The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 09, 1955, Page Two, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday, Dated Friday
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Moroccan Atrocities
(From The Washington Post)
CASABLANCA — The story of the sack of Oued Zem has al
ready been told — how several thousand Moroccan tribesmen descend
ed on the small town and slaughtered fifty-one Frenchmen and many
more of their fellow Arabs but, because its suggests how terrible is the
hatred which tortures this country, the story may be worth telling
again, as it unfolded before this reporter’s eyes.
Last Saturday evening The New York Herald Tribune’s able cor
respondent Barrett McGurn, who had made an expedition into the
countryside, brought back reports of very bad trouble in the area of
the town of Oued Zem. So this reporter and a friend, Blair Clark, of
the Columbia Broadcasting System, set off in a taxi shortly before
dawn on Sunday for a look at Oued Zem.
Oued Zem is about ninety miles from Casablanca. McGurn had
been ambushed by Moroccans on the same road the day before, and
had been very lucky to escape. So at first we had a certain tendency
to peer anxiously ahead. But as day broke over the low, rolling
hills, such anxieties began to seem silly, and the drive was like a
pleasant country excursion.
* * * *
The countryside in Morocco — the Bled looks ridiculously like a
picture postcard depicting the Moroccan countryside. The camels
strike^appropriate poses against the skyline, and people wander about,
among spidery black tents, in more or less biblical costumes. Clark
remarked that it looked like a combination of the Bible, the deep
South, and the far West, which it did. Then the conversation shifted
to such subjects as the difficulties of foreign reporting and the
frightful expense of educating children, and before we knew it we
were in Oued Zem. As the Arab driver picked his way carefully
through the rubble, we fell silent. There was an odd smell in the air,
half sweet, half bitter. The small houses on both sides of the street
were burnt-out shells, with a wisp of smoke still rising here and there.
On the left was a gas station, built on the American model, with a
familiar sign Mobiloil — Mobilgas, and with the familiar red flying
horse trademark. But the flying horse had been burned till the paint
cracked, and through the open doorway of the burnt-out gas station
four or five corpses were visible in a tangled mass.
A little further down the road, there was another corpse, curled
up in a sort of ball, so badly scorched that it_was impossible to tell
to what race it had once belonged. We passed a company of Foreign
Legion troops, and got out of the car. A middle-aged French woman
with a huge bruise on her arm came trotting round the corner, carry
ing a squirrel rifle, and sobbing, her face contorted like a baby’s.
“Oh, it was terrible,” she said, although we had said nothing to
her. “It was terrible to hear the children crying, I do not want to
die, I do not want to die.” A white-haired Frenchman came after her,
carrying a shotgun, and muttering half to himself, “Oh, this day I
am ashamed to be a Frenchman. That they could not give us arms,
and the troops to come so late. And now! Grandval, come see what xpu
have done!”
There were a few scattered shots from somewhere, and a furious
young lieutenant ordered us out of Oued Zem on pain of death. We
grumbled a little, but we were not really sorry to go. W had seen
what there was to be seen, and it was enough.
From a French reporter just outside of Oued Zem, and a railway
worker, and a doctor, and others, we learned what had happened —
how the surrounding country people had descended on the town in
the morning, to burn and kill.
We learned details which scarcely bear repeating — how the
Moroccans had cut the throats of all fifteen children they caught, and
of the seven patients in the hospital, French and Arab alike. We
learned also how they had cut off the noses and tongues of several
men they captured. This sounds unlikely, but it is true.
Later, we stopped at a hospital on the way to Casablanca, to in
quire after two wounded French newspaper men. One of the men of
Oued Zem was there, his face all swathed in bandages, and no bump
where the nose should have been.
* * * *
W learned other details which do not bear repeating at all. But
the above sufficiently suggest how hot and terrible the hatred of the
Moroccans for the French much be. There was clearly an element of
pure primitive savagery in what happened — the of the rab
bits which were kept in the hospital garden were slit, and the pigeons
in the pigeon coop were decapitated. But primitive savagery cannot
be the whole explanation. There must also be a wolfish hatred un
imaginable and inexplicable to the Western mind.
At any rate, as we rode back to Casablanca through the rolling,
sunny countryside, we agreed that it seemed somehow to have lost
its peaceful, picture postcard look. We also agreed that what we had
seen might have the most terrible consequences.
It was impossible even for an outsider to walk through the street!
of ravaged Oued Zem without feeling an instinctive desire for re
venge. It would be natural for the French to respond to this in
stinct, and it may even be inevitable. But, alas, revenge begets re
venge in an unending cycle.
(Stwart Alsop in The New York Herald Tribune)
News From Around Nebraska
A meeting of forty men who have connections with various
northeast Nebraska Rural Electric Districts met last week at West
Point to discuss the construction of a new power plant which
would generate approximately 50,000 kilowatts of energy. The
West Point Republican, reporting on the meeting, stated in last
week’s issue that the plant would be a steam outfit and would
probably be ready for use within two years. It would tie in and
supplement plants of this part of the state which are now depen
dent upon water for their generating.
The summer’s dry weather brought action on the idea which
had been dormant for some time, The Republican stated.
• * *
Another steam plant, of 100,000 kilowatt capacity is to be
built seven miles southeast of Lexington, according to plans which
have just been made.
According to the Public Mirror, printed at Arapahoe, one of
the ideas back of the new steam plants is to provide generating
facilities for current which can get along with less water, especial
* ly in the dry summers such as is being experienced this year. The
plant would be fueled with natural gas, according to present plans.
A fanner near Taylor, Nebraska, in the Ord area, has been
hailed into court and fined for pumping water for irrigation pur
poses from the Calamus river. That stream is part of the Loup
basin which the Loup River Public Power Co. is seeking to retain
for generating purposes. The case was the first of its kind in
the long struggle for control of the river’s water.
* * *
Concordia college at Seward is looking forward to the largest
enrollment in history, according to the Seward Independent. Pre
sent indications are that enrollment will reach 407, which is an
all-time record high. Nearly a hundred men and women are be
ing housed at off-campus locations because of shortage of dormitory
space on the campus.
• * *
A brand new GMC pickup which had been driven but forty
miles, was made a tangled mass of rubbish at Central City last week
when a Union Pacific streamliner struck it square amidships and
sent pieces flying in all directions.
The truck belonged to an Albion car dealer who was taking it
out to show to a prospect. The dealer slowed down at the cross
ing and the tight motor stalled on the tracks. Noting the train
coming, the dealer jumped out.
Two barrels of fuel in the truck caught fire and set the train
engine on fire, also, and the Central City Fire Department was
called to put out the blaze.
Several of the wheels of the truck were found as far away
as two blocks, according to the Central City NonPareil and hub
cap§ were picked up a block away in the opposite direction.
A farmer near Ainsworth is using bales of hay to form the
sides of an “above the ground” silo. He has built thick rows of
baled hay into walls to form three sides of a trench silo. The
walls have been lined with a water-proof paper and chopped corn
ensilage is being filled into the middle. The result is an ensilage
storage bin which is level with the ground and will not fill with
surface water.
According to the Ainsworth Star- Journal which showed a pic
ture of the idea, the farmer plans to feed the bales of hay at a
bout the same rate he will feed the silage. By spring both the
silage and the hay will be gone. _
Round hay bales, set four tiers wide, form the walls of the
» * *
An oil test well near OshKosh is more than a mile, in depth,
the Garden County News reported last week. The well is one of
the deepest in that part of the state-and at the time the News
reported on the situation the well was also about the driest.
* * *
The Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce, through the News
Blade, has laid claim to the distinction of being the only town in
the world with a round bean house. Now, just what could be
the benefits of such a distinction, no one can say at this time, but
the fact is true, nevertheless.
A year ago, a railroad roundhouse there was offered for sale
and a bean-growing association purchased the building for stor
age purposes. The roundhouse serves the purpose very well and
is complete with trackage right up to its many doors.
Omaha U
Scene Of
Activity around the University
of Omaha campus picked up Sep
tember 8 and 9 as freshmen and
transfer students came out to the
campus for their entrance exams
On the 12, 13, and 14 the
frosh took phyiscal examina
tions. The next day they will
meet President Milo Bail and the
six academic deans at the first
general assembly.
Faculty members returning
from summer vacation gol
together for the first time or
the 12th and 13th.
NNBL Planning For A
Houston Convention
Houston, Texas — The Houston
Negro Chamber of Commerce is
making final plans for the 1955
annual convention of the National
Negro Business League to be held
in Houston, October 5-7.
According to Roscoe Cavitt,
NNBL secretary and executive
director of the Houston chamber,
plans for the early October meet
ings include workshops and educa
tional programs and a series of
! social functions to be held at
j T e x a s Southern University,
! Prairie View A. and M. College
J and at other locations in Houston.
A highlight of the sessions will
be a post-convention goodwill
tour to Mexico City and other
points of interest in the Republic
of Mexico. Further information
about the goodwill trip may be
obtained through Roscoe Cavitt.
Houston Negro Chamber of Com
merce, Houston, Texas, through
which reservations for the tour
may be secured.
Dr. S. J. Cullum president oi
the Houston chamber, announces
that the convention sessions for
October 5 and 6 will be held at
Texas Southern University in
Houston, while the meetings for
October 7 will be moved to Prairie
View A. and M. College, Prairie
View, Texas. A number of well
known experts in business will
address the convention.
Last week Horace Sudduth, Cin
cinnati banker, real estate man
and hotel owner, who is president
of the NNBL, visited in Houston
for planning sessions with the lo
cal committee headed by J. H.
Jemison. Mr. Sudduth expressed
the opinion that the Houston
meetings will represent a high
point in the more than half cen
tury of the business league.
I Night school registration will
be held the 21st and 22nd from
4:30 to 8:00 with classes starting
the 22nd.
i Because of the large increase
in enrollment this year as evi
denced by the number of new
students who have already taken
'entrance exams during the sum
j mer, registration for both day and
night classes will be in the Field
Things have been humming in
the Fieldhouse since August 29
when 55 candidates checked out
for football gear. The Indians
will meet Emporia State Teachers
in the first home game September
j 17 at 2 p.m. in the OU stadium.
The following week they meet
Morningside College of Sioux
City. On September 30 they play
their first game away with Wash
burn University at Topeka, Kan
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Gloria Stops
With $16,000
Baltimore Md.,-—Millions of
television viewers in America ap
plauded Baltimore’s little Gloria
Lockerman, on Tuesday night
(August 30) when she decided to
take the $16,000 that she had
won on “The $64,000 Question”
show, and not try to win more.
The modest, but confident and
smiling, 12 year old girl, who is
a Sunday School pupil in her
grandfather’s church decided
that she “would rather go away
and be Gloria the undefeated
champion, than Gloria the girl
who lost.”
Last Spring the brilliant pe
tite Negro ninth grajle pupil (she
was in the eighth grade then in
the Booker T. Washington Jun
ior High School) won her way to
Maryland’s annual spelling cham
pionship, but lost out in the na
tional finals in Washington a
week later.
The climax word for the
$8,000 cash prize was the 28
letter word <“antidisestablish
mentarianism.” She hurdled the
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sentence, “The belligerent astig
matic anthropologist annihilated
innumerable chrysanthemums,”
the week before to win the
$16,000 award.
The girl will net about $11,600,
after federal incomes taxes, ac
cording to best estimates. She
received $500. to use as she
wishes, and the Master of Cere
monies Hal Marsh said the rest
of the money will be put in a
trust fund for her education.
Gloria has lived with her grand
parents, Rev. and Mrs. V. T.
Keys most of her life. Her par
ents are divorced. The Rev. Mr.
Keys, Gloria’s grandfather, in
j addition to his duties as pastor
; of the Orchard Street Methodist
j Church, is secretary of the Board
, of Managers of the N. M. Carroll
j Home for the Aged in Baltimore.
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“Peter Pan Always Makes A Hit”
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’T love good food. That’s why I pick Peter Pan Bread when
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Tom Alston is a Navy veteran
with a college degree. This 25
year-old slugger bats left but
throws right-handed. He broke
into professional baseball in
1952 with Porterville, Cali
fornia, and went to San Diego
in the middle of the season.
Alston joined the St. Louis
Cardinals in 1954.
pick FeterPan IN the polka dot wrap