VV A fc « ^ » Lincoln, N«br. ^*t**************************^ ....muni :: This Is Your Newspaper J V' Thfc h ta'Zw" ! ;• What you are doing is news. .. * what von are doine is news ' ;; Please Phone Your News To ! | |PSe Phone YotWews“7 i i or^ndTto !: | “dTto :: THE OMAHA GUIDE IS _ I I THE OMAHA GUIDE i; .j /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEWTOTHE UNE\ 1.2420 J EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Vol. 29 No. 29 Friday, September 16, 1955 10c Per Copy Time Magazine Publishes Report Card On Integration Order New York — Only Missouri made a grade of A in a special TIME report card on the pro gress of 17 Southern and border states in complying with the Su preme Court’s order to enforce desegregation. Five states rated a flat F for failure; eleven others were given passing grades vary ing from A Minus (West Vir ginia) to D (Florida). “Generally speaking,” TIME says in its cover story out Sept. 19th on Thurgcod Marshal], coun sel for the National Association of Colored People, “segregation is ending in areas where Negro population is less than 10% Where it ranges betweent 10% and 25%, the fight may not be too hard. Wh.r. it approaches or exc-.eds 50%, t.ii end can hardly be imagined.” Nevertheless, one of the most important changes on the U. S. scene this fall is the “astounding progress of racial desegregation.” The five state where there has been little or no more at all to integrate schools, or apt to be in the foreseeable future, are: Ala bama, Georgia, Louisiana, Missis sippi and South Carolina. Rat ings of other states: Grade A: Missouri. State edu cation authorities estimates that 5,000 ( 80%) of Missouri’s Negro children are now studying along side 550,000 whites; there has been no friction. Grade A Minus: West Virginia. About 35 of the state’s 55 coun ties will begin to integrate this fall. Grade B Plus: Kentucky, where 20 or 25 of 224 school districts will integrate this fall; and Okla homa, where at least 88 out of 1,802 districts will integrate, along with all 18 state univer sities and colleges. Grade B Minus: Maryland, where eight of 22 counties with mixed populations plan to inte grate this fall. Grade C Plus: Texas—More than 60 of the state’s 2,000 school districts begin integration this fall; Arkansas will integrate four of the state’s 228 interracial school districts, with specific dates for others in 1957 and 1958. Grade C: Delaware—14 out of 20 school boards in New Castle County (Wilmington, where 13 schools will integrate this fall) in tend to integrate; Tennessee, which intends gradually to inte grate all six of its state-supported colleges. Oak Ridge is the only integrated school system, but Chattanooga recently voted for integration. Grade C Minus: North Carolina —Despite threats to close schools, some industrial cities (Charlotte, Greensboro, Durham) have ap pointed committees to study the problem. Grade D Plus: Virginia—State officials fighting to prevent inte gration; Norfolk (pop. 213,513) proclaims that it intends to up hold the Supreme Court decision, but state law forbids it. Grade D: Florida—State law prohibits the mixing of races in schools, but on three bases of the U. S. Air Force, white and (Continued on Page 4) Willis Johnson Buried Tuesday Mr. Willis Johnson, age 64 years, of 2412 Indiana Ave., expired Fri day morning, September 9, 1955 at a local hospital. He was an Omaha resident over 40 years. He is survived by his devoted wife, Lillian; son, Richard; niece, Mrs. Eva Massey of Leavenworth, Kansas and other relatives. Funeral services were held Tues day, September 13, 1955 at 2.00 P.M. from the Myers Brothers Fu neral Chapel with Rev. Roy W. Johnson officiating. Interment was at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Pallbearers Messrs William Gor don, Claude Phillips, B. T. Swear engen and Heywood Douglas. Mrs. Hawkins Enjoys Trip To S. America Mrs. A. L. Hawkins of 2420 V2 North 24th Street has returned home after a thirty days trip vis iting the West Indies, Central and South America. Dr. Hawkins, who accompanied his wife as far as Chicago, didn’t go on the trip as he chose to go to California. Mrs. Hawkins had as her traveling companions, a niece Mrs. T. C. Patillo and Mrs. S. J. Thompson, both of Chicago. On Sunday, August 7 Mrs. Haw kins and Mrs. Patillo left Chicago by air for their first stop in Miami, Florida, where they resided at the Lord Calvert Hotel. About the above, Mrs. Hawkins said, “I was favorably impressed with the accommodations.” On To Cuba From Miami, the travelors planed on to Cuba, Jamiaca, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Panama, Guatemala, and Mexico. After viewing the people at I work and play, the architecture and other interesting sites in the above countries, Mrs. Hawkins re iterated that the United States is still the best place in which to j live.” In some places there were mark ed evidence of poverty stricken people. But on the other hand, the beautiful works of architecture pointed out the pride they have used to embellish their cathedrals, shrines and gardens. See Panama Canal While in Panama they saw a ship enter and depart from the Miraflores Locks and termed the procedure as being “very interest ing.” Some of the cities visited on the itenerary included: Kingston, Jamaica, Port-au-Prince, Maiti, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela, Pan ama City, Guatelmala City, Mexico City, Toluca, Mexico and Xochimi ico, Mexico. At the latter are the world fam ous floating gardens where the visitors were poled through the AKA Leave Hawaii Smiling happily as they pause before boarding plane for the United States are A. Cathryn John son, Atlanta, Ga., and Evelyn Rob erts, St. Louis, two national of ficers of the Alpha Kappa Alpha I sorority, who were among fifty j one sorors who visited Hawaii recently. Almost smothered with leis, the pair promised to return to the island. (ANP) t Nation's Top Golfers Recognized NATION’S TOP GOLFER’S— Charles Sifford, right, Washing ton, D. C,. pro is complimented by PRman Moss H. Kendrix fol lowing his third annual victory in the Unitel Golfers Association : >;*aafrttS^>aaa& WBHfflK 3SKH? tournament played at Rackman golf course in Detroit. Standing, left and right, are Joe Roach, St. Louis, and Thelma Cowan, Los Angeles, who repeated as men’s and women’s amateur champions. Kneeling, left to right, are 16 yeai'-old Gordon Chavis, Junior boys’ champion, Baltimore, sen ior men’s champion, John David son, Los Angeles, and Shirley i Turner, thirteen, of Detroit, who Kftftggg ■lllll 111 serted, upper left, is Detroit’s won the junior girls’ division. In-1 Franklin T. Lett, Sr., UGA; presilent. Happy winners hold j championship trophies contribut ed by The Coca-Cola Company, Rosemary Clooney To Be On CBS Next Sunday Singing star Rosemary Clooney, Lionel Hampton and his Quartet and the popular young vocalist Pe ter Hanley will demonstrate what’s new in music on CBS Radio’s “The Woolworth Hour” Sunday, Septem ber 18. Miss Clooney, just returned from a triumphant British tour which included engagements at London’s Palladium and in Glasgow and on the BBC, will sing two of her fa vorite songs, “Sailor Boys” her latest Columbia Record hit, and “Tenderly”, which she remembers “tenderly” as one of her first hits. Lionel Hampton and his Quartet will demonstrate his right to the title “King of the Vibraharp and Master of the Drums”. Peter Hanley will give “live” performances of some of his rec ord hits, including “I Talked to the Trees.” Percy Faith will salute the open ing of fall, with chorus and orches tra performing “It’s a Good Day.” His next number, “Tropical Meren gue,” is the music for the new dance craze,which has come here from the Dominican Republic. Kurt Weill’s “September Song” and Duke Ellington’s “Soltiude” will be performed as songs which have be come part of the American music al tradition. Closing the program will be Mr. Faith’s own “Nervous Gavotte,” dedicated to musicians who leave the bandstand and try to dance. The program is produced by Bru no Zirato Jr. and written by Char |les S. Monroe. beautiful islands covered with | flowers by native Aztec Indians. “We had a grand trip although most of the time it was real hot,” said Mrs. Hawkins speaking for herself, Mrs. Patillo and Mrs. Thompson, both Chicago school ! teachers. No Bull Fight The one thing they missed was a bullfight. Rain prevented them from seing the Matador polish off the bull in the traditional manner. Wherever they visited, Mrs. Hawkins said she was greatly im pressed with the craftsmanship of the natives. In some cases she was able to get photographs of the interesting people at work and of their accomplishments. On September 5, Labor Day, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Patillo and Mrs. Thompson climbed into an air plane for the return to Chicago after having enjoyed a thirty day sojourn “South of the Border.” Mrs. Hawkins summed up her feeling about the trip with, “It’s a worthwhile trip and I’m sure that everyone who could possibly make such a trip would equally enjoy it.” Previously, although Dr. Haw kins was along, the Hawkins’ visit ed Europe in 1953 and Hawaii in 1954. No Comprise On Basic Rights Roy Wilkins Tells League Howard E. Smith ! Mr. Howard E. Smith, 70 years, 2208 North 27th Avenue, passed away Saturday, September 10th at a local hospital. Mr. Smith was a Stationary Engineer and had been a resident of Omaha forty years. His wife, Mrs. Ruby Smith preceded him in death having past away last October. He is survived by nieces, Mrs. Agnes Blackburn, Mrs. Hester Carpenter, Mrs. Naomis Kimsey, Mrs. Ilene Green, of Omaha Mrs. Odessa Perry, Chicago, Illinois; two nephews, Mr. Louis Smith, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. Walter H. Carter, Omaha. funeral services were held Tuesday morning, September 13th from Thomas Mortuary with the Rev. J. H. Reynolds officiating. Pall bearers were Mr. Dennis Bowen, G. G. Green, Gus Hunter, Darner Parks, Bud Carter, John S. Pipes. Interment was at Mount Hope Cemtery. Legion Has Named Committees Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30 American Legion rearranged its official staff workers into im portant groups, and committees, thereby insuring a more efficient and effective force to the drive planned by the Post with a com plete reorganization of the old set up, the Post is now making wonderful progress. The Ladies Auxiliary is cooperating with a fine spirit. me Fost continues to march onward and upward. The Legion regrets the indisposed condition of Commander J. L. Taylor, who is now confined to his bed at his home, 2407 Lake St. At last report Commander Taylor is do ing very well after a very much needed rest. News of the passing of the wife of Comrade Rufus Long was received with regrets as the entire Legion organization join in extending sympathy to the bereaved Comrade Long and family. Our sick in V. A. Hospital are Willie Bell, Ralph Underwood, Dr. W. W. Peebles, Gerald Mc Kinley and others not reported. Do your *duty, be sure to pay them a cheerful visit. Now we must keep our spirit high and the comradeship and fine fellowship that is our vowed duty and in do ing this we will surely keep our oath to God, our fellowman and our country. J. L. Taylor, Commander H. L. Embrey, Jr., Adjutant N. H. Comans, Pub. Officer Milwaukee — There can be no “compromise on basic, declared citizenship rights,” Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the Nation al Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, told dele gates attending the forty-fifth an nual conference of the National Urban League in an address here last week. Challenging a remark by a southern newspaper editor that Negroes should operate on the basis of a “policy of compromise,” the NAACP leader declared that “no group of self-respecting citi zens can subscribe to any pro gram or support any organiza tion that embodies the philosophy or employs the techniques of com promise on basic, declared citi zenship rights.” There may be occasions, he said, for “give and take on method” and “under cer tain circumstances, and in a limited degree, on timing; but there cannot, there must not be, any compromise on the rights themselves.” If there is to be interracial co operation towards integration, Mr. Wilkins asserted, “the whites will have to bring to the confer ence table and the subsequent team-work a forthright and hon est recognition of the Negro as a citizen, with all the rights per taining to that status. This, un fortunately, all too few of them have done in the past.” “There are areas of the school question which reasonable men on both sides can discuss and there are situations which can be resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned provided the principle of non-segregation is accepted and movement toward the ob jective is begun,” the NAACP spokesman said. “But when gov ernors and attorneys general and a variety of citizens committees open their discussions with ‘nev er, never’ language, the door to cooperative action is slammed shut.” Negroes, too, have obligations in any program of interracial co operation, Mr. Wilkins pointed out. “Equality carries with it re sponsibility,” he said. As the whole society becomes our so ciety we must meet its challenges, help to shape and maintain its standards, and bear our share of its burdens. It is a fact that dis crimination is with us in many areas and will not be blotted out tomorrow; but in combatting it wre shall have to stop crying ‘wolf’ when there is no wolf, when the trouble is in our train ing, our behavior, our personal ities, or all three.” » Among the families in which stock is owned, one-third have an income of less than $5,000 per year. Three-quarters are in the $10,000-or-less bracket. There are more than one million stock owners with incomes under $4000. I Doby Pacing The Indians Cleveland, 0. (CNS) If the Indi ans make it to the heap of the A merican League contenders, it can be due greatly to the resurgence of one Larry Doby. Larry is just j about the hottest thing around—] winning ball games personally in j the ninth and tenth inning—like the two run homer against the Bal timore Orioles in the tenth. This last feat was Larry’s seventh hom er in seven games. Corinth To Have Revival Sept.6-Oct.7 The Corinth Baptist Church will have an old fashioned revival beginning Sept. 26, and running through to October 7. The Reverend -Coleman W. Kerry will conduct the revival. The Rev. Mr. Kerry is well known through out the nation, and is an outstanding leader in the National Baptist Convention. Dr. Coleman, W. Kerry is the Corresponding Sect, of the Ed ucational Board of the National Bapt. Convention, before being elected to that post he pastored some of the leading churches of the National Baptist Convention. He is a great evangelist, an ex cellent speaker with a soul-stir ring message. If you have ever heard Dr. Kerry you will want to hear him again, and if you have not heard him, you should cvail yourself with the opportun ity of hearing him. You will be proud you did. Pioneer At St. Benedicts Is Buried Mrs. Mamie Long, age 76 years, of 2638 Binney St. expired Satur day morning, September 10, 1955 at her home. She was an Omaha resident 47 years and was one of the pioneer members of St. Benedict Catholic Church. She is survived by her devoted husband, Rufus C. Long of Omaha; niece, Jane Owens of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral services were held Wed-! nesday, September 14, 1955 at 9:00 A.M. from St. Benedict Catho lic Church with Father John J. Killoren, S. J. officiating assisted by Father C. L. Kerr, S. J. Inter | ment was in the family plot at Cal vary Cemetery. Rosary services were held Tues day evening, September 13th at 7:30 P.M. from the" Myers Brothers Funeral Chapel. Pallbearers Messrs M. Smith, E. Stewart, S. Castle, G. Bryant, M. jHale, N. Rhodes and C. Daniels. I Justice Department Called To Probe Rein Of Terror To Negroes In Mississippi W.C.T.U. In Annual Meet Sept. 18 - 21 State Women’s Christian Temp erance Union will hold their an nual meeting at the North Side Christian Church, 22nd and Loth rop, September 18th through the 21st. Sunday afternoon at five o’clock registration, get acquainted, tea and pictures. The combined choirs of the Zion and Pilgrim Baptist churches and the St. John A.M.E. church will sing. The speaker for the evening will be the Rev. John Norman, Ne braska Temperance Secretary who will talk on the New Challenge for the W.C.T.U. Also there will be special musi cal numbers. Mrs. Fred Tooze of Portland, Oregon, National Record ing Secretary will be the guest of the convention. Also regular busi ness reports, speaking memorial services, white ribbon recruits dur ing the session Monday evening. Monday will be the banquet fea turing Pep songs, special music and the President’s annual address. Mrs. Nettie Ring, State Presi dent, Mrs. Elza Matz, Correspond ing Secretary. NAACP Attys. Study Angles On Slain Boy New York,— Thurgood Mar shall, head of the NAACP legal department, has assigned lawyers on his staff to gather all the facts in the brutal slaying of 14-year-old Emmett Louis Till in Mississippi and to explore ever# possible angle for legal action. “We cannot afford to leave any stone unturned in our effort to secure justice in this case,” Mr. Marshall said. “But, equally important is our responsibility to do everything humanly pos sible to prevents repetition of this gruesome crime.” Meanwhile the NAACP con tinued its effort to arouse public sentiment against the forces in Mississippi which encouraged the development of a climate of opin ion in which such a brutal in senate murder could be perpetra ted. Washington — The reign of terror against Negro citizens in Mississippi is under investigation by the Department of Justice for a determination of “what action can be taken on the basis of the evidence and the law,” Assistant Attorney General Warren Olney III has assured an NAACP dele gation headAl by Roy Wilkins, executive secretary. In a conference with Mr. Olney and other officials of the Depart ment on September 7, NAACP spokesmen urged the federal gov ernment “to delay no longer in calling a halt to the jungle fur] unloosed in Mississippi.” Accompanying Mr. Wilkins at the conference were Thurgood Marshall, special counsel; Clar ence Mitchell, director of the As sociation’s Washington bureau; Mrs. Ruby Hurley, southeast re gional secretary; :nd Mcdger Evers, Mississippi state NAACP secretary. The group submitted an eight-point memorandum sum marizing the principal events in the reign of terror which has pre vailed in Mississippi. Killings Cited “The wanton killing of the 14 year-old lad, Emmett Louis Till, on August 29, is the logical and inevitable culmination of a reign of terror which has been ger.eiat ed in the State of Mississippi throughout the year,” the NAA CP statement said. It cited also the murders of Rev. George W. Lee on May 7 and Lamar Smith on August 13 because they refused to give up their right to vote. Previously, the NAACP had submitted affi davits of 19 Negro citizen'’ who Iliad been turned back from the | polls during che August pri maries. ! “All the matters submitted on the denial of the vote in Missis sippi, the instances of intimida tion, and the murders of two men, said to be connected with voting, are under investigation,” Mr. Olney told the delegation. The Department will determine what action can be taken on the basis of the evidence and the law when the investigation is com pleted.” Mr. uiney srarea mar rne mur der of Emmett Till had been looked into by the Department and the conclusion had been reached that it was not a federal case, but one within the jurisdic tion of the state of Mississippi Negroes Look to U. S. Mr. Wilkins said the colored citizens of Mississippi and the [rest of the nation were looking (Continued on Page 3) Princess Recovers From Polio Little Princess Dorothy has rea son for the broad smile which lights up her face for two nice things have happened to her re cently. The five-year-old princess walked out of Great Ormond St. hospital in London, after having been stricken with polio last March. About the same time she received news that her father, the Kabaka (king) of Buganda, is to be allowed to return home from exile of about two years. With her as she leaves the hospital for her father’s home in London was her grandmother, Mrs. Kumla Kis osonkolo.—(ANP) v V\i *