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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1955)
National Advertising Representative W, N ewspaper Representatives, inc L New York • Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday Branch office for local news only, 2420 Grant 8L, Omaha, Nebr. fettered as Second Class Matter Masch 15, 1027 at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska Under Act of Congress ef March 3, 1879. CL C. GALLOWAY _______Publisher and Managing Edited (MEMBER) CALVIN NEWS SERVICE GLOBAL NEWS SERVICE ATLAS NEWS SERVICE STANDARD NEWS SERVICE This paper reserwes the right to publish all matter credited is these news services. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DM Meath-----f M Three Months _1.05 Six Months _;_2.06 OUT OF TOWN SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year -4.00 One Month-$ .60 Three Months -1.50 Hx Months -2.50 One Year-4.59 ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON REQUEST 5r5w¥W¥ww •for the worwurmn your life l Holiday Season's Greeting Crosstown Loan Co. 1819 North 24th St. | May the peace of the | season abide with you and yours throughout I the joyous Holiday | Season. I Bauer Plumbing Co* SEASON’S GREETINGS 8602 No. 30th Street KE 0368 SEASON'S GREETINGS To Our Many Friends Killingsworth & Price Barber Shop & Recreation Parlor Where You Meet Your Many Friends "Christianity In U.S." Featured By Life Magazine I - Segregation One Of Challenges To Faith, States Article NEW YORK, Dec., 21—In its current issue devoted entirely to the subject of Christianity, LIFE Magazine examines today’s re ligious boom in the U. S. and finds that “through the boom in belief runs a thread of doubt.” “In many areas,” LIFE says, “Christians ignore the tenets of their faith and practice racial I s e gregation. Religious leaders also worry how much new inter est in Christianity is only a mun dane ‘cult of reassurance’ which does not meet the major challen ges to Christianity. But the doubts, and the willingness to ask searching questions, are in themselves a measure of Chris tianity’s vigor in the U.S. and its capacity for new growth.” FISK UNIVERSITY CHOIR SHOWN In another section of the maga zine devoted to the Music Of Wor ship, LIFE presents in illumin ated manuscript form what the editors consider to be the six great American hymns. “Amer ica has made eloquent contribu tions to the world’s religious music, including one innovation: the spiritual,” the opening para graph states. LIFE’S editors al so chose “four of the American choirs which sing our hymns most beautifully.” Hymns in clude Swing Low Sweet Chariot, Dear Lord and Father of Man kind, Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory, God Of Grace and God Of Glory, 0 Little Town Of Bethle hem, and Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus. Choirs include the Fisk University Choir, the Paul ist Choristers of New York, the Cadet Choir of West Point and the Washington Episcopal Nation al Cathedral Choir. THREE MAIN SECTIONS The LIFE Christianity issue is divided into three major sections. The first covers the basic tenets and history of Christianity; the second, the sights and sounds of the current Christian boom in the U.S.—the world’s largest and most dynamic Christian country. The final section shows how the rest of World Christendom is re lated to this country’s faith. Included in the issue are: the life of Christ as interpreted by fifteen of the world’s great art ists; examples of modern church architecture, part of what LIFE calls “the biggest building boom in church history and the great est revolution in ecclesiastical architecture since the Renais sance;” a text feature on frontier religion in the U.S., citing the importance of the circuit riders, camp meetings and farmer preachers in the development of U.S. Christianity as the nation swung westward in the 19th cen tury; a visit with the Reverend Billy Graham, who at 37, LIFE calls “the most famous U.S. re Be A Hypnotist WRITE Dr. Marcus Bloch, L-Hy. President Eastern School of Hypnotism 240 Rlviagton Street New York 2, N. Y. ' * T iPSa WjT 1 ~ZXZT' ' ■•x&ijffl ligious leader in the world." CARDINAL DEPLORES DISCRIMINATION LIFE shows the Archdiocese of Chicago, the nation’s largest, headed by Samuel Cardinal Stritch, and calls it typical of Christian and Catholic genius for i organization. In discussing the widespread charitable activities of the archdiocese, Cardinal Stritch is quoted as saying to a medical group: “When a hospital staff refuses to admit qualified doctors because they are Negro, we are violating a truth that came to us when Christ died upon the Cross.” Also featured is the Church of South India, a product of U.S. missionary activity in that coun try, which represents a combina tion of five denominations in India—Anglican, Methodist, Pres byterian, Congregational and Re formed. LIFE calls this one mil lion member Church, established Emerson Saratoga & Edholm Sherman Laundry 24th & Erskine St. ■ The gfad tidings of the first Noel As proclaimed by the herald angels upon a midnight clear, may the message of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men enter your heart and inspire you anew with the true spirit of Christmas. Harold's Dry Goods 1806 N. 24th St. JA 3 6 5 8 | eight years ago, “a most daring and imagimtive experiment: the most promising effort yet toward church unity in Protestantism.” This issue also includes a his tory of the Bible, tracing its de velopment and current sales boom, which makes it far and a way the nation’s best-selling book. Total sales last year are esti mated at more than six million copies. This does not count the 15 million Bibles distributed by the Bible Society in 64 countries. Gordon Parks, one of LIFE’S | top photographers is represented i in the issue by a handsome photo' essay on the Benedictine Monas tery of Atchison, Kansas. Parks’ photographs show the Abbey's 172 monks at work and devotions ; and help explain why the Bene-1 dictines in America are the sec- • ond largest branch of the world order. I TWO YEARS IN PREPARATION The special LIFE Christianity j Issue combines the normal Christ-! mas and year-end issues of the 1 magazine and all told includesj 120 pages of editorial material.: In preparation for almost two years, it represents the most am- j bitious single editorial projc. t ever undertaken by the maga" Representing a radical de’ - ture from normal magazine ' v lishing practices, this specie sue of LIFE is priced at 35 c: a single copy and will be or. for two weeks (December through January 4). It features more than twice as many color pages as a normal issue of LIFE and is bound in a heavy-stock cover “so that it can serve as a permanet addition to any library.” The Christianity Issue concludes the LIFE series on “The World’s Great Religions.” Earlier in the year the magazine published major features on Hinduism, Is lam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Judaism. Nora Reynolds Mrs. Nora Belle Reynolds, age 92 years, of 2403 No. 22 St., ex pired Friday December 16, 1955 at a local hospital. She was an Omaha resident 17 years and was a member of the Deaconess Board of Zion Baptist Church. She was also a member of the Missionary Society. She is survived by her daugh ter, Mrs. Jessie Mae Davis; son, Frank Whitfield; 2 grandsons, Basil and Louis Vann; grand daughter, Loraine Crawford, all of Omaha; 3 nieces, Mrs. Selma Webster, Mrs. Stella Henderson, Mrs. Mary Wiley of Chicago, HL; 7 great grandchildren; 2 sons-in law, Willie Robinson and Cecil Davis of Omaha. Funeral services were held Tuesday December 20, 1955 at 2:00 p.m. from the Zion Baptist Church with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating. Interment was in Forest Lawn Cemetery. P a llbearers Messrs. Charles Thornton, Adam Lee, Lee Vaughn and T. A. Holt. Nothing helps a girl stay on the straight and narrow so much as being built that way. A woman is likely to keep try ing on shoes until the clerk ha, , fit. * May the Star of Bethlehem shine anew in our hearts, light ing the way to Peace and Good Will to all. United Packinghouse Workers of America Local No. 60 Affiliated With C.I.O. 2502 M Street, Phone MA 5920 Omaha 7, Nebraska Near NorthSide YMCA Season's Greefings From The Management i The Hon. Eugene Skinner, Chm. John R. Butler, Exec. Secy. HOLIDAY GREETINGS To All Our Friends Reed's Ice Cream 3106 North 24th St. tPPPPeeeeegeg(gtee«Bgtegig-M;!gig)-sii Season's Greetings Jhe time |is near..1 KILPATRICK STORE 15th & Douglas - 15th & Farnam a a a a a a a a a: SEASON'S Greetings TfiTETTE GOT Cresfwood Stores 1420 So. 60th St.