Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, iy//, at the rost Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. C. C. Galloway — — — — President Mrs. Flurna Cooper — — — Vice-President C. C. Galloway — — — — Acting Editor V. V. Merrill — — — Secretary and Treasurer SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA One Year — — — — — — ^'99 Six Months — — — — — — 2.30 Three Months — — — — 1' SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN One Year — — — — — Six Months — — — — ~ Three Months — — — — —^2.C All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our office not later than 4:00 p.m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, proceeding the issue, to insure publication. National Advertising Representative: INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, INC. 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone MUrray Hill 2-5452. RAY, PECK, Manager. SPEAKING OF FREEDOM Indianapolis, Indiana July 31st, 1948 Sirs: . , . , The hottest perrer in the political pot in America today is civil rights. Under the subterfuge of states rights, the South is determined to offset what it terms a “mixture of the races”. Both Democrats and Republicans in the North are determin ed to gain the Negro vote with their age old promises of equal rights. The Negro looks at both sides, and where in the past he would have been afraid of this open hostility of the South, where he would ave been influenced by these glib promises of the North; today he can laugh at or pity both sides. Freedom is one of the greatest and strongest passions of life. History has well-proven it foolish to suppose that one can demand freedom for himself in one breath and deny it to others in the next, bethey superior on inferior to him, without eventual repercussions. Century after century, was, revol utions, and rebellions amply testify, sometimes without in tent, that freedom must be for all or lasting peace for none at all; that even when none have freedom it is only temporarily impaired and waits like a flickering light to be picked up and tended and put to work again. Thus, throughout these many years, nothing has yet been able to completely stop the pro gress of this great force and no interception has been very effective save war or slavry. Today in America, there is no war or legal slavery. No mat ter what the South agrees upon in matters of racial segregat ion; no matter if the North, in an effort: to gain votes, pushes forward civil rights legislation; the Negro’s advance in the march of freedom will push forward with that of all the peo ples of the world. With theworld desperately searching for peace, he is in the midst of a now world-wide resurge of man’s eternal struggle for the good, the just, and the right. A stru ggle which demands that human freedom cannot be ignored, cannot be segregated, cannot be convenienced, and cannot be compromised. Today in America, the issue over civil rights is bringing to light Caucasians who oppose the Negro’s advance herein. If the Caucasian opposes because he desires asuperior race, about all he can do is to put as many obstacles as possible in the Negro's path. This will slow down the advance but will not stop it. It has been tried. If the Caucasian desire a pure race, first, he can only regret. His greatest mistake was bringing the Negro here in the first place, becaus America was found ed upon the love of freedom and built by the sweat and blood of peoples searching for freedom; as long as she is so pledged to the cause of freedom as by our Constitution, the Negro will belong to America and America will belong to him. Secondly, if the Caucasian desires a pure race, he must give up certain other desires. For with all his laws against race mixture, tho usands of American mulattoes oertainl\- were not dropped from heaven—nor or they found predominately in the North. Some one, when asked1 if she approved interracial marriage, quipped quite wisely, “They might as well make it legal!” .... And that is food for thought. It’s a losing battle at any rate, short of race war, which would undoubtedly prove to be the end of the American dream. Still freedom would rise and march on; nurtured in another land probably, by another peo ple. Yes, the hottest issue in today’s campaigns is, oddly en ough, NOT a crisis. The South affirms this belief by trying to ,stop civil rights legislation. Ironically enough, the reason that there is no crisis is because nothing can stop the march ctf free . it on the bottom, the little one won’t >e apt to slip and fall as often . . . \nd speaking of sboes-keep those di ninutive numbers clean with the oI* hinola white which both deans and rolishes. ★ ★ ★ Going a picknicking? Then look for he new Poly-T plastic bowls which .re grand for icebox dishes and equally ood for picnic salad bowls because they >ave a marvelous tight cover. At big tores, they’ll probably soon be at the mailer ones Res AT 4360 Ray Byron BYRON Refrigeration Service REFRIGERATORS Bought and Repaired Bus AT 8632 2918 Burdette “Old at40,50,60?” — Man, You’re Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try pepping up” with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weakl rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of Iron which many men and women call *'o!d.’* Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep. younger feeling, turn (lay. New "get geauiloied" me mS 80* At all drug stores—in Omaha, at Walgreen’^ and Smith Stores, Duffy Pharmacy, and Johnson Drug Store, and Robbin Drugs. WAYNE FEATURES Include all prove* advantages plus Rilled Firing Head. Adustable Dif . fuser and special fuel unit for dependable, uninterrupted service. RECORD FUEL ECONOMY ' This compact oil "miser'' squeezes every bit of available beat from lower priced fuel oils to make your enjoyment of Winter living com fort doubly attractive. Get dm failed literature at our star*. A 275 Gallon Tank—3 Controls $350.00 Completely Installed Liberty Gas & Oil Co. 313-17 North 13th Street Bus. Phone—AT-9900 -Res. Phone—GL-0672 NEWS FROM NAACP (Continued from Page 1) (R., Mich.) urging the Senate to centure the South Carolinan Mr. White cited the speech made by Senator Johnston in which he said pressure for en actment of civil rights bills will bring an end to the bi partisan foreign policy. “The peace of the world will then probably have been jeopardiz ed.” the Senator said, “and pro bably the seeds will have been planted which will eventually develope and grow into a thrid world war.” 1 he text of Mr. White s wire to Senator Vandenburg fol lows : It is hereby respectfully requested that a committee of the United States Senate be directed to take appropriate action on tFfe threat made in the Senate on July 28, 1948 by Senator Olin Johnston of Sout“ Carolina. In his statement, to be found at page 9607 of the Congres sional Record, Senator John ston served notice that if any civil rights legislation is taken up by the Congress, those who belive with him will put an end to the present bi-partisan for eign policy program, thus pla nting seeds “which will event ually grow and develop into a third World War.” We submit that this willing ness by a United States Sen ator to risk plunging the nat ion and the entire world into obliterative germ and atomic warfare, in an attemot to pre vent legislation guaranteeing basic human rights, is not on ly subversive but dangerously close to treason. We are fully aware of the fact that statements made on the floor of Congress are priv ileged. But we submit that any Senator who brazenly and irre soonsibly makes a threat of this character has exceeded the bounds of senatorial nrivlepe and should be centured by the United States Senate. ffluf VlsdqhbtfiA^ _ By Bill Paulsoh "Thera ain’t nothin’ wrong with tha world that work won’t cure. Had oar forefathers decided on a 40 hoar week_we’d still be fightin’ IndisnsT For $ale at a BARGAIN 2 Apartment Residence Good Accomodations Ph. HA 4572 Evenings pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH^ KITCHEN CABINETS I BUILT-IN SINKS MADE TO ORDER H FREE ESTIMATE | Ad*A*Unit Co. | §| 2510 No. 24th Street PLeasant 9116 || Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ CROSSTOWN CLEANERS TRY One Hour Special Service OR One Day Service : 2101 North 24th Street WEbster 0989 r Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; siuch as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Foods Are Real Gone HURRY MCKCAFE 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Mae Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. 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