The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 31, 1948, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Abbr t
•Advisory Column
*/r *«/> raa
i/ye a
,11 mry/e* nee
Readers of this column may secure
a “private reply"—by lending lor
one of the following:
C Abb* Wallace Astrology Raiding
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C Abbo t Hiopvor Uviag 1 !■■■«
vrrtb Froo adFa tettor.25c
(detailed am/uimuml avdyoi of soar caao)
Give name, address and btrthdate
Explain problem fully and fnrh,id»
stamped, sell-addressed envelope
for a logical analysts of your case.
Write to:
F 0. Bos II. AHaata 1. Coargia
MAJ—My husband and I do
not get along so well. Why?
Every time I go out and stay
a little late or if I spend the
night with mother, he says I
have been out with a man.
What is the matter with him ?
Ans: He's jealous and you cert
ainly do not make any effort
to help him control this tend
ency Staying out late in the
evenings and spending the nite
away from home without him
causes him to imagine that you
really are not playing fair You
won't be able to keep your
husband happy unless you do
show him more consideration.
Include him in your activit
LCB—I completed my college
course and have been working
two years. I want very' much
to enter the College of Swed
ish Massage is Chicago this
fall. Please advise me.
Ans : This field of endeavor ap
peasl to you—go to Cihcago
and complete this course of stu
dy and become qualified in this
work. The chances are, you
will go in business for yourself
in a few years. The vacation
city' where you now live woulv
be an ideal spot for vou to be
gin your business career.
BS—I am 22 years and in love
with a girl 17. She says she lov
es me. I asked her tomarr- me
but she said she would tell me
later. She still goes out with
other boys. What's her object
ion to me if she loves me?
Ans: You dring too much to
suit her. Cut it out altogether
or be more moderate in your
drinking if you expect to win
her for a wife. She has admit
ted that she loves you but she
is not going to give up her
friends until she is engaged.
The young lady has the right
RMV—My problem is this: I
am lonesome. I work every day
and on weekends. I don t have
anything to do but go to a
show all alone. There is no one
to take me out any where. I
would like to know if I will
ever meet a nice gentleman
friend and what must I do?
Ans: You can enjoy an active
social life if you will get ar
ound and mix more freely with,
people. Become affiliated with
as many people as you can.
Make some girl friends for
they will introduce you to the
men of their acquaintance. 1/
is through social contacts that
you will meet nice fellows and
eventuallv find a husband. You
can’t hoe to find one unless you
make more effort than you are
doing now. Send a quarter for
Happier Living Lesson No. 4
How To Win a Man. It will
give you some tips.
ARC—I am anxious to know
about a piece of land I am
buying. It seems like the man
has sold me the wrong place
I thought I had a tract facing
the highway. He says now
that it is the tract back off the
stream. I don't w-ant that place
Tell me what to do?
Ans: Determine immediately
just where the property bou
nds are that you are buying. A
surveyor will be glad to come
out and stake off your boun
drv line and show you exactly
where your property lies. Have
this done before you continue
with the payments on the place
BM—Do you think I should go
back to my old job as my hus
band is trying to encourage me
to do ? The work is leasent, the
hours are short, and I like it.
but it doesn’t pay as much as I
would like.
Ans: It sounds like an ideal
job—especially since you are
not orced to earn )*our own liv
ing. You could accept this job
in order to earn a little extra
money for your personal -needs
and yet, have time to work at
your job as a housewife. The
pleasant surroundings are wor
th more to you than a simular
job paying more.
CB—Thanks for the help you
have given me in the past. Tell
me if you recommend that * I
sell this small tract of land that
I have been offered such a
good price for this month. If I
hold it, would the price in
crease ?
Ans: Sell it while you have a
good offer. Prices are very un
stable right now and the quo
tation you have received, far
exceedes your fondest dream.
Let it slide.
SPX—I’m having trouble with
my husband again. I’ve cau
ght him with another woman
three different times. The first
he ran but the other two times
I went after him and he came
with me telling me how sorry
he was and he wonldn’t do it
again. He says he loves me
but 'I can't believe it.
Ans: It looks like your hus
band demands more attention
than the average married man.
So—see that he gets it. Treat
him as a sweetheart, not a wife
If it’s loving he wants—give
him lenty of it—At home. Give
him another chance but don’t
give him so much freedom, as
j he just can’t take it.
! WSS—Hello Abbie’. They tell
me old boy that you have giv
en some mighty good advise
so get busy and help me. I
went with a girl about a year.
I asked her to marry me and
she told me to wait a few days
so I told her if she didn't marry
me then, I would get someone
else and I married another girl.
Now she says if I had waited,
she would have married me.
Did I make a mistake ?
’ Ans: Your most serious mis
take is trying to enter the girl’s,
f life again—you made your cho
ice, have the courage to stick
, by your decision. \ ou cannot
impress her now as she will
not go with a married man.
Make up your mind and find
happiness with your new wife
as you could not have loved
the other girl very much, else
you would not have taken the
steps that vou did.
MMW—I am a married man.
have been 2 years now, but
seems like our stormy life star,
ted right away. I have a good
wife and she works all of the
time but she in under the influ
ence of my brother-in-law and
his wife and looks like they
meddle into our affairs all the
time. I could handle her if they
did not live here. What must
I do?
Ans: Stop finding fault with
your in-laws and do something
a'oout your problem. Your wife
has no social life—she isn't
vriendly with anyone except
her folks as she feels you wou
ld register objections. Take her ;
out for entertainment more of
ten and introduce her to the
people you would like to en
i courage as congenial friem’.
to you both. If you do so. she
will not continue letting her
folks influence her.
Special Oiler
Abb* Tailact
. 2 Self-Help
□ “How to Keep Yoer Money and
Attract Good Lack”
This Book reveals the secret of hold
ing money and attracting good luck as
practiced by the ancient money
j lenders.
Special Price $1.00
□ “7 Cares for a Lean Purse”
A formula designed to start yon on
the upward road to financial abun
dance—a practical guide to security
and independence.
Special Price SI.00
City_SUit - _ -
Your Berihdaie _
Amount Enclosed (
la can of
Omaha Guide
2420 Grant Street
Miss Dorothy I. Height,
National President, Delta Sig
ma Theta Sorority, who this
week announced that the gro
up will hold its 20th annual
convention in St. Louis, Aug
ust 24-28th.
The Golden State Mutual
Life Insurance company won
first place in the National Ne
gro Insurance Association’s
advertising contest held among
its 55 member companies this
year. The announcement was
made at the association’s 28th
annual meeting just concluded
in New Orelans.
The contest was conducted
between March 15 and May 8.
preparatory to observance of
National Negro Insurance
week, May 10 to 15, and requir
ed that each articipating com
pany place a series of five dis
play advertisements in publi
cations in the areas where it
operates, the NNIA committee
selecting the best for award.
Th west coast firm won the
top honor with its entry cap
tioned, “Above the Average”,
whose copy illustrated the er
ror in thinking that $2,500 was
adequate Life insurance cov
erage for a man earning $3,380
a year. It pointed to the fact
that his earnings would be
$33,800 in ten years and to his
responsibility to his family to
carry greater life insurance
The layout of the ad was
produced in Golden State Mu
tual's public relations depart
ment headed by Mrs. Verna A.
Speed was the principle fac-'
tor in all fatal accidents in Ne-j
braska during 1947, according
to the Nebraska Safety Coun
cil. which bears out thier war
ning that “Speed Kills”.
The survey based on reports
to the Accident record Bureau
of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation, reveals that
driving too fast for conditions
accounted for 80 of the 280 fat
al accidents. Second high for
the year was the failure of the
driver to grant the right-of-way
to the oncoming vehicle or ped
estrian, with 42 fatal accidents
Others in the order of unm
ber of fatal accidents were: Im
proper passing. 37; driving on
the wong side of road. 27; dri
ver under the influence of alco
hoi, 17; and improper turns
and signals, 7.
“The apparent reason for the
increased number of fatalities
in accidents due to speed re
flects the fact that speed in its-1
self can change accident into’
^ - -
Sigma Theta Sorority will
meet in St. Louis from Aug.
24-28, Miss Dorothy I. Height
National President, has an
nounced in behalf of the Nat
! ional* Board. The 1947 sessions
: were held in San Antonio last
December but the sorors decid- |
ed they would prefer a summer i
meeting. The St. Louis affair j
will be their second convention j
in eight months.
Lambda Sigma, whose pre
sident is Mrs. Grace Wilson,
and Alpha Omega, presided ov
er by Mrs. Glynee Eustace, are
the graduate and the undergra
duate chapters, respectively,
whicn are nostesses to tne con
vention. Mrs. Theresa B. Mo
ore of Langston, Okla.. is the
director of the Central Region
in which the convention is be
ing held. Preparations for the
event are being handled by a
joint local planning committ
ee whose co-chairman are Mrs
Anna Brooks of Lambda, and
Mrs. Golda Crutcher of Alpha.
Business and public sessions
will be held in Keil Auditor
Geared to a theme which is
in the minds of the entire world
“Human Rights—Our Chal
lenge and Our Responsibility,”
Delta will seek to bring before
its delegates from 183 chapters,
distinguished leaders in both
domestic and world affairs to
discuss the subject. In addition
a rich program of social activ
ities is being planned by mem
bers of the lqcal Pan-Hellen
ic Council to make St. Louis
conclave pleasant.
Early arrivals will be given
an opportunity to tour the city
on Monday, August 23, Miss
Height said. A luncheon honor
ing the national officers and
the press will be held the same
day at the Homer B. Philips
Nurses’ Home. Formal open
ing of the convention takes
place on Tuesday morning. In
the evening the public is in
vited to a forum in which the
convention theme will be pro
In the course of the week,
delegates will hear reports fr
om the national officers, inclu
ding the six regional directors,
discuss the responsibilities of
college women to their com
munities and nation, view an
educational film dealing with
the work of the Cleveland Ch
apters, hold demonstrations an
workshops, and finally map a
program for the year ahead.
No election of officers is sch
eduled this year in as much as
the Sororitiy holds biennial el
ections. Whatever vacancies
may exist, however, will be fil
led for unexpired terms, Miss
Height stated.
a fatal one,” E. P. Tinker, Jr.,
executive director of the Sta
te Council stated.
“It’s with this in mind that
we of the State Safety Coun
cil call upon Nebraska motor
ists and our guests from other
states to drive at a speed that
is safe for conditions. It may
mean that you are a little lat
er in arriving at your destin
ation, but your chances of get
ting there in one piece are so
much greater.
Remember that speed kills.”
Tinker concluded.
Released by: E. P. Tinker, Jr.,
Executive Director
Nebr. State Safety Council
State House, Lincoln, Nebr.
By Maria Catering
...Pack up aC your cares and woes,
here we go .f.'
Be they vacation or weekend
Jaunts, this is a month when many
persons train their sights on road
maps and train and plane schedules
for that trek to seashore or moun
tain country.
It's fun to travel. However. I agree
with Joan Arliss, lovely actress of
the “Official Detective” broadcasts,
that it's fun only when you're ade
quately prepared. She brought that
point out well as I visited her in an
MBS studio on a recent Tuesday
evening, shortly before program
time, as she told me of her forth
coming plans for two weeks be
neath Bermuda's sunny skies.
“Lucky gal." thought I. particu
larly after-she showed me that she
had some pretty good answers for
some of the problems which fre
quently cause trepidation in the
minds of potential travelers. As we
got deeper into conversation. I
learned that the balmy isles are
only three and one-half air hours
away and If you are a careful plan
ner and talented packer, which I
soon concluded were but two of
Joan’s many attributes, you'll
i “choose right and travel light” and
have a wonderful vacation with a
minimum of luggage.
The hat-travel problem has been
solved very nicely by this miss. She
is taking along packable halo hats
which open out flat and can be made
of fabric to match dresses. I also
found out that luggage need not be
overloaded with shoes if clothes are
If* In the Bag
planned which do not call for differ
ent colors in footwear. Finally. Joan
advises packing clothes with tissue
paper between folds to prevent
If you should find that your skirts
look like the proverbial slept-in
kind, wrinkles will come out if you
hang them from the top drawer of
a dresser by the waistband and close
the drawer fast. As I was ready to
take leave with notes in one hand
and a travel folder in the other,;
Joan told me of another of her pack-!
ing tricks which I think every
journey-minded person might do
well to heed. Before she packs a i
single item, she wipes out her bags
with a cloth soaked in cologne and
thereby substitutes delicious scent
for stale odor.
i a Well, happy ^landinga^oan. __
Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Golden State Mutual Life
Insurance Company wins na
tional Negro Insurance Asso
ciation advertising award. The
above is a reprint of a series
of advertisements placed by
the west coast firm during the
period of March 15 to May 8,
to qualify in the XXIA con
test. The copy on the extreme
right captioned “Above the
Average” was the winning en
try. The two on the left were
also inserted in a national mag
azine as a guide for young per
sons seeking a career in Life
! insurance.
Hon. Glen Cunningham
Mayor, City of Omaha, Xebr.
Dear Sir:
July 13th, 1948
We wish to make known to
you aur opinion concerning the
serious occurance that took
place recently when some Xeg
ro boys were attacked by some
white boys.
It is our considered judge
ment that such occurances are
not isolated,, individual hap
penings but rather the result
of the discriminatory Jim Crow
relationship which exist in the
city of Omaha. Indeed it is for
tunate, in our opinion, that con
sideration the atmosphere of
segregation in which our you
ng folk grow up, that such hap
penings have not occured more
It is furthur our considered
judgement that unless all those
who believe in Democracy,
and do not just talk about it,
unite to remove the shameful
blow of lynch law, poll tax
conditions, discrimination in
our restaurants, hotels, and job
employment, in the country at
large and in the state of Xebr.
that such tragedies are bound
to occur again and again.
We on our part intend to
help accomplish the aim of ach
ieving full Democracy for the
Negro pjople, and all minorit
ies. Catholics, Jews and other
in the life of our State and the
Nation, as well as a greater
Democracy for all of our peo
We would appreciate it if
you would allow a committee
of individuals both from our
organization and others to see
you to discuss this matter fur
We are sending a copy of
this letter to the Nebraska
Very Respectfully Yours,
Rev. Arthur F. Stearns
State Chairman
Hy Gardner: “A divorce is nothing
more than a strike between two peo
ple after negotiations break down.”
"Twin Viewi of tk* Nan," MBS
Open 1:00 p. nx
til 11:30 p. m.
—Visit our Snack Bar—
I i m*ll"1*
listen to
2:30—4:00 P. M.
These charming Barbizon models
are worth more than one gtance as
they are shown helping Pat O’Mal
ley get off to a good start on ths
new MBS Friday evening series,
“There’s Always a Woman.” As the
“voice of experience” narrator, Pat
presents romantic dramas of the
importance of women in the suc
cesses or failures of many a man.1
Check Your \
U Skirt Too Dark ?
DPimples. Blemishes?
DSktn Rough, Harsh?
UTaults externally caused?
3-Way Skin Treatment
Often Works Miracles
Don't give up hope for a lighter, clearer,
smoother skin until you see what tbii.
amazing Dr. FRED Palmer’s 3-way,
treatment may do for you. It’s easy and
economical. Just do this 7 days ...
(1) Wash only with Dr. FRED Palmer’*
Skin Delight Soap
(2) Spread on Dr. FRED Palmer’s
Skin Whitener. ..leave on ail night
(3) Daytimes protect skin with Dr.
FRED Palmer's Vanishing Cream
You can get all 3 Dr. FRED Palmer's
at drug stores. 25c each. Dr. FRED
Palmer’s Skin Whitener also in 50c size.
Full Directions on packages... Cauticm
—Use only as directed. Be delighted
with results on 7 days’ trial or money
back. Ask for Dr. FRED Palmer’s.
FREE — Trial size SKIN WHITIM*.
Sand 1Ct far pattaga, handling to
Or. no Palmer’s. 8*- X4. Dect- S. Atlanta. Qe.
Knock the props out of
high food bills
— with a General Electric Home Freezer
8—1 Elactrk Hona Fraazart art ovoilabia in aitW 4- or 8-co-ft nodal*.
$314.75 And Up—
Record Display
1. Send For Me If You need
Me—The Ravens.
2. Go Red Go—Arnett Cobbs.
3. I Got a Way with Women—
King Cole.
4. Don’t Fall In Love With
Me—Ivory Joe Hunter
5. I Wanna Cry—Savannah,
6. Recess In Heaven—Dan
Chrisman Clark
Mgr. of Record Display
Electronic Sales and Service
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Here is more than another anto- WASHER
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General Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC V j
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the dials. Then you’re through! When you take out the clothes—
cleaner and drier than ever before—many pieces are actually dry
enough to iron. 4
Electronic Sales & Service
2414 North 24th St. Phone—ATlantic 2483