CONftOCHTIAL LEPLY iY MAI. Headers at this i«i<—> ~-T a “prTrate reply-—by •oe at the fallowing: O iincc lea ......... O ***f VAOACI SUIbf t U-MOKT* eiTMKOMOM. soaioirr Ctre name, address and btrthdata. Hrplatn problem fully and irwhA ■**°*P«t aelf-addressed envelope tar a logical analyst of your cam. Write to: TW AIIF WALLACS Sma * 0. la. II. AMms I. Carpi M. B.—Have I the wrong o pinion of my husband? He is very nice to me. I don’t work, just take care of the home cho res but .-•metimes he acts a bit nasty, nor for any cause of my part. I like right and honest doings. When he a«*s indiff erent I tell him about it and he doesn’t like that apd then he acts real nasst/. We never fuss, just speak each other out, then we are through. An I right in accusing him. Ans: The accusations you make and the cool, indifferent attitude you assume toward your husband is wrong. You should not accuse your mate of anything unless you have def inite proof, even then it is a bad policy to do so. And—you may not think that your habit of speaking him out is not fussing but it is. It antagonizes him and every time it occurs it has a teinfancy to increase the ten sion between you. Display a little more love and understand ing in your marriage. L. C.—1 received the Hap pier Living Lesson and have been benefited greatly by it. I enjoy even more reading your most helpful letters of advice which have been a light to my eyes. Here is my problem. My uiother-m-law is not W ell and has sent a railroad ticket fc>r me to come visit her and bring our boy which she has never seen. 1 really want to go but do not want to leave my husband. He says he thinks it would be nice. Should 1 go; Ans: By all means do. She w ill be overjoyed to see you an her grandson. There is no ques tion bnt that it will hit her spir its. Plan your trip ior the week before Labor Day and your hu sband can make the trip on the weekend. All three of you can return together. X. C.—1 find your column most interesting. 1 have had a good paying job for the past eight years but we have little to show lor it. 1 want a com fortable home and a little mon ey to >how for it. I want a com fortable home and a little mon ey ahead but my wife lives on ly for today li 1 mention sav ing, it causes a minundestand ing. Yet, 1 hate to make such good money and keep mum a* bout it slipping away so fast. Ans: lt’» folly to live up eve rything that you make. You are wise to avoid a misunder standing with the wife but you can do something about the matter. Sdt aside a deimite sum each pay day for saving. Put this money in the bank and refuse to discuss it further Continue to give the balance of the check to her to manage as she desires. S. M.—I graduated from the University this past June. The re are three men in my life. One is a successful business man, one is a medical student and one is studying law. All 1 have proposed marriage but 1 cannot make up my mind. I wint to know which one would make the best husband and make me happy in future years Or should I choose either one? An-: You are not ready for marriage. In your anxiety to make a good catch—you are overlooking the most import ant factor of all—and that is LOVE. When vou feel that you have met the one and only man in the world who can make you happy—then you will be ready for marriage Give up the idea right now and accept the position you have been offered. G. X—I met a girl in Texas when I was vacationin'- there in June. She was nice to me and said she wvmld like to come up to this part of the country and live. She wrote me twice to send her money for her tic ker and get her a place to stay This I did, but she did not com N'Ow she has written again. Shoald I send it to her? . Ans: She’s not your respon sibility so why should you continue to play Santa Clause to her. You favored her twice and went to an awful lot of trouble to get her a rooming place and she did not hesitate to break her promise and disa ppoint you. You’d be chump to dole out any more money when actually you do not care particularly for the young lady. SAVE THIS COUPON ^ « -* * * *- * -W Special OUer FOR YOU WHO SEEK FINANCIAL HELP Abbs WtHsct O/m TOO I Self-Help BOOKS \ □ “How to Keep Your Money end Attract Good Luck” This Book reveals the secret of hold ice money and attracting fowl luck aa practiced by toe ancient money Special Price $1.00 □ “7 Caret for a Lean Purte” A formula designed to start yon on the upward road to financial ‘abun dance—a practical guide to security and independence. Special Price $1.00 fill otrr this coupon carefully —CHECK Tfu ITEMS WANTED—PIN MONEY ORDER TO COUPON AND MAIL TO ABBE’ WALLACE. Yostr Mawse AJirns City_Stale_ Yawr Amount RmclottJ $_ ABBE’ WALLACE ta can at The Omaha Guide 2420 Grant CUP THIS COUPON Metropolitan Gas Construction the concentration of gas in the ground, radio pipe locaters will sometimes locate the main when it isn’t where, it is sup bustible indicators will give posed to be. A lot of exper ience is necessary to know how to use these instruments. Possibly the most outstand ing and little realized accom plishment of this department! occured last summer during i the change-over to natural gas. Each morning for 74 days the old gas was bled out of the mains and the natural gas in troduced into a new section of the city without affecting any one not in the section to be converted that day; really a tremendious undertaking. To do this job required the instal lation of over 400 hundred val ves distributed throughout the system. The installation of these valves was started only a few weeks before the conver sion men were in the field and the entire job was done with out interfering with the pro gress of the conversion in anj* way. Tbe entire procedure re quired at least a thousand op enings or closing of vales. When this job was complet ed a little let up seemed in or