The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 07, 1955, Page Two, Image 2

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The churches—“the most segregated institutions in America”—
are. working hard today at the difficult task of bringing about inter
racial worship, says the October issue of Harper’s Magazine.
Louis Cassels and Lee Nichols, two Washington press associa
tion reporters, write that segregation in the churches is “one of the
sorest spots in America’s Christian conscience.”
They continue: “The churches are bringing up the rear in a
battle they should have led. While racial barriers have been crumbl
ing in sports, in the theater, in trade unions, in schools and in the
military services, the worship of God is still being conducted—in
almost any community you can name—on a predominantly Jim Crow
basis. ~x
“Before we condemn the cnurches for hyprocrisy, however, we
must in fairness cite two facts in their defense: first, they face a
more difficult task than secular institutions; second, and most im
portant, many of them have confessed the sinfulness of segregation
and are now working hard at repentance.”
Defending the churches in their difficult task, a Negro theolo
gian, Dr. Frank T. Wilson of Howard University School of Religion, is
quoted as saying: “The churches will take longer to achieve integra
tion because they are undertaking a much greater accomplishment.
Worshipping together is a more personal thing than riding trains or
attending movies together. Tolerance is not enough here; it must be
real brotherhood or nothing.”
Pronouncements opposing continued segregation have been
adopted by various denominational conferences and conventions, the
article reports. The groups include the 1954 Southern Baptist Con
vention, governing body of the largest Protestant denomination in the
South; the 1952 General Conference of the Methodist Church, the
Congregationalists, Northern Presbyterians, Disciples of Christ, the
Evangelical and Reformed Church, the Episcopalians, the Northern
Baptists, and several small denominations. The Catholic Church has
taken a “bold lead” in the Deep South, the article reports, citing the
fact that authorities in North Carolina and Louisiana have ended
segregation outright by ecclesiastical fiat, and many Catholic par
ishes elsewhere have ended segregation without a public pronounce
ment. Protestant spokesmen are reported as pointing out that the
Catholics face a somewhat different problem than theirs, both because
of the relatively small numbers of Negroes involved and because of
the much greater authority that Catholic priests and bishops exer
cise over church affairs.
“No Protestant bishop could successfully end segregation in a
diocese by edict,” the article continues. “A Protestant clergyman
bent on breaking down racial barriers in his own church must have
not only the personal courage and determination to do so, but also
the leadership to carry with him the laymen who, through vestries,
presbyteries, bdSl’ds of deacons or congregational meetings, have the
final word on church policy.”
The sticking point for many congregations is the social inter
mingling, the article reports.
“Some white Christians who would gladly share a pew with
Negroes have a deep-seated dread of social intermingling—at church
suppers ,in youth groups, at the Ladies’ Guild meetings, it says.
News From Around Nebraska
One night last week the firemen at Oshkosh received a call
and discovered a car burning fiercely on one of the main streets
of the town. Not until after the blaze was out did they learn
that the whole thing was merely a practice run to see how alert
the men were and how long it would take to put out the blaze.
The Garden County News revealed that the Fire Chief had
noted that there had not been many fires and he felt that the
men needed practice. He got the old car from a junk yard, tow
ed it downtown after dark, flooded it with gasoline and set it
afire. He retired to the shadows and waited for someone to dis
cover the blaze. In due time the alarm was turned in and the
firemen were on the job. The department put out the fire in
four minutes and two-thirds of the department’s membership
turned out.
* * *
The sheriff in Pierce county is preparing to lower the boom on
all persons who have not yet paid their personal taxes. According
to the Pierce County Leader, the personal taxes unpaid runs to
the sum of $26,736 which is a sizeable amount to be carrying on
the books. The sheriff has reminded taxpayers that their bills are
drawing 7% interest and that they will have to pay his expenses
in coming out to make the collection if the bills are not paid soon.
• • *
The Wilber American Legion Auxiliary is sending its group
of singers to the National convention in Miami, Florida. They
perform as a trio and as a quartette. In addition to the four sing
ers they have an accompanist They won first place at the state
convention recently, making them eligible for the national meeting.
* * *
The Dawson County Herald, printed at Lexington, showed a
picture and ran a story last week about an apple tree which is
blossoming for the second time this year. The Herald was sure
that the blossoms would never make apples, because of the com
ing cold weather, but the flowers on the tree at this time of the
year were regarded as very unusual.
* * •
The Union Pacific has given one of its steam train engines to
the city of Columbus where it will be mounted in the city park.
The engine, one of a series made in 1904, stopped briefly in the
yards at Central City last week where the NonPareil took a pic
ture of the “little puffer.” It was resplendent with a new paint
job and had been all slicked up ready for retirement in the Colum
bus park. The engine was run on to Columbus where it was taken
from the tracks, still ship-shape and able to pull many a carload
of freight down the right-of-way. The old steam chuggers have
been mostly replaced with diesel outfits now.
A hardware store in David City is staging a big campaign to
gather old saws. It has been advertising for big saws and little
saws, rusty or otherwise-any saw, in fact, which might have
a background of some sort.
The old saw display carries with it prizes for the one who
brings in the oldest, the one with the most interesting background
etc. The campaign may end with a rather novel window display
which will get a lot of attention.
The United States Navy Band will appear in Chadron on Oc
tober 25th for a matinee and evening concert, the Chadron Record
announced last week.
The outstanding program, which is decidedly unusual for a
town the size of Chadron, is one which has been arranged for more
than a year and the concert is termed the most ambitious musical
event ever attempted there.
There are probably a lot of good sized cities over the country
that would give a lot to have such a concert in their own com
munity, and Chadron music lovers are indeed fortunate to be able
to hear the United States Navy Band right at home.
* * *
The City Council at Ogallala is discussing the removal of all
parking along parts of highway 30 as it goes through the business
district. Ogallala’s streets can accomodate but 4 12-foot lanes, ac
cording to the Keith County News and this has been found to be
too small. (Blair’s main street is 60-feet wide and accomodates
traffic of the highway nicely.)
* * *
A County Commissioner at Ord in Greeley County is on the j
hotseat because he is said to have participated in profits in his
dealings with the county. A lawsuit which has been filed claims
the Commissioner had done grading work for private individuals
using county equipment. The petition also states that he has
carried out work for which he has received direct pay from the
county. The state law strictly forbids the practices which the
petition alleges have existed. The Ord Quiz made no comment.
* * *
Ogallala, which has always been a Saturday night town, much
the same as Blair, is considering closing up on Saturday night and
staying open Wednesdays instead. The Keith County News pointed
out, editorially, last week, that changing the habits of the thous
ands of farm families around Ogallala was no easy job and it was
something which should be given a lot of consideration before it
is undertaken. . .
Folks come to town Saturday night to shop, and also to see
and visit their neighbors and to have a little “time out” from the
regular routine of life. The News expressed the belief that mer
chants would lose business and create much disatisfaction among
those in the trade area if they carried out the Wednesday night
* * •
Daily tours are being conducted through the Loup City schools
all this month, The Sherman County Times has announced. Vis
itors go through singly or in small groups, as they happen to come
along. Purpose of the tours is to enlighten the public on the
needs of the schools and the true facts surrounding their opera
tion. On October 25 the voters at Loup City will vote on a bond
issue to determine community feelings about improvements to the
school system.
* * *
Business was brisk at the Curtis, Nebraska airport one after
noon last week. Eighteen planes, all a part of the 1955 Nebraska
Wyoming Air Tour, stopped at the Curtis airport for an hour.
The Chamber of Commerce bade them welcome and served coffee
and doughnuts to the visitors. The tour had started the previous
day at Minden with a route which would circle out over Wyoming
and double back to Grand Island which was the eastern point of
the route.
* * *
At Central City 45 women’s organizations have banded to
gether to form what they have called a “Hospital Auxiliary.” The
new organization has as its purpose the promotion of any project
which will help the hospital. A recent tangible benefit from the
Auxiliary is the addition of a commercial sized clothes dryer which
will be a big assist in the laundry room of the institution. Other
items recently purchased with funds raised by the Auxiliary in
clude nursery supplies, bedpan washer, and a large sterilizer.
* * *
Chadron is investigating the possibility of a sugar factory there.
A plant now located at Belle Fourche, South Dakota has indicated
it would like to move closer to its source of supply and is eyeing
Chadron as a possibly likely spot. The Chadron C of C is making
an effort to interest the firm.
Says GOP
Race Gains
NEW York! N. Y. — New
York State Housing Commissioner
Charles Abrams charged today
that the Republican Party is
trying to scuttle the Racial Rela
tions Service of the Federal
Housing Administration.
In a copywrited story in the
current issue of THE REPORTER
magazine, Abrams said that the
Racial Relations Service “has de
generated into that of official
apologist for official acceptance
of segregation.”
The dismissal of Frank S.
Horne, who helped establish the
Racial Relations Service in 1938.
“may be the culminating step in
the Repubilcan Party’s effort to
scuttle. . . the Service and many
of the gains it has made in its.
long fight against discrimination.
. . . .,”Abrams charged in his ar
ticle “Segregation, Housing, and
the Horne Case.”
Horne, who is appealing his dis
missal to the Civil Service Com-;
mission, was given a hearing be
fore a trial examiner September
22nd. A decision is expected
within a week.
Abrams listed the steps he
claimed are undermining the,
Racial Relations Service:
1. Ten official positions in the
Service assigned to FHA were re
moved from Civil Service classi
fication to make political ap
oointments possible. The post of
Racial Relations officer for the
important Northeastern area has
remained unfilled.
2. Only three of six officials as
signed to the staff of FHA Chief;
Albert M. Cole remain.
3. Four of five officials assign
ed to race-relations and reloca
tion duties in the urban renewal
pr jgram have been told to for
get the race-relations part of
their jobs. The fifth was taken
off the Director’s staff and the
Board of Review. New appoint
ments have been indefinitely post
4. Flimsy charges of disloyalty
have been leveled at three key
staff members, who were later re
instated after months of sus
Abrams added that most of the
gains made on race relations in
the past few years have been
erased in the last few months.
He cited the following:
1. On February 7, 1955, the re
quirement that local housing
authorities show that public
housing projects will make “equit-j
able provision for eligible fam-, of all races” and that tenants
will be selected according to ur
1 gency of their need was shorn of
j its enforcement provisions.
2. On March 8, 1955, a require
ment protecting minority groups
I against the diminution of the
over-all housing supply in a com
munity through demolition opera
tions was deleted from the Pub
lic Housing Administration’s
| 3. On April 11, 1955, the r
quirement that “substantially th
same quality, service, facilities
i and conveniences with respect to
all standards and criteria. . . ” b"
provided to all races was remov
4. The urban renewal program
originally designed to increase
the housing supply as well as tc
eliminate slums, “has been stead
ily perverted into a device for
getting rid of minorities.” The
Administration has approved
hardly any projects on vacant land
that would increase the housing
supply. Most approved projects
call for clearance of Negro settle
ments and those of Puerto Ricans
and other minorities. A proposal
by Racial Relations advisers to
limit demolition operations to
areas where evicted families could
find adequate shelter within their
means was rejected.
5. On August 8, 1955, the re
quirement that local housing
authorities guarantee no discrim
ination in execution of contracts
for utilities, services, and sup
plies was eliminated.
6. The promise that mortgage
money from Federal sources
would be made available to racial
minorities under the Voluntary
Mortgage Program has turned out
to be a “dead letter.”
7. In an attempt to quiet the
protest that followed Horne’s dis
missal, Cole offered him a special
ly created job as adviser on inter
national housing, thereby admit
ting that “budgetary considera
tions” had nothing to do with his
dismissal. Horne’s dismissal will
have served a useful purpose,
Abrams said, “if it dramatizes the
need for a Racial Relations Ser
vice that cannot be scuttled at
the will of some politicians or de
based into a convenient screen
for publicly sanctioned bigotry in
Be A
Dr. Marcus Bloch,
Eastern School of
240 Rivington Street
New York 2, N. Y.
| housing.”
“To be effective,” he added,
“the Service must be independent,
j It must be staffed with profes
sional experts, not professional
politicians. It must be assured
of continuity, be permitted to
work unhampered in the field,
have official cooperation, and be
voted adequate funds.”
Horne’s program, since 1938,
has “been a target of the real
estate lobby,” Abrams said. As
late as 1949, official government
i manuals sanctioned racial discrim
i mation, but in the postwar era
there were many gains, and the
government intervened on the side
of Negroes in a legal fight a
gainst restrictive covenants. The
Supreme Court forbade enforce
ment of such covenants, and FHA
officials agreed not to insure
mortgages on covenanted proper
Despite these advances, GOP
strategists began to view the
racial issue in a different light,
Abrams said. They watered down
the civil-rights plan of the 1952
platform after President Truman’s
strong position on civil rights had
made the South open territory for
the Republicans, he said. Build
ing and real-estate interests, work
ing through the Housing Agency
and the President’s Advisory
Committee on Housing, have in
sisted that Horne’s ideas will
hamper the building boom, Ab
rams said, adding that President
Eisenhower, this spring, condemn
ed the use of anti-discrimination
riders appended to housing and
other appropriation measures as
“clouding” the issue.
On July 14, 1955, Cole told a|
House committee that the govern-'
ment shouldn’t “move too precipi
tously” in eliminating racial seg
regation from the Federal hous
ing programs.
“A choice must be made,” Ab
rams concluded, “between sub-;
ordinating the government’s high-;
er public ethic to that of the mar-;
ket place and raising the ethic of
the market place to that of the
_ I
Joseph Henry
Mr. Joseph Henry, 64 years, 2411
Blondo Street, passed away Thurs
day, September 29th at a local hos
pital. Mr. Henry had lived in O
maha thirty-six years and was em
jloyed at the Armour Packing
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Lillian Henry of Omaha; three
sons, Mr. Julius Henry and Mr. Eu
gene Henry of Omaha, Joseph D.
Kenry of the U. S. Army in Eng
and; four daughters, Mrs. Betty
Clift, Mrs. Josephine Bastiste,
Misses Ophelia and Alberta Henry,
all of Omaha; two brothers, Mr.
March Henry of Cleveland, Ohio
and Mr. Moses Henry of New Or
leans, Louisiana; one sister, Mrs.
Ophelia Wilson of New Orleans, La.
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon from the
Thomas Mortuary with the Rev.
1. W. Johnson officiating. Burial
was in the Veteran’s Plot at Mt.
Hope Cemetery with arrangements
by Thomas Mortuary.
Man invents
TV Camera
A Creighton University Jesuit
is gaining national fame as in
ventor of a television rehearsal1
camera. More than 30 colleges
and universities have secured
plans for the camera which is
used for “packaging” TV pro
grams befofe they are telecast
and for training students in pro
duction techniques.
Most recent requests for blue
prints of the Creighton TV Cam
era have come from Chico Statt
.College, California, and the Uni
versity of Kansas, according to
the Rev. R. C. Williams, S. J.,
inventor of the equipment.
The California request came
from Robert C. Allerton, newly
appointed instructor in radio and
television at Chicio State. Mr.
Allerton attended Creighton in
Dr. Bruce A. Linton, coordin
ator of radio and TV at the Wil
liam Allen White Stehool of Journ
alism, University of Kansas,
also asked for the plans. Dr.'
Linton is a former director of
radio-TV at the University of
Negro Choirs
Will Sing
New York, N. Y. — The choral
1 groups of Wiley, Bennett and Clark
Colleges, Hampton Institute, and
Fisk University will be heard dur
ing the month of October on the
American Broadcasting Company’s
weekly radio series of college choir
concerts. The programs originate
Sundays, over station WABC, 10:35
to 11:00 a.m. and are heard at lo
cal broadcasting times in some 170
cities throughout the country. The
series, a public service presenta
tion of ABC, features the choirs of
the member colleges of the United
Negro College Fund.
The October schedule, as an
nounced by W. J. Trent, Jr., execu
tive director of the Fund, is as
follows: October 2, the choir of
Wiley College of Marshall, Texas;
October 9, the choral ensemble of
Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.;
October 16, the choir of Fisk Uni
versity, Nashville, Tenn.; October
23, the all-girl chorus of Bennett
College, Greensboro, N. C. and Oc
tober 30, the Philharmonic Society
of Clark College, Atlanta, Ga.
The United Negro College Fund
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Card Of Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks
and appreciation for the acts of kindness,
messages of sympathy and beautiful floral of
ferings received from our many friends in 0
maha and other cities at the time of the death
of our beloved father, Mr. W. L. Meyers, who
departed this life Monday morning, Septem
ber 19, 1955 at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
We especially thank the Rev. S. H. Lewis;
Presiding Elder John Adams, Sr., the Rev. F.
C. Williams, the Rev. Charles Favors and all
Dther ministers.
Florence J. Starks and Hazel A. Kealing,
daughters; Robert L. and L. Kenneth Meyers,
sons; Janet, Karen, Valerie and Sybl Meyers,
| is currently conducting campaigns
in some seventy cities throughout
the nation to raise the 1955 goal
of $1,750,000 which will help its
thirty-one member institutions
meet annual operating expenses.
The U. S. Army Mother’s Post
No. 9 will hold a guest social at
the home of Mrs. Ben F. Gard
i1 ner, 2426 Parker Street Friday,
! October 14, at 8:00 P.M. All mem
bers are requested to brtng a
i guest.
Class officers will be elected
in all seven schools and colleges
of Creighton University next
week except the freshman classes
in the Arts and Commence (Col
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