Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1955)
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. WANTED: To care for children. Will take tenderly care of your child while you are at work Leave them in the A.M. and pick them up at P.M. Mrs. Sharpe, 2015 Maple Street WANTED TO RENT: A 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment Call. PL 3959. __ FOR RENT: targe furnished room. Call At 0385. FOR RENT: * single sleeping rooms furnished for working man or woman. No washing or cooking. Call Ha. 0800 WANTED TO RENT: Any kind of a house or 4 or 5 room un furnished apartment. Call Mr. M. A. Hunter, We. 9209. FOR RENT: ^Fhree room um furnished apartment Call HA 0800. IF it is moving day call S. J. Wat son. AT. 2285. Light Hauling and light price. WANTED. WANTED! WANT ED: We want to rent that Apartment you have for Rent. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that car or truck you have to sale. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that pieee of furniture you have, for sale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER We are in the Rent ing and selling business. Give us a ring. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. GIVE US A RING. HA 0800. CALL GROW GLOSS for Hair appointment. Hair tresses and oil. 2512 N. 24th. Phone PL 9016. FOR RENT: 1 newly decorated 3-room unfurnished apartment. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. WANTED TO RENT: A 5 room house, or a 5 or 6 room apart ment Call PL 5334 or PL 9220. FOR RENT: 1 room and kitchen, second floor. Call Ha. 0800. FOR SALE: 17-inch Philco televis ion, radio and record player combination. Beautiful Walnut cabinet, perfect shape. Asking $150.00. Call KE 7690. FOR RENT: One large kitchenette. Call AT 8435. FOR RENT: 1 newly decorated 3 room unfurnished apartment, north of Lake. Nice large rooms. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: One 3-room unfurnish ed apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: A 2-room furnished apartment. Call We. 3372. FOR RENT: A 2-room partly fur nished apartment Call We. 9248. WANTED TO RENT: 4 room un furnished apartment. Phone Ja. 2809. FOR RENT: 2-room furnished apartment. Call Ja. 1992. WANTED TO RENT: 5 or 6 room house or an apartment for a large family. Call Ja. 3323. WANTED TO RENT: A 6-room house. Call PI. 0234. FOR RENT: One large furnished room. Phone Ja. 1836. WANTED TO RENT: A 7-room house or a 2-3 room unfurnish ed apartment. Call We. 2779. WANTED TO RENT: 4 or 5 room unfurnished apartment. Call Ja. 2809 after 5 P.M. WANTED TO RENT: A 3-room apartment, furnished or un furnished. Call Ha. 8559. WANTED TO RENT: 3-room un furnished apartment. Phone Ha 8559. WANTED TO RENT: A 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment. SSEL SO RICH! SOWRII SO GOOD! jFOR RENT: 10 modem 3-room newly decorat ed unfurnished apart ments. Make your ap lication now. Call At. 4114. WANTED TO RENT: A “2 or 3 room furnished or unfurnished apartment. Call HA 3690. WANTED TO RENT: 4 room furn ished apartment. Call PL 4504. WANTED TO RENT: A 3 room furnished apartment. Call AT 9998. WANTED TO RENT: A 4 or 5 room apartment, unfurnished. Call AT 2063. FOR RENT: 4-room furnished or unfurnished apartment. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: One 3-room furnish ed apartment. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 3 unfurnished 3 room apartments. Call PI. 5401. FOR RENT: 2 2-room furnished apartments Call At. 8915 or We. 1353. FOR RENT: A nice large front room. Furnished. Between 2 bus lines. For single working man. Call We. 9545. FOR RENT: 2-room furnished a partment Call We. 9545. WANTED TO RENT: ^"unfur nished roms. Call Ja. 2148. FOR RENT: 3 rooms down town, at 1121 Dodge St. Phone Ja. 1145. WANTED TO RENT: 3-room fur nished apartment. Call At. 8194. WANTED TO " RENT: 2-room furnished apartment. Phone Ja. 8924. WANTED TO RENT: 4-room un furnished apartment. Call PI. 2328 or PI. 4070. FOR RENT: One large front room, furnished. One block from bus. Phone PI. 0234. FOR RENT: One furnished room. Call We. 1523. WANTED: Wanted to care for old woman who is on a pension in a nice private home at 2122 Spencer St. or call PI. 5401. FOR RENT: One large furnished room. Kitchenette. Phone At. 8435. Do you read the Classified Ad section of our paper? If you don’t, you are missing something. We have the following listings, in our office for your consideration. If you need furnished houses, four room apartments, unfurnished, two rooms apartments, furnished, 3 rooms apartment, furnished or un furnished. A double bed and a medium size room for single man for the sum of $8.00 a week. If permanent, it rents for $7.00 per week. We have a two rooms furnished apartment in a fine Christian home,very reasonable rate, all utili A large bay room In a private home with bath next door, plenty heat, running water, night and day. Bus passes by the door coming from town, by back door going to FOR ANY ABOVE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. CALL HArney 0800, OMAHA GUIDE BLDG., 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. DON’T FORGET WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. UNCLE SAM FILES LIEN AGAINST 64GS OF MOORE’S PURSE New York (CNS)"—The Bureau of Internal Revenue boys stepped in immediately against Archie Moore’s purse which should reach the magnificent total of $230,000 after TV receipts are counted in. Uncle Sam wants $64,000 of the total right away. As Truman Gibson explained it—he’s Secretary for Interna tional Boxing Club—Archie has $4,000 due now for ’54 income. The other $60,000 is due as an “anticipatory tax”—that is based on Moore’s ’55 earnings against Nino Valdes, Bobo Olson and j Marciano. Moore expects to settle up right away through his attorney, Mike Di Salle, former chief of the Office of Price Ad ministration. Meanwhile, he has plenty of loot left with his 20 per cent share of the actual gate at Yankee Stadium at $170,498. The TV receipts are expected to total $60,000 for Archie that is. A terry-cloth towel split hi half, with seersucker tie-backs sewn on, makes an excellent apron, especial ly if you like to wipe your hands on i your apron when cooking. The terry j doth washes easily and needs no ironing. THE BABBLING BROOKS By Gertrude Brooks, AT 8817 HELLO FOLKS! DiT> YOU MISS US LAST WEEK? WE HOPE YOU DID. THE BROOKS FAMILY took a trip to Clarinda, Iowa to attend the wedding of two of our best friends, Mr. Glen King and Mrs. Katherine Buntin of Kansas City, Mo. It was the second marriage for both of them. The Rev. J. Bowen, pastor of Provident Baptist ■Church in Kansas City, where Mrs. Buntin was a choir member j performed the ceremony, in the; King home in Clarinda. The bride wore an ankle length gown| of charcoal gray with rhinestone trim with matching jewelry, she' carried a brides bouquet of white gladioli and carnations tied withj white ribbon. The bridesmaid was her niece, also of Kansas City, Mrs. Earl Green. Mr. King! and his best man Lewis Robinson wone navy blue dress suits. The wedding was solemnized at high noon September 21st. and the re ception was immediately after.! Gertrude Brooks cut and served the beautiful 3-tiered pink and white cake, and furnished the wedding music. A wedding din ner was served at 4 P.M. just be fore the 30 relatives and friends who had driven down from Kan sas City, Missouri left. Mr. King is an old settler in Clarinda | and last Christmas was honored with a banquet and presented a watch by some of his employers for 25 years of service. Many of his white friends and employers filled the house and yard. The couple received many beautiful and useful gifts. Pictures and re cordings were made of all pres ent and presented to the Newly weds MRS. LUADA CRUMBLEY WILL LEAVE OCTOBER 18 for the War Mothers Convention in North Platte, Nebraska. Mrs. Crumbley is a State Chaplain and will sing on the Banquet program “It’s My Desine.” This is a three day convention and several will attend from Omaha. MRS. MARY SMITH AND THE MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH CHOIR will present a musical at Mt. Olive on the 2nd Sunday, October 9, 1955 at 3 P.M. If you like good music and sing ing plan now to attend. REV. CHARLES FAVORS, i PASTOR OF PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH, 25th. and Hamilton St. left Tuesday for Sioux City,! Towa where he will visit his; brother Bert Favors who is re- ^ cuperating from a major opera tion. THE EUREKA ART CLASS | WILL HOLD( THE FIRST MEETING OF THE FALL SEA-1 SON Wednesday October 5, 1955 at the home of Mrs. Mae Jack son, 219 Ohio St. with Mrs. Marie 1 Lomax as hostess. Ladies come out at 2: P.M. and bring your, work. Mrs. Greta Wade-Presi dent, MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM! WHITE OF ELWOOD, KANSAS and sister Mrs. Ida Ewing of St. Joe, Mo., finished' up their two week bacation motor trip through j Missouri, Minnesota, South Da- j kota, Wyoming, and Yellow Stone Park, with a four day visit with relatives in Nebraska. They stopped with a sister and brother in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dav is and family, 2219 No. 26th St. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Harris, 2530 Decatur, another sister and bnoth er-in-law fixed dinner on Sunday for all the families. THE SENIOR CHOIR OF THE PLEASANT GREEN CHOIR, 27th and Franklin St. held ap preciation services for their Pres ident, Mr. Clifton Davis and their pianist, Mbs. Gertrude Brooks who has given 15 years of ser vice. A fine program was ren dered with Miss Alberta Rave as guest soloist. David and Bar bara Brooks, children of Mrs. Brooks also sang a number. The offering was equally divided and presented by Mrs. Emma Weston. REV. J. C. WADE PASTOR OF THE SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH is running a 10-day revival for Rev. Seymour Gaines at the Union Baptist Church in Des Moines, Iowa. MRS. MARY EWING OF MASON CITY, IOWA CAME SATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 23, to visit her sister and family, Mrs. Lee Bennett, 2518 Patrick St. She will spend about 10 days in the city. Kellom To Open —'-r*. Kellom Opens October 6 The Omaha Park and Recreation Commission has announced that the Kellom Community Center, which has its facilities and offices in the south wing of the Kellom School Building (24th and Cald well Sts), will begin its fourth year of operation on October 6th. Limited activities will be offered on the 6th and 7th, as these days will be used mainly for registration purposes. Registration procedure will be found elsewhere in this article. All persons planning on using the Center’s facilities at any ! time during the ensuing season (October, 1955 to May, 1956) are asked to register as soon as possi ble. Staff Kellom patrons will be glad to know that many of the old faces who have served them in the past I will again be returning to guide the Center’s activities. Again the Center’s Director, re turning for his fourth year, will be Bob Ackerman. Assisting Mr. Ackerman and directing the ath letic program will be “Josh” Gib son who will be returning for his second year at the Center. Other staff members returning to Kellom for the 1955-56 season are LeRoy “Sonny” Triggs and Grover McIntosh who will again serve as receptionists; Pat Nor man who will be in a new capacity as Director of girls groups and dramatics; and Henry Hoppe who will again work in the locker rooms and gym. New faces will include John Favors who will conduct game room activities; Don Benning who will woAs in the gym and locker room; “Duke Ellis who will be in charge of the Center’s craft pro gram; Alvin Allen working at the Center’s Annex (23rd and Charles), and Bob Rodin who will be a gen eral program assistant. As always, Kellom patrons can be assured of a competent staff handling a wealth of activities. There will be games, leagues, craft projects, and activities galore. You will want to remember some of the important dates that are listed be-1 low: Halloween Party October 31. City-Wide Early Bird Table Tennis Tournament, November 5-6. ACHING MUSCLES Relieve paint of tired, tore, aching mut clet with STANBACK, tableta or powderai STANBACK acta fatt to bring comforting relief.. . became the STANBACK formula combine* teveral pretcription type in gredient* for fatt relief of pain. rt'i'Syfi? >Zrl^?y\F^trI~Y '-< -' IN CONSTANT USE BY SPORTS ANNOUNCERS, l WRITERS, CLUB OFFICIALS AND FANS This book is authorized by Ford Frick, Commissioner of Baseball, and the presidents of the two major leagues. No baseball book offers such complete up-to-date infor* j motion on averages, highlights of previous season, pic* tures of teams, etc. It covers everything, including out standing records, etc., etc. There are also schedules of I i the American and National Leagues, as well as playing ! dates of outstanding minor leagues. I I *-1 | THE SPORTING NEWS, National Baseball Weekly | j 2018 Washington Avenue, St. Louis 3, Missouri $ Includes complete Official . Please send Official Baseball Guide, postage paid, at | M . low price of $1.00. Check or money order enclosed. ! i p re tat ions ail revised | | j «c»rim rain. ^ I I *«r«W" j ADDRESSS_j llnwnfl Klsmevjnw i city zone state ,-, r *-—• i City Wrestling Clinic, Nov. 19. Grade School Holiday BB Tourn ament, December 19. High School Holiday BB Tourna ment, December 26. I ! Approximate starting dates for ' BB league November 21. 1 The Kellom Community Center Registration Plans Location: 24th and Caldwell Sts. Phone: JA 1116. For Boys and Girls 12 years and under, registration will be Thurs day, October 6, 3:30 to 6:00 P.M. Schools: Lake, St. Benedict, Web ster. Kellom Registration Rooms, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. For Boys and Girls 12 years and under, Friday, October 7, 1955 at 3:30 to 6:00 P.M. Schools, Long, Howard Kennedy, Lothrop, plus all other elementary schools not men tioned. Kellom Registration Rooms 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17. For adults and boys and girls 13 years and over, registration will be the evenings of October 6 and 7, from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. For news about your Kellom Community Center and coming events, don’t forget to read the Kellom Kaper, weekly in this paper. Campy, Newk Make All-Am. CAMPANELLA, NEWCOMBE AND BANKS NAMED TO ALL AMERICAN TEAM New York, September 19 —! Roy Campanella, Don Newcombej and Ernie Banks have been named to the 1955 Look Magazine All America Baseball Team by the votes of the 53 major league broadcasters and telecasters, it was announced earlier this week. The race for All America hon ors at the catcher position was once again between Campanella and the Yankees Yogi Berra, with Campy polling 138 votes to Berra’s 118, the new issue of Look reports. Ernie Banks, the long-hitting, clever-fielding star of .Chi., Cubs, barely nosed out Harvey Kuenn, the Detroit Tigers’ scientific batter, for shortstop honors. Big Don Newcombe, mainstay of the Dodgers’ sagging mound corps, was selected, along with the Phillies’ Robin Roberts, as the best pitcher in the major leagues, according to Look. The National League, paced by the home-run bats of Kluszewski, Banks, Snider, Mathews and Campanella, dominated this year’s Look All America Team, with Fond Frick’s favorites win ning seven of the ten positions (Two pitchers selected.) The All America Team: ^Gillette f BLUE BLADES I IN HANDY DISPENSER I with ^ used-blade ^^comparfmeof < LIGHT HAULING OF ANY KIND Any Where At Any Time At Reasonable Rates Call AT 2285 MR. S. J. WATSON Ernie Banks, Cubs; A1 Kaline, Tigers; Ted Williams, Red Sox; Duke Snider, Dodgers; Roy Campanella, Dodgers; Eddie Mathews, Braves; Nellie Fox, White Sox; Robin Roberts, Phil lies; Don Newcombe, Dodgers; Ted Kluszewski, Reds. The All National League Team-' Willie Mays, Giants; Duke Sni der, Dodgers; Stan Musial, Card inal; Ted Kluszewski, Reds; Red Schoendiensl, Cardinals; Ernie Banks, Cubs; Eddie Mathews, Braves; Roy Campanella, Dod gers; Robin Roberts, Phillies; Don Newcombe, Dodgers. The American League Team: Ted Williams, Red Sox; Mickey Mantle, Yankees; A1 Kaline, Ti gers; Mickey Vernon, Senators; Nellie Fox, White Sox; Harvey Kuenn, Tigers; Ray Boone, Ti gers; Yogi Berra, Yankees; Early Wynn Indians; Dick Donovan, White Sox. Banks May Be MVP For The Dodgers Chicago, III. (CNS) — With the Dodgers having three hot contenders for the Most Valu able Player Award in Don New combe, Duke Snider and Roy Campanella—it could be that a split-vote candidate would get it and that would be none other than slim Ernie Banks—who play ed sensationally for the Chicago [tubs this year. It has happened before that when a club has three hot pros MEN Get This Genuine SCHICK M20” SHAVER1 This Schick “20” Electric Shaver can be yours without spending one cent extra! Gives you a cleaner, neater shave in a flash! Powerful rotary motor and new Hi-Velocity shaving heads. Comes in handsome leather Caddie case. This Schick Shaver, and hundreds of other wonderful gifts can be yours simply by saving valuable Metz coupons. There’s one with every can and bottle of wonder ful, NEW Premium Metz Bes-r. T Try NEwPAlfiWUK ! METZBm i • Clear, golden | , . refreshment a J waits you in ' every frosty | I glass of NEW I Premium Metz | Buy a case I tonight! I I— Metz Brewing Company — Omaha J £peaq jtaqsdj^ *U°M PULL THE PLUG ON STOMACH UPSET Half-alive, headachy, when constipa tion sours stomach? Black-Draught* relieves constipation overnight. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. Laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight! No harsh griping. Made from pure vegetable herbs. Thoroughly but gently uncorks clogged intestines. Brings comforting relief in morning. Then life looks sunny again! Get Black-Draught today. •In Powder or Granulated form . . . and now in new, easy-to-take Tablets, tool I When constipation 1 sours children's dl Sxtlon and disposition, get Syrup of Black raught. They love this honey-sweet Uauidl A VOICE OF TRUTH -MADAME MARIE - Reg. Medium 2567 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska Phone HA. 6682 Helper on all Domestic and Personal Problems. NAMES, DATES and FACTS Loneliness Is one of today’s social evils. This fact nas been re cognized by leading educators, ministers and doctors . . . and every day men & women of every age, are consulting MADAME MARIE because of the advice and counsel of such professional j people CONSULT this genial professional reader and know the I j true facts. If others have failed you, consult me. Names and | dates. Facts—not promises. I Catering to all races, creeds and colors — Private Reading | Daily Except Sunday 10 AM. to 8:00 P.M. j pecf s—they divide the vote so that none of them win. Last year it was the Indians who had; Larry Doby, Bobby Avila, and' Bob Lemon sharing in the In- i dians’ terrific pennant drive, j Yogi Berra of the 2nd place Yankees took top honors instead. It’s the baseball writers who do the picking and a lot of them may wait until after the Series to cast their vote. They could easi ly be influenced by the perform ances there in making their deci sions. Newcombe and the Duke meant so much to the team in the early stages—when the pennant was really won for Brooklyn even though they tapered off the end of the season. Campy though essentially a Getting Up Nights If worried by “Bladder Weakness” [Getting Up Nights (too frequent, burning or Itch ing urination) or Strong, Cloudy Urine] due to common Kidney and Bladder Irri tations, try CYSTEX for quick, gratifying comforting help. A billion CYSTEX tablets used In past 25 years prove safety and success. Ask druggist for CYSTEX under satisfaction or money-back guarantee. healthy one this year and a far contrast front last year—sparked the team a great deal. Chicago’s favorite in Ernie Banks crack ed 44 homers, knocked in 116 runs at his last count. for QUICK RELIEF of HEADACHE NEURALGIA Ease Pains of Headache Neuralgia - Neuritis with Quick Acting STANBACK Test STANBACK against any preparation you’ve ever used . . . See how quick relief comes. 11 n-H-M-H-'H l .H..f.}. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. Automobile, Furniture and Signature Loana Automobile Financing 819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 6066 Article in Readers Digest Reveals Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Is So Often a Needless Misery! Do you suffer terrible nervous ten sion-feel Jittery, irritable, de pressed— just before your period each month? A startling article in READER’S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment is needless misery in many cases! Thousands have already discov ered how to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Pinkham’s Compound and Tablets, they’re so much hap pier, less tense as those “difficult Btopped ... or strikingly relieved ... pain and discomfort! 3 out of 4 women got glorious relief! Taken regularly, Pinkham’s re lieves the headaches, cramps, nerv ous tension . .. during and before your period. Many women never suffer—even on the first day I Why should you? This month, start tak ing Pinkham’s. See if you don’t escape pre-menstrual tension. often the cause of unhappiness. days approauii Lydia Pinkham’s has a remarkable soothing effect on the source of such distress. In doctors’ tests, Pinkham’s llllllllllimiinilMUiiii:'.;. In doctors’ tests on amazing product, 3 out of 4 women got relief of nervous distress, pain! Wonderful relief during and before those "difficult days"! liifiiiiiiinmnitiiiiiiiiiiiiin <_rec joyaia s. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound... or convenient new Tablets which have blood-building iron added. At druggists. •by noted doctor iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiit iimiimmmmiiimiimimiimmii -PICK UP Cleaners & I Laundry f ONE DAY CLEAN IING, LAUNDRY SERVICE jjJHiililimapill mi mi I' CROSSTOWN CLEANERS 2101 North 24th Street Webster .. fOUOW YOUR NEIGHBORS TO n,Besnw8m B & R GROCERY Frozen Foods & Fine Liquors Open Sunday Through Friday Hours 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Beatrice & Roy White PHONE PL 9831 2303 NO. 27 ST. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimuumuiiiiiiiifiiiniimiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiimimiitmnt