For the Home Add Space, Save Work Jf HE chooses materials care fully, the man of the house who converts wasted attic space into an extra room can save himself work both at the time of installation and in the future. Using Marlite planks and blocks, which have tongue-and groove edges, walls and ceilings' f—1) J j "K k \ \ I can be covered in short order. | The paneling can be applied over furring strips or a continu ous base like plasterboard. Since this paneling, made of Tempered Presdwood, is already decorated with plain colors or wood grain patterns, no paint ing or finishing is necessary. What’s more, its baked plastic finish not only resists soil and wear but needs no decorating later. For design interest, an end wall may be covered with blocks to match planks on sidewalls, and planks of a different color used on the sloping ceiling. rolling stone| GATHERS MO MOSS I > Mother’s Kitchen Office TN MOST homes, a woman’s "*■ activity center is the kitchen. Probably more time is spent in that room than any other. Since the kitchen often is considered the heart of the home, it should include a planning center for Mother. Somewhere in any kitchen, whether it is new or old, there i3 room for a desk or a small table with a drawer. With a i stool or chair, this desk can be made Mother’s business head quarters. With a telephone, or exten sion, perched at one corner, pencils and stationery handy, and a small blaekooard on the wall nearby, Mother can have all the essential conveniences of an offiee secretary right in her kitchen. She can ask Dad to make up the blackboard, which is a simple operation nowadays with the major paint companies mak ing a chalkboard surfacing ma terial that comes in cans. This should be applied with a brush, according to the directions, to a picc-e of Masonite Tempered Presd',v id, available at lu:nbc<* yard*. First, rou*;d the corner* ami lightly bevel the eig.s with a fib or iar.cloKT • r. —' — - ™ ^ by far For the pause that refreshes wherever you are Almost everyone appreciates the best... j and now you can get it in two convenient sizes — the same fine quality in both. Nothing else in the world gives you the bracing sparkle and bright little lift that are so delightfully yours in ice-cold Coca-Cola. Keep a plentiful supply of the real thing at home in both sizes — Standard and new King-Size. fifty million times a home, at work or on the way “There’s nothing like a Coker NEW SIZE AVAILABLE ONLY AT DEALERS IN THE BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY *c*£ai"b a IfjUtnd trod»*ork •J' '‘ ' IgdaliM tea* h'.r -1 2SV005 Now / buy cartons of both King-Size and Standard-Size for every home occasion. AREA % _____ ©IWJ, THICOO-COIA COMPANY