II r-i;i^ ****** — ^ «*•/ ' Pf*' ■ H‘+$ -• v*** ;; This Is Your Newspaper II I '1 *. ! What you are doing is news, i! I x ;-Please Phone Your News To I | This Is * our Newspaper HA 0800 ; ■ I What you are doing is news. .. or send it to J: * | Please Phone Your News To J| THE OMAHA GUIDE it __ _v | ^ .°*J0 J| 1 2420 Grant St j /JUSTICE / EQUALITY HEW TO THE LINEN § the0oma"ha guide i; EQUAL OPPORTUNITY tti; Vol. 30 No." 3 ' Friday, March 16/1956 KkPerCopy ^—————— 21 Dixie Senators Gang Up On Powell Insida Washington, by Robert S. Allen Washington There is a highly significant deveopment in the Senate in the in tensifying battle over the amendment of Rep. Powell to bar federal funds to segregated schools. Southern leaders of the Senate have quietly launched a powerful legslative counterattack against this proposal. Thair challenge is in the form of a far-reaching bill sponsored by Sen. McClellan (D-Ark.), chairman of the Government Operations Com mtitee, and 10 other Southerners. Purpose of this measure to to curb federal courts in matters affecting state powers, particularly 'relating to civil rights, education and labor. Under this bill, states could not be required to desegregate their schools. One of the authors explained the measure as follows: “It would require Congress to clearly express its intention when legislating. Failure on the part of Congress to do that would compel the federal courts to hold that concurrent or coincident state laws, not in conflict, are not to be ruled invalid or superseded simply because Congress has also legislated on the same matter.” Sen McClellan's bill was introduced on February 6. Unlike the headline publicity which has accompanied Rep. Powell’s amendment since its inception, the Senate counterattack is unknown to the general public There has been no announcement or fanfared discussion about it. Th« measure is pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.! Of the Committee's eight Democrats, five are Southerners, of whom McClellan end two others are co-authors of the bill. Of the seven Republicans, two are considered critical of the Powell proposal. The co-sponsors of the McClellan measure are: Sens. George (Ga.), chairman of Foreign Relations Committee; Russell (Ga >, chairman of Armed Services Committee; Byrd (Va.), chairman of Finance Committee; Hill (Ala.), chairman of Labor and Public Welfare Committee; Johnston (S.C.), chairman of Postoffice and Civil Service Committee; Robertson (Va.), second ranking member of i Banking and Currency Committee; Stennis (Miss.), Appropriations Com mittee; Eastland (Miss.), and Daniels (Tex.), Judiciary Committee; Thurmond (S.C.), Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee. The little-known McClellan bill was the main subject of that pri vate meeting of 21 Southern Senators in Sen. George’s office. They discussed strategy to block the Powell amendment if it reaches the Senate as part of the school-aid bill now awaiting consid eration by the House. The Southern Senators unanimously agreed to make every effort to enact the McClellan measure at this session of Congress. Confidence was voiced that influential support would be received from Northern sources both in and out of Congress. Foremost among the powerful organizations it was claimed favor this legislation are: The American Farm Bureau Federation, National Association of Attorneys General, and the National Association of Manufactures. It was asserted that last year, during hearings before the House Judiciary Committee, spokesmen of these organizations endorsed a similar bill by Rep. Smith (D-Va.), chairman of the Rules Committee. Nothing was done about his proposal, but it could be brought up at any time. The McClellan bill consists of a single paragraph, as follows: "No Act of Congress shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of Congress to occupy the field in which such Act operates to the exclusion of all state laws on the same subject matter, unless such Act contains an express provision to that effect. No Act of Congress shall be construed as invalidating a provision of state law which wnuld be valid in the absence of such Act, unless there is a direct and positive conflict between an express provision of such Act and such provision of the state law so that the two cannot be reconcil ed or consistently stand together." Labor Urges Supplying Of Military Arms To Israel AFLCIO Preident George Meany today issued the following state ment: “The deepening crisis in the Middle East has reached an explos ive stage that gravely imperils the peace of the entire world. “With the continued help of Communist armament, the Egypt ian dictatorship is now openly or ganizing t. military bloc dedicated to a war of annihilation against the demociatic republic of Israel. “It should oe obvious to our Government and our Allies that Moscow is maneuvering to insti gate aggression and to provoke thef catastrophe of war in this pivotal region. The Communists already have ignited the fuse to the powder keg. “The free world must act im mediately to stamp out that sput tering fuse and safeguard peace. If we do not act now, the world may become embroiled in another Korea -■vs me iirsi step, me ArerCiu recommends that the United States provide arms for defense to Israel. The growing imbalance in military strength against Israel will other wise inevitably bring about war. Only if Israel is equipped to de fend herself effectively can the forces of aggression arrayed a gainst her be deterred. It is un realistic to regard military aid to Tsrael as an instigation to an arms race. Actually, the race is already on and Israel may soon be out of the running. “Once hostilities are temporarily averted, we believe ways and means should be found, through the United Nations and other channels, to bring about a peace ful aud just settlement of the diffi culties between Israel and her A rab neighbors by negotiation. “At the same time, the United States-British-French triparite de claration of 1950, which pledged those nations to take immediate action against the use of .force in the Middle East, should lie re-af firmed and reinforced by Con gressional approval. “Since the root problems in the Middle East are economic, a con structive program of economic, technical and financial assistance should be promptly developed and made available to all nations in the area that give evidence of good faith willingness to keep the peace.” YMCA Sports School Starts Mon., Mar. 19 _ The YMCA Spring Sports' School for non-members as well j as members of the “Y” will start1 next Monday evening March 19.1 This Spring, the Sports School will include 9 activities. One new class will be offered for the first time. It is a “Father and Son” gym and swim program. Here is an opportunity for the boy and his dad to tumble, run, or play games together for an hour and then swim for an hour. The class meets in the Central “Y” gym at 7:30 and in the pool at 8:30 on Friday evenings. The other classes offered are; Judo for men only—Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. Handball for men only—Tues day at 7:00 P.M. Womens’ “YM—YW” Swim Tuesday morning or evening. Body Building for Men only— Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Volleyball for men only—Fri day at 5:30 P.M. Fencing for men, women, cou ples—Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Mens’ Beginning Evening Swim —Monday and Thursday at 7:00 P.M. Mens’ Beginning Noon Swim—! Friday at 12:00 Noon. The most popular class will be “Beginning Golf” taught by Bob 1 Appoint Negro Buildinghtspector Lourr TO KUrJtiT: Paul Allen, Member of Board of Director Near Northside Activities Association (NNSAA) Assoc., Inc.; Clifford B. Dudley, Newly Appointed City Building Inspector; Warren Swigert, City Commissioner and Milton L. Johnson, Druggist, President NNAA, Incorporated Laws of Nebraska. Swigart Gets Appointment At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Near Northside Activities Association, Incorpora ted, held at the palatial home of Paul B. Allen, John Creighten Blvd on Thursday, March eighth, Commissioner Warren R. Swigart announced the appointment of Clifford C. Dudley to the position of Building Inspector for the City of Omaha. Mr. Dudley resides at 2209 Ohio Street, is the first Negro to be appointed to such a position in the history of Omaha. Mr. Dudley has been engaged in building homes and general contracting business in Omaha and Spring field, Ohio. He was employed by the U. S. Government as Super visor of army barracks construc tion, WW11. Mr. Dudley has made an enviable record in this field in Omaha. His family consists of wife, Beene and infant daugh ter, Colleene. He has been active in the Musical and Civic Circles since his coming to Omaha in 1940. <1 SWIGART LAUDED One of the spokesmen of the meeting referred to Mr. Swigart, pointing out the fact, he was elected Commissioner in 19—. He origionally headed the Public Property Department, the Build ing Departmen has recently been added to his department. Mr. Swigart also has jurisdiction over the Neighborhood Conservation Activities of the City of Omaha. He is currently promoting the en actment of a minimium standards ordinance. The speaker com mended Mr. Swigart for his dili gence and conscienceness in these activities for the betterment of Omaha. The Association entertained as its guests: Mr. J. Farris, Admin istrative Assistant to Mr Swigart, S. Phumphrey, Sales Representa tive, Phillip Norris Cigarette Com pany, Amos T. Pearl, Pres. Fron tier Bag Co., of Omaha. Mr. Eugene Brown and Lloyd Faison appeared and requested counsel and guidance pertaining to procedure for appointment as Policemen for the City of Omaha. The offices of the Association are: Milton Johnson, President, Ray L. Williams, Secretary; Lee S. Washington, Treasurer; Robert H. Blanchard, Residing Agent; other members of the Board of Directors are: Ralph W. Adams. Paul B. Allen; Willis W. Gray; Rev. Charles E. Tyler and Richard H. Spiegal. Playhouse Run Opens April 6 Community Playhouse patrons will get a look at high court in trigue as practiced by the Russians when “Anastasia”, a tense drama with an historical twist opens on April 6th. In the cast will be Julia Burns as the heroine, Maury Lazar, A1 Har rison, Judy Berg, Sam Hakim, Dick Makousky, Norman Paasch, Rudy ard Norton, Leanore Paasch, Ron ald Vaad. Robert Kelligan, Melitta Fransen and Mary Mary Peckham. “Anastasia” (ryhmes with Mar sha”) will run through April 21st. Manuel Caldwell Manuel Caldwell, age about 65 years, expired Tuesday March 13, 1956 at a local hospital. Funeral notice later. Myers Brothers Funeral Ser vice. That's Different Pilot—I’m for getting women up here. Cadet—I’m for getting women up here, too. Astleford. top Omaha Amateur golfer. Two classes will be avail ble for men, women, or couples. One class will be held on Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. and the other on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 P.M. For further information call the “Y” AT. 1600 and request a Sports School folder. Segregation Plan Scored By Bishop ATLANTA, Ga.— The Rt. Rev. Randolph R. Claiborne, Jr., Epis copal Bishop of Atlanta joined Georgia Methodist and Baptist leaders in speaking out against the private school plan, adopted by the state legislature to cir cumvent integration in public schools. The Bishop, speaking at the annual meeting of the Diocese of Atlanta, held at Macon, warned against the danger of “putting into the hands of one man the power to destroy the public school system of the state.” In his address, Bishop Clai borne noted there had been re ports of suggestions by “men in high political circles” that people stop paying dues in churches whose ministers describe inte gration as “the Christian thing” to do. He stated that the Epis copal Church stands for separa tion of Church and State. “We,” the Bishop continued, “the descendants of those who came to this free land seeking freedom of religion, can do no less than point out the danger to our religious freedom of this dan gerous method of procedure.” He added that in its forty-nine "ATTA BOY! Legion Post Plans Spring Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30 American Legion begins a systemic and earnest beating of drums in great preparation for its Spring Drive for a bigger and better Post. The influx of members is most gratifying. The high morale and genuine spirit is every where and the efforts to go forward is almost 100 per cent. The attendance at regular meetings and board meet ings show a marked tendency for the real good of the Post is our earnest desire. The Ladies Auxiliary is doing a grand job and shows much im provement. Keep this up and we can’t loose Continually on a very good mis sion is the self appointed sick vis iting band led by old Guard Frank Payne. The following veterans were visited in V A Hospital: John Pierce, Nathaniel Watson, Edward Beasley, Ralph Underwood, Richard i Johnson, Gene Freels, Clifford Folter, Robert Smith, Walter Will iams. Let us not place all the responsibility on these members of this committee may all Legion naires go out to the Hospital and I y ears of existence, the Diocese of | Atlanta has never recognized j segregation in its offical diocesan life and “stands on the proposi tion that segregation on the basis of race is inconsistent with the principles of Christian religion. cheer a buddy. The American Legion will live long and will continue to serve the sick and needy veteran, the or phans, the widows, the securing of all benefits deserved. This is the trre spirit of the American Legion and in so doing we surely serve our God, our Country and j our Fellowman. H. D. Stewart, Commander H. L. Embry, Jr., Adjutant N. H. Comans, Pub. Officer. Pole Vault Champ At YMCA Feed Olympic pole vault record hold er Robert E. Richards will speak on “What It Takes To Make A Champion” at the Eighth Annual Y.M.C.A. Leadership Banquet at 6:30 o’clock Tuesday evening March 20th in the Auditorium j of the Central Branch YMCA 17th I and Harney Streets. “Bob” Rich ards, who is pastor of the Long; Beach Church of the Brethren i is frequently absent from his, California church because of the j demand for him as a lecturer. The Christian Emphasis Commit tee of the Y.M.C.A. is bringing him to Omaha for the Leadership Banquet. He will speak before assemblies of all six high schools in the Omaha Area, address three service clubs and a church group during his visit. Ten members of the Y.M.C.A. who have had a continous mem bership for 50 years or more will be honored at the banquet. I Northside YWCA Teams • j In Close Race On Drive For New Membership Adult Classes Scheduled at Tech ________ Registration for Spring Term adult education classes at Techni cal Hieh School will be held Tues-! day through Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 P. M., April 3, 4, and 5 ac cording to J. M. Sheldon, Principal of the Adult Evening School. Some 120_ classes in the areas of home making, business, distributive, gen eral interest, high school and Americanization will be offered. Most classes will run for eight weeks. Information regarding the classes may be obtained by calling either Technical High School, tele phone RE 5665, or the Board of Education, telephone RE 6600. Clarkson Is The Model Hospital The Modern Hospital of the Year 1955 is the Bishop Clarkson Mem orial Hospital of Omaha, Nebraska, according to an announcement in THE MODERN HOSPITAL maga zine for March 1956. Members of the committee mak ing the selection of “Modern Hos pital of the Year” were Frank S. Groner, administrator, Baptist Memorial Hospital. Memphis, Ten nessee; August Hoenack, chief Architectural and Engineering Branch. Division of Hospital and Medical Facilities, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C.; Jack Masur, M.D., assistant surgeon gen eral and chief, Bureau of Medical Services, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C.; Carl A. Erik son of Schmidt, Garden and Erik son, Chicago and Everett W. Jones, vice president of the Modern Hos pital Publishing Company. Clarkson Hospital was the first place choice of four of the five committee members and second choice of one. It had been chosen as the Modern Hospital of the Month in June, 1955. Other of the 266 eligible hospit als given serious consideration were the Methodist Hospital, Lub bock, Texas; Memorial Hospital, Schuyler, Nebraska; and Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital, Ingle wood, California. The awards will be made by the editor of Modern Hospital Maga zine, Robert M. Cunningham, Jr., Chicago, at a Public Afafirs lunch eon of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce in early April. Awards will go to the hospital, to Robert H. Storz, chairman of the building committee and vice president of the board of trustees and to the Leo A. Daly Company, architects and engineers for the hospital. De cision was made “on the basis of excellence of architectural design, functional planning, economy of construction and operation, and proper provision for hospital needs of the community.” The hospital was occupied on December 16, 1955 Patient ques tionnaires circulated to 500 pati ents after discharge from the new hospital reveal an extremely high percentage of satisfaction with the new facilities and with the nursing and other personnel. One woman patient commented ‘Your food was wonderful and it was the best va cation I’ve had in years.” Features that appeal to the pati ents, according to their statements, are the quality of nursing, the patient-nurse intercommunicating system, the circulating pollen-free air, the modified air-line food ser vice, the quietness of rooms and A citation will be given to the Y’S Mens’ Club for its work with boys in camping. A recognition service will be held for over 600 volunteer “Y” leaders of which over 125 are from the Near ‘North Branch during the banquet. The service will be conductd by the president of the Omaha Y.M.C.A., Richard E. Bennett. Tech High School’s Triple trio, under the direction of Viggo Carl son will present two numbers, “The Night Has a Thousand Eyes’’ and “In A Monastery Garden”. Dr. Milo Bail, president of Omaha University will preside. “M” stands for Membership, and the teams are off to a good start. Way out in front is Team number three, with Mrs. Christine Phillips as leader. Already they are nearly half way to their goal. Interest is high for the report on this Friday night when Team number 5* headed by Mrs. Alfred Geary and paced by that veteran worker, Mrs. Dora Green says it will pull ahead. Workers are asker to bring in their reports to the Branch building, or turn them in to their Captain?, to be report ed Friday night, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Thomas Beck, the Membership Committee chairman was called to Topeka, Kansas on account of the illness of her son, Lt. Beck. She will be here Friday night, and urges all workers to make a report if at all possible. It is hoped that we can make our goal during the month of March. WANTED—1000 WOMEN WHO BELIEVE IN A BETTER WAY OF LIFE FOR ALL. Join the Omaha YWCA, and help with the task. Sunday Program The regular monthly Twilight Hour will be held this Sunday, March 18, at 4:30 p.m. The Re ligious emphasis Committee, with Mrs. James Henderson as chair | man, will be in charge. Music will be furnished by Miss Nadine Dent, and by the Mission Hill Choir, of the City Mission. Direc ting the choir will be Mrs. Henry E. Hoyer, and Miss Barbara Dunn will serve as accompanist. The Y-Teens, under the direction of Mrs. Jas. Robinson, will serve as hostesses. Members of the NAACP Youth Division will be guests. A special Easter message will bt interpreted by Mrs. James Forrest. “Words and Music for Easter”—come and bring your friends and family. Pastor Ends First Year Sunday, March 18th will be a high day at the Comith Baptist Church, 3212 North 24th street. Members, at that time, will observe the first aniversary of their pas tor’s service. The congregation will show their appreciation to the Rev. J. Andrew Thompson and his family for the excellent leadership and service which he and his family have given to the church. Rev. Thompson is a minister of, experience, training and service. He has had a wide experience as a teacher, a principal in Public Schools, a civic leader and a mini ster. He is a native of Mississippi, and a graduate of Central Mississi ppi College and high school. He holds a Kascivsko and an A.B. de gree from Howard University of Religion in Washington, D. C. and has done further study at Atlanta University, the University of Chicago and the University of j Omaha. Special services will be held Sunday at 11:00 A.M., 3:00 P.M. 'and 7:00 P.M. I j The Rev. Mr. C. Adams, of Para dise Baptist Church and his mem bership will be special guests at the 3 00 P.M. services. Rev. Ad Jams will deliver the message and i his choir will sing at that time. Other churches will also partici pate in the services. The pubi c is invited to all of the services. corridors, the “attractive, cheer ful colors” used throughout and the postoperative recovery room. The hospital has 14 operating rooms, ultramodern laboratory, x ray, pharmacy and physical therapy facilities and a pneumatic tube message system. It is equipped for 3Of; patients plus 32 babies in the newborn nursery. A chapel, public coffee shop and gift shop are on the first floor. The hospital is completely air-conditioned. Cost of the project has been just short of $5,000,000 including the 1 new parking lot to the east of the hospital. The hospital is sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska. Information furnished by Hal G. Perrin, Administrator.