The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 19, 1955, Image 1

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Voir 29 No. 25__Friday, August, 19, 1954_10c Per Copy
$2000 Check
To Negro
College Fund
The United Negro College Fhnd
received a $2,000 contribution for
its current campaign from the In-1
temational Paper Company
Foundation, W. J. Trent, Jr.,
UNiCF executive director announc
ed last week.
The Foundation, which was
established in 1952 for charitable
and educational purposes by the
International Paper Company,
made its initial contribution to
the United Negro College Fund
last year with a $10,000 grant for
building purposes and $2,000 for
current operating expenses.
In presenting the $2,000 check
for the Fund’s 1955 campaign, W.
A. Hanway, president of the paper
company Foundation, said trat the
UNCF appeal offered an effective
means of contributing directly to
greater educational opportunities
for Negro youth, and that it was
pleasure to be able to give “con
tinuing support to this important
work.” Nine of the International
Paper Company’s mills are situ
ated in the South where the Fund’s
member colleges are located.
The United Negro .College Fund
is currently conducting its 12th,
annual, nation-wide campaign in
support of the operating budgets
of its 31 member colleges. The
money raised is used by the colleg
es for student scholarship aid,
teaching epuipment for classrooms
and science laboratories and other
yearly expenses.
Of Teachers
The International Union of
Electrical, Radio and Machin ^
Workers, CIO, last week demand
ed that Attorney General Brown
ell and the Federal Bureau of In
vestigation immediately investi
gate the Georgia State Board of
Education, which has orderel tint
Georgia teachers who are mem
bers of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People to quit NAACP or have
their teaching licenses revoked
for life.
A1 Hartnett, Secretary-Treas
urer of IUE-CIO and chairman of
its Civil Rights Committee, de
nounced the action of the Georgia
Board as un-American and as an
out-right attempt to flout the au
thority of the Supreme Court in
its recent unanimous decision
against school segregation.
Harnett declared that Brownell
and the FBI’ should act at once to
protect the sacred right of Ameri
cans. There is no room in this
country for those who flout civil
liberties,” he said.
“While the Georgia Board is at
tacking an outstanding American
organization such as NAACP, I
am sure that the board is winking
at membership of some white
teachers in the subversive Associ
ation for the Advancement of
White People, which is devoted to
lawlessness in regards to the
court decision, and at membership
in the present-day version of the
Ku Klux Klan, an anti-Negro,
anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic
outfit which has been disowned
by every right-thinking American
of all religions and which has been
on the Attorney General’s Sub
versive organizations list since
that list was started.
“Brownell is obligated to see
to it that the KKK does not again
raise its head.
In Georgia, the spirit of the
KKK rules the State Board of
Education, which seeks to deprive
negro teachers of their inalien
able rights to belong to an organ
ization which fights to preserve
the ideals of our Constitution.”
Wedding Set
For August 27
Miss Rose Shirley Davis and
A/1C Milton Johnson’s wedding
will be solemnized on August 29,
9 A.M. at St. Benedict’s Church
with the Reverend Father Char
les Kerr officiating.
Miss Davis is the daughter of
Mr. John C. Davis of 1911 North
25th Street while Airman John
son’s parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Green of Dania, Florida.
The reception will be held at
St Benedict’s Church from 3 P.M.
to 6 P.M.
A Belated Salute To Yellow Cab Co.
With the demanding need of Fair Employment Practices in Oma
ha, we think this is an opportune time to point up a situation preg
nant with meaning.
In our community we have merchants and businessmen who
would retard progress by their bigtory, lame excuses, and completely
unfair employment practices.
In comparison, the Yellow Cab Co., which is by no means an im
mediate member of the community, has been one of the first to prac
tice fair employment in Omaha.
Amidst great furore and abuse, Mr. J. F. Daly, vice president of
Yellow Cab bf Omaha, refused to yield to the bigots and false
propagandists who would delay progress.
However, this is not the first time Mr. Daly has given a hand
to progress—for many years he has contributed greatly and without
clamor to the general welfare of GREATER Omaha.
Mr. Daly says “Xellow Cab” will continue to hire on merit and
he will soon make available situations in all departments.
We personally salute you (YELLOW CAB CO.) for the cour
ageous, intelligent progressive stand you have taken and we know the
general public will support and applaud this stand for democracy.
New Legion
Officers Now
Theodore Roosevelt Post No.
30 American Legion at this issue
will have had its annual installa
tion of the elected officers. Pre
vious preparations for this af
fair was the best that the Post
could hope to have, including any
previous affair of the same order.
Great things should and are
bound to happen. Regardless of
the very hot weather the Post
continues to progress and new
and old members in increasing
numbers come into the Legion
It is the firm expressed resolu
tion of each elected officer to do
their very best to keep the Post
at its highest peak. Notice of
the passing of Comrade Thomas
L. Moore of 2606 No. 21st was re
ceived with sympathetic regrets.
The Legion will serve at last
rites at Cleve Temple Methodist
Church. We have sick comrades
in V. A. Hospital—Willie Bell,
Ralph Underwood, and Paul
Adams. Send the sick a card or
do the better service by making
them a personal visit.
The Ladies Auxiliary, under
the capable leadership of Mrs.
Emory Hickman is progressing
very nicely. The attention of
both Legionnaires and Auxiliary
members is called to the coming
membership drive right after the
installation of officers and please
stress this effort with all your
might. It is the honest summa
tion of all things that makes us
great, our service and loyalty to
God, our Country and our fellow
J. L. Taylor, Commander
Burns Scott, Adjuaunt
N. H. Comans, Pub. Officer
Amoros Is Off
The Cripple List
Brooklyn, N. Y.—Sandy Amor
as came off the Brooklyn Dod
1 gers’ crippled list, but he still
! won’t be used for a while to be
' sure he’s okay. For Sandy is
I wearing a corset-support and
though he can play, New York has
been plagued with torrents of
rain leaving the field in a muddy
state. So Manager Alston says
this: “I’d kinda like to get him in
there for a game or two and see
how he reacts. But if the field is
muddy, I won’t play him or Rob
inson. Before his back acted up,
Sandy was Brooklyn’s leading
left fielder. ,
Mays Cannot Play
Winter Baseball
New York,—The new ruling a
| gainst players of experience play
I ing Latin American baseball —
unless they are natives of those
countries — may be a blessiig in
disguise for Willie Mays, who
spent all of his winter playing
Many blame Willie’s “under
par” playing this year to his
winter ball activities. The new(
ruling as signed by Commissioner
Ford Frick and the Latin League
means that no American player
of two years or more in the major
leagues can participate below the
Brooklyn N. Y.—Jackie may be
aging but the records show he
| still has class when it comes to1
the N. Y. Giants. He’s batting
.349 against them this year.
James Kennedy
Died August 11
Mr. James Kennedy, 98 years.
2525 Caldwell Street, passed a
way Thursday August 11th at a
local hospital. Mr. Kennedy had
been a resident of Omaha thirty
years and was a retired Armour
and Company employe.
He was a member of Salem
Baptist Church and is survived by
two daughters Mrs. Lilian Ken
nedy, Mrs. Nellie Still, two sons
Mr. Shirley and Walter Kennedy,
Omaha and a host of other rela
Funeral services were held
Monday morning August 15th
from Salem Baptist Church with
the Rev. J. C. Wade officiating,
assisted by Rev. W. E. Fort, C. C.
Petties, Rev. J. C. Cooper, Rev. D.
St. Clair, Rev. F. C. Williams.
Honorary bearers, Mr. W. M.
Beasley. W. Smith, Charles Sing
leton, Robert Alexander, active
bearers, Mr. Samuel Mattox, J. L.
Watkins, Henry Davis, U. Man
ager, W. R. Johnson, Brother
Davis. Burial was at Mount Hope
Cemetery with arrangements by
Thomas Mortuary.
A. and T.
Fall Term To
Start Sept. 12
Greensboro, N. C.—The sixty
fourth annual session will begin
at A and T College on Monday,
September 12. According to esti
mates based on the present appli
cations, a record freshman class
will begin processing steps in a
six-day orientation.
The freshman orientation activ
ities, arranged by a special com
mittee headed by William M.
Gamble, dean of men at the col
lege. are reported to be the most
complete ever anticipated at the
Tre faculty will report at the
college for a three-day pre-session
conference beginning on Wednes
day, September 7. In a letter
issued last week by Dr. F. p. Blu
ford, president of the college, he
stated that the series of confer
ence sessions will begin promptly
at 9:00 A. M., in Harrison Audi
Squadron Is
Given Plaque
San Francisco, Calif.—An a
ward honoring Omaha’s Ak-Sar- j
Ben Squadron of the Air Force
Association for outstanding con-!
tributions to the group’s efforts,
to help maintain adequate air
power was made Sunday at the
AFA’s national convention in San
A plaque presented to John H.
Markel, Jr. Ak-Sar-Ben squadron
commander, praised the Omaha
organization’s work during the
past year and its position as the
largest squadron in the Air Force
The local group, which was or
ganized in 1952, has a member
ship of 1,800. Limited to Oma-|
hans, it represents the city in the
Association’s efforts to assist in
obtaining and maintaining ade-;
quate airpower for national se
curity, and to keep its members
and the public abreast of de- j
velopments in the field of avia
In addition to Markel, Omaha
delegates to the San Francisco
convention included Arthur C.
Storz, Sr., Dan Loring, Jack Shel
ton and William Sample.
To Take Place
Aug. 26 - 27
For the second year in a row,
the Douglas County Chapter of
the American Red Cross and
WOW-TV of Omaha have joined
forces in a drive for blood.
A special televised bloodmobile
operation will * be presented Fri
day and Saturday, August 26 and
27, to observe the station’s sixth
anniversary, it was announced by
The Very Rev. Carl M. Reinert,
S. J., Red Cross Blood Program
chairman. He said:
“Last year’s TV bloodathon was
very successful. We hope again
to be able to show the television
audience how easy it is to give
blood, and how this blood is be
ing used. We also hope to get
many new donors.”
Equipment will be moved from
the Red Cross Blood Center to
the WOW-TV studios at 3509
Famam Street. A special tele
vision program from 7:30 to 8
Thursday night, August 25, will
kick off the event. On Friday
and Saturday, blood donations
will be taken at the studios from
9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Last year, a total of 641 pints
of blood was collected as the sta
tion observed its fifth anniver
sary. WOW-TV began regular
daily telecasting on August 29,
Persons wishing to join in the
the “life-giving” anniversary can
make appointments to donate
blood by calling the Douglas
County Chapter of Red Cross, AT
lantic 2723, between 8 and 5
daily. In addition, night calls
for appointments will be taken
from 8 to 11 p.m. Monday, Aug
ust 22, through Friday, August
Ails Man's
Constant Foe
Upper respiratory infections —
suuch as influenza, pneumonia,
grippe and bronchitis — are
man’s most persistent foe.
After studying nearly 500,000
cases in its files, Mutual of O
maha, the largest exclusive
health and accident insurance
company in the world, found that
upper respiratory infections caus
ed nearly 20 per cent of all dis
abilities reported among men.
Ulcers and stomach or intes
tinal trouble ranked next, caus
ing 6% per cent of all disabilities.
General health reasons were
responsible for disabling one of
every four men covered by the
survey. Disorders of the diges
tive and circulatory systems to
gether caused nearly one-fourth
of all cases.
More than one of every eight
disabilities was the result of a
fracture, dislocation or sprain.
Ribs were the most frequently
fractured bones.
Since Mutual of Omaha does
business in every state, the sur
vey covered the entire nation.
New York—When Georgia act
ed to fire teachers who belong
to the NAACP it did not know it
was helping the Association to
get more memberships, but as
soon as he read the news a physi
cian sent in a $500 life member
“He said he was angry and
wanted to help,” said Roy Wil
kins, NAACP executive secre
tary. “We can use all the help
we can get because the Associa
tion is under direct attack by
highest state officials in Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Alabama,
Georgia, Mississippi and Louisi
“After Governor Hodges of
North Carolina attacked us in his
speech August 8, we received a;
rush order for 1,000 membership
cards from that state.
“The rest of the country can!
give a most effective answer to
Georgia and the other states by
sending memberships and con
tributions to the NAACP. People |
who get angry should take it out!
in money, $5.00 to $500 and notj
in cussing. Cussing doesn’t help
the Dixie situation. Only action!
backed by money can help.”
Checks from individuals, j
churches and other organizations
can be mailed to NAACP head
quarters, 20 West 40th Street,
New York 18, N. Y.
Catholics Urged
New York.—A Catholic Priest
here has urged all Catholics to
jo;n the NAACP as a means of
bringing about racial justice.
Speaking before the Catholic
Interracial Forum, the Rev. Arch
ibald V. McLees said Catholics
should join the N AACP for two
reasons. ,
“In the first place.” he pointed
out, “we Catholics have for long
years known what bigotry means,
we faced it, and we had to fight
it. Therefore, we should realize
the need for helping those who are
being oppressed at the present
time by bigotry.”
“Secondly, the NAACP platform
is one that Catholics can support
The goal of the Association,'
Mr. McLees noted, is to “achieve
complete freedom for Negroes by
1963,” the centennial of the
Emancipation Proclamation.
Mr. McLees, pastor of Holy
Rosary Parish in Brooklyn, is a
life member of the NAACP and
vice president of the Brooklyn
NAACP branch. He spoke on
August 5.
Agencies To
Try New Idea
This Fall
Something new in fund raising
will be tried this fall in Omaha.
The Red Cross and Red Feather
Agencies have combined forces
in attempt to have just one big
fund raising campaign.
In a letter from Mr. Lloyd H.
Mattson, chairman of the United
Red Feather and Red Cross Cam
paign, to Omahans, it was stated
that the merger would prevent 17
separate fund raising drives.
/' total sum of $3,323,149 has
been set as the goal in order to
meet expenses of the 47 Red
Feather services and the Red
Cross. This includes building
This action, the letter further
stated, eliminates tre March Red
Cross fund drive and combines the
two largest welfare, health and
charitable organizations in the
Rites Held
Aug. 16 For
Mrs. Terrell
Mrs. Margretha (Maggie) Ter
rell, 90 years, 2319 North 27th
Street, passed away Thursday
August 11th. Mrs. Terrell was
born in Denmark and had been a
resident of Omaha sixty eight
With her husband the late ’Cy
rus Terrell they owned and operat
ed the Little Missouri Restaurant
at Twelfth and Dodge Streets.
Mrs. Terrell is survived by one
son, Dr. Price Terrell, two grand
daughters, Mrs. Jeanne Savage,
grand son, Dr. Price M. Terrell,
Mrs. Ethel Williams, Omaha,
Los Angeles, California, great
grand son, Oliver Williams, Oma
Funeral services were held
Tuesday morning August 16th
from Thomas Mortuary with
Father F. C. Hi*Wild officiating.
Pall bearers, Attorney Charles
Davis, Mr. C. B. Mayo, Charles
Whitley, Harold Roach, Ernest
Williams, Louis W. Grant. In
terment was at Forest Lawn Cem
Camera Club
Visits Near
North Side YMCA
State Senator John Adams, pre
sented a copy of a state bill to
Mr. James Lee, president of the
Vacation Camera Club of Wash
ington D. C. on Monday, August
The 32 membered party spent
the day in Omaha touring the in
teresting sites. They were on
their way to Denver, Colorado, it
was learned.
Before leaving Omaha, they
were guests at the Near North
side YMCA. It was there that
the Senator Adams made the pre
Wm. M. Bogan
Mr. William M. Bogan, 62 years,
2615 Parker Street, passed away
Saturday August 6th at a local
hospital. Mr. Bogan had been a
resident of Omaha thirty eight
years and was a retired employe
of Armour and Company. There
are no known survivors. Funeral
services were held Thursday morn
ing August 11th from Thomas
Mortuary with the Rev. J. C.
Wade officiating. Pall bearers,
Mr. Charles Wilson, Lewis W.
Grant, A. G. Barnette, J. Frank
lin, S. Jaskson. R. A. Thomas.
Burial w'as at Mount Hope Cem
Game Dept.
Has Booths
At State Fair
Lincoln, Nebr. — Nebraskans
visiting the Game Commission ex
hibit building at the State Fair,
September 3 to 9, will have the
opportunity to have questions
concerning wildlife answered per
sonally by game technicians.
The main Nebraska Game Com
mission exhibit will have booths
on big game, game birds, trap
ping and pelting and fishing. At
each of the booths, trained man
agement personnel will be in at
tendance to answer questions per
taining to each of the respective
“The public is invited to make
inquiries of all types,” explained
a Commission spokesman. “This
type of exhibit has been well rey
ceived by the public in the past.
We intend to give people an
other opportunity to meet some
of our field personnel and get
better acquainted with them and
their work,” he concluded.
Tourney Set
Dec. 28-30
The first NAIA “Tip-Off” Bas
ketball Tournament to be held in
Omaha’s new seven-million dol
lar Municipal Auditorium will be
staged December 28, 29 and 30
with Creighton University and
the University of Omaha as two
of the eight competing teams.
That announcement was made
last week by A1 Duer, Executive
Secretary of the NAIA (National
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics), at a dinner meeting of
the sponsoring organization, the
Junior Chamber of Commerce.
The annual December tourna
ment, initiated some 10 years
ago, had been a Kansas City, Mis
souri, fixture until the NAIA de
cision to move the 'championship
this year to Nebraska’s No. 1
City. The association’s 32-team
March championship, begun in
1938, will remain in Kansas City.
Brooklyn, N. Y.— Brooklyn
has picked on no one in particu
lar this season unless you want
to name the Philadelphia Phillies
in this class. The Dodgers have
beaten New York 9 games to 6;
Chicago 11 games to 6; Cincinnati
11 games to 5; Milwaukee 11
games to 6! Pittsburgh 10 games
to 6; St. Louis 12 games to 5. But
with Philadelphia — it’s 11 games
to 2.
Show In
3rd Week At
State Theatre
ley Kramer’s widely-heralded mo
tion picture of the best-selling
Morton Thompson novel now
playing its third week at the
now playing its thirdweek at the
State Theatre, through United
Artists release. ,
Olivia de Haviland, Robert
Mitchum, Frank Sinatra, Gloria j
Grahame, Broderick (Crawford
and Charles Bickford star in NOT
AS A STRANGER which Kramer
produced and directed for United
Artists release. Miss de Havil
land, Sinatra Miss Grahame and
Crawford are Academy Award
The multi-million-dollar pro-,
duction, which was written fo
the screen by “Oscar” winners
Edward and Edna Anhalt, has
more than 70 speaking parts and
features such noted character per-1
formers as Myron McCormick,
Lon Chaney, Jesse White, Lee J
Marvin, Mae Clarke and Paul
34 Oklahoma Communities
Comply With Supreme Court
Ruling On Segregation
Orientation To
Run Sept. 7-14
Jefferson City, Missouri,— Or
ientation, at Lincoln University
(Mo.) participation in which is
required of all students enrolling
for the first time, is scheduled
for Wednesday, September 7
through 14th.
The eight day program will be
occupied by the new comers in
planned educational experiences
designed to teach the basic ideals
of the university, gfre clear in
sights into the role of the student
in the learning process on the
higher education level and collect
data for future use in behalf of
the enrollee.
Penalties will be imposed upon
those who fail to engage in the
complete program from beginning
to close. A fourteen member fac
ulty-student committee has .plan
ned the details but the entire
university staff will be on hand
to contribute to the full realiza
tion of the goals to be attained.
White Sox
Look To The
Fans At Home
iChicago, 111.— In the American
League’s tightest pennant race in
years, the Chicago White Sox
are looking to the fans at home
to help the team down the stretch.
Manager Marty Marion recalls
that a lot of his players are sen
sitive to criticism as Minnie Min
oso who gets down when booed
and Chico Carasquel. “I know
we haven’t done any better at
home than we have on the road,
but I think the cheering of the
home crowd if they’re behind us
should help.” Marion is hoping
the team arrives home in as good
shape as it is now — game out
of first place.
Home of the
Yr. Opens for
The Better Homes and Gardens
all-electric Idea Home of the
Year, now getting its beautifying
finishing touches on a site just
south of Center Street on 102nd
Street west of Omaha, will be
ready for public inspection on
August 28, starting at 2 p.m.
Designed by Hugh Stubbing As
sociates, architects at Cambridge,
Mass., and Better Homes and
Gardens magazine building edit
ors, the Idea Home is a pleasant
combination of the type of elec
trical living which gives all
around comfort and convenience.
In the opinion of home plan
ning experts, the all-electric Idea
Home of the Year is America’s
home of the future . It is a single
story, gabled roof dwelling. Basic
construction is post and beam,
which eliminates the need for
interior support walls and allows
heavy use of glass in the ex
terior walls.
There are three outdoor ter
races and patios—one next to the
living room, one off the master
bedroom and the third adjacent
to the family activity room.
Angles of the house shelter two
patios and a wall fence com
pletes the privacy of the third.
The house measures 70 by 30 V2
feet and will fit nearly any size
There are three bedrooms, two
baths and loads of storage and
closet space.
Step-saving and cost-saving ar
rangement of the utility areas
will appeal to homemakers. The
electrical features throughout are
so cleverly arranged as to be of
real interest to all persons think
ing of building, buying or re
The Idea Home, featured in the
September edition of Better
Homes and Gardens, was built by
Irwin Bridgeford. The electrical
contractor was Westside Electric.
Furnishings are by Orchard &
A TV preview of the all-electric
Idea Home will be on WOW-TV
from 1 to 2 p.m., August 28.
New York — A southern city
with a quarter-of-a-million popu
lation this week announced plans
for immediate school desegrega
tion, as communities in several
southern states which had await
ed the second Supreme Court
school decision before acting,
continued to comply. The an
nouncement of the Oklahoma
City school board brought to a
total of at least 34 those Okla
homa communities which have is
sued school desegregation plans.
A policy statement adopted by
the Oklahoma City school board
declared in part:
“The board of education aa
the sympathetic cooperation anv
patience of our citizens in its
compliance with the law and
making the changes that are
necessary and advisable.”
This week’s spot check of the
southern school situation by the
NAACP showed two additional
Oklahoma towns whose desegre
gation plans have become known
since last week’s check. They
are Muskogee and Red Rock.
In Arkansas, North Little Rock
became the sixth community in
that state to declare an end to
school segregation.
Amarillo, Texas, joined a grow
ing number of Texas towns and
cities which have announced
desegregation plans for their
schools. Others which came to
light in this week’s survey are
Edinburg, Karnes County, Har
lingen, Weslaco, Mission, Kerr
ville, Alpine and Nordheim. The
total number of Texas com
munities which have announced
desegregation plans stands now
at about 16.
Meanwhile, the Alabama state
legislature passed a school “place
ment bill” which has as its ad
mitted purpose the maintenance
of segregated schools in that
The bill, which became law on
August 2 without the signature
of the governor due to the tim
ing of its passage, gives to city
and county boards of education
the police power to “assure social
order, goodwill and the public
welfare” in assigning pupils to
elementary and secondary
Each child is to be assigned to
a school on an individual basis
after consideration of some dozen
factors in his case.
These factors include “the ef
fect of admission of the pupil up
on the academic progress of
ether students,” “the possibility
or threat of friction or disorder
among pupils or others,” and
“the possibility of breaches of the
peace or ill will or economic re
taliation within the community.”
Savings Bond
Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds
are hitting a steady pace in Ne
braska, according to an announce
ment last week showing that
$6,439,255 worth of E and H
savings bonds were purchased in
the state during July.
Compared with a year ago, the
gain was 10%, with 1952, 41%
and with 1951, 86%. July sales
bring the year’s total E and H
bond sales to $67,957,886 which
represents 59.9% of the year’s
' goal.
The sales figures were an
nounced by Glenn Cunningham,
State Sales Director for the Treas
ury Department’s Savings Bond
Division. He said that savings
bonds, together with life insur
ance and savings deposits are re
cognized as the cornerstone of
any personal program to protect
a family’s future.
Horace Sherwood
Funeral services for Horace
Sherwood, age 74 years, of 2870
Miami St., were held Thursday
August 4, 1955 at 2-P.M. from the
St. John A. M. E. Church with
Rev. S. H. Lewis officiating as
sisted by Rev E. F. Ridley. In
terment was at Mt. Hope Cem
Iroquois Lodge No.92, I.B.P.O.E.
of W. had charge of Elk rites
and served as Pallbearers.
1 Myers Brothers Funeral Service.