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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1955)
Hgv a m cr Any Time Of Day Snack Tall, icy glasses of refreshing fruit juice served with slices of buttered Apple Sauce Nutbread mean a delightful pause on a hot day. It’s a combination of note to serve the morning neighbor drop-ins, afternoon family get-together or after a bridge game in the evening. Keep several cans and bottles of fruit juice in the refrigerator — pineapple, grapefruit, orange, cranberry, apple, nectars or any of your favorites. Serve one or a combination iced, with ginger ale, or topped with fruit sherbet. Apple Sauce Nutbread 2 eggs % cup sugar 34 cup milk }h teaspoon baking soda 1 can (8 oz.) apple 3 cups biscuit mix * — sauce ___ % cup chopped nuts Combine beaten eggs, millc, apple sauce, sugar and soda. Add biscuit mix and beat 1 minute. Stir in nuts. Put into a greased loaf pan; let stand 20 minutes before baking. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) about 45 minutes, until done. Wrap or put in covered container and store overnight before using. Makes one loaf. 0Deco'ieiton, ,4, - luf, Alicia fl(Hfce Style influences from around the world-are the new fashions shown at the summer furniture markets. Shown above is the simplicity of Danish styling. This grouping i3 one of the most versatile collections of living, dining and bedroom furniture. Not only are these units interchangeable from room to room, but within a room, and with each other. They bring an unusual and pleasant architectural aspect to our homes. For this custom look, base pieces are individual units, separate from cabinets and drawer chests, creat ing a free scaling variation about the room. The base units may also be used as benches or coffee tables. Note the extra storage space in the three drawers of the base units. The wood is walnut, finished to have a hand-rubbed sheen, which allows the full beauty of the wood to show through—an increasing trend in new furniture styles. Sliding drawers in the chests are reversible—one side is a walnut finish, and the other side is a dramatic black panelyte. New fashion touches are the louvred drawer fronts on case pieces, and the tamboured cabinet for either Television or Hi-Fi. By Ginger, ’Tis A Cool Salad! If you seek delightful refreshment in a summer salad, try this amber-colored ring mold, made of apple-flavored gelatin and fruit cocktail, with a touch of ginger. Ginger Cheese Dressing makes it heartily satisfying as well as handsome — a dish to pep up any party. Apple-Ginger Ring ZVi cups (No. 2Vt can) 1 package apple-flavored fruit cocktail gelatin 1% cups fruit syrup and 2 tablespoons lemon juice water % to 14 teaspoon ground ginger Ginger Cheese Dressing Drain the fruit cocktail. Measure the syrup and add water to make 1% cups. Bring liquid to a boil. Dissolve gelatin in the hot liquid. Add lemon juice and ginger. Chill until slightly thickened. Then fold in fruit cocktail. Pour into a 1-quart ring mold or individual molds. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. Serve with Ginger Cheese Dressing. Makes 8 servings. Ginger Cheese Dressing 2 cups cottage cheese .% cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons light cream or top milk ^4 teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon ground ginger Combine cottage cheese, mayonnaise, light cream, and seasonings in a bowl. Stir until blended. Chill. Then spoon into the center of Apple Ginger Ring. Top with paprika, if desired. - — MOST RELAXING TIME of day comes when you can pamper your self with a refreshing beauty bath. Lie back in a tub of tepid water and soak avay tension and fa tigue. It helps to think of relaxing subjects like green fields stretch ing into space or ocean waves breaking against a sandy shore. With a mild, gentle toilet soap like new Lux in gold foil you can work up billows of creamy suds to give yourself a head to toes “facial” and keep skin young and glowing. The bar’s new modern I shape is convenient to use and pro vides faster lathering. Long a favorite of the movie i stars, the beauty bar now offers a subtle bouquet1 of 37 different ori ental and floral fragrances sealed in by a glittering gold foil wrap.. Be sure to use a wash cloth, and with summer’s sleeveless fashions, don’t forget to double check elbows, arms, and shoulders. After your bath, don’t rub but pat yourself gently dry with a soft absorbent towel. Then use an all-over splash of cologne for a final fillip. ; "The Show Goes On" =mm i [ Police Inspector of Distinction Joseph Make) of Calvert Distillers of New York (center) presents to Columbus Police Inspector, Harvey H. Alston, a plaque honoring him as “Ohio Elk of Distinction.” Mr. Alston was chosen by the Ohio Elks as its outstanding member at a recent annual convention. Charles Co field f Cleveland, Director of Public Relations for the Elks, looks on. AIR CONDITIONED CITY ^Fo EASE THE PASSAGE OF THE COOLING OCEAN BREEZES INTO THE CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO, THE CITY FATHERS AUTHORIZED THE REMOVAL OF AN ENTIRE HILL BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE OCEAN THIS "&6 MOVE' LOWERED THE MEAN TEMPERATURE BY SEVERAL WELCOME OEGRees! I i Vu6 WORD-TOTEM'COlMES PROM the ALGONQUIN INDIANS. CONVINCED THEY W£Rg 1 DESCENDED PROM ANIMALS OR PLANTS OR •TOTEMS' MANY TRIBES ERECTED THESE MONUMENTS TO TUElR ANCESTORS AND WORSHIPPED THERE REGULARLY. j IrALL HE DOES IS SLEEP [ ANO SLEEP? SEZ HE'S l\^0OPeO WITH IT ALL 7 * ID). .. -tfouHUjh-tfa aqei.. Mankind Has Ascribed Unusual Qualities To certain Food?, thus:— ALEXANDER THE GREAT(356-323B. C) IMPORTED ONIONS FROM Egypt-to make ms troops warlike! Conversely asparagus WAS THOUGHT TO INDUCE Mildness. HOKE WISELY. ancient Greek warriors, J>L anp American pioneers rafi ANP LUMBERJACKS, HAVE JW ALL REUEP UPON BEANS \ FOR MAINTAINING STRENGTH AMP ENDURANCE. _ * AN INDIANAPOLIS GROCER '*\' anp tinsmith, Gilbert c. van Cam? | FIRST CANNEP PORK ANP BEANS. 1 ftl5 EXPERIMENTING SON APPEP TOMATZr SAUCE 70 THEHEAT-ANP-SERVENOVELTY. ■ ■ .. Copyright I955,J.V.Cl»rk I II THE INFANT INDUSTRY i FQUNPEP IN A GROCERS SACK ROOM, SOON |5 CIRCLEP THE GLQ&E, PROV/P/NG i -lANKINP WITH A CONVENIENT, PE CICIOUS, ANP IN EXPENSIVE FOOP. . 7 MlTHATi LITTLE CAME” Inter.iwt’lCfcrto<mCo.,».Y.—By B. Link f!sSoiTMES^7 SACKYooYfETHROWiN*. i You lT‘ AMO NVAYBE AWAY.- -too had only bU KY MoaTAL■ yojVl -The \oea of^aium' Yuuo p a°^CAt<=H A Pot — A paicxa Bare Sacks.- Jont yoo wre ^ght i?* AN v'nv Flaying umyi he hao yoo beat the suit you're | draw’ The f/VY CAROS. UIHEN You"oPENEo".- 'JJEARinG ’ / ISNT H P i - \ HE Boosted. -&- j l5NT HE Lucky ? I \ tmom't HE ? / No'. No; i Diont ~-._^ ^ -/ HAME HER beat f M0/ \ BEFORE THE BRAVW.- I CAu_' \ v ujent vn uuuh sumpin1 else- I \ A pair of Eights- he bealt ' I his own ^Eck That I ■Time . J - I vts “yoor: I beau, Fatty- 1 I —1 _ITS AMAZING! A Book vjrS . NRMfP CO-RESPONDENT' IN Pi M*UBouRn£ DWOfitf COURY'. •fue Vi\rt COMPERlMeP <HP)Y M^R SPOU&g PRS^P • pa M$ SPRR6 YiMfc “POOLING; PROUND wrYH R?c,|PgS" 1 fV. — ~~ *l]74p Acevo ]| WO CONTAIN? tfOOgCW *p|^^r®FTW|tR Houses I :y*^§&OX-. A person '/iFA/r HARMFUL ! /rouLD be insured IN early EAITER/a/^XX^F^ TUNE from f - 'VgRESCE, he had T& drink a \ -vgg^ / ^NC> <?uwe«t£> assure h\m<3ood 1 / HEAUH ^ND & IONS UFE’.IN A Segulayons OFYte insurance- society'!