking for a place to stay;
and for people who want to rent an
apartment. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: 3 Kitchenette Apart
ments. Nice Location with
Utilities paid. Call HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: Nice room for single
person. Call JA 6684. ^
FOR RENT: 2 large Chairs, newly
unholstered in red. Also a large
Mirror. Call after 2 P.M. 2510
Erskine. PR 0994.
FOR RENT: Nice large room for
couple. Share kitchen. Ultilities
paid. Call HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 3-roof unfurnished
Apt 1 block from 2 bus lines.
Call HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: 3 3-room furnished
Apts. Call HA. 0800.
FOR RENT: One very nice sleep
ing room. All modern. For
working man or woman. Call
AT. 1499
FOR RENT: One 2 room unfurnish
ed apartment. Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT. A 2 room furnished
apartment on bus line. Call
HA 0800.
FOR RENT: One 2-room furnished
apartment and one 3-room un
furnished apartment. Call HA
ED: We want to rent that
Apartment you hare for Rent.
Call HA 0800.
We want to sell that ear or truck
you have to sale. Call HA 0800.
We want to aeli that piece of
furniture you have, for sale.
Call HA 0800.
-- -- i
REMEMBER We are in tha Rent
ing and telling buaineea. Give
ua a ring. HA 0800.
HA 0800.
appointment. Hair dresser and
oil. 2512 N. 24th. Phone PL
FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished
apartment 2 2-room apartments.
1 2-room unfurnished apart
ment. 2 1-room furnished
P&rtment for working man or
woman. Call Ha. 0800, Omaha
Guide Office.
FOR RENT: 3 modern unfurnished
rooms, all utilities furnished.
Call Ha 0800 before 9:30 a.m. or
after 5:00 p.m.
WANTED: A cook for private home
call Mrs. Pettis, Ha 0323, 404 S.
39th St.
WERE $500.00, NOW $195.00.
2936 N. 24th. PL 9879.
FOR RENT: A large 'sleeping
room right on a bus line for
only $7.50 per week. Call PI.
FOR RENT 1 3-room unfurnished
apartment. Call Ha. 0800.
FOR SALE: 2 large chairs, newly
upholstered in red. Also a
large mirror. Call after 2 P.M.
Ja. 0994. 2510 Erskine.
Man or woman from this area to
service new revolutionary Cig
arette Vending Machine. 6 to
10 hours weekly nets up to
approx. $3,000 00 yearly. Great
opportunity for capable person
to expand. When fully es
tablished, party selected should
earn $15,000.00 yearly. $1,195.00
cash investment required. Ful
ly secured. For local inter
view give full particulars.
Write P O. Box 7047, Minne
apolis 11, Minn.
The Waller Radio Re
pair Shop, which was
located at 1904 North
24th St has moved to
2525 North 20th St 1
block north from Lake
St on the north side
of North 20th St
FOR RENT: Dne 3 room furnished
or unfurnished apartment at
2520 Lake SL Call PL 3165.
FOR RENT: 1 4-room house. Call
At. 3747. Between 2 bus lines.
FOR RENT: Nice room for settled
couple or elderly single person
in a private home with use of
kitchen. Call HA 0801. 2310 N.
22nd St.
WOMEN sew easy ready-cu^ house
coats at home. Earn from $17.40
to $26.16 dozen Write — AC
CURATE STYLE, Freeport, New
FOR RENT: Several nice exclusive
rooms for men. Price reasonable.
Call HA 0800.
FOR RENT: 1 large furnished room
for working coupU WE 1477.
FOR RENT: Two nice rooms for
couple or single person $7.00 and
$7.50 Nice location. PL 6376.
FOR RENT. Kitchenette apart
ment. Utilities paid. WE 1523.
Lincoln May
Get Shrine
Of Pershing
Lincoln, Nebraska has been
urged as a site for a proposed |
memorial to General John J. i
Pershing by Senators Roman
Hruska and Carl Curtis.
The Nebraska Republican sent
a joint letter to the American
Battle Monuments Commission
urging that “every consideration
be given the interests of the city
of Lincoln, and of all Nebraskans,
in the erection of the Pershing
A resolution authorizing the
Commission to build a Memorial
has been approved by the Senate
and is pending before the House, i
hruska and Curtis expressed con- ]
fidence that the resolution “will
be finally enacted in this session
of Congress.”
The Senators wrote that Persh
ing “is truly regarded as one of
the honored sons of our State.”
Hruska said the Commander of
the American Expeditionary
Forces in World War I graduated
from the University of Nebraska
Law School and later was Pro
fessor of Military Science at the
“The General’s sister, the late
Miss Mae Pershing, lived most of
her life in Lincoln,” Hruska said,
"and for the last forty years of
his life, General Pershing listed
1748 “B” Street, Lincoln, as his
iegal residence.”
Rruska noted that Lincoln lead
ers are energetically urging that
the Pershing Memorial be located
in Lincoln through a Mayor’s
Pershing Memorial Committee.
He concluded, “I am sure Lin
coln will be given every consider
ation as a site to honor one of
America’s greatest military lead
Half-alive, headachy, when constipa
tion sours stomach? Black-Draught*
relieves constipation overnight.
Helps sweeten sour stomach too.
Laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight!
No harsh griping. Made from pure
vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but
gently uncorks clogged intestines.
Brings comforting relief in morning.
Then life looks sunny again! Get
Black-Draught today.
•/n Powder or Granulated form . . . and
now in new. easy-to-takc Tablets, tool
I I When constipation
1 1 sours children's di
gestion and disposition, get Syrup of Black
Draught. They love this honey-sweet liquid'
No surgery needed
to reduce swelling
of painful piles!
In doctor’s tests, amazing new
Stainless Pazo instantly relieved
piles’ torture! Gave internal and
external relief — without surgery!
6 medically-proved ingredients re
lieve pain,itching instantly! Reduce
I swelling. Promote healing. You sit,
j walk in comfort! Only stainless pile
remedy. Stainless Pazo® Supposi
tories or Ointment at druggists.
^COLD discomforts yield quickly to
STANBACK S prescription formula.
STANBACK tablets or powde’-s work
fast to bring comforting relief from
tired, sore, aching muscles, neuralgia
and headaches due to colds.
Of The
Article From TIME Magazine
In a University of Paris class
room an American Negro attend
ing a meeting of religious leaders
sat reading and rereading a cable
that had just come from the U.S.
The year was 1926, and for Morde
cai Johnson, 36, the news that he
had been elected president of
Howard University in Washington,
D. C. should have been cause for
celebration. But, recalls Johnson,
it was not: ‘ My happiness on my
trip was destroyed.”
A Baptist minister with two
bachelor’s degrees (Morehouse Col
lege, the University of Chicago),
an M.A. from Harvard and a divin
ity degree from the Rochester
Theological Seminary, Johnson was
already familiar with Howard’s pre
dicament Though known as “the
captstone of Negro education,” it
was scarcely a third-rate institu
tion. Only two of its eight schools
were accredited. The plant was
run down; its annual appropriation
from the Government was heading
into ever-mounting opposition from
Southern Congressmen. Running
Howard would have been a tough
task for anv man, but it seemed
especially so for the one who was
to be its first Negro president.
A Moral Obligation
Today, after 30 years of Mordecai
Johnson, Howard is the nation’s
leading Negro campus. Nearly
half of all U.S. Negro doctors and
dentists are Howard men, as are a
fourth of the Negro lawyers. But
the university’s influence is not
limited to the U. S alone. Among
American colleges and universities,
it ranks thir l in the percentage of
foreign students enrolled.
When Johnson took over, the
university had few things to boast
about. It had a flourishing medi
cal school, and its faculty included
such teachers as Philosopher Alain
Locke, the first and only Negro
Rhodes scholar. 'But it had little
money, and when Mordecai John
son appeared before Congress to
ask for mote, one Representative
bluntly warned him: “Young man,
we may as well come to an under
standing. We have no obligation
to consider the needs of Howard.”
Johnson tool: his case to the De
partment of the Interior, persuaded
Assistant Secretary Edward Finney
that the Government had a “moral
obligation.” In 1928 President
Coolidge finally signed a bill mak
ing the university’s annual feder
al grant (now $3,000,000) perman
Phi Beta Kappa & A Nobleman
A proud and portly man with a
flair for oratory and a willingness
to travel 25,000 miles a year to
plead Howard’s cause, Johnson has
seen his budget swell from less
than $956,000 to $5,658,500. . His
enrollment has climbed from
2,155 to 4,800; his faculty has near
ly tripled to 442. He built a new
library and a power plant, build
ings for the School of Engineering
and Architecture, the College of
Dentistry and the College of Phar
macy. Five women’s dormitories
have gone up, as well as one for
men, and three recitation halls.
Johnson established full-fledged
schools of graduate study and soci
al work, gradually got all ten of
his schools accredited. In 1953 Phi
Beta Kappa at last gave permis
sion for a Howard chapter. This
week Tau Beta Pi, oldest engineer
ing honor society in the U.-S., will
become the 14th honor society to
do the same.
as uowara nas grown in size, it
has also grown in stature. Among
Howard’s top faculty appointments:
Nobel Prizewinner Ralph Bunche,
Federal Judge William Hastie,
Sociologist E. Franklin Frazier,
Surgeon Charles Drew, who pio
neered in the blood-bank field.
Chemist Percy Julian has given
medicine a whole new source of in
expensive cortisone. Historian John
Hope Franklin has made such a
name for himself that he is the
first Negro ever to head a depart
ment at Brooklyn College (Time
February 27th.)
A Long Way To Go
Of all Howard’s accomplish
ments, those of the law school are
in a way the most important. Both
training and practice ground of
Negro civil rights, the school has
been indispensable to the long
battle against discrimination. How
ard alumni won for the Negro the
right to be served in white Michi
gan restaurants, and to picket em
ployers who refuse to hire Ne
groes. Former Dean Charles Hous
ton, who took up the case of Lloyd
Gaines v the University of Mis
souri, in 1938 won the first major
Supreme Court decision against
segregation in public education. In
1954, after a set of historic law
suits, argued before the court by
Howard-trained Attorney Thur
good Marshall, segregation in the
public schools was declared uncon- j
fCeffom. Kapers
250 Jam
Kellom Gym
For Al! Stars
250 See All Star Games
Two hundred and fifty paying
customers crowded the Kellom
gym last Thursday night to wit
ness the second annual Kellom
All Star Basketball Games. The
crowd got their money’s worth
from the first game which started
at 6:00 p.m. through the 9:00
feature game of Senior League
A special treat was added at
8:00 as the City Athletic Director
Charles Mancuso, and his brother,
Frank Mancuso gave hair raising
1 exhibitions in self-defense. Fol
lowing the Mancosos, a group
from the Center’s square dancing
; club gave a fine exhibition in
square dancing, and Art Breaker
field topped the program with
two breath-taking renditions.
As was expected, strong West
ern teams dominated the All
In the 6:00 opener, Charles
Skaggs and Bill King’s 10 and 12
scoring efforts led the Western
Division to a 31-21 victory over
the Eastern All Stars. In the 7:00
game, John Nared hit for 18
points to lead the West to its
second victory and in the 9:00
feature game, the West’s Bill
Jones outscored the East’s Rob
ert Burgess 25-24, and the West
ern Stars won their third straight
victory 60-44.
Western Stars fg ft tpts
H. Shields_113
R. Allen_0 0 0
V. Bennett_,0 0 0
C. Skaggs_ 4 2 10
B. King_6 0 12
A. Armstrong_0 0 0
E. Parks_14 6
Totals _ 12 7 31
Eastern Division fg ft tpts
P. Love_0 1 1
J. Connolly__ 12 4
J. Hunter_10 2
R. Headley_ 0 1 1
D. Hall_0 0 0
C. Henry_ 0 0 0
L. Hawkins_2 5 9
H. Taylor_ 2 0 4 j
C. Richards_ 0 0 0 j
Totals _ 6 9 21
Boys 14-15 YAL League
Western Stars fg ft tjts
J. Nared_8 2 18
R. Stubblefield_2 0 4
L. Littlejohn_ 2 2 6
D. Steward_ 2 0 4
1) Townsend_2 0 4
B. Hall_113
Totals _ 17 5 39
Eastern Division Stars fg ft tpt;
L. Brown _ 4 19
G. Olsen _ 0 0 0
J. Darrow_ 10 2
G. Whittner_ 10 2
J. Fowler_Oil
T. Griffey_ 0 0 0
K. Brink_0 0 0
Y. Di Giaomo_4 0 8
Totals _ 10 2 22
Senior League
Western Stars fg ft tpts
B. Jones_11 3 25
D. Seefus __ 3 17
K. Fosse__ 2 2 6
B. Tighe_0 0 0
T. Mahoney_2 0 4
B. Semin_0 2 2
B. Brown_10 2
R. Poore_ 7 0 14
Totals _ 26 8 60
Eastern Division Stars fg ft tpts
E. Mayhue_ 4 19
R. Burgess _ 12 0 24
B. Titsworth_1 C 2
B. Connolly_ 0 0 0
H. Nero _ Oil
B Winters_0 2 2
T. Butera _ 3 0 6
Totals _ 20 4 44
Lar <’ers Saves Ro>es
Robert Landers’ follow in bask
et in a sudden death overa .e
peiiod gave the Roses a 37-34
v tory over Rockets in Monday
night's edition of th< Senior Roys
League and renewed then- hope
for a piece of the second half
crown as they remained 1\^ games
behind the pace setting Celtics. A
free throw by the Rocket’s Han
sen had tied the game at the end
of the regulation period 34-34.
After 2^ minutes in the over
time period Bill Titsworth put
the Roses ahead as he made the
first of a two shot foul and Rob
ert Landers became the hero as'
he tipped in Titsworth’s second
In spite of these victories, Presi-1
dent Johnson knows as well as any1
man that Howard still has a long
way to go. The Negro public
school in the South is still so in
ferior that many of his students
come ill prepared for college work.
Nevertheless, Johnson feels that
he must take in as many of these
students as he can. “We cannot be
completely selective,” says he.!
“Therefore we are still adolescent I
in quality. We need 20 more!
years to mature intellectually as a!
shot as it went astray.
Other results:
Celtics -—- 58
Falcons --34
High score winner—Jack O’Con
nor 15
High score losers—Alonzo Pat
terson 14
Crusaders--- 63
Purple Tide-- 36
High score winner—Harold
Nero 16 —
High score losers—John Buck
les 12
Bouncers -30
High score winner—Bill Jones
High score losers—Gary Harr
nish 12
Main Christ Child Wins
YAL Crown
The YAL basketball league
for 14-15 year old boys came to
an end Tuesday night with the
Main Christ Child team winning
the League Championship by 4
games over Crusaders and
Deputies who tied for second
place honors.
League Standings
W L Pet.
Main Christ Child — 11 3 .800
Crusaders Jr.- 8 7 .533
Deputies _8 7 .533
Browns- 7 8 .466
Nationals _5 10 .333
Knights -4 11 .66
The Crusaders’ John Nared won
the league’s scoring contest by
pouring in 176 points in 14 games
for a 12.5 points per game aver
age. Runner-up to Nared is the
National’s Don Keefe with 146
while Main Christ Child’s Di
Giacomo finished with 144 for
third place honors.
Tuesday Night's Results:
Nationals _33
Crusaders ---32
High score winners—Don Keefe
High score losers—John Nared
Main Christ Child - 41
Knights _29
High scorer winners—Terry
Griffey 19
High scorer losers—Joe Darrow
Deputies _31
Browns _26
High scorer winners—Roose
velt Stubblefield 10
High scorer losers—Harold
Amos 13
Lake Jr. High-Y Advance In
Midget Tournament
Lake Jr. High midget basket
ball team defeated Social Settle
ment 15-13 Saturday morning to
advance into the semi finals of the
Kellom Midget Double Elimina
tion Tournament. Lake’s semi
finals with a stunning upset vic
tory over the Kellom Jets.
The Jets have now advanced
to the quarter-finals in the losers
bracket as they eliminated Social
Settlement 31-8.
In a third game, Sacred Heart
No. 6 eliminated Sacred Heart
No. 5, 29-6.
Browns Outlast Rosebuds
In the YAL league for Junior
High School boys Wednesday
night the Browns continued to
hang on to a share of first place
as they nosed out the Rosebuds
30-29. Hero fyr the Browns was
Charles Skaggs who not only
scored the winning basket but
also made 13 points to add to the
Brown’s cause.
In other games played the
Golden Knights valued into a first
place tie as they won two games
from the Red Raiders, 58-18 and
38-29. With only two weeks of
competition left, important games
will pit the Browns against the
Knights on March 14 and the
Knights and Rosebuds on March
Class And Club News
The Kellom. Senior Citizen Club
was guest of the Adult Council at
the annual All Star Games Thurs
day night, and they were cheered
by the return of their volunteer
leaders, Mrs. Beatrice Jenkins.
Mrs. Jenkins missed three weeks
as she was in South Carolina at
tending the funeral of her mother.
The Youth Council is busy plan
ning for their show, Stars of 56
which will be presented on Mai
1 and 2 and their Panel on Delin-1
which will be presented on May
on March 26. Any person with
musical or theatrical talent who
would like to appear on Stars of
56 is asked to contact Mrs. Pat
Hopson in the Center office Ja.
The Rifle Club will present a
movie of four films on March 22
starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Cen
film will be “Rocketship XM”.
Admission is 25 cents.
New Shoes
And Leathers
Being Used
By Eva Mae Davis
This spring, the sterling char
acter of good leather, well polish
ed, is fashion unlimited. Leather
buttons, for instance, (just add a
herringbone tweed coat.) On the
new suede leathers, borrowed
from a man’s sporting wardrobe.
And for the penultimate in deep
country luxe, there’s even the
leather sweater. Watch for these
—and further—changes in the
leather, the new patent leather
luggage, the two faced glove, in
black and white capeskin, the
leather cased umbrella and a
kidskin daisy to blossom on a
We look at fashion this way—
from the hat down. The new
deep-set hat is essential, and a
fine starting point. Here and
now we’re going at the news
from an angle that’s an equally
good place to begin: the new
city shoe. With every smart
dress and suit and coat keeping
itself slender (even pleated
skirts fall into the category), the
shoe-line should look polished
to slenderness. But it should al
so have this to be at it’s best:
new color. This spring, even a
woman of the most conservative
elegance will do well to consider
adding some color to the black
and brown shoes in her wardrobe.
And she should take the step, no
matter how uncertain she may feel
in the beginning. The smartest
in the beginning. The smartest
colors: blue from near—gray to
near—navy; the new golden
brown; reds newly clear or
gold n.
Consider this; carbon blue calf
skin pumps chosen for pale blue
tweeds, as their only colorful ac
cessory. Hat, handbag, could be
black or part white. White
gloves in either case. Or. musty
blue sandles, quite bare, worn
for late day this way—with a silk
dress in a blue Persian print, a
deep-set hat of dark blue ribbons,
dark blue bag, and white gloves,
and to color any black dress for
later day or at little dinners; blue
green suede opera pumps with
black patent leather heels. The
brown shoes in golden shades
are good fashion for almost any
new beige costume you can name.
And very dark amber opera
pumps would be excellent with
one of the russet speckle-print
dress. Which hat? Amber straw,
Butterscotch opera pumps look
wonderful wit ha costume that's
entirely navy blue from the hem
line up. The same shoes might
wear, another day, a black and
brown spatter-print dress, and a
conical hat of natural straw with
chestnut pumps; a peridot green
coat, darker green hat.
About the new red shoes: for
the moment we like them later
in the day. (Late spring, all sum
mer, they can start on a 9: A.M.
schedule.) Slender red leather
opera pumps could go to cock'
tails tomorrow with a blond wool
sheath, a turban that’s a kalerdo
scope of reds and browns and
beiges. And try golden red
suede opera pumps with a gun
metal silk sheath, a black straw
Finally, the arrival of a shoe
that may give city fashions a
whole new stance before the
year is out—the new city flats.
Cut with so much elegance they
look like opera pumps set on
inch-high heels. Wear them with
town tweeds, jerseys, flannels,
with confidence.
(Quote- The Vogue and The
Harpers Bazaar).
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