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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1956)
C National Advertising Representative D EtVSPAPER I\ePRESENTATIVES, INC New York • f hicaao • Detroit • Philadelphia A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday. Dated Friday Branch office for local news only, 2420 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. entered as Second Class Matter Masch 15, 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha. Nebraska Under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Z. C GALLOWAY _ Publisher and Managing Edito! (MEMBER) CALVIN NEWS SERVICE GLOBAL NEWS SERVICE ATLAS NEWS SERVICE STANDARD NEWS SERVICE This paper reservves the right to publish all matter credited to these news servnes. SUBSCRIPTION RATES .Me Meath__ ___* three Months - 1*06 -is Months _2.06 Jne Year -4-00 OUT OF TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Month_t -60 three Months _1-60 dlx Months _______— 2.60 las Year -4JP ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON REQUEST Indominable Spirit Conquers Polio Thanks to the March of Dimes and his own personal courage, a seventeen year-old Nebraska youth, Marlin Jacobson, spent Christmas this year free of an iron lung for the first time in seven long years. And what's more Christmas was spent with “Grandma Jacobson” (Mrs. Agda Jacobson) in Arnold, Nebraska, where he so loved to visit those years prior to polio. Stricken in October, 1948, at the age of ten, Marlin was confined to an iron lung first at the St. Francis Hospital in Grand Island and later at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Omaha. His entire program of care and treatment, costing more than $35,000, has been paid by the March of Dimes. Because Marlin’s fam ily lived in five different counties during his long period of hospital ization, March of Dimes payments likewise came from five different county chapters of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis: Custer, Washington, Lancaster, Dodge and Saunders, it is reported from State March of Dimes Headquarters. With an accumulation of major set-backs along the way, Marlin never at any time gave up his determination to be finally free of the iron lung. Starting with only a few minutes of “free time” from the mechan ical respirator in each twenty-four hour period, he built up time out side of the lung to a total of sixteen hours each day, only to have an emergency appendectomy send him back to start all over again. The months passed and his “free time” from the lung again built up—this time to a daily total of thirteen hours when a required tonsil and adenoid operation once more sent him back to the beginning. A third time he tried—adding a few minutes from day to day, until he could stay out a total of six hours. This time it was a severe cold, followed by pneumonia, that not only set him back to the begin ning but threatened life itself! “A less resolute spirit would have given up long ago,” says Ted R. Hughes of Seward, State March of Dimes Chairman, “But not that kid! He doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’.” After the pneumonia set-back, the build-up of strength came with even greater effort than before. But, day after day, little by little, it came! Each December 25 since 1948 has found Marlin saying with con viction from his iron lung: “This is my last Christmas in an iron lung— just you wait and see, before next Christmas I’ll be out of here!” This past summer his determination and unconquerable spirit paid off — at the Regional Respirator Center which is sponsored with March of Dimes funds at the Creighton Memorial St. Joseph’s Hos pital in Omaha. Here, at last, he was freed from the iron lung, to the porta be chest respirator, to the rocking bed, to the wheel chair. He has now been out of the hospital and without any artificial aid with breathing, other than a rocking bed upon which he sleeps, for more than six months. To be sure, he is still confined to a wheel chair, but the really big item so far as Marlin is personally concerned is that he spent this Christmas at Grandma Jacobson’s at Arnold and NOT in an iron lung! LOUIS ARMSTRONG HILDEGARDE ON "THE WOOL WORTH HOUR" Louis Armstrong, jazz trumpet great who recently completed a much-discussed tour of Europe; Hildegarde, fresh from night club triumphs; Beverly Sills, soprano of the New York City Opera; and Russell Arms, radio and tele vision tenor, will demonstrate “What’s New in Music” on CBS Radio’s “The Woolworth Hour” Sunday, Jan. 15 at 1:00-2:00 P.M., E. S. T. Hildegarde will present two of her favorite songs, “Love Is a Many Splendored Thing”, and for' the first time on radio, “The Great Adventure.” Louis Aitnstrong, making his first radio network h-r* least since his recent triumphant tour of Europe, will play with Percy Faith and his orchestra the “Back o’-Town Blues” and “Some Day You’ll Be Sorry.” Beverly Sills will sing an aria i from one of her favorite operas, “A, Fors e Lui” from Verdi’s “La Traviata.’’ Russell Arms will sing “Me thinks” and “They Didn’t Believe Me.” Percy Faith will conduct the Wool worth Orchestra and Chorus in “S’ Wonderful.” “More Than You Know,” “Oodles of Noodles” and a medley of southern tunes, including “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” and “Dixie.” Wm. B. Long Mr. William B. Long, 65 years, 2517 Lake Street, passed away January 11th at a local hospital. Mr. Long had been a resident of Omaha forty-six years. He was a retired Cudahy. Packing Plant employe. He is survived by h's wife, Cr.rlee, five sons, Lee S., William B., Aaron, Leroy, Charles, two daughters, Andritta McMillan. Carrie Long of Omaha, sister, Mrs. News Around Nebraska The boys out at Loup City are having a good time with an ice sled which they have rigged from an outboard motor. The Sher man County Times, printed at Loup City, showed a picture of the sled in operation. It is of the bobsled type with room to accomo date about a half-dozen. The boys have secured a 3%H.P. Airboy Outboard motor, have removed the propellor and installed the blade from a good sized electric fan. The motor and fan is mounted at the rear of the sled and pushes the outfit The Times says the sled will make 35 miles per hour on good ice, which is a pretty fast clip out in the cold wind. All the kids need now is cold weather-and they’ve had a lot of it so far this winter. • • • There’s fun on the ice at Seward, too, according to the In dependent. That community has built a skating rink in the city park and the Independent says the skating there is the best in several years. The rink has been lighted for night skating and the latest addition is the use of a city-owned public address system which plays records and provides music for the skaters. Youngsters from Seward and dozens from the nearby Milford Trade School are enjoying the skating, the Independent reported last week. • • • Oakland had a spectacular fire one day last week when a cut ting torch set fire to some chemical residue in the bottom of an old tank which had held liquid fertilizer. Bob Bogue, editor of the Oakland Independent reported the smoke as coming up in huge billows of red and multi-hued colors. Firemen, for a time, thought the smoke might be poisonous, but there were no serious after effects. However, an alert was sounded as far away as Craig and Uehling. Damage was confined to the tank. • • • Tekamah High School is planning a Homecoming and has chosen (o-mi-gosh) Friday, January 13th as the date. It will be the first Homecoming Tekamah has ever had and it is hoped that it can be an annual affair, according to the Burt County Plain dealer printed at Tekamah. The day will be a purple and gold day at the school. There will be a pep rally, the introduction of candidates for King and Queen, a Homecoming dance, a basketball game and a coronation held between halves. • • • A young man who claimed to be a Baptist minister “took” the Lexington merchants for some sizeable sums Christmas week, the Dawson County Herald reported. He got a job in a Lexington restaurant and then proceeded to forge the name of his employer on three checks for $86.70 each. Then, he traded in his 1951 automobile on a 1956 model, giving a check for $2,232.50 for the balance due. On his way out of town he got arrested for speeding but was released when he paid a fine of $15 in cash. Since then, police are looking for him. • • • City officials at Crete aren’t so sure they like the way Santa Claus has been doing things. They are about to confiscate some of the gifts which he left a couple of weeks ago. Tile street department has reported the loss of 57 light bulbs since Christmas and there is a strong suspicion that Santa’s air rifles are to blame. The city issued a warning through the Crete News last week that the BB guns will be picked up by police un less parents can get their youngsters to take shots at something else. • * • Seward, which only recently installed new street lighting to provide a great “white way” through the business district, is plan ning an extensive expansion of the lighting program. Last week bids were received on the work which totalled $106,544. It is interesting to note that the Knox Electric Co. of Tekamah, which won the bid to build Blair’s new line to Ft. Calhoun, wasthe second low bidder on the big project. • • • A 17-year-old Burbank, California youth had the authorities at Ogallala in a dither last week. He ran away from home December 28th and stopped in Ogallala where he had some acquaintances. Burbank officials had tipped off the Ogallala police that the youth might stop there and they followed up the suggestion and picked him up. Taken to jail, police phoned the boy’s father for funds with which to send him home. The boy asked to talk to his father and told a glowing tale of being offered several jobs and gave assurance that everything would be alright. The father consented that the boy should stay. Later, however, police checked up on the would-be employers and found that they had never heard of the youth and that they did not intend to hire him. So, another call to Burbank brought orders for the wanderer to come home and money was sent for a bus ticket. Not until after he had left, however, did the whole truth come out. The youth had approached a local contractor about build ing him a home. He described his lot, told the type of house he wanted and went through a number of details. He represented himself to be a specialist who had come to town to work for a local firm. The blueprints were prepared, but the youth, being en route to California, never returned and the contractor has some good, unused plans and the police some new tales for their memoirs. • • ♦ Western Nebraska began receiving television over a new station on Sunday, January 1st. The station is KHAS-TV and will serve twenty-seven west Nebraska and Kansas counties. The broadcasting station is located near Minden. • * • The Ord vicinity has another mystery light in the sky, reports the Ord Quiz. Last week two Burwell women, who were driving at night, reported a flaming red fireball arose from a cornfield near the highway, arched over the highway in front of their car, and fell into the field on the opposite side of the road. A search of nearby fields gave no trace of the phenomena which is the second to occur in the area. A few months ago, an Ord High School Senior, reported a “glow” which preceded his car for eight miles and then turn ed around to pursue it. No one ever solved the mystery. Nancy Taylor, Houston, Texas and other relatives. The body is at Thomas Mortuary. Ed Martin Ed Martin, age 88 years, of 2919 Erskine St., expired Sunday evening Jan 1, 1955 at his home Hr. was an Omaha resident .0 years. He is survived by 3 nieces, Mrs Cora Brown, Mrs. Bobbie Carter, and Mrs. Leona Herring ton all of Omaha; nephew, Fletch er Martin of Chicago, El. Funeral services were held Wed nesday Jan. 4, 1956 at 11:00 a.m. from the Myers Brothers Funeral Chapel with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating assisted by Rev. S. H. Lewis and Elder G. H. Taylor, interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs. Charlie Lill ard, E. Breckenridge, T. A. Holt, Lyle Lawson and Norman Ross. Myers Brothers Funeral Service. Mr. Thomas Lee Mr. Thomas Lee, 55 years, 1208 North 24th Street, expired unex pectedly Saturday morning Jan uary 7th at his home. Mr. Lee was the owner of a transfer com | pany and had been a resident of ! Omaha fifty years. He is sur ! vived by his wife, Frances, two i daughters, Willa Edson, Mrs. Mil dred Grant, cousin, Mrs. Lula | Reed, of Omaha. Funeral ser ' vices were held Wednesday morn- j ing from Thomas Mortuary with | the Rev. S. H. Lewis officiating with burial at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson, 85 years, 1218% Pacific Street, passed I ---=---- J DESIGN A-353. Several features which ease household opera tion stand out in this plan. One is the elimination of the base nent and basement stairs. Another is the tiny hall which can »e reached from all rooms and the grouping of laundry and storage facilities within easy reach of the kitchen. There is a large living room with a picture window, entrance vestibule and coat closet; two bedrooms: wardrobe closets; linen and storage cabinets; combination kitchen-dinette, and an attached garage. First floor construction is an insulated slab on gravel fill. The balance is frame construction with siding and asphalt shingles. Floor area is 991 square feet, with 10,901 cubic ! feet, not including garage. For further information about DESIGN A-353, write The En terprise. I Russians Dote On Large Machines (Fifth in a series of seven arti cles on Russian agriculture by Dr. W. V. Lambert, dean of the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture who headed the U. S. 12-man delegation on a 10,000-mile tour behind the Iron Curtain.) After viewing the farm mech anization program in the Soviet Union, my conclusion is that the Russians are confusing bigness with efficiency. All of their machinery is unusually large, much larger than need be. We actually saw some three row corn pickers. They also have two-row pickers and some one-row machines. Most of these pickers are at least a third and perhaps even twice as large as ours. The tractor production which I we saw is limited to two models. I Ninety per cent are of the craw iler type, 54 horsepower, and j diesel powered. I don’t know exactly why they are using craw ler types, unless their machines are so large that they need huge | tractors to pull them. The other type of tractor is smaller in size, rubber-tired, 12 horse power, and is used largely in gardens and orchards. We visited tractor plants in away Saturday January 7th at a local hospital. Mrs. Donaldson had been a resident of Omaha for fifty years. She is survived by a cousin Mr. Ray C. Gaines, O maha. Tentatively funeral services have been set for ten o’clock Saturday morning January 14th from Thomas Mortuary with the Rev. E. D. Johnson officiating. For the Home Mother’s Kitchen Office F MOST homes, a woman’s A activity center is the kitchen. Probably more time is spent in that room than any other. Since the kitchen often is considered the heart of the home, it should include a planning center for Mother. Somewhere in any kitchen, whether it is new or old, there is room for a desk or a small table with a drawer. With a I I • • •f 1 stool or chair, this desk can be made Mother's business head quarters. With a telephone, or exten sion, perched at one corner, pencils and stationery handy, and a small blaekooaid on the wall nearby, Mother can have all the essential conveniences of an office secretary right in her kitchen. She can ask Dad to make up the blackboard, which is a simple operation nowadays with the major paint companies mak ing a chalkboard surfacing ma terial that comes in cans. This should be applied with a brush, according to tiic directions, to a piece of Masonite Tempered Presdwood, available at lumber yards. First, rotf-id the corners and lightly bevel the c!g-:u with a file cr sandpaper. I One of the mysteries of life is ; how the boy who wasn’t good i enough to marry the daughter j ran be the father of the smartest ! grandchild in he world. Kharkow and Stalingrad, and the plants appeared modem; not quite as modem as ours. But they were turning out 60 to 70 crawler tractors in each plant per day, which is a good pro duction rate. Again, their plows were large heavy affairs. We saw some five-bottom plows. The Russians, I guess, feel that they have big areas to cover and think they need big things to do it with. I believe they have gone a little too far in this respect. Here are some more examples of bigness. Their largest combines have a 24-foot cutter bar, are self-pro pelled with two motors They have dual front wheels which are rubber-tired and then the rear wheels are steel wheels like we once saw on our old threshing machine separators. We saw some five-swath mowers. These mowers can cut down a lot of hay, but if one unit goes bad the entire operation is stopped. The Russians haven’t scratched the surface in the efficient hand ling of the smaller jobs. Many of these small jobs which should be mechanized are done by hand labor. They are definitely falling down on improving this phase of their agricuiture. For instance, the Russians combine their wheat by machine, I piling it on the ground, then re cleaning it before putting it in storage. This requires much hand labor. Apparently they are har vesting their wheat earlier than we do and their combines ap parently are not doing as effec tive a job as ours. I didn t see any hay bailing. They cut hay, rake it with large dump rakes, pull it in with sleds as we do in the Sandhill Country, and they use a derrick to take the hay up on the stacks. And in stead of having one man doing the stacking job they will have five workers on each stack. Each collective farm has many horses, far more I thought than are required for the farm work. My guess is that the horses are in reserve in case the machine tractor stations can’t get the work done. Also the horses may be on hand for use in case of war when machinery might not be available. In farm mechanization, the big gest problems facing the Rus sians involve getting greater flexibility in their machines and producing more machines for the smaller jobs. Actually, the percentage of people who live on farms is much larger than in the U. S Perhaps, one of the reasons thev don’t mechanize these jobs is that they have to find work for the labor supply. And until they have greater industrialization and move the excess to factories, they probably will not attempt to solve their small-job situation. However, they are gradually moving toward the *hift from farm to factories. The United States, by the way, went through this process some 50 years ago. INGROWN NAIL HURTING YOU? Ifl jgj Immediate • Relief! ■ lew arops or ui/iiiKUQP bring blessed I relief from tormenting pain of ingrown nail. I OUTGRO toughens theskta underneath the I nail, allows the nail to ho out and thi: - pre I ven*3 further pair- and dsscomfot t. OUT* i’O I is ava*i-.»blfe at all dmg counters. —I ■■ II .-m.*J>■- r T- - * Seein' Stars , New York (CNS) Eartha Kitt bows out of “Jazz Getaway” _ Eartha Kitt is such an independent gal that she takes no foolishness from Broadway. Eartha had re arranged her schedule to take in the musical “Jazz Getaway” for an early Broadway showing. But those associated with it couldn’t get a theater on the gay white way so that rehearsals were postponed. Miss Kitt had calls to go to Eng land and she just reshuffled her schedule and took off. Now the musical has been “postponed in definitely.” The children didn’t join the Joe Louises after all. Marva Louis Spaulding rethought about it all and decided that sending Jackie and Jacqueline along with their younger sister was just too much of an “imposition” on the newly wedded Rose Morgan and Joe St. Louis Bans Segregation In Public Housing St. Louis, Mo. (CNS) District Judge George H. Moore ordered an end to segregation in low rent public housing project in St. Louis. The order came in answer to a suit filed by Negro families who told how they had applied in 1951 and ’52 for admission into the pro ject that was for whites only. Judge More said the bt. i^uaiS Housing Authority which built and managed the projects has a policy of segregating tenants by race which “is a violation of the Con stitution and laws of the united States.” Armstrong Claims Russians Hear His Programs New York (CNS) — Louis (Sat chmo) Armstrong breezed into New York and landed at Interna tional Airport fit as a fiddle and much impressed that the Russians had somehow managed to get in on his triumphal European trip. Soviet authorities wouldn’t per mit him to go behind the Iron Cur tain but “Russians came over from the East Zone in Berlin to hear our Louis,” reported Satch. Not only the Russians enjoyed this trip but “the cats” in ten western European nations packed them in in the three months they were there. “Jazz fans in the hot clubs of Europe are thicker than the Masons. Jazz is sweeping Eur ope. Those people don’t worry about new music taking the place of jazz in Europe.” _ tim-K ICE JAMS UMiT. “Henry, yea ltr{it yur raUm mi tin drain!’ NATION At SAT fry COWCIt Costs No £ More Than ^ Ordinary v Drinks Famous Welch’s I 1 T^zTn GRAPE JUICE | — it's Serler for You! ££5S THAN 5c A GLASS | ;’ll!!llll!lllilllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIUII.IlllllK Louis. This way the new couple will honeymoon through Detroit and on to Chicago where they will visit Joe’s family first and the children of his former marriage second. The first week of marriage was divine reported the Louises. They seem really “nuts” about each other and the cooing that goes on is enough to run out their closest friends. An ex-flame of Thelma Carpen ter marrying while she’s still the bachelor girl... Louis Armstrong got back to the states on New Year’s Day then took off for Holly wood where Satch does a movie. Getting UpNights If worried by “Bladder Weakness" [Getting Up Nights (too frequent, burning or Itch ing urination) or Strong, Cloudy Urine] due to common Kidney and Bladder Irri tations, try CYSTEX for quick, gratifying, comforting help. A billion CYSTEX tablets used In past 2S years proye safety and success. Ask druggist for CYSTEX under satisfaction or money-back guarantee. BLUE BLADES IN HANDY DISPENSER I _ for QUICK RELIEF of HEADACHE NEURALGIA Ease Pains of Headache Neuralgia - Neuritis with Quick Acting STANBACK Test STANBACK against any preparation you’ve ever used . . . See how quick relief comes. i Worthwhile Reading... • ... for your whole fomily in the world-fomous pages of The Christian Science Monitor. Enioy Erwin D. 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A startling article in READER’S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment is needless misery in many cases! Thousands have already discov ered how to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Pinkham's Compound and Tablets, they’re so much hap pier, less tense as those “difficult days” approach! Lydia Pinkham’s has a remarkable soothing effect on the source of such distress. In doctors’ tests, Pinkham's In doctors’ trsts on amazing product, 3 oat of 4 women got relief of nervous distress, pain! Wonderful relief during and before those "difficult days"! •topped . . or strikingly relieved pern and discomfort! 3 out of 4 women ev't glorious relief t Taken regularly. Pinkham’s re lieore the headaches, cramps, nerv ous tension , . , during and before your period. Many women never •utTer e:en cm the first day! Why should you? This month start tak ing Puikhani's. See if you don’t escape pro-menstrual often the cause of unhapoiness. uct Eycua E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound ... or convenient new Tablets which have blood-building iron added. At druggists. •by noted doctor