The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 23, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST is like a holiday for many
of us. It’s the one time in the week that the whole family ran
be together at the day’s first meal. Usually when this happen'.,
breakfast turns into a rather lengthy occasion. A good hearty
meal seems to be called for, so what could be better than buck
wheat cakes and crisp bacon. Always a favorite combination, and.
when served with maple-blended syrup, buckwheat cakes are
truly irresistible, encouraging many repeats.
Be sure to keep a bottle of this mild, but rich maple-blended
syrup handy ... its unique glass container is pretty enough fe:
any table.
2 cups buckwheat flour Zli cups buttermilk
i* teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses
is teaspoon soda 1 egg, well beaten
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Sift flour once, measure, add salt and soda, and sift again.
Combine buttermilk, molasses, egg, and butter. Add to flour
mixture, mixing just until blended. Bake on hot lightly greased
griddle until brown. Turn once. Serve with butter and Log Cabin
Syrup. Makes 25 large pancakes. (ANS)
House Probe
Is Needed
New York — The National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People today placed be
fore the Fund for the Republic’s
Commission on Race and Housing
a nine-point program for study
and action.
The NAACP program, drafted
by Madison S. Jones, special as
sistant for housing, and Mrs. Con
stance Baser Motley, of the As
sociation’s legal department, as
serts: “Elimination of racial re
strictions on the housing supply
is an area of major concern and
activity on the part of the NA
The commission, established by
the Fund for the Republic, is
making a study of residential
segregation in various commun
ities throughout the country un
der the direction of Dr. Davis
McEntire of the University of
California. The NAACP pro
posal calls for research and study
in the following areas: analysis
of non-white housing market,
state-imposed restrictions, ac
tivities of home financing institu
tions, activities of real estate op
! erators, home building associa
tions, property owners * associa
tions, and federal housing a
gencies. Also studies of open oc
cupancy housing and property
J *
Powered coal, crushed so fine it
will pass through a screen meshed
tightly enough to hold water, ia
widely used in industry to provide
heat and power.
Coal is the source of about 70
percent of the fuel and energy
produced in the Soviet Union. The
remaining 30 per cent comes from
petroleum and wood.
“Here's the Bread I Reach For—Every Time"
• . . says TOM ALSTON, Omaha Cardinal Star First Baseman.
"Peter Pan wins the pennant in any league for freshness, fla
vor, and texture. It’s the bread for extra strength and energy.
Make a hit with your family—get Peter Pan Fresh Bread.”
f Popular Omaha Slugger
Tall Tom Alston has developed into a real
crowd-pleaser since he joined the Omaha
squad on May 11. The young native of
Greensboro, N. G, is playing only his fourth
year of professional baseball. He started with
Porterville, California, in 1952, went to San *
Diego in mid-season and then to the St. Louis
Cards in 1954.
fr ■ * '1
Important lnformation|For All High School Boys & Parents
Since the passage of the Reserve Forces
Act on August 9, there has been consider
able interest in the new status of high
school boys with regard to service in the
Armed Forces. To help you understand
What is this new Reserve Forces Act?
In general it requires that all men entering the
Armed Forces also take part in the Reserves.
It was passed by Congress and became the law
of the land in August, 1955.
What does it mean to me?
For one thing it can mean you may have more
control over the time when military training
takes place in your life.
How does it work?
There are some provisions for draft deferment
in this act. Learn about them in detail by send
ing in the coupon.
How many years of Reserve service
are required of me?
I It can vary. It depends upon the plan you se
lect. Again, write for complete information
based upon your own circumstances.
Will I be able to finish high school?
the provisions of this Act, here are some
of the main points in simple question and
answer form. For complete information
on these questions and any others you may
have, mail the coupon below.
How about me-l didn't finish high
school. When do I take the training?
There’s a plan for you, too. But to learn all
about it, just fill in the coupon below.
Is there any pay during training
under this act?
Yes—both while attending Reserve meetings
and while you attend your Active Duty for
Any chances for promotion?
You will earn promotion points.
Any other benefits?
Yes. Aside from being a better trained man,
being paid, and meeting your military obliga
tion, you will also earn points toward retire
ment benefits.
Do I have to serve in one unit, or is
there an opportunity for transfer?
Yes, there is an opportunity for transfer. But,
again, fill out the coupon for information.
What does it do to my Draft Status?
You will be deferred, but to get the exact in
formation, please fill in the coupon.
i His \
Mian Ho* , ^rite \
This YoU^rsho0ia'cB°0 . \
fotus®- f„, The
Jimmie F. Jones (right) is the first enlistee in Nebraska under
the new Armed Forces Reserve Act. Jimmie is a Juniata High
School senior. He enlisted in the 295th Ordnance Ammunition
Company of Hastings. Captain George Kuzma (left) unit com
mander, is administering the oath. Jimmie Jones has made an
eight year plan. What are your plans?
| Headquarters, Nebr. Military Dist. |
,. * 21st and Woolworth Ave., Omaha 2, Nebraska t
Mail I or Phone AT 3282
♦ +
* I want to get complete information on how the new Armed £
This £ Forces Reserve Act might affect high school boys. *
£ Name-||
Coupon | CHr_*,*_|
+ My Birthday_ <*»
Today! * Month Day Year *
' * j I have completed the-in High School. £
5 Grade 5
| Parents May Fill This Out For Their Sons |
Phone Your News To HA0800
■ ■ mi ^ i n ^ ^ iin ^ i fc ^ — — — —— — — — - - ^ . . _ > . _ _