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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1956)
use ~ .iiiiimi^^. *iifm» ~ >^^muuHiimuthuiuuiiiiiiiiiiB_____^^^mllljilliiliiM WANTED: Houses, Apartments, anc the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay and for people who want to rent ar apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT. One 2 room unfurnish ed apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 5 room modern house, close in. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: ONE 6 ROOM UN FURNISHED APT. BEAUTIFUL LY DECORATED AT THE MAL BURN APTS. AT 21st AND BUR DETTE ST. CALL AT 4114. FOR RENT: One 3 room furnished apartment. Call HA 080C. FOR RENT: A 2 room furnished apartment on bus line. Call HA 0800 WANTED TO RENT: A~3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment. Call JA 7042. , FOR RENT: A one room furnished kitchenette apartment. Call W'E 1466 WANTED TO RENT: A 5 or 6 room house. Call PL 6156. FOR RENT: One 3 room unfurnish ed apartment and one 2 room apartment. JA 3634 or PL 0256. FOR RENT: A 1 room kitchenette. In a modern home. Call WE 1466. FOR RENT: Two 2 room furnished apartments. Call PL 6028. FOR RENT: Lovely 3-room newly decorated furnished apartment. Call PL 6028 FOR RENT: A very nice 2 large furnished room apartment. Call PL 4020. WANTED TO RENT: A 3 or room unfurnished apartment. Call JA 7042. FOR RENT: One 2-room furnished apartment and one 3-room un furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. WANTED. WANTED I WANT ED: We want to rent that Apartment you have for Rent. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that car or truck you have to sale. Call HA 0800. We went to sell that piece of furniture you have, for sale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER We are in the Rent ing and aelling business. Give us n ring. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR W’BAl YOU HAVE. GIVE US A RING.! HA 080Q; - ! CALL GROW GLOSS for I^air appointment. Hair dresses and oil. 2512 N. 24th. Phune PL; 9016. i Do you read the Classified Ad section of our paper? If you don’t, yon are missing something. We have the following listings, in our office for your consideration. If you need furnished houses, four room apartments, unfurnished, two rooms apartments, furnished, 3 rooms apartment, furnished or un furnished. A double bed and a medium sire room for single man for the sum •f $8.00 a week. If permanent, it rents for $7.00 per week. We have a two rooms furnished apartment in a fine Christian horae.very reasonable rate, all utili A large bay room In a private home with bath next door, plenty paid heat, running water, night and day. Bus passes by the door coming from town, by back door going to. res Any above furniture and EQUIPMENT. CALL HArney 0800, OMAHA GUIDE BLDG., 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska DON’T FORGET WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. FOR RENT: 1 3-room furnished apartment, ) 2-room apartment*. 1 2-room unfurnished apart ment. 2 1 room furnished l partment for working man or woman. Call Ha. 0600, Omaha Guide Office. FOR RENT: 3 modern unfurnished rooms, all utilities furnished. Call Ha 0800 before 9:30 a.m. or after 5:00 p m. WANTED: A cook for private home call Mrs. Pettis, Ha 0323, 404 S. 30th SL FOR SALE: TWO LIKE NEW TELEVISION COMBINATIONS. WERE $500 00. NOW $195.00 EVANS RADIO A i'V SERVICE, 2636 N. 24th. PL 9879. fC'JlL HK9 ft MY THS 1 "T i ICE JAMS ) |yyyyjjyjj2|gjjj2| "WeS, pa reae rt least loll rig! t *iaa you sid pa cee'J stop rn a Ck!" • r r”" <• rt eovtiCH . — [Gives You 20% Additional Vitamin A J Vitamin D MILK 1 PATTI BOS WORTH stepped frorr doing television commercials right into her first dramatic role in that medium, os the 16-year-old Cindy Clayton in “Concerning Miss Mar lowe” (NBC-TV weekday after (noons), starring Louise Allbrit ton. But she had plenty of prepa ration; actually 18, she’s a pro fessional model. t* and has worked in many summer productions. She played the lead in such plays as "Ah Wilderness,” “The Barrets •f Wimpole Street” and "Liliom.” She is the daughter of Bartley Crum — the lawyer representing Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes —and of novelist Gertrude Bos worth Crum, but has made good •n her own. • * • FLORENCE FREEMAN walked straight into her first big part; a friend dared her to try out for a radio part against seasoned pro fessionals. She did and landed a leading role on a network show. one had taken courses in dra- J matic and stage I production 1 While preparing to teach school. Now starring in -Wendy Warren and the News1' (CBS, 12:00, week days). she portrays a woman who tries to mix marriage and a career, which she does capably in real life. The wife of a clergyman and mother of three children, she schedules her broadcasting activi ties for daytime, and has the eve I Dings free for her family. • • • SPRING BYINGTON is going to do right by mothers-in-law, be ginning October 4, over the CBS TV network. After appearing in 75 movies and some 30 Broadway plays, she will star in “December ... vi. Bride” — and it ‘must look aw f'fully good, for it’s been given a perfect spot— the time right after “I Love tiled by Red Buttons. She will portray an attractive, middle aged mother-in-law, who has nc difficulty in attracting marriage able middle-aged men, sometimes lo the great embarrassment of her daughter and son-in-law. Being herself, she’ll do it with charm humor and great talent. ! ii'lfflll1' lH/ilMW ,V jmjl.■ r i •I Spout on a Spout A SIMPLE but ingenious 1 ^ means of oiling hard-to reach locations was illustrated in Popular Mechanics. A repro duction of the drawing here V neoprene TUB'NG^l) shows an oil can spout exten sion which is a length of Va" neoprene tubing. With it, the oiling of the blower shaft of a forced-air furnace or behind the wheels of a lawn mower be comes .easy. It is useful, too, in oiling inaccessible spots in a motorcar. — No Manners ~What the modern statesman says would be more easily under stood if he’d stop trying to talk with a knife between his teeth. PULL THE PLUG ON STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. Laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight! No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestines. Brings comforting relief in morning. Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Granulated form . . . and now in new, easy-to-take Tablets, toot I I When constipation I » sours children’s di gestion and disposition, get Syrup of Black Draught. They love this honey-sweet Uauld’ THRILLING NEW DESSERT! Vanilla Ice Cream Topped with Welch’s FROZEN Grape Juice — poured right from the can! MAKE IT AT HOME TONIGHT! I . IN CONSTANT USE BY SPORTS ANNOUNCERS, WRITERS, CLUB OFFICIALS AND FANS I This book Is authorized by Ford Frick, Commissioner aI Baseball, end the presidents of the two major leagues No baseball book offers such complete up-to-date infor motion on averages, highlights of previous season, pie* tures of teams, etc. It cavers everything, including out* standing records, etc., etc. There are also schedules of the American and National Leagues, as well as playing dates of outstanding minor leagues. wggggijP 1 the SPORTING NEWS. Nationol Baseball Weekly j ^^^***^ j 2018 Washington Avenue, S». Louis 3, Missouri Includes complete Official j Please send Official Baseball Guide, postage paid, at I Baseball Roles with Inter* I low price of SI 00 Ch^fc o man*v ^.i,f —<... , I pretatioes lit revised | ^ ch4Ck " mon^ I scerinf roles. w , NAM! » , Umiigs^^A j ————— I i *dd*esss { ! CITT 2°HE STATE J !--I--,,--J gME and my shadow p-hr,\!£&EN THE MACABRE MEDIEVAL &HS CUSTOM OF SEALING MEW INTO/' W_ * the CORNERSTONES OF new I BUILDINGS WAS DISCARDED, A p*- brisk business in selling ( » SHADOWS FOR SAME U 1 PURFOSE WAS DEVELOPED IN) \f? SOME HARTS OF EUROPE.^ „ ,mport v O-9"i>* \ Stwstheow««»«whoV' eftSt^-r&eeS' \ brousht back carp kavuw Tv*_R>£>t''V 'Itt* \ AS ONE OP THE FRUITS OF '~ ^gpSl^VggSJ \ THEIR INVASION OF ISLAM. , \ THEY PICKED UP THE A ^ CUSTOM FROM THEIR K ' -- /StTV BJEMIES. THE SARACENS. X - /T i w*'m.-v —araanj® 1 ... * —-- .. ■■■' ■ -- - [BUSINESSMEN - Just A Middleman lillMil For the Home Ice Fishing Shelter W71TH a portable, knockdown ” ice fishing shelter, anglers can enjoy the winter sport in comfort, protected from cold winds. Easily built with sturdy Masonite Tempered Presdwood panels, which assure a long life, the structure may be heated. It has a plastic window which of course may be dark ened, if desired, by means of a shade. Since only seven panels are involved, there is a minimum of construction, hauling, setup and knockdown. They can be hauled atop an automobile or in a pickup truck. An interesting feature is that the panels are fastened together with screen-couplings. No nuts and bolts are needed, so there’s nothing to become lost and no fumbling around in icy weather getting the panels set up. Con struction is easy, too, as there are only four different patterns for the seven panels. If desired, a stovepipe hole may be cut in one of the wall panels. Natu rally, the hole must be protected by an asbestos collar. Application of a primer and two finish coats of paint com plete the “house on ice.” To obtain a free working drawing, write the Home Serv ice Bureau, Suite 2037, 111 West Washington St., Chicago 2, 111., requesting a copy at Plan AE-299. ICE JAMS "You kids will just have to wait, I don't dare stop with this guy following so close!" NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL WANTADS ACHING MUSCLES Relieve pains of tired, sore, aching mus cles with STANBACK, tablets or powders; 8TANBACK acts fast to bring comforting relief.. . because the STANBACK formula combines several prescription type in gredients for fast relief of pain. No surgery needed to reduce swelling of painful piles! In doctor’s tests, amazing new Stainless Pazo instantly relieved piles’ torture! Gave internal and external relief — without surgery! 6 medically-proved Ingredients re lieve pain,itching instantly! Reduce swelling. Promote healing. You sit, walk in comfort! Only stainless pile remedy. Stainless Pazo® Supposi tories or Ointment at druggists. •2* •!* *2* *2* -2* *i» *i* -2* -I* *i> *2* •> *2* *!• •;• •> *2* *2* •!« *;• *;* <2* <• *;• •> *2* *;• •;* *2* *2* *2* >2* •;* •;* *i* •;* •;« »;• »> •> •> WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PACKAGE LIQUORS We Make Free Delivery on Orders Of $10 Or More B & R GROCERY 2302 North 27th Street Spotless Cleaners 1704 North 24th Street i FEATURING ONE DAY SERVICE j Quality Workmanship-We Lead, Others Follow CLEANING — DYEING — ALTERATIONS — PRESSING Claytee Brazier Phone AT 8526 AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A -ft. A A -ft. A A A A A A A A A A A A J t -PICK UP Cleaners & , Laundry ONE DAY CLEAN ING, LAUNDRY SERVICE CROSSTOWN CLEANERS ! 2101 North 24th Street Webster 7W> j Dailey Contractors - FOR - Painting & Decorating i THOSE NEEDE^^^H REPAIRS.. NEW PORCH NEW ROOF ^ RE-ROOF E NEW SIDING 1 DORMERS * FLOORING PANELING , /' ATTIC GARAGE DOORS INSULATION ANOTHER BATHROOM BATHROOM REPAIRS MODERNIZE ROOMS PLASTERING PAINTING NO MONEY DOWN! 3 Years To Pay With Interest At Bank Rates ' Walwash£fn9 I SiGN PAINTING Phone HArney 8109 For Free Estimates Dailey Painters and Decorators 621 North 23rd Street j