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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1948)
coMFiocHTiM. unr rr mam. Baden at Uiu zdmj mean • -prrru* reply"—by ■enrtmy by one af tbe follovtDf c sii Z* O UK WAiaa GUtOf fc U-MOUTH Aiyun 06»CM. FOUCAST . H Om qaom. tddnu ***** unbibiA fajitam problem fully tad include UAmpetf utf UirtrTri — rl envelope lor a Iggnl uaItw at your cut Write to: TW AMT WAIXACS lorn C. B.—Tell me how to pet my self untied from a no-good girl? Ans: Refuse to see her again. You rta.:?e that you are mak ing a mistake by going around with this young woman so do have the courgae of your con victions and suv out of her sight. Make the acquamUnce of some other nice girls as soon as you can. DF—My friend and I have been going steady for a year He i> really nice to me. gives me money and other nice thi ngs and wants to marry me. But these things don’t satisfy me. I want love. He doesn’t go in for kissing and playing a round. Ans. You know w hy don’t you He I- too old. Your generous lover did hi- love making and playing around before you were born. All he can offer vou now is money and presents. W hat vou nee .1 i- a voung "Tom'-— with VIM VIGOR AND VIT ALITITY. RR—Dear Abide’: I have read your column tor years and year? It makes me feel good to read the sound ad. ice you give to people I was toid that you had a new daughter in your fa miiy. Is it true? Ans: It is. I have the prettiest and sweetest little old girl you ever saw. That nukes three for me now—two boys 9 and 11 and now a little girl to round out the family. I guess the good Lord just knew I needed a baby a bab\ daughter to complete my family. I am grateful for your kind words and good wish es. Mrs. R. R., Thanks. Abbe’. RET—Your advice has inspir ed thousands of others and I know that you can do as much for me in my hour of turmoil. After 19 months in service, I rturn expecting to get my old jub back but found a good fri end of mine employed in ray place. I did not have the heart to ask for my job back. I am despondent. My wife is expect mg our first child next month. An? Brooding and fretting ov er your state of affairs is only hindering your progress. Go to your former employer and ask his assitanc. Perhaps he could place you in s* ‘me other capac ity in the organization or even help you to find another job. After all. he is obligated bv G I law to re-employ you. You need more advi?c. Send tor one of my "private reading letters.' A< i—I am 22 with 3 years of co liege credits. I teach school and my job pays pretty good and I can take cart ..: my-elf out of it My problem is my parents. I have no ? >cia! life at all. Ev ery one that comes, something i? wrong with them. Ii they re turn. they will be insulted. I’ll die or go crazy if this contin ue?. Tell me what to do? Ans. The answer to your pro lem:? to get a teaching job a way from home where you will be on your own. Get out from under your parents’ thumb and be independent. Your people mean well—but you cannot al ■ low them to ruin your health and happiness with their self ishness beliefs. Mrs. X—I am a church work er and my husband is a drink ing man. I cannot pull him to i church with me unless he is : drinking and that is when I do not want him to go along. I It seems that ever}- time he get heavy loaded with whiskey he starts hanging out in the j streets or in beer parlors and tries to preach. He vows he has been called to preach. Ans: Actually your husband i wants to live a righteous life. And he jvould—were it not for his great failing for strong drink. If he had the will to st amp out this desire—he could and would make a strong Chri stian soldier. Preaching on the street comers while “tight” is sacriligious. He needs some good minister of the Gospel to interview him when he is cold sober—and sull the tear of God in his heart. It might convert him. EMT—I have been married an have an 8 month old girl. My bus and left me when I was three months and asked for a divorce. I haven’t been the ~ame woman since. I go out with other guys but I still for get my baby's daddy. His memory has almost haunted me to dath. I feel my love was meant for just that one man on ly. An.' A man who would des ert his wife and child as your husband did—is not deserving of your love nor would he make a good father. Gt the false idea •ut of your head—that there is only one man in the world for you. My answer to that is “XL’TS.” One of these days 1 you will met a good, kind, and a faithful man who will want to be a father to your child and mak a home for the both of you LB—I built a home lately and one of my daughters lives with me but we are not happy as w e feel that someone is working against us here. I don’t think I cah be happy here and I w onder if it would be well to sell out and leave and make my home with one of my married daugh ters? Ans: Absolutely Not. Keep your new place. There is no one working against you. The whole trouble is that you and your daughter have moved into a strange new' neighborhood— and you haven't yet got acq uainted. Your neighbors are all good people. Join some ot the clubs and organizations in the community—and see for yourself. TRAINING UNDER THE GI BILL Nebraska veterans training under the GI Bill who are elig ible for increased subsistence benefits from the Veterans Ad ministration were reminded today by VA of an important deadline established by recent law. Ashley Westermorland, Lin. coin regional office manager, said the deadline pertains to those World War II veterans with more than one dependent who are taking part-time train ing in school, or those affected by the new income “ceiling" in such pursuits as on-the-job training. These veterans must submit proof of the additional dependency by Sept. 1st in | order to receive the increased pay retroactively to# April 1st. 1 It will not be necessary for 1 veterans with no dependents or only' one dependent as of April 1. 1948, to contact the \ A hecau-e the required in formation is already on file. Retroactive pay increase? will go automatically to these veterans, if they are entitled by law to receive them. NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C If you’re in a quandary over some thing different to serve, why not try amy baked eggs for a change- Hard rook and season the yolk with real mayonnaise, and curry powder. Stuff and bake in a white sauce oil well heated — about 30 minutes. ♦ * * Speaking of eggs, the Parent Office offers rights to a suction cup which en ables you bo remove a hot-boiled egg from the shell without burning your fingers. ★ ★ * Something I want to see. which I’ve heard about, is a woman’s brush which brushes the hair, makes a curl and in serts the bobby pin—all in one opera tion! Don't you? * * * Something to delight a child’s heart, particularly at a party, is a ball of vanilla cream with features painted cm with melted chocolate. With a cone i bat, there’s the funniest down you’ve i ever seen. * * * j Saw a fashion show the other day of I fail clothes, and how pretty they were. Certainly the most lady-like we’ve seen in years. Silhouettes were slender, shoulders were padded, but not overly *>. and hips were natural. Pockets and collars were the details which made news because of their interesting treat ment. * * * Make your youngster feel important by stitching his or her name cm white bedroom curtains with colored rickrack braid. How they love the “peisouai' Give Plants Milk Bath A milk bath will brighten up ivy. philodendrum and snake plants d the look a bit dull Dip a soft cloth in skimmed milk and lightly rub the surface cd the leaves that appear dull, is tbe -dvice of Cor nell specialists. SAVE THIS COUPON Special Oi(er FOB YOU WHO SEEK FINANCIAL HELP MTJUcr Oftn 700 I idj-Httf BOOKS □ “How to Keep Your Money tad Attract Good Luck” This Book rereals the secret oi kold mj moctr and attracting geul lack as Kcticed by the ancient money derv Special Price $1.00 □ "7 Cures for a Lean Parse" A formula designed to start 70c 0x1 the upward road to financial abun dance—a practical guide to security and independence. Special Price $1.00 FILL OUT THIS COUPON CAREFULLY —CHECK THE ITEMS WANTED—PIN MONET ORDER TO COUPON AND MAIL TO AB8r WALLACE. Your A ilrm CaySitU_ Your RwsAf.f# Amount Enclosed S_ ABBE’ WALLACE M can et The Omaha Guide 2420 Grant CLIP THIS COUPON r Newest Range Boasts Two Ovens • t m— - ___ 1 CHICAGO—One of the features of this new electric range shown' at the midsummer session of the nation’s furniture market here is two ovens. With redesigned and improved labor saving devices the new de luxe model was exhibited by the FVigidaire division of General Motors corporation. Signal lights instantly tell if oven heat is on. Other fea tures include circular heating elements that provide five different degrees of heat, automatic oven controls, vented ovens so steam or grease cannot mar walls or surface units, two electrical outlets far small appliances and a three-purpose Therraizer which is interchange., able as a small oven, deep well cooker or surface unit. J JOB GUARANTEES EX TEND TO VOLUNTEERS AND RESERVISTS l A recent survey indicates that industrial organizations in j this area are shaping specific policies and plans establishing re-employment rights for vol unteers returning to extended active duty with the Armed Forces. Fifth Army Headqu arters announced today. Tehere has been some mis-1 understanding, a Fifth Army spokesman said, about the job status of volunteers. Jobs of men without prior service who voluntarily enlist for three years, as well as jobs of reser-; ve officers and reserve enlist ed men called to active- duty are fully protected under the 1948 draft legislation, he said Job protection to volunteers and reservists, who are needed to train the draft Army, is the same prevailed during the Wor i Id War II. The employee must reapply within ninety days af ter completing his military ser. vice, and he is entitled to his same job or simular job with out loss of seniority. He cannot be discharged without cause for one year following his re turn to the job. i PARALYZED VETERANS Paralyzed veterans, entitled to Federal aid for homes spec ially designed for wheel chair living, may obtain application forms at any Veterans Admin istration office or by writing the YA regional office. Lin coln. Nebraska. In making that announce ment today, Ashley West moreland. Lincoln regional of fice manager, said this new benefit authorized a Federal grant up to ten thousand dol lars but not to exceed 50 per cent of cost to the veteran in acquiring such a home. Elig ible veterans, he added, are those with war or peacetime service in the armed forces since Apni 21. 1898, who have a permanent-total service-con nected disability due to a spin al cord disease or injury which has resulted in paralysis of the legs and the lower part of the body. Westmoreland said eleigible veterans who desire to use YA model plans for such housing units will receive them free of charge upon request. The YA plans call for ramps instead of steps or stairs; wider halls and doorways, larger rooms, special bathroom fixtures and exercising facilities, he added. HERE AGAIN ; ; the Famous "Nights of AK-SAR-BEN" Spring Center Mattress.; Built with an exceptionally strong resilient spring center and enveloped in 35 ibf. of cotton felt heid in perfect shape with flexile tor mesh. Covered in a choice of lovely rose or blue fancy ticking or ACA ticking, finished with prebuift, stitched and piped borders. It wil) be one of the most comfortable spring center type mattresses you've ever slept on. Twin or Full Size. Q C An Amazing Value. Box Springs to match .... 29.95 GUARANTEED by the Makers for 5 Years. Summer Stoco Hour* 9:30 to 5:00 i'l* OPENING DATES— LINCOLN UNI. (MO.) Jefferson City, Mo., August 14—The dates for events and activities pertinent to opening the Eighty-third Anniversary year at Lincoln L’niversitv, Jefferson City. Mo., have been announced by the Office of the Pres. Sherman D. Scruggs. Monday, September 13 is reg istration day for all divisions of the University. The Cafe teria and residence halls on the Jefferson City campus will open for occupancy and service Tuesday, September 7. Special examinations tor entering stu dents from unaccredited high schools are scheduled for the following day, September S. The period Tuesday, Septem ber 7 to 11 is designated as ori entation—participations in this program is required for all stu dents entering the University for the first time. A high light of the opening period is the Annual All Uni versity Opening Convocation at 8:00 a.m.. Tuesday. Septem ber 14 at which time President Sherman D. Scruggs and mem WHERE YOUR USED FATS GO * I TO MEAT DEALERS TO RENDERERS TO INDUSTRY Smart and thrifty homemakers sell their used fats ,to meat dealers. That's the first step of the program in which everyone con cerned benefits again and again. Meat dealers, in turn, sell used fats to renderers. They, too, make a cash profit. Renderers process and refine cooking fats which are then ready for hundreds of industrial uses. Renderers sell refined kitchen grease on the open market to the highest bidder. In this way everyone shares: homemakers, meat dealers, renderers and industry and you provide raw material In youf kitchen for industry. bers of the Board of Curators will address the entire faculty, workers, and student body. Classes in all divisions begin following this convocation. Reservations for housing, which is still limited here, must be made in advance by all who plan to live in one of the camp us residence halls. First bsmace First type at Insurance Issued In the United States was marine in surance. The first office was opened in New York City tn 1738. W hy not become a Home Owner? START TODAY! 35 LOTS TO PICK FROM! $10.00 Down & $5.00 per Month will put you on the road to own your long wanted home. CALL JA. 0152. TODAY While picking is good The following bargains won’t last long You’ll have to hurry! Closing out on these vacant lots at about one-half their actual value. TERMS: ^ as low as $10.00 down and $5.oo per month. Many a family own their home and are independent today that got their start this way. \ our credit is good it you own Real Estate, you and your children have a a better standing in your neighborhood, your chrildren are entitled to this advantage. THE FOLLOWING STREET NUMBERS WOULD BE THE LOCAT ION OF THESE LOTS IF THE SAME WERE IMPROVED. T"° Lots, 3330 and 3334 Pratt Street, Paved Street, All taxes paid. size.... .. . ••••■•• -50 X 128 feet each.Price S3oo.oo each iwo Lots, Erskine btreet, Size 4/ X 112 each, all taxes paid: . 7*' 7*1' roTv' ::*;*7.. Price $2oo.oo Each One Lot, 5820 North 29th Street, size 46 X 118 ieet, all taxes paid. 11; ‘ 7'' * • . Price $2oo.oo 3yi0 Hiembaugh Avenue, alley comer, size 84 X 130 feet, all taxes paid. JU; 17,'I". Price $3oo.oo 2614 North 33rd btreet. paved street, all taxes paid, size 60 X 10O feet, allev corner-,.. ••••■-. Price $3oo.oo — o North 20th St. Paved street, all taxes paid, size 40X140 feet. 7.7.—.Price S65o.oo 2/08 Hamilton Street. Paved street, all taxes paid, size 60X127 feet. '' ... ■ • • • • ...Price $25o.oo hue Lots: 1330 Ellison Ave. size 40X128 each, all taxes paid.*. i \ i VxV '' i 77', ' .-.Price $2oo.oo each 1412 North 29th bt. all taxes paid, size 44X100 feet, allev corner.Price S125.oo Three Lots: 2930 Dupont Street, paved street, all taxes'paid, size 50X125 feet x...Price $3oo.oo 2'10 bouth 54th Street, all taxes paid, size 40X140 feet.Price $2oo.oo 5804 South 52nd Street, all taxes pai.d. sizd 40X133 feet.Price S2oo.oo Two Lots: 2512 Drexel Street, all taxes paid, size 40X128 each. Grapes and Orchard on lots, each.Price $2oo.oo Three Lots: North-east comer of 2oth and Polk Streets, size 42X125 feet. ' ‘ .....* :.-.Price $25o.oo beven Lots: South-east comer of 26th and Monroe Streets, paved street. ?:ze 40X125 feet each, all taxes paid, each.Price S45o.oo WALTER R. ZINK 803 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. JA.0152 KE. 1863 Will Soon Be AvailableMake Your Application Now! See Hiram D. Dee 3105 No. 30th St. Phone—PL. 1900