The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 19, 1955, Page Two, Image 2

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A. Philip Randolph Recommends
Changes for AFL-CIO Constitution
A. Philip Randolph, International President of the A. F. of L.
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, recommended strengthening the
proposed A. F. of L.-CIO Constitution to protect all workers against
racial bias. In a morning session presided over by A. F. of L. Presi
dent George Meany in Chicago’s Conrad Hilton Hotel, Randolph elo
quently stressed to the nearly five hundred representatives of A. F. of
L. unions the vital necessity of placing a “pillar” in the new Constitu
tion to bar all racist groups and to eliminate racial discrimination
from the American trade union movement.
Mr. Randolph, who favors the merger, expressed satisfaction, in
general, with the Constitution but made eight suggestions in different
articles of the Constitution designed to strengthen the new Organ
ization in its fight to eliminate discrimination based on race. Speak
ing to the attentive representatives who had gathered from every sec
tion of the nation, and which included not only delegate-representatives
of unions but also delegates from State Federations and central trade
bodies of the A. F. of L., Mr. Randolph urged that the A. F. of L.
Executive Council instruct its Unity Committee to see his changes as
being of vital necessity to guarantee equality of participation in the
expanded movement.
It is evident that the Constitution already expresses great con
cern for the elimination of communist and fascist elements. Mr.
Randolph readily agreed completely with this desire and expressed a
hope that the same concern would be manifested for eliminating
groups which foster racial discrimination and engage in racist prac
tices. Already agreed to by the Unity Committee of both the A. F.
of L. and CIO and made a part of the pending Constitution is a basic
objective, namely: “To encourage all workers without regard to
race, creed, color or national origin, to share in full benefits of
union organization.” Mr. Randolph recommended strengthening of
this provision and moved on to other parts of the Constitution urging
specific changes in an effort to protect the rights, privileges and op
portunities of Negro workers in the new merged federation.
Mr. Randolph was supported from the floor later in discussions,
by the delegate, Mr. Sam Ezell, of the Kentucky State Federation of
As the audience listened in rapt attention, Mr. Ezell, who is Dir
ector of Research and Education for his state federation, pointed out
that his delegates supported wholeheartedly the recommendations of
Mr. Randolph and saw them as of vital necessity in not only helping
to eliminate racial discrimination but to enhance the progress of or
ganizing all workers in the State of Kentucky and other sections of
the south.
Mr. Ezell warned that employers continue to use Negro workers
as a means of frustrate the efforts of other workers to form unions
by setting up discriminatory wage rates based on race. He further
said that by supporting Mr. Randolph, the labor movement would be
moving in the direction of helping to strengthen its own position and
to hasten the racial desegregation in public schools and bring about
compliance with the recent decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in
the public school cases.
No one spoke in opposition to Mr. Randolph’s proposal and num
erous delegates expressed high approval of the recommendations
made by the Brotherhood’s President before the first full discussion
of the Constitution.
Milton P. Webster, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters’ First
International Vice President, and Theodore E. Brown, the Union’s
Research and Education Director, accompanied Mr. Randolph.
In opening the Conference President Meany made it plain that
all delegates and representatives would not only be welcomed but
were urged to express themselves with reference to the Constitution
and urged that any ideas designed to strengthen it would be welcome.
After his opening remarks, he then proceeded to recognize Mr. Ran
dolph who presented specific recommendations with a stirring plea to
all delegates about the great necessity for having a strong position in
the Constitution against racial discrimination.
Happenings That Affect The Future
Of Every Individual
National and International Problems Inseparable from Local Welfare
The Russian farmers who visited Iowa, in order to learn about
that state’s famed corn-hog economy, were amazed at what they saw.
Our farming methods and the standard of living of our farm fam
ilies are so superior to those of the Soviet Union as to make com
parisons practically impossible.
U. S. News & World Report observes that the Russians would
also do well to take a look at American workers. For, as the maga
zine says, “The American wage earner, in many ways, is on top of
the world right now. His pay is higher than that of any other wage
earner in the world. His standard of living compares favorably with
the upper class in almost any other country. This worker today is an
)wner of property. He usually has a bank account. His material
comforts are scarcely imagined by workers in other countries. He
has a high degree of job security.”
Then U. S. News devotes an illustrated article to an actual De
troit family whose head and breadwinner is reasonably typical of
{killed workers in American industry today.
This man is 41 years old, has worked for various automotive
companies, and is now an induction-heat operator in a Ford engine
plant. He has a wife and four children. And here are some facts
about his life, as set down by U. S. News staffers who visited him at
his job and at his home.
On a straight-time, 40-hour basis, his pay would be $85.40 a
week. Due to overtime, however, it has been averaging $119.56. On
an annual basis, there has been striking improvement in recent years.
Where he earned $3,730.85 before taxes in 1952, he took in $5,430
after taxes in *1954. Though he may put in less overtime this year
than last, he expects his 1955 take to exceed $5,000.
He has all kinds of other benefits, including life, hospital, sick
ness and disability insurance, of which the company pays the larger
part of the premiums. In the event of a protracted layoff from work
he will get better than $50 a week in unemployment benefits for 26
weeks. And if he continues on the job until age 65, he can retire
with a $237.05 a month pension—$162.80 from social security plus
£74.25 from the company.
He and his family live in a pleasant house in an excellent neigh
borhood. The home is being amortized under a 61.50 a month mort
;age, and Russians and citizens of most other countries certainly
ivould regard it as a miracle of comfort and convenience. Its equip
ment includes all manner of automatic appliances—refrigerator, stove,
washer and dryer, several radios, a TV set, a vacuum, and so on.
The family owns a paid-for 1953 sedan, and is considering buying a
aew model next year. The children, according to plan, will go to a
lear-by college.
It is clear, of course, that these people are good managers. The
wife is a canny shopper, and the husband belongs to the do-it-yourself
school when it comes to home -repair and improvements. They run
jnly one installment account at a time. Their recreations are simple
and inexpensive. But the point is that they live far, far better than their
equivalents abroad, and far better than did their predeccors in this
country. And what has happened to them, as U. S. News says, “is
becoming typical of the situation of the average American wage
It seems certain that the Russians would find plenty of sources
of amazement in American factories—just as they did on American
News From Around Nebraska
The Albion News last week recounted the plight of the Albion
School board which has decided to replace a leaky hot water tank
in one of the shower rooms of the gymnasium.
After patching and repatching the tank for quite a while the
board concluded that a new one would be best but they then were
faced with the problem of getting the equipment out of the build
ing. It was recalled that the tank was put into the building as
the structure was erected and that there were no doors which
would facilitate the movement of the huge equipment.
As the News went to press last week the decision to cut the
tank into pieces had been reached. But this didn’t solve the en
| tire problem. How to get the new tank into the building was pos
’ ing an entirely new, and not so simple a problem.
Final idea being considered was to dig a small basement out
side the building, place the tank there and run the pipes through
the schoolhouse wall.
* * *
Work has begun on the development of an agricultural lime
deposit just north of Winnebago, according to the Pender Times.
The first week of operation was expected to yield 10,000 tons of
the lime and operations were to be stepped up as soon as perman
ent mining and crushing equipment could be obtained.
* * *
At Ord last week a water shortage was experienced when it
was found that pumps could not keep pace with the heavy water
demands. Ord is in a severely-stricken drouth area.
To supplement the regular city pumps, one of the fire trucks
was pressed into use to draw water from a supply source and force
it into the city’s mains.
The Ord Quiz pictured the pumper in action.
* * *
At Oshkosh, Nebraska the Rotary club is seeking to obtain the
use of an old school building to prepare a place for a city museum.
The club proposes to buy the building, landscape the grounds and
provide a suitable and worthy museum for the community. The
Garden County News commended the idea.
* * *
Hartington, a community of several thousand, is temporarily
without a doctor of any kind, the Cedar County News noted last
week. The News claims it is the first time in 73 years that there
have been no doctors in the city.
Within 10 days, both of Hartington’s doctors were stricken
ill. One suffered a heart attack while on a Minnesota vacation.
The other is in the hospital at Yankton recovering from a major
operation. There are no other doctors there.
The folks at Hartington are moving about quite cautiously
during the “shortage” of medical assistance.
* * *
An “Automatic Lawnmower”, guaranteed to be something un
thought-of before in the Fairbury community was sold last week
at an auction staged by the Fairbury Optimists’ club. It was a
White Elephant Sale for the benefit of the Boys’ club fund.
The entry’ was carefully boxed and labeled to be handled with
The automatic lawnmower was sold sight-unseen, the same as
all the other white elephant items.
Curiosity got the better of the purchaser, however, and at the
urging of the crowd he decided to open the box. Out jumped a
lively Billy Goat which looked the part of an automatic lawnmower,
sure enough.
The purchaser eyed his fellow club members carefully and
some thought they could read his scheme to tie the goat out on
somebody else’s lawn some night soon.
* * *
A bolt of lightning which struck a pasture fence killed nine
cattle last week near Central City. In an adjoining hay field a
fifteen-ton stack of hay was also set afire and burned.
One cow, standing near to the nine which were killed, suffered
burns and a paralysis, but was expected to recover, according to
the Central City Non-Pareil which recounted the freak accident.
* * *
The Ainsworth Garden Club which has held an annual flower
show for the past six years, canceled their show this year because
of hot, dry weather. There are no flowers to show, the club re
* * *
Over 100 Boy Scouts from Boys Town converged on Valentine
last Saturday, set their canoes in the Niobrara river and started
a week-long trip downstream to Meadville. The Rock County
Leader at Bassett gave details of the trip which included a trip to
the Valentine Game Refuge, a 14-mile hike near Meadville and a
buffalo feed put on by the Lions Club of Bassett.
* * *
There will be an old-fashioned touch to the county fair at
Seward. The Seward Independent announced last week that one
of the entertainment features will be an old-fashioned tug-o-war.
There will be a number of teams and these are to be made up of
organized farm groups about the county. The winning team will
receive $15 in cash for his club treasury and every contestant, win
or lose, will be given a slice of ice-cold watermelon for his efforts.
* * •
The Davy Crockett fad has swept the country to such a degree
that Wahoo is staging a special Davy Crockett parade. The affair
is open to any youngster 12f years or younger and the kids can
think up anything they want which might fit in with the Davy
Crockett Theme. The parade will be a part of the Saunders
County Fair opening next Thursday, August 25th.
• * *
The Chamber of Commerce at Lyons and Oakland joined in a
big free watermelon feed Tuesday of this week. The feed was
held midway between the two towns and the occasion was the ac
ceptance of the new paving on highway 77 which joins Oakland and
Lyons. Governor Anderson and State Engineer Rees were the
principal speakers and there was music by the Oakland and Lyons
* * *
The Pierce County Commissioners have hired a firm of pro
fessional evaluators who will go over every piece of real estate
in the county in an effort to place an equal value on all of them.
The work will take six months to complete and will cost $20,000
but the Commissioners hope to end up with a firm foundation
for all their evaluations after they have been scrutinized by pro
fessionals. The Pierce County Leader praised the idea highly.
George Watson
Returns Home
Mr. George Watson, recent vis
itor to Omaha after being away
for some twenty-six years, ar
rived home safely in Philadelphia,
August 15.
After leaving Omaha, where he
was entertained royally, the Wat
son’s journeyed on to Oklahoma
In a letter to the Guide, he
stated, that in Oklahoma as in 0
maha, he found that a lot of the
“old Timers” had passed.
Josephine Huhson
Funeral services for Mrs. Jose
phine Huhson, age 87 years, of
2850 Spenser St., were held Fri
day August 5, 1955 at 2:00 P.M
from the Sharon Seventh Day Ad-1
ventist Church with Elder G. H.;
Taylor officiating. Interment
was at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Pallbearers Messrs. J. F. Alii
son, N. Scarbrough, G. G. Green. \
J. S. Pipes, Raymond Davis, j
Tavis Dixon and Sydney Burnett.
Church Union
Meets In K. C.
Aug. 21-28
The National David Spiritual
Temple of Christ Church Union.,
U.S.A., representing the “Ortho
dox Christian Spiritual Faith and
Inter-racial Churches For All
Nations,” with Archbishop David
William Short, Primate, National
President and Founder, will be
held August 21-28, inclusive; at
David Spiritual Temple of Christ
Church, 2812 Prospect Avenue,
which is the parent temple of the
Among the local, State, Nation
al and International bishops,
overseers, pastors, evangelists,
missionaries, teachers, seers, and
organizers who will be represent
ed as delegates to the Assembly
as follows:
Washington, D. C. — National
Missionary Leslie K. Wooten.
Chicago, Illinois—National Mis
sionary Mattie Rhodes. Oklahoma
City, Okla.—National Evangelist
Blanche L. Zackery. Chichasha,
Oklahoma — Rt. Rev. W. L.
Gamble, States’ Overseer. Ed
Reno, Oklahoma—Rev. J. L.
Jones. Chickasha, Oklahoma—
Rev. W. E. Johnson, and State
Missionary L. W. Johnson. Leav
enworth, Kansas—Missionary -
Mother Lulu Carter. Kansas City,
Missouri—Rt. Rev. S. L. Miller,
Evangelist Edith Miller, Evan
gelist Hattie Miller, National
Deacon Olie Williams, Evangelist
Alice Slaughter, Missionary Tren
eta Miller, National Missionary
Nancy C. Short. Oakland, Cali
fornia—Evangelist Gladis Tell
Delegates from Foreign Fields:
Bishop Dr. N. K. Panchal, Senior
Bishop and General Overseer of
125,000 converted Christian spirit
ual Indians, 14 churches and 25
missions, 10 pastors and 3 bis
hops; with office and Headquart
ers at Nasik City, India. He is
being accompanied to America
to represent his National India
Diocese by his Assistant Rev. J.
A. Javial.
Among the prominent guest
speakers invited on the Assembly
Program are as follows: Mayor
H. Roe Bartle, Mayor of the City
of Kansas City, Mo., Judge Carl
R. Johnson, Municipal Judge of
the Municipal Court, Jackson
County, Kansas City, Mo., Mr.
John Dorsey, Industrial Secretary
of the Kansas City Urban Lea
gue., Mrs. Fannie Meeks, Mgr.,
Meeks’ Funeral Home, Mr. Ever
ett P. O’Neal, Representative of
the K. C. Community Chest., Mr.
J. Glenn Travis, Public Informa
tion, K. C. Board of Education,
Mrs. Leona Pouncy, Attorney-At
Law, and Mr. Les Fields, Repre
sentative of the Jackson County
Welfare Department, Rev. Dr.
Glen Akers, Dr. Bishop N. K.
Panchal, and the Rev. J. A.
Greater Kansas City Pastors
and Churches who will be repre
sented on Program are: Saint
Mary’s Grand Holy Temple, Bis
hop G. G. Stevernson, Pastor;
Silent Workers Spiritual Church,
Rev. Mother Bessie Howlett, Pas
tor, Rev. Walter Bell, Overseer:
Morning Star Spiritual Temple,
Eldress L. Davenport, Pastor;
The Cross of Christ Spiritual
if 6 Months to Pay...
Small Service Charge
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3 Convenient Locations: Omaha,
So. Omaha, Council Bluffs
Church, Evangelist L. Carter,
Pastor; Revelation Spiritual
Church, Rev. Mother Myrtle
Clouden, Pastor; Starlight Spirit
ual Church, Rev. Harrold Jen
nings, Pastor; The Sweet Hour of
Prayer Spiritual Church, Rev.
Lena Mitchell, Pastor; Indepen
dent Cooperative Zion Church,
Rev. Inez Cummings, Pastor;
Temple of Faith Spiritual Church,
Rev. Jo Faye Merril, Pastor;
Free Church of God True Holi
ness, Bishop C. H. Ridge, Pas
tor; Neighborhood House of Pray
er Spiritual Church, Rev. Vivian
Payne, Pastor, and the Strangers
Home And Rescue Mission, Rev.
1 B. O. Watts. Supt.
Agenda Program Highlights:
| Sunday, August 28th—3 p.m. An
nual National Assembly Baptiz
' ing. Building Dedicatory Ser
j vice dedicating the St. David Or
thodox Christian Spiritual Semin
ary and the National Headquart
ers’ $30,000.00 building pur
chased by the organization recent
ly at 2812 Prospect Ave., where
the convention is being held in
the School Chapel. At 11 A.M. to
3 P.M., daily Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, Annual Scrip
tology and Educational Forums
Gold misery
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under the auspices of the St. j
David Orthodox Christian Spirit
ual Seminary, with Archbishcp
David William Short, President
Mentor, officiating. Thursday and
Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., National
Executive Board Meetings. The
session will close with the an
nual observance of Holy Sacra
ment Memorial And All-Saints
Lord’s Supper Day.
Metallic yarns lend a new look
to towels. A wide strip is done in
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Hattie B. Matlock
Mrs. Hattie Belle Matlock, 74
years, 1142% North 20th St.,
passed away Monday August 8th
at a local hospital. Mrs. Matlock
had been a resident of Omaha
two years. She is survived by a
nephew, Mr. Richard Matlock. 0
maha, two nieces, Mrs. Hattie
Jean White, Miss Margaret Mat
lock, Omaha and other relatives.
Funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon from Thomas Mor
tuary with the Rev. E. F. Ridley
officiating. Pall bearers. Mr. Ern
est McNeil, Charles Wilson, Ben
Smith, Vernon Dale, B. Burt, F. E.
Edgar. Interment wras at Mt. Hope
Mrs. Crowden was stricken
with arthritis on Tuesday, Aug
ust 16. If you are iu the neigh
borhood, drop in and say a cheery
word. Her address is 2631 Park
er St.
We are Bonded House Movers Anywhere In
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Thomas Mortuary
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