The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 12, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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New Do-It-Yourself Idea
Making your own scatter
rug in any color, size or shape
you wish out of squares of washa
ble undyed carpeting is latest idea
to emerge from do-it-yourself
movement. Black and white
checker-board rug in photo was
made from 12-inch squares of un
dyed nylon-viscose carpeting. All
fabric dye was used to dye black
squares, while snowy whiteness of
alternating squares was attained
by simply washing the undyed ma
terial. Since the dyes come in 50
colors, any combination of hues
mav be obtained.
Directions for making a rug of
either checker-board or alternate
diamond design have been an
i nounced by Tintex Home Econom
1 ics Bureau. After cutting undyed
washable carpeting into foot or
! yard squares, place half the total
! into the washing machine and fill
with hottest water available. While
washer is filling, pour all-fabric
dye into quart of hot tap water and
stir with wooden spoon until dis
solved. Empty dye solution into
machine and let it run through reg
ular cycles. Repeat process with
balance of squares for second color,
first cleaning machine with rinse
of water and soap. -
After squares have dried, lay
them out on reverse side and press
strips of hot-'ron tape along divid-.
ing lines, as shown above. When^ j
turned over, you’ll have a new rug
that meets your own decorating
needs perfectly. ^ j
If you plan to wash the rug later, ;
apply liquid latex along the borders j
prior to taping, suggests the Tin- ;
tex bureau. This will enable you to
remove the tape easily and provide
skid-proofing while rug is on floor.1
Gel-Cookery Features Canned Meats ,
For Main Dishes In Summer Mood
Gel-cookery, food preparation with unflavored gelatine, leads to a
host of decorative and cool main dishes for summer. With canned meats
as a major ingredient the assembly job is speeded up.
Here unflavored gelatine blends two familiar standbys . . . canned
luncheon meat or spiced ham and potato salad. The meat and potatoes
are chilled in a two-layered ring mold, and the center filled with a tossed
green salad. Hot rolls and iced beverages round out a meal.
Canned Meat And Potato Gel-Ring
Layer 1
1 can (12-ounces) spiced 1 teaspoon horseradish
ham or luncheon meat 2 teaspoons prepared mustard
2 tablespoons minced onion )4 teaspoon Tabasco
Vs cup mayonnaise or salad 1 envelope unflavored
dressing gelatine
Vs cup chili sauce Vs cup cold water
Grind or finely chop ham or luncheon meat. Combine with onion,
mayonnaise, chili sauce, horseradish, mustard and Tabasco. Sprinkle
gelatine on cold water to soften; dissolve thoroughly over hot water.
Blend into meat mixture. Turn into 6 cup ring mold; chill until almost
Layer II
2 cups diced cooked potato % cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 cup diced celery 1 tablespoon vinegar
1 small onion, minced 1)4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons finely chopped V teaspoon pepper
green pepper 1 envelope unflavored gelatine
Vs cup cold water
Combine diced cooked potato, celery, onion, green pepper, mayonnaise,
vim -ar, salt and pepper. Sprinkle gelatine on cold water to soften;
dissave thoroughly over hot water. Blend into potato mixture. Turn
cn meat mixture; chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with salad
greens and wredges of tomato.
YIELD: 8 servings.
The Real Economic Forecaster
Pat Crowley and Marla English, Paramount Pictures stars, do a double take of the
"boyish" look with genuine Arrow boys' shirts. On the left a pink broadcloth witj^
rounded collar, sparkling cuff links and neck flower. On the right one of the many^
gay "Camp V Campus" plaids. Both shirts are available in a _ variety of Stylet
and colors and are priced at $3.95. ~ -’
Eartha Kitt To Pen Memoirs |
SONGSTRESS EARTHA Kill, who is writing ner memoirs,
to a good start. She plans to write them in longhand with a new
cartridge-filled fountain pen presented to her by Frank D. Waterman,
Chairman of the Waterman Pen Company, Inc.
Announcement of its 7th Grand
National Recipe and Baking Con
test has just been made by Pills
bury Mills, Inc. of Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Over $100,000 will be
given away in prize money and
electrical equipment when 75
women and 25 teen-agers go to
New York December 12 to com
pete for the title “Cook of the
Entry blanks will be available
in grocery stores throughout the
country around August 1. Copies
of the 0th Grand National Cook
book, now available in stores, also
include entry blanks for the 1955
contest. They may also be obtained
by writing to Ann Pillsbury, Min
neapolis 2, Minnesota. Entries
must be postmarked before mid
night October 1, 1955.
Baked foods with imaginative
twists to their recipes have won
fame and fortune for six U.S.
housewives and five teen-agers to
date. The “Open Sesame Pie”
which won honors for Mrs. Ber
nard Koteen of Washington, D.C.,
last year started a new industry.
Sesame seed, the oriental herb
hitherto unknown, suddenly be
came so popular it disappeared
from grocery shelves. Now spice
manufacturers are busy producing
large, economy packs of the nutty
flavored food.
A Lovely Dessert
Cream puffs make a lovely
dessert when they’re treated in an
unusual way. Fill with almond Ice
cream and serve with butterscotch
sauce; or, use peppermint ice
cream and chocolate sauce.
Chair Safety
Be conventional when sitting on
a chair—to tip and balance a chair
on the hind legs not only sets the
stage for a tumble but is hard on
the floor coverings.
Income Tax
The federal income tax does not
apply to partnerships as It does to
Individuals and corporations—the
individuals in the partnership are
Only One
The weekly Itawamba County
(Miss.) Times adopted a new slo
gan: “The only newspaper In the
world that cares anything about
Itawamba County.”
Excellent Apron
A terry-cloth towel split in half,
with seersucker tie-backs sewn on,
makes an excellent apron, espeeial
i ly if you like to wipe your hands on
your apron when cooking. The terry
cloth washes easily and needs no
Two Jobs at Once
Now they have concocted a paint
plaster wall-finish combination that
lets you paint and plaster in one
operation. One coat is said to hide
small plaster cracks, fine seams,
nail holes, uneven surfaces, and
other similar defects. Easy to apply
with brush or roller, the finish dries
hard and may be washed or even
scrubbed repeatedly. It comes in
a variety of colors and can be tex
tured with a brush, sponge, or pa
Quick Dessert
Broil some canned grapefruit seg
ments with your next broiled din
ner for a quick dessert. Use Vi cup
of the Juice from the grapefruit
mixed with a dash of nutmeg, cloves
and Vi cup brown sugar. Dot the
grapefruit butter with this as well
as the sugar mixture and broil about
6 minutes.
Organized Dishwashing
Drainers and drainboards under
neath them help to keep the dishes
organized after washing; it also
cuts down on the water which must
be wiped from them.
Save your hands by using a mop
or a soft brush. This may not keep
the hands completely out of the
water, but it helps
BREAKFAST IN BED in their Waldorf-Astoria room is enjoyed by
Karen Brown and her mother, Mrs. J. O. Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Karen was a finalist in the junior division of last year’s “Bake-off.”
Want a Weekend at the Waldorf?
And a chance to earn $25,000?,
All you have to do is bake.
Turtle-shaped cookies won in
1952 for a Chicago housewife. A
chocolate cake with the frosting
folded into the batter; a cake
drenched in California orang®
juice; and rolls raised under water
have also brought top prizes. The
second winning recipes, such as
“Cherry Wink” cookies and “Mint
Surprise” cookies have become top
national favorites.
“U.S. housewives have shown
tremendous ingenuity in develop
ing recipes for our contest,” Pills
bury President Paul S. Gerot says.
“They have de
veloped interest
ing new ways of
presenting foods
without making
them too fussy
or too difficult
We love this
opportunity to
honor the wom
an in the home,”
Gerot said.
Hundreds of thousands of women
enter the contest each year. Last
year’s winner had entered each of
the previous five contests without
success. One of the junior winners
last year was the daughter of a
senior winner from the first Bake
Off. Contestants have come from
all parts of the United States,
Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Kico.
Cube Grapefruit Juice For Pretty Coolers
Budget-minded housewives are making canned Florida grapefruit
juice a standby on their summer shelves, for a recent survey (hacked
up by what they’re finding out, for themselves!) shows that grapefruit
juice has increased in price less than any other food item in years.
Besides, it has an enviable reputation as a thirst quencher and is so
good for all the family, retaining as it does more than 97 per cent of
the vitamin C found in fresh grapefruit juice.
To dress up your daily servings of this beverage, make these fruit
filled cubes of frozen grapefruit juice and let them add a touch of color
to your summer food pictures.
Gala Grapefruit Juice
Pour canned Florida grapefruit juice into the ice cube trays of your
refrigerator; place a few berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackber
ries) in each cube and freeze until firm. Serve tall glasses of chilled
canned Florida grapefruit juice with the berry cubes for a summer
drink cool as a porch breeze, pretty as a picture.
Relish To A Gourmet’s Fancy
Do guests shower you with compliments on the special little taste
treats you always include in your menus? Surest way to achieve a
reputation as a true gourmet is to make your own sauces, preserves,
relishes and such. Put them up in jars during the harvest season, ana
your shelves will hold a variety of delicacies at your finger tips the
year 'round.
To turn the trick start with a basic recipe, then add your own choice
of seasoning. For example, here’s relish recipe, zesty in itself, and a
perfect foil for your own culinary artistry. Perhaps you’d like a dash
of curry, chili powder or garlic. Your taste may run to the less com
monly used spices—cardamon or cummin. It’s all up to you, and you’ll
have fun testing and trying until you’ve found the perfect blend.
Cucumber, Onion and Pepper Relish
4 cups chopped cucumbers 1 tablespoon salt
2 cups chopped onion 2 teaspoons mustard seed
1 cup chopped green pepper 2 teaspoons celery seed
1 cup chopped sweet red pepper 1 to 2 cups sugar
1 small pod hot red pepper 4 cups vinegar
Wash and drain vegetables. Peel onion and remove seeds from pep
pers. Chop and measure vegetables. Mix all ingredients. Cook until
' vegetables are tender but not soft. Taste, and add more seasoning, as
' desired. Pour, boiling hot, into hot jars. Seal at once, as directed by
the manufacturer.
“THAT LITTLE GAME”— - —Just “Dmnb”
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