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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1955)
WANTED: Houses, Apartments, and the Names and Addresses of people that are looking for a place to stay; and for people who want to rent an apartment. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: 2 room furnished a partment. Call PL 1995. Just North of Lake Street. WANTED: To care for children. Will take tenderly care of your child while you are at work Leave them in the A.M. and pick them up at P.M. Mrs. Sharpe, 2015 Maple Street. FOR RENT: 1 3-room apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. Call PI. 9340. FOR RENT: 2 or 3 room apart ment. Furnished or unfurnish ed. Call PI. 6562. FOR RENT: 1 3-room unfurnish ed apartment and 2 2-room furnished apartments. 1 room for man or a working woman. 2 furnished apartment. Will ac cept children. Call PI. 6028: WANTED TO RENT: A 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment. Call. PL 3959. FOR RENT: 2 room furnished apartment. Nice large kitchen. Call Ja. 6273, Mrs. Scott. WANTED: Baby sitter, few hours a day, one or two days per week, 50c per hour; age 12-13, come to home. Juanita Dotson, 3214 Ohio. FOR RENT: Large furnished room. Call At. 0385. FOR RENT A NEW SERVICE FOR YOU We now have three thrucks at your service. We can move ed States. We can move six anything anywhere in the Unit rooms of furniture in one load. No job is too small or too large. Our men have had from 10 to 15 years of furniture moving. I Give us a call HA. 0800. Ask for C. C. Galloway. Remember J no job is too small or too large. FOR RENT: ■* single sleeping rooms furnished for working man or woman. No washing or cooking. Call Ha. 0800 WANTED TO RENT: Any kind of a house or 4 or 5 room un furnished apartment. Call Mr. M. A. Hunter, We. 9209. WANTED TO RENT: 5 or 6 room house. Call We. 9334 or Ha 0800. SEVERAL GIRLS to address, mail postcards. Spare time every week Write Box 161, Belmont, Mass. WANTED TO RENT: 3 or 4 room unfurnished apt. on ground floor. Call HA 0800. FOR RENT: Three room un furnished apartment. Call HA 0800. IF it is moving day call S. J. Wat son. AT. 2285. Light Hauling and light price. WANTED. WANTED! WANT ED: We want to rent that Apartment you have for Rent. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that car or track you have to sale. Call HA 0800. We want to sell that piece of furniture you have, for sale. Call HA 0800. REMEMBER We are in the Rent ing and selling business. Give us a ring. HA 0800. WHAT HAVE YOU TO RENT OR TO SELL? WE HAVE RENTERS AND BUYERS WAITING FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. GIVE US A RING. HA 0800. CALL GROW GLOSS for Hair appointment. Hair tresses and oiL 2512 N. 24th. Phone PL 9016. FOR RENT: 1 newly decorated 3-room unfurnished apartment. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. FOR RENT: 1 newly decorated 3-room unfurnished apartment, 'north of Lake. Nice large rooms with large sleeping porch. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. WANTED-TO RENT: A 5 room house, or a 5 or 6 room apart ment. Call PL 5334 or PL 9220. FOR RENT: 1 room and kitchen, second floor. Call Ha. 0800. Costs No Wore Than ^ Ordinary V. Famous Welch’s I frozen GRAPE JUICE = —it’s Setter for You! E LESS THAN S< A GLASS FOR RENT: 2 Basement rooms un furnished will accept children. One large room unfurnished. Kitchen rights. HA 0800. 2441 Pinkney Street. FOR RENT: One large room and kitchen, second floor. Phone Ha. 0800. FOR RENT 1 3-room unfurnished apartment and 2 2-room fur nished apartments. 1 room for man or a working woman. 2 furnished apartments. Will ac cept children. Call PI. 6028. FOR RENT: 1 newly decorated 3 room unfurnished apartment, north of Lake. Nice large rooms. Call PI. 0256 or Ja. 3634. FOR RENT: 2-room furnished a partment. % block from bus line. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: 1 7-room all modern house. No children accepted. Call Ha. 0800. FOR RENT: One large sleeping room with twin beds. Call Ha. 0800. Do you read the Classified Ad section of our paper? If you don’t, you are missing something. We have the following listings, in our office for your consideration. If you need furnished houses, four room apartments, unfurnished, two rooms apartments, furnished, 3 rooms apartment, furnished or un furnished. A double bed and a medium size room for single man for the sum of $8.00 a week. If permanent, it rents for $7.00 per week. We have a two rooms furnished apartment in a fine Christian home,very reasonable rate, all utili A large bay room in a private home with bath next door, plenty heat, running water, night and day. Bus passes by the door coming from town, by back door going to FOR ANY ABOVE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. CALL HAmey 0800, OMAHA GUIDE BLDG., 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. DON’T FORGET WE HAVE ; WHAT YOU WANT. Getting Up Nights 1 If worried by “Bladder Weakness” [Getting Up Nights (too frequent, burning or Itch ing urination) or Strong, Cloudy Urine] due to common Kidney and Bladder Irri tations, try CYSTEX for quick, gratifying, comforting help. A billion CYSTEX tablets used in past 25 years prove safety and success. Ask druggist for CYSTEX under satisfaction or money-back guarantee. for QUICK RELIEF of \ HEADACHE NEURALGIA Ease Pains of Headache Neuralgia - Neuritis with Quick Acting STANBACK Test STANBACK against any preparation you’ve ever used . . . See how quick relief comes. ladies... Give Dad This Handsome INSULATED SKOTCH KOOLERI [ ! ... .- T METZ Coupons! Dad will be thrilled when you give him this genuine Hamilton Skotch Kooler! 3-way insulation keeps con tents hot or cold for hours! Water* tight. Vinyl plastic inside and out. i Either 2 or 4-gallon capacity. Get this handsome Skotch Kooler 1. .. and hundreds of other gifts, free : when you save the valuable coupons you get from cans and bottles of wonderful NEW Premium Metz! SIND FOR NEW CATALOG, SHOWING MO WONDERFUL PREMIUMS P IryNIwP/lMIUt/m METZ dm ■ Clear, golden | , refreshment a- r ■ waits you in | • every frosty ; I glass of NEW ! | Premium Metz | Bay a case I tonight! I IV Moll Browing Company —• Omaha *J THE BABBLING BROOKS I By Gertrude Brooks, AT 8817 CORNHUSKER LODGE 148 A merican Federation of the Physi cally Handicapped Inc. will hold their first annual Birthday dinner Friday, September 2, 1955, at 6:30 P.M. at the YMCA, 17th and Har ney Streets, $2.50 per plate. Corn husker Lodge is endeavoring to se cure a large room, that can be especially equipped for handicap ped people, that may be used for recreational purposes, as well as a meeting place, where they can learn handicraft or a trade, where lunches and “teas” and food could be served, where wheel chair bas ketball, pool, or square dancing could be done. We are hoping and praying that some Lodge, Club, group or individual will give us a helping hand. Handicapped folks have much more leisure time, so why not some kind of recrea tional facilities for them. The “All Handicapped Chorus” will sing, Gertrude Brooks is their pianist and leader. A Forum “The Recreational Problems of the Handicapped” will be discussed by Dr. Harold A. Ladwig, St. Joseph’s Hospital Rehabilitation center. Don Warner, Dr. Lord’s School. Charles Garetz, Nebraska Psychia tric Recreation Therapist unit. Karl Edler, Park and Recreation, Glen Gillespie, YMCA. Beautiful and useful gifts have been donated for the door prizes. If you would like to help a very deserving group, please call Gertrude Brooks, 1AT 8817 and reserve your dinner | $2.50 per plate. Please call before ! August 31, 1955 which is the dead line for reservations. MRS. JAMES WESLEY, 3107 MI AMI STREET was hostess to a pic nic at Carter Lake Saturday after i noon, her guests were Mrs. Marga rite Robinson and children, Jerry and Connie of Bedford, Iowa, who were guests in our city last week, Mrs. Sadie Thomas and Arlene, Di ane Killga and the Wesley child ren, Janice and Ardyth. Mr. James Wesley will leave September 5th for Texarkansas, Hope and Mal vern, Arkansas. He will visit his father in Malvern, who is over 80 years old. He will visit relatives and friends in the other cities named. He plans to be gone one ! week. A VISITOR FROM CALIFORNIA MRS. ALICE DUTTY is a guest in the home of Winnie Williams, 2805 North 25 St. She was a form er member of both the Eureka Art Club and the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion. Mrs. Greta Wade past president of the Auxili ary and present president of the Eureka will compliment her with a ten o’clock breakfast. THE COUNCIL OF NEGRO CHURCH WOMEN will hold the first fall meeting on the second Wednesday in September, the 14th at the home of Mrs. Jewel Brooks, 2603 No. 18th St. at 1 P.M. The president Mrs. J. V. Crawford is asking all members and all Chris tian women and anyone else who would like to came to attend. We plan to make this one of the best ! years we have ever had for the council. We would like to see some of our ministers present. MR. AND MRS. JESSIE WASH ! INGTON OF ST. LOUIS, MO., drove in Friday to spend a week ! visiting their relatives. A sister,j Ruth Hersey, 3019 Decatur had the j family group to dinner on Mon-| j day evening. A brother H. Hesey I lives at 2222 Spencer. Mr. and j ; Mrs. Washington are guests in the home of a sister, Mrs. Ollie Love, 3304 No. 24th St. Mrs. Love and guests left Tuesday for a few days ; visit in Denver, Colorado. MR. AND MRS. JAMES MOSE LEY AND TWO SONS, AND MOTHER, MRS. ANNA MOSELEY of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma motored to Omaha to spend two ! ^ weeks vacation. Mr. Moseley is the nephew of Lena Daniels and ! Jessie Moore, 2124 Burdette, St. ] They will be the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Daniels, 2520 ; Ohio St. on Sunday. The Mose leys like Omaha so well that they plan to return again next year. MRS. GREAT WADE ATTEND ED THE 55th ANNUAL CONVEN TION OF THE AMERICAN LE GION OF NEBRASKA in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Lincoln Hotel, she j attended the Past President’s Par ley Banquet in the ball room of the Hotel on Sunday night Mrs. Wade was honored and was pre sented a 1000 hour bar for volun tary work at the Veterans’ Hos pital. THE SATURDAY NITE BIRTH DAY CLUB, THE PLEASANT GREEN SENIOR CHOIR AND THE EVER READY MEN’S CHORUS held a picnic at the Carter Lake Sunday afternoon, about fifty or fifty-five were present, and had time to devour the steaming gold en, brown fried chicken, green beans, ham and potatoes, deviled eggs, macroni and cheese and can died yams and all kinds of salads and drinks, before the rain came and the group went to the church for the ice cream and cake. Guests of the group were Mrs. Lewis Rob inson and children, of Bedford, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wright, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reynolds, Rev. D A. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Reese McAfee, and others. CONGRATULATIONS SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH for breaking ground to start your new annex. CONGRATULATIONS TO REV. J. H. REYNOLDS for being re elected President of the Iowa-Ne braska-Minnesota-South Dak. and Illinois Baptist Convention. Rev. Reynolds has served in this con vention for over fifty years, for many years he was secretary then became president at the passing of the late Dr. George Robinson. CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. ESTELLA McAFEE on becoming the President of the Five-State Convention of the women’s work. Mrs. McAfee has been vice presi dent for many years, she served out this year for the president who died three or four months ago. Boastman Held For Attacking Negro Seaman BOATSMAN REMOVED AFTER ATTACK ON NEGRO SEAMAN As the result of NAACP inter vention, Coast Guard officers have removed the boatswain from the American cargo ves sel P and T Navigator becanse of the man’s attempts to pro voke racial violence on board ship, it was revealed here last week by Herbert Hill, NAACP labor secretary. The boatsman, Alvin Giesy, is being held for prosecution in Long Beach, California, where the ship was docked when he was approached by the Coast Guard on July 31, Mr. Hill said. A complaint of Mr. Giesy’s threats of violence against Negro es on board the ship was brought to Mr. Hll by the Negro seaman when the vessel dcked in New York harbor in June. Mr. Hill demanded action by the Goast Guard to remove Mr. Giesy from the P and T Navigat or and at the same time notified the steamship company that the and would hold the company re sponsible for any acts of violence committed against Negro sea men on board the ship. On July 16, while the P and T Navigator was docked at Pensa cola, Fla., Mr. Giesy allegedly at tacked the chief steward and an other Negro seaman with a knife, having smashed open the door of the room in which they were sit ing. The Coast Guard now is com pleting its investigation of the situation. 18 POINT 2 COLUMN WILKINS URGES JUSTICE DEPARTMENT PROBE OF TERROR IN MISSISSIPPI The mounting tension in the | State of Mississippi accompanied by threats of death to registered Negro voters and other acts of in timidation require prompt federal intervention, Roy Wilkins, execu tive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said last week in letter to Attorney General Herbert Brownell. Mr. Wilkins enclosed unsigned death threats received through the mails by a Lowdes county school teacher and his wife, two of three Negrqes registered to vote .in that county. He also cited the action of Tom J. Tubb, chairman of the Clay County Democratic executive committee, ordering the ballots of all Negro voters in Tuesday’s Democratic primary turned over to him. A United Press dispatch quotes Tubb as saying: “We don’t intend to have Negroes voting in this primary.” Reports of NAAtCP officials in the state indicating widespread terror in connection with the gu bernatorial contest and the school desegregation issue were also cited' in Mr. Wilkins letter. The situa ! tion is such, he told Mr. Brownell, that “the president of our state organization in Jackson has had to request pplice protection.” These incidents and threats, the NAACP leader told the Attorney General “warrant prompt action by your department to avert vio lence and to protect Negro citi zens in their right to vote.” “No responsible official,” he continued, “from the Governor and the United States senators on down, no institution nor any leading white citizen in the entire state of Mississippi has spoken out for decency and fairplay these hysterical weeks just past. Indeed, the White Citizens Council assertedly composed of substant ial leaders in each county, have encouraged the baiting and intim idation of Negroes.” Negroes in Mississippi, Mr. Wilkins said, “have no recourse except to their Federal Govern ment. In the midst of a civilized nation in 1955, they are in a jungle of race hatred and terror, at the mercy of any hoodlum who chooses to attack. The ballot, the weapon of free men has been taken from them by force. They are helpless except for such other weapons as they may possess and may or may not choose to employ.’’ The Department of Justice, the NACCP spokesman said “should act without delay” and send in outside agents, uninfluenced by local contacts, to make a thorough investigation in preparation for court action. Omaha U. Rush Week To Be Sept. 11 -16 Dates for the 1955 Fall Rush Week for University of Omaha sororities have been announied by Judy Rogers, president of the Panhellenic Council. Rush week will be held September 11 to 16. Coeds may register for rushing when they apply for entrance to the University. Miss Rogers em phasized that all girls must take the University guidance ex aminations before they are el igible for rushing. Tests will be offered for the last time on the evenings of August 15 and 16 (both nights) or on Septembers. LIGHT HAULING OF ANY KIND Any Where At Any Time At Reasonable Rates Call AT 2285 MR. S. J. WATSON 5 Rooms $500 Down Clean Home with Good Size Yard. Near New Furnace and Water Heater. Combination Storms. Near School, Stores, Bus. $5,000. RE 6188 — JA 7358 BADIE RE 1112 Make Extra Money Address, Mail Postcards Spare Time Every Week WRITE BOX FOURTEEN, BELMONT, MASS. complete Official Rules with inter lit revised ES3QQB Mk IN CONSTANT USE BY SPORTS ANNOUNCERS, WRITERS, CLUB OFFICIALS AND FANS This book is authorized by Ford Frick, Commissioner of Easebail, and the presidents of the two major leagues. No baseball book offers such complete up-to-date infor mation on averages, highlights of previous season, pic tures of teams, etc. It covers everything, including out standing records, etc., etc. There are also schedules of the American and National Leagues, as well as playing dates of outstanding minor leagues. I---1 | THE SPORTING NEWS, National Baseball Weekly | 2018 Washington Avenue, St. Louis 3, Missouri | Please send Official Basebcll Guide, postage paid, at | low price of $1.00. Check or money order enclosed. ■ N* I NAME I l l j ADDRESSS j ’ I CITY TONE STATE ! LIZITJ Chicagoan Joins Faculty At Springfield Chicago—Mr. James S. Peters, 7223 Vernon, Mass, left for Springfield, Mass, where he has been appointed assistant profes sor in psychology at Springfield University. He will also serve as supervisor of graduate students in vocational rehabilitation. Mr. Peters is tne iirst colored to serve on the faculty in this ca pacity. i Mr. Peters, who received his PH. D. in psychology from Pur due University this past term, al so holdsM. A. degree from Illinois Institute of Technology and Hart ford Seminary (Conn.) He did his undergraduate work at South ern University. Besides being a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fra ternity, he is a member of the so ciety of Sigma Xi and an associ ate in the American Psychologi cal and National Vocational Guid ance Associations. During World War II he was in the U. S. Navy. While attending Purdue, Mr. Peters served as a research assis tant in the division of educational reference. Prior to his graduate work, Mr. Peters served as a psy chologist with the Veteran’s Ad ministration Mental Hygiene out patient clinic, Vocational Councel ing and esting Division. Accompanying Mr. Jt'eters. is his wife, the former Marie Fergu son, and their two children, Jimmy and Donna Marie. Mrs. Peters, who also received a M. A. degree from Purdue in sociology, this past term, also taught sociology on campus while attending school. Mrs. Peters is an associate editor ACHING MUSCLES Relieve pains of tirsd, sors, aching mus cles with STANBACK, tablets or powders; 8TANBACK acts fast to bring comforting relief... because the 8TANBACK formula combines several prescription type in gredients for fast relief of pain. fresher bred? UNCORK 25 FEET OF STOMACH TUBES Peel half-alive, headachy, when stomach Is soured by constipation? Black Draught* brings wonderful relief when you feel logy, suffer gassy digestive up set from constipation. Helps sweeten sour stomach at same time! Laxative-Stomach Sweetener Works Overnight! No harsh griping. Thoroughly but gently uncorks all 25 feet of clogged Intestines. Comforting relief from constipation while you sleep. Helps sweeten sour stomach too. Get Black-Draught today. •Jn Powder or Granulated form . . . and now in new, easy-to-take Tablets, tool | When constipation sours children’s dl 1 gestion, get honey sweet Syrup of Black-Draught. connected with Science Research Associates, Chicago. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority, did her undergraduate work at Fisk University and later received a M. A. from Atlanta University. Mr. Peters is the son of Mrs. Ardell Merritt, Berkeley, Califor nia formerly of Monroe, La. His sister is Mrs. Bernice Jackson, Oakland, California Mrs. Peters is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ferguson, formerly of Lincoln, Nebraska, both retired school teachers. She is the sister of Cor inne Adams Simmons, Chicago. The Fergusons will make their home in Springfield, Mass. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT CO. Automobile, Furniture and Signature Lean* Automobile Financing I 819 First National Bank Bldg. AT 5066 i A VOICE OF TRUTH .MADAME MARIE - Reg. Medium. 2567 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska Phone HA. 6682 Helper on all Domestic and Personal Problems. NAMES, DATES and FACTS Loneliness Is one of today’s social evils. This fact nas been re cognized by leading educators, ministers and doctors . . . and every day men & women of every age, are consulting MADAME MARIE because of the advice and counsel of such professional people CONSULT this genial professional reader and know the true facts. If others have failed you, consult me. Names and dates. Facts—not promises. Catering to all races, creeds and colors — Private Reading Daily Except Sunday 10 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Article in Readers Digest Reveals Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Is So Often a Needless Misery! Do you suffer terrible nervous ten sion-feel jittery, irritable, de pressed— just before your period each month? A startling article in READER’S DIGEST reveals such pre-menstrual torment is needless misery in many cases! Thousands have already discov ered how to avoid such suffering. With Lydia Pinkham’s Compound and Tablets, they’re so much hap - pier, less tense as those “difficult stopped ... or strikingly relieved ... pain and discomfort! 3 out of 4 women got glorious relief 1 Taken regularly, Pinkham’s re lieves the headaches, cramps, nerv ous tension . .. during and before your period. Many women never suffer—even on the first day! Why should you? This month, start tak ing Pinkham’s. See if you don’t escape pre-menstrual tension... so often the cause of unhappiness. days” approach! - Get Lydia E. Lydia Pinkham’s In doctora’ tests on amazing Pinkham’s Vege has a remarkable product, 3 out of 4 women got table Compound . .. soothing effect on relief of nervous distress, pain! or convenient new the source of such Wonderful relief durinv and Tablets Which have distress In doctors’ before thoie ..diffi£lllt df blood-building iron tests, Pinkham’s _ _added. At druggists. _ *by noted doctor -PICK UP Cleaners & Laundry ONE DAY CLEAN ING, LAUNDRY SERVICE CROSSTOWN CLEANERS 2101 North 24th Street Webster 0989 / FOUCrt YGt/R KE/QHBOKS TO l^'SEsr/msm r B & R GROCERY Frozen Foods & Fine Liquors Open Sunday Through Friday Hours 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Beatrice & Roy White PHONE PL 9831 2303 NO. 27 ST.