The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 26, 1955, Page Two, Image 2

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News From Around Nebraska
Most of the weekly newspapers from over Nebraska were de
voting their front page space and headlines to their county fairs
which are being held pretty generally everywhere this week and
Most county fairs follow a pattern which is about the same
everywhere with little variation except in regards to type of en
tertainment and promotion
» • *
There were, however, a few unusual things in the weekly
news field this week.
The Pender Times revealed the story about a farmer in that
area who went out to his feed lot one morning last week and found
a doe deer quietly munching hay in the lot. The little deer made
no effort to get away and allowed itself to be petted and fondled.
The Times was even able to get a picture of the farmer with the
The doe was later turned over to the State Game Commission
and taken to the Niobrara State Park where it was turned loose
to make its own way.
• • •
At Wilsonville, which is a small town near Beaver City, a six
year old lad was riding his bike across the family lawn. He came
upon something which looked like a stick, and being a boy, de
cided to run over it. As he did so, both ends of the “stick” flew
into action and came up with a rattling noise which frightened
the boy. He called his father and the “stick” turned out to be a
rattle snake bearing nine rattlers. They put an end to the rattler.
The Times-Tribune at Beaver City reported the unusual incident.
* • *
It takes a lot of faith to get along in this world. The Oakland
Independent revealed the story about the farmers near there who
believe it is going to rain against despite the prevailing dry
weather. The men taking advantage of the dry spell to get into
a patch which is normally very wet and they are installing drain
age tile on the area. When questioned about the need for the tile
they pointed out that they had been able to raise only one crop
there in the past fifteen years so they had faith in getting their
money’s worth from the investment in the future.
• • •
The Lyons Mirror-Sun carried a picture of Governor Ander
son, State Engineer Hess and a number of other VIPS who took
part in the dedication of a new strip of pavement between Oak
land and Lyons last Tuesday.
* * *
An epidemic of accidents struck the David City area last week.
The Banner-Press reported six accidents in less than 86 hours.
No one was killed but the accidents injured three, wrecked ten
autos, two trucks and damaged a train.
* • *
A 17-year old youth suffered a broken neck last week when he
dived into the Niobrara river from a bridge which crosses the
stream. The lad, in company with others had been swimming
there the previous day and they had been jumping off the bridge.
However, diming the night, the current filled the swimming
hole in with sand and when the boy dived in he found shallow
water where it had been deep the day before. He was rushed
to the Methodist hospital, in Omaha for treatment.
* * *
Schuyler is planning a big Labor Day celebration, according
to the Schuyler Sun. It will be one of the few small-town Labor
Day celebrations in east Nebraska and should draw quite a crowd.
Principal attraction at the celebration will be a big parade
and entertainment in the sky. Nebraska’s National Guard Air
Arm will be on hand to thrill the crowd with some precision jet
flying and several pieces of National Guard Equipment will par
ticipate in the parade. Guard members will also march in the
parade. There will be bands from Schuyler, Leigh, Clarkson,
and Howells as well as the National Guard band. More than 25
floats are already pledged for the show and more are expected.
* * *
The Nebraska School of Agriculture, located at Curtis, Ne
braska opened its year’s work last Monday, August 22nd. A lot
of folks don’t know it, but the Curtis school is quite a sizeable
institution. Being an agricultural college, its work is geared to
western Nebraska and it specializes in experiment work which will
benefit that part of the state.
* * *
Missouri Valley is to have the one-cent milk plan at the city
schools this year, the Harrison County News has announced. Under
a special arrangement the student pays one-cent for a container
of milk and the federal government pays four cents. Special re
frigerated dispensers are being used to serve the milk.
* * •
The Franklin Speedway which features stock car races, had a
record-breaking turnout a week ago, according to the Franklin
County Sentinel. There were 1756 paid admissions and twenty
three cars entered in the races.
Franklin has a one-third mile track.
* » ♦
Cozad has approved a bond issue of $250,000 for the construc
tion of a new grade school which will accomodate grades 1 to 8.
The new building will allieviate congestion in the present Cozad
high school building, according to the Dawson County Herald at
Here Are Money Savers
Floridian Joins
Calverts' "Men
Of Distinction"
Mr. Henry H. Arrington, of Mi
ami, the son of a retired New York
detective, and now one of Florida’s
most prominent criminal lawyers
has been chosen to appear in the
famous Lord Calvert “Men of Dis
tinction” advertising, it was an
nounced this week by Tubie Res
nik, Executive Vice-President of
Calvert Distillers Company.
Born in Tampa, Florida, as a
youth he worked on the Tampa
docks during high school vaca
tions. Later, he entered Tuskegee
where he earned a degree in plum
bing and steam fitting.
After a stint at plumbing con
struction work at the U. S. Air
Force base outside Washington
D. C., Mr. Arrington decided he
was kind of “clumsy with my
hands, always dropping my tools.”
Taking his savings as a plumber,
he entered Howard University
Law School a few years later,
he headed up the legal section of
the War Claims Commission, in
1951 he was appointed a trial at
torney with the Criminal Division
of the Justice Department.
Recently, he opened his own of
fice in Miami, Florida. Now he
is one of the most prominent Ne
gro lawyers in the state with a
record of having won over 80%
of his criminal cases. ,
As Chairman of the legal re
dress committee, Miami N.A.AjC.P
he handles many civil rights cases
without fee.
“He is an inspiration to young
er men entering the legal profes
sion,” said Mr. Resnik of Calvert.
“Mr. Arrington is indeed a new
friend of Lord Calvert and a Man
of Distinction.”
New York — The National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People today urged the
U. S. Department of Justice to in
vestigate a murder which occurred
in Mississippi on August 13 to de
termine whether the Negro victim
was shot “as a result of a con
spiracy against his exercise of the
right to vote.”
The request was embodied in a
letter dispatched to Attorney Gen
eral Herbert Brownell, and sign
ed by Thurgood Marshall, NAACP
special counsel.
An NAACP investigation of the
killing has disclosed that the mur
dered man, Lamar Smith of Casey
ville, Miss., “had received several
threats on his life if he did not
slow down on his political activi
ties,” the letter relates.
Mr. Smith “had been very active
in the political circles of Lincoln j
County,” the message points out.
He was a registered voter and ex
ercised his voting rights in the
Mississippi August 2 primary.
me leter says that Mr. Smith
“was shot Saturday morning, Aug.
13... .on the Court House lawn of
the Lincoln County site, and in
spite of the large number of per
sons who normally congregate
there on every Saturday, the offici
als have not been able to locate
one person who saw the incident.”
Today’s leter was the latest in a
series of requests on the part of
the ‘NAACP for federal action on
a worsening racial situation in
Mississippi. That state has been
described by Association officials
in recent months as “a jungle of
race hatred and terror.”
Federal action regarding Miss
issippi first was requested by the
NAACP in May after a Negro mini
ster in Belzoni, Mississippi, was
shot and killed following a warn
ing to remove his name from the
list of registered voters. This he
refused to do.
The Association again asked for
federal intervention in the Missis
sippi situation earlier this month
when three Negro residents of
Lowndes County received death
threats through the mail contain
ing the phrase, “If you are tired of
living, vote and die.”
Los Anegeles (ANP) Amazing to
a number of the near 2,000 dele
gates here for the 13th Quadren
nial Convention of the Women’s
Home and Missionary Society of
the AMEZ church, were reports
of the difficulty faced here in
making gains against juvenile de
On “Youth Day at Lafayette
Junior high school, with Mrs. Elsa
Keyes presiding, the church body
gave intensive study to the prop
er rearing of future citizens of A
merica, stressing the importance
of the shelter and examples of
Christian families.
However, a new and surprising
type of juvenile delinquency pre
valent here was the subject of
many conversations. It includes
the destruction and despoiling of
schools and school property by
night prawling vandals and party
crashing gang violence by teen
New Yorkers here for the con
W ite House
Blast Critic
The Administrations security
program came in for a scorching
criticism by Pres, elect James B.
Cobb of the National Alliance of
Postal Employees.
He said, addressing the Execu
tive Board in the closing stages of
the organizations biennial conven
tion, “The brutal cynicism drip
ping from White House aide Sher
man Adams blast of former Sen.
Harry P. Cain clearly points up
the attitude of the Administration
in its conduct of the program.”
Pointing to the report in the In
dianapolis Star of Friday 19th, he
read the comment attributed to
White House Sec. Adams. The
comment “to hell with the merits
of the criticism (of the security
program by Cain”) was hteharsh
est ever attributed to a public of
A week long meeting found the
postal delegates hammering out a
program of action for the next
two years. In seminars directed
to the problems of Grievance pro
cedure, finance and membership.
The men and women explored and
analyzed the issues. Visual aid
material further clarified matters
under discussion.
Remembering its history of the
fight for justice in the postal ser
vice, the organization journeyed
to the grave site of the Late R. L.
Bailey of Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr.
Bailey was a charter member and
its first legal aide.
The convention took serious
note of the remaining areas of
descrimination in the postal ser
vice. Particular concern was ex
pressed over the iron curtain,
which for 181 years has draped a
round the inspection service.
Swiftly moving events in the area
of equality of opportunity empha
sizes the foot dragging on this
score. ,
Other action included the instal
lation of officers Att. James B.
Cobb, Pres., Wash., D. C. Votie D. I
Dixon, Wash., D. C. Sec. Treas., i
Phillip Holland, Birmingham,
Ala., Comptroller and Snow F.
Grigsby, Detroit, Mich., Editor.
Also pay increases went to ten dis
trict presidents to push their pro
motional programs in their areas.
Pres. Cobbs support of Ex. Sen.
Harry P. Cain who keynoted the
convention on its opening night
stem from the harsh and unfound
ed blunder buss attact on some of
the postal workers. In his remarks
he reminded the White House that
the convention had reaffirmed
its determination to rescue these
men and their families from the
political and hysteria inspired
vention boast that police there
have gained the upper hand in
their fight against juvenile hood
lums. The New Yorkers declared
that there is too much leniency.
However, others pointed out that
the far greater use of cars by
youths here than in New York or
Chicago makes youth problems
more difficult here.
Participating in the discussions
were: Betty Lee Alleyne, Analie
Harris, Edra Mae Hilliard, Idonia
Rogerson, Addie E. Ethridge, and
To All Races
Since sickness and disease know
no color line, treatment of af
flicted persons ought not to be
restricted because of race, creed
or color.
This, in essence, could be called
the motto of the National Found
ation for Asthmatic Children, lo
cated in Tucson, Arizona.
According to Mrs. Esterfina
Jones, of iChicago, her son, Steph
en aged 8, is the first Negro
child to be admitted to the Found
ation’s treatment center.
Mrs. Jones stated that when she
That extra space in your backyard can be
money in your pocketbook.
Either put a building on it for a garage
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made application for her son’s
entry, she expected to be given
the brushoff when Foundation
authorities learned that she is a
Negro. On the contrary, she re
ported, her application was
promptly pocessed and her son
cordially admitted.
Her son was the first eligible
Negro child whose parents had
submitted an application, Mrs.
Jones was told
“Since your youngster is here
at the Foundation and benefiting
by his stay, I was wondering if
perhaps among your friends or
acquaintances there is an asthma
tic child who may also receive
relief from asthma by being
The Foundation is a non-profit
organization. Tuition fees are
based on the income of the par
ents, which is checked through
the welfare department of the
city in which they live.
Residence at the Foundation
does not cause a child’s education
to be interrupted, as the Found
ation provides bus service to any
school in Tucson that the parents
fn her letter to Mrs. Jones, Miss
Dorothy Freeman stated that the
institution would be happy to
furnish additional information
and application blanks to any par
ent requesting them.
The Foundation, in addition to
caring for asthmatic children,
provides treatment for children
afflicted with rheumatic fever
and other allergic disorders
New York (CNS) Hank Thomp
son—the Giant’s third baseman,
escaped serious injury when he
was hit hard on the forearm by
Dodger pitcher, Karl Spooner. Had
the hit come three inches higher
on the elbow, it would have frac
tured the elbow, explained the
Giant’s trainer. The New Yorkers
were greatly worried about Hank
what with so many of their in
fielders out of commission.
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Snider Is
Defender Of
Willie Mays
Brooklyn, N. Y. (CNS) Call it
an odd turnabout if you will—but
when the Giant fans boode Willie
Mays so vociferously this week for
failing to pick up the ball after
Duke’ Snider’s single had gotten
through his legs and two runs
scored—it was Duke Snider who
came to the rescue of Willie.
A centerfield himself of no
mean ability, the Dodgers’ Duke
can’t understand all the fuss both
newspapers and fans are making
over Willie—even to the extent of
berating the Wonder Boy for be
ing a Prima Donna.
Said Snider: “What are they
getting on Willie for? Sometimes
it doesn’t pay to be able to do all
the things he can do. They ex
pect you to perform miracles
every day. Willie does a lot of
great things over there. And
what about his explanation? He
said he saw Mueller going after
the ball and Mueller was closer to
it. Isn’t that enough?”
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A young man was graduated
from college and got a job with
a firm at a rather low salary. He
worked hard for a year, when the
boss called him in and told him
he was to be vice-president of
The young man was so sur
sales at $25,000 a year,
prised that he couldn’t say any
thing for a while. Finally he stam
, ered. “Thanks Dad.”
No, industry, no matter how
tightly concentrated, is safe from |
competition in these times, says!
the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States. New products and
rfew uses for existing products
mean constant struggle to main
tain a place in the market.
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