READ THE OMAHA GUIDE - / Calvert Host At Kappa Confab*^ -— ’_ Shown at the Calvert Distillers party at the recent annual conclave at the Kappa Alpha Pal fraternity are, left to right, James Allen, Colum* bus, O, Dr. Henry "Stud” Greene, Washington, D. C., Joseph F. Makel, national public relations representative for Calvert Distillers Co. and Attorney William Brooks, president, NAACP, Columbus, O.,- — I ✓ 0 laaaaauo voiooa am ivhm isnr | I OUTSTATE NEBRASKANS TO SHARE I AK-SAR-BEN'S BIGGEST YEAR \ ' *s$ WAYNE KING CREW-CUTS Thousand* of outstate Nebras kans who annually share in the activities staged by Ak-Sar-Ben. this year will enjo- the biggest entertainment year in Ak-Sar Ben history as members of the tamed civic organization. That’s the word today from Membership Chairmr- Peter Kie wlt who said Ak-Sar-Ben again this year expects to have mem bers from every community in Nebraska as well as from all 48 states In the nation. The 61st annual member-signing drive, which started the first week in February, will end on March 8th. Mr. Kiewit advised that no new 1956 members will be accepted after that date, and he warned that the drive may necessarily end sooner if the as signed goal of 19,000 members is reached earlier than March 8th. In the opening week of the drive nearly one-fourth of the goal al ready bad been reached. The 1956*entertainment sched ule Includes five big summer shews which this year * members can attend absolutely free. The tree show schedule: May 1-2: Ralph Marterle and his famed orchestra with song stress Dorothy Collins of the Lucky Strike Hit Parade and hilarious pianist Leo De Lyon. May 15-10: Wayne King, the _“Waltx K' and his orchestra with the year’s outstanding vocal group, The Crew Cuts, and one of the nation’s newest comedy sensations, Bobby Monahan. June 13-14: Sammy Kaye and his orchestra with their popular “Want to Lead a Band Contest,” world-famous comedian Morey Amsterdam, and other featured acts. July 23-24-23: First of the popular Family Shows for mem bers and their families In a huge outdoor attraction with a host of acts especially arranged for the kiddies. August 13-14-15: Another Family Show in a colossal out door “Stars Under the Stars” production with an enlarged stage-full of variety acts featur ing the spectacular Barnes and Carruthers Cavalcade of Stars. In addition to the above free shows the 1956 entertainment schedule also includes such regu lar annual features as the Races, Rodeo and Stock Show, Corona tion and Ball, Ice Shows, base ball, basketball and hockey games and other special events staged during the year. Mr. Kie wit said prospective members can obtain membership applications from any of the 450 volunteer workers throughout this area, from Ak-Sar-Ben Ambassadors, or by writing the Ak-Sar-Ben office in Omaha. . - DOLLARS SENT AWAY FOR PRINTING Never Come Back Let U* Do Your Printing I " " - - -- .- 111 - r New Transport Policy Would Bring 'Law of Jungle/ ICC Warns I' " 1 - 1 -T~' . After Civil Wan railroads qot so biq and pou/er* - fui. u s. Government had to requla.t£ freiqhr. passenqer rates ro protect Shippers, consumeryjTi Today, trucKs,v trailers, railroads qive u.s. most 'efficient Trans- -^n portation system ^ \r\ rne world/ . - T I .Some people want d new transport ' policy- but the Interstate Commerce; Commission has f warned that this . would br/nq-laws 1 I of the jvnqle.' Thrilling New £ICE CAPADESV _ Coming to Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum Donna Atwood and Bobby Specht combine daring and beauty In the star-studded “Ice Capades of 1956” at Ak-Sar-Ben Coli seum, March 8th through March 14th. It’s out of this world! That’s the entire story of the sensation al, atar-studded “Ice Capades of 1956". There’s so much glamour, so much comedy, so much top notch entertainment executed by the world’s greatest ice skating stars that the only descriptive ►phrase adaptable is "out of this world.” Yes, “Ice Capades” lias done it again. Costing close to 51.000,000, this sixteenth edition [outstrips all previous “Ice Ca ' pades” and is the greatest show in the world today. “Ice Capades of 1956” presei. s 10 great production numbers and 20 acts and features Donna At wood in Peter Pan as one of these numbers. Peter Pan is presented on ice for the first time and is complete with the flying sequence and all the characters including Wendy, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook, the Crocodile, and other animals. Also, you will thrill to “Autorama” with the stars and cast on motor scooters—a marvel of precision; the fabulously beau tiful “Fantasy in Pink”; “Black and White Ballet”; “Bolero,” and "County Fair." “Ice Capades of 1956” Is re plete with stars: Donna Atwood, Bobby Specht, Rosemary and Bobby Maxson, The Old Smooth ies, Lynam and Jackson, Eddie Runyon and many, many more. The show is crammed with beau ty, action, drama and comedy from start to finish and you will gasp at the sheer audacity that dares to present this stupendous spectacle in one evening’s enter , tainmcnt. “Ice Capades of 1956” comes to Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, Omaha, March Eth through March 14th with shows nightly at 8:30 ex jcept Sunday. The evening show i Sunday will be at 6:00 and there will be matinees at 2:00 both Saturday and Sunday. Prices are 53.50, 32.50 and $1.50, including tax. Address mail orders for tick ets to the Omaha Coliseum Corp., Box 7, Elmwood Station, Omaha, and enclose check or money or der payable to the Omaha Coli seum Corp., and a self-addressed stamped envelope. The date for which tickets are desired should be clearly stated. For best seats send your “Ic* Capades” ticket order early! / HERE'S HEALTH! Bv Lwi. UNJOU PEARS \ IT WAS A HOBBY WITH THE A I9T,*CENTURY ELITE OF £\ FRANCE TO COMPETE IN RAISING THE FINEST PEARS, y THE ANJOU. OUR POPULAR R WINTER PEAR. WAS DEVELOPED Li IN THIS WAY PEARS ARE ONE OF TME FEW I FRUITS WHICH SHOULD NOT BE RIPENED ON THE TREE. THEY REACH THE PEAK -eKV OF GOODNESS AFTER THEY ARE PICKED i52 r m 'i NUTRITIOUS PEARS 9 ARE A PERFECT FRUIT FOR THE LUNCH BOX UFFVA THERE IS NO FINER DESSERT THAN A RIPE PEAR I YOU CANT QUIT ADVERTISING YOU’RE TALKING TO A PARADE NOT A MASS MEETING ^ * • serve spreads with the crackers supreme YOU’LL FAVOR THAT SUPREME FLAVOR •_ • > 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE FEBR. 15 to 28th % SHOP EARLY Extraordinary Savings These Once-a-Year Values Wait For You In This Big Selling Event. 15 Dresses $000 Formerly Sold For Kl^lAf $10.95 to $17.95 ..NOW 20 Dresses $£00 Formerly >3okl For KIS\lAf $12.95 to $17.95 __NOW 10 Dresses $ 1 A00 wXt ^orUO\N 1U Sheer Nylons 15 Denier 51 Gauge Broken Sizes D» AO#* And Colors ■ Oft I as seen in SEVENTEEN Your junior size love letter - oil in a flash of embroidery to make the most of Spring! Its coatdress lines are molded to your figure, perfectly; are crowned by a white birdseye pique collar. Springmaid’s Catawba, lustrous Everglaze® ^ Minicare™ cotton, won't allow wrinkles. Golden citron,'. Seville red, navy, turquoise, olive, Indian blue " or bon bon pink. Sizes 7 to 15. BARGAIN BUYS I Negligees, Housecoats, 1 Robes C Now Vi and I More OFF I I I MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS! EVA'S DRESS SHOP Ladies' Wear - •— Lingerie 2418 N. 24th Str._ EXPERT ALTERATIONS Phone PI. 4065