The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 31, 1948, Image 1

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    Whole World Will Take Hats Off to Pres. Harry Truman
The whole world will take their
Hats Off to President Harrv
S. Truman’s executive order of
July 26th, 1948, thereby elim
inating segregation from thhe
armed forces and setting up a
fair employment practice com
mission to federal employment.
,This is one of the greatest
executive orders ever issued in
the history of thhe United
States, barring none. It gives
a new hope to every man and
woman and child in the whole
world. This order will act as an
emancipation to seven tenths of
the world’s population. It will
instill new hope in the heart of
all mankind, at home and
abroad. It takes a real strong
Christian man with a real de
termination to issue such an
order at this time for President
Truman knew the accusation
of his political enemies would
fall upon his shoulders. Oh
yes many will say it is just an
other political move to get
votes. Well, to that the Omaha
Guide says, “that for 85 years
no other president ever
thought it ouId be a good vote
getter. All the other presidents
must have thought it would
make them lose a lot of votes.
In my opinion Mr. Truman has
taken this stand for the follow
ing reasons
No. 1 America’s democracv
has been the laughing stock of
the whole world. Mr. Truman’s
contact with International af
fairs and world diplomats has
enabled him to read an expres
sion on the faces of the foreign
citizens a w ide open criticism
every time America boasted its
leadership in Democracy.
No. 2 it was the only Christ
ian thing for him to do at this
crucial time, to unite all forces
behind a movement to bring
about an undivided strong Am
erican unity, religiously, civic
ally, fraternally, economically.
To combine every effort to
bring about a united front to
combat the criticism of Amer
ica’s false claim as a leader in
democracy. Again we say hats
off to President Harry S. Tru
A thrill a second is promised
Sunday afternoon, August 1st,
to spectators who attend the
first annual Omaha Mid-west
Air Fair, which will be held at
the North Omaha Airport, st
arting at 1:30 p. m. The Air
Fair is being sponsored by the
American War Dads, Omaha
Chapter No. 4
Program 'as follows:
1. Major Arthur Davis in the
“Blue Sky Capers.”
2. Lt. Bill Fisher flying his
Rose Parakeet.
3. Marion Cole in “Kicking
it around.”
4. The Tigers Trio—Group
5. Carl Rupert—Parachutist
6. Lowell White— “How not
to fly an Airplane.”
7. Steve Wittman in “High
Speed Acrobatics.”
8. Capt. Johnny Vasey—the
World's Champion Acrobatic
.rvisu —rvi my anu in avy paruc
ipating and 1 half hour exhib
ition of model airplanes.
This show is produced by
Ray L. Doan, worlds famous
producer of air shows and thrill
events. Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Thos. Sheehan of Omaha.
The big star of the Omaha
Midwest Air Fair is the Great
Capt. Johnny Yasey of Los
Angeles. Yasey flies a stearn
man by plane in one of the
most sensational acts in the
trick flying field. He is gener
ally regarded by experts as the
greatest acrobatic pilot in the
world. Known as “that upside
down man.” Yasey does many
of his stunts in the inverted
Something different in Air
Show Acrobatics will be pre
sented by the famous Tigers
Trio. Capt. Yasey, along with
Marion Cole and Major Art
Davis will do stunt flying in
unison, sending their ships
throu a thrilling series of loups
spins and strafing runs.
Completeing the show will
be acts by Maj. Arthur Davis
Marion Cole. Steve Wittman,
Lt. Bill Fisher and his Tiny
Rose-Parakeet. A novelty act
by Lowell White and a parach
ute jump by Carl Rupert, in
ternationally known parachute
To be held at the North Om
aha Airport, 72nd and Benning
ton road, Sunday, August 1st.
General Admission — $1.00
Children $ .50 Tax Included.
F. Sorensen, Gen Chrman.
Birthday Celebration
A special program at Union
Memorial Methodist Church
w* given by Rev. Hooks, Sun
July 25th in honor of his bir
Honorable Harry S. Truman j
New York—The National
Urban League through its
six-months old Pilot Place
ment Project is steadily gain
ing ground in its effort to ob
tain key technical and pro
fessional jobs for Negroes in
private industry. Since the
beginning of the project in
January of this year, twenty
skilled Negro workers were
employed by seventeen top
American industrial and com
mercial enterprises, accarding
to the National Urban League
Department of Industrial Pa.
iileven of the firms were,
for the first time, using Ne
groes in white collar positions,
stated LeRoy Jefferies, Assis
tant Industrial Relations Di
restor, jn charge of the Pro
ject. The new job placements
represent a wide range of
skills as well as an impressive
array of substantial industries.
With only a partial report
from 56 Urban League branch
es around the country, the
greatest number of positions
were secured in the Greater
New York area where place
ments were made with the
American Tobacco Company,
with Anna Rosenberg, publi
relations counselor, Franklin
Simmon’s, R. H. Macy & Co.,
Savarin Coffee Co., Saks (34th
st.) Schaefer’s Beer Co., Uni
corn Press, Godfrey Black
Textile Brokers, Safeway 1
Mishkin Drug Co.
In Detroit, through the Ur
ban League, placements were
made ith the House of Tele
vision Inc., and the D. C. Mar
ston law firm. The Urban
League of Eastern Union
County (Elizabeth, N. J.j
placed two skilled workers, one
each with the National Mold
ite Company and the American
Type Founders. The Brewster
Finishing Corp, of Pa terson,
N. J. employed a chemist
through the efforts of the En
glewood Urban League.
The new jobs cover the
fields of accounting (auditing
and comptometer supervising)
sales (including sales super
vision), pharcutive training,
chemistry, and secretarial
In continuing work on the
Pilot Placement project, which
has high priority on the Ur
ban League program for 1948,
the NaPtional Lilian League
has made contact with out
standing daily newspapers to
secure employment for report
ers, writers and other workers.
It is also working with a large
number of industrial and busi
ness firms, including Ballan
tine’s Beer Co., P. Lorillard &
Co., Colonial Syrup Co., Walt
er Kidde Construction Co.,
General Foods Corp., General
Electric Co., DuPont Chemical
Corp., and Chase National
Qualified persons are con
tinuing to file applications
| with local Urban League'
branches in 5b cities through
out the country, and with the
National Urban League. Mr.
Jeffries states that the Nation- I
al office alone has numerous
applications from electrical,
mechanical, civil and chemical
engineers, journalists, account
ants, business administration
graduates, industrial nurses,
commercial artists, secretar
ial workers, public relations
workers, and many other high
ly trained persons. Eminently
qualified, they represent such j
schools as Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology, Univer
sity of. Pittsburgh. Rutgers.
Purdue. New York, Columbia
and Howard universities.
Financed by a grant from
the Rosenwald Fund, the Pilot
Placement project is designed
to match the skills ,of qualified
Negroes with available posi
tions in American business and
industrial firms. The plan also
includes analyzing, document
ing and reporting the exper
iences of both employer and
employee, as well as co-work
ers, as a guide for future Ur-’'
ban League programming in 1
industry. n
“It is of vital importance,”
Mr. Jeffries declared, “That
Negro workers find employ
ment in private business com
mensurate with their skills and
training. Industry’s policy
makers must realize that the
nation will rise or fall on the
quality of opportunity she of
fers all her citizens, regardless
of race, creed or color.”
Serving the public since Feb
ruary 1st, 1948, the Goodwill
Industries Store ot 1617 North
24th Street. This worthwhile
store offers reconditioned and
cleaned clothing, furniture, el
ectrical appliances and other
household items at attractive
prices. A street dress can be
bought for as little as one dol
lar. Mens suits sell for $4.00,
trousers' sell for $1.25, mens
coats are priced at $1.00, ladies
shoes at fifty cents, mens shoe
for $1.00 Furniture averages
about one-third its orginal cost
All proceeds from the sale of
these articles goes back into
wages for the aged and the
handicapped people who clean
and repair them.
The Goodwill Industries has
maintained a sheltered work
shop at 1013 North 16th St.
since 1933. They employ 66
aged and handicaped people
who because of their disabilit
ies, cannot find work elsewhere
This organization is a non-pro
fit, non-sectarian, social serv
ice agency that offers rehabila
tation and sheltered employ
ment to those who need it re
gardless or race, creed or color.
At the present time there i«
a big demand for used clothing
at Goodwill Industries. Their
opportunity to continue in the
worthwhile work depends up
on the contributions of used
articles donate by the public.
The telephone in ATlantic 4609
If you would like to help turn
discard into timecards this is
Speaks at NACW Convention
One of the featured speakers
at the national convention of
the NACW will be Mrs. Ruljy
M. Kendrick, executive secret
ary of the organization, whose
headquarters are in Washing
ton. D. C. The 1948 NACW
meeting is being held in Seat
tle July 31st to August 7th.
One of the leading members
of the NACW is Mrs. Annette
Harris Officer, second vice pre
sident, of East St. Louis, 111.
She will attend the NACW
convention to be held July 31
August 7th. in Seattle. Last
year, Mrs. Officer, os president
of her state’s Baptist General
Women convention, attended
the World’s Baptist alliance in
Copenhagen, Demark.
John K. M. McCaffery
In a unique new broadcast series,
John K. M. McCaffery, teacher,
writer and editor, is presiding as
analyst on the “What Makes You
Tick?” programs on MBS Sunday
afternoons. Participants will have
the opportunity of evaluating their
own good and bad qualities, with
prizes being awarded on the basis'
of accuracy of the subjects' Judg
ments as to their personal trait*.
There is a need at Goodwill
industries plant for an exper
ienced shoe repairman, Elderly
man^prefered. One who has the
ability to supervise and pass
on his knowledge to new train
ees. This might appeal to an
older man who would come
out of retirement to help turn
waste in to wages.
Goodwill Industries coordin
ates with the Veterans Admin
istration and other agencies.
Officers and board members of
Goodwill Industries are all re
sidents of Omaha.
Leaves for Conventions
Rev. and Mrs. William Far
mre, left for Seattle, Washing
ton and Los Angeles, Califor
nia, Monday July 26th. Thev
will attend the National Con
vention of the Federation Club
in Seattle. An a church conven
tion in Los ngeles.
calls Last lerm ot U.S>. sup
reme Court “Most Liberal”
in Recent History
The race relations decisions
of the United States Supreme
Court at its last term were the
most liberal of any term in re
cent Supreme Court history,
Shad Polier, Vice-President of
the American Jewish Congress
announced today in making
public a detailed analysis of
such decisions prepared by the
Commission on Law and Soc
ial Action of the American
Jewish Congress.
Of the nine cases before the
Court involving group rela
tions, eight resulted in rulings
extending constitutional guar
antees, Mr. Polier explained.
Only in the second Oklahoma
Law School case, Fisher vs.
Hurst, in which the Cpurt de
clined to rule that as a metter
of law segregation was tanta
mount to discrimination, did
the protestion of civil rights
for minorities receive a set
back, he added.
The American Jewish Con
gress report also analyzed the
individual voting records of
the nine justices, classifying
them on a basis of a favorable
vote on a broad basis, a favor
able votee eon a narrow basis
and an unfavorable vote. The
best individual record, accord
ing to this analysis, was that
of Mr. Justice Murphy, who
had six broad favorable and
three narrow favorable votes
in the nine cases. The worst
individual records were those
of Justices Reed and Jackson,
who each had one broad favor
able, two narrow favorable and
four unfavorable votes.
The cases involved exclusion
of Negroes from a Mississippi
jury; the anti-Japanese Calif
ornia Land Law;, the two Ok
lahoma‘Law School cases in
volving a segregated school; a
Michigan steamship company
which denied access to a Ne
gro; religious instruction in
public schools during “released
time” in Champaign, Illinois;
the two restrictive covenants
in housing barring Negr,oes,
and'the California Statute de
nying commercial fishing lic
enses to aliens ineligible to cit
President of NACW
Mrs. Christine S. Smith is
president of the National Ass
ociation of Colored Women
which is holding its national
; ' i
meeting July 31 August 7 in |
Seattle. She will be one of the J
many noted women to address J
the meeting. She has been in of
fice since 1945.
Community Chest
Fervent hopes to be able to
continue a start recently made
in the treatment of cerebral
palsied children were voiced by
representatives of the Hattie
B. Munroe Home as the Com
-jimuioo jaSpnq, jsaip Xiquniu
tee began its review of Chest
agencies’ budget requests for
the coming year.
“Since the start of the 3'ear
we have carefully selected a
limited number of cases that
can benefit from thereputic
care,” Miss Frieda Dieterichs,
superintendent at the institute
This was possible sheadded,
onl3" because fewer beds wer
occupied as a result of fewer
polio cases requiring long-time
convalescent care last 3’ear.
A letter was rendered from
Dr. John M. Thomas, chairman
of the Douglas Count3’ Medical
Association’s Spastics commit
tee. He stated: “So far as I kno
no other institution between
Chicago and Denver is caring
for these children on a hospital
school basis. You will be pleas
ed to know that a recent visit
or to your institution told me
he had never seen facilities bet
ter adapted to the care of these
“In view of a great demand,
the Hattie B. Munroe Home
has instituted a special out
patient service whereby child
ren are given treatment and
Pcare from 9 a. m. to 12 noon
dailey,” Miss Dieterichs said.
“Even so, we are besieged-with
requests which exceed both
our staff and financial ability
to accept.”
More than 70 per cent of the
children now served by the
Home pay the full estimated
dailey cost, it was pointed out.
The organization appeals to
the citizens of Omaha throu
gh the Community Chest so
that the home may accept the
most needy children for care
as well as underwriting the
entire program to guard ag
ainst the hazards of fluctuat
ing payments by parents and
other sources.
Budget committee meetings
with other Chest agencies were
conducted throughout the
New Mexico Winner of the
• Quinn Legion Trophy
Indianapolis, Ind.j— New
Mexico has been declared the
1948 winner of the John R. Qu
inn Deoartment Membership
Trophy of the American Leg
The Spanish State Legion
aires won the trophy by enroll
ing 12,552 members for 1948
by Juhe 15, or 151.21 per cent
of their previous average Tour
year June 15 membership. Ver
mont was second with 13,553
members for a prcentage of
1 % -rsr
Special Session of Congress
Asked to Enact Civil Rights
'Washington, July 22—A 5
point minimum program of ci
vil rights legislation was to
day adopted by representatives
of 25 national labor, civil right
fraternal, Xegro and religious
organizations attending a con
ference here in the Willard
The Conference, called by
the NAACP ,recommended en
actment by the special session
of Congress of legislation for
a permanent Fair Employ
ment Practice Commission, a
bolition of the poll tax as a
condition for voting, punitive
measurers to suppress lynching
and mob-violence, banning of
segregation in interstate tran
sportation, and revision of the
displaced personfs act to permit
immigration of classes now
discrimination of classes now
discriminated against.
The conference also urged
President Truman to issue im
mediately an executive order
banning discrimination and -eg
regation in the federal services
including the armed forces.
The complete text of the st
atement follows:
I he special session gives the
80th Congress a third chance to
fulfill the urgent needs of the
American people. The Cong
business left unfinished on its
ress can now complete the
business left unfinished on its
calendar and make a genuine
contribution to the freedom
and equality of all Americans
by enacting the pending civil
rights legislation. At the same
time the Congress can demon
strate to the American people1
that the civil rights pledges in
the 1948 platforms, as well as
the 1944 platforms, are not
empty phases and mere samp
aign promises.
Almost a year has passed
since the historic report of the
President’s Committee on Civ
il rights exposed the many a
reas of American life where
the rights guaranteed by our
Constitution are being flagran
tly denied to millions of Amer
icans. The President’s com- |
mittee called for a program of
these rights.”
The national conventions of
the major parties to which the
members of the ongress owe
political allegiance have com
mitted themselves to the pas
sage of the civil rights bills.
The major parties now have
an opportunity to demonstrate
to the American people the
sincerity and intetrrity of their I
campaign pledges.
The organizations joining in
this statement represent out
standing church, labor, Negro,
Jewish, veterans and other civ
ic organizations. We are mind
ful that the special session ,
will be limited in duration but
we are completely convinied
that the legislation program we
urge upon the Congress is a
wholly reasonable and pract
ical program capable of enact
ment now\ Neither a filibuster
nor any other legislative dev
ice can prevent enactment of
this program if the members
of Congress are determined to
carry out their convention .
We are mindful also that
other important gains for civ
il rights can he made by the
President acting under his
Constitutional authority. We
are confident that President
Truman will fulfill his promist
to the Congress by issuing
Constitutional authority. We
providing for the abolition of
segregation and discriminat
ion in all federal agencies, in
cluding the armed services of
the United States, and thos
give tinmistakeable leadership
to the civil rights program in
the Congress.
Specifically we urge:
1. Fair employment practice
legislation. S. 984, a “National
Act against Discrimination in
Employment” which was spoil
sored in the 80th Congress by
four Democratic and Four Re
publican Senators, and has bi
partisan sponsored in the Hou
se. In a demoaracy the right to
earn a living without racial or
religious discrimination is a
prime essential..
2. Poll tax. As a nation, we
have urged citizens in other
countries to vote in national
elections. Yet, here at home we
have denied to 10 million Neg
roes—the right to exercise the
■ franchise. Therefore, we stron
gly urge the Senate to pass the
I Anti-Poll Tax Bill, H. R. 29
which, has already been passed
by the House.
3. Segregation in interstate
transportation. The Powell bill
to end segregation in interstate
transortation has been intro
duced in the House. Americans
must be able to travel any
where in the country without
4. Lynching. More than 5,
000 persons have been lynch
ed by mob in America. Certain
states have been neither will
ing nor able to punish lynchers
Federal action is imperative.
We reject the Ferguson bill re
ported out by the Senate Jud
iciary Committee. We call up
on the special session to enatc
an anti-lynching bill embody
ing the features included in the
Case bill, now on the House
5. Displaced persons. We
call for the passage of remed
ial amendments to the Displac
ed Persons Act that will in
crease the number of admissi
ble DP’s to 400, thousand, will
eliminate the provisions that
discriminate against Jews and
Catholics and strike out condit
ions that are administratively
We call upon President Har
ry S. Truman and upon the tit
ular head and presidential can
didate of the Republician Party
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, to ex
ert to the utmost their influen
ce upon their parties to pre
vent any parlimentary or pol
itical trickery designed to side
track these guarantees of basic
human rights and to see to it
that these measures are inact
ed at this session of the Con
The following organizations
and delegates participated in
the conference and approved
the above statement:
Nat. Council of Negro Women
Mrs. Jeanetta Brown
George L-P Weaver
Odd Fellows
Henry P. Slaughter
Beauty Culture League
Cordelia G. Johnson
United Auto Workers, CIO
William Oliver
Paul Sifton
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Norma Boyd
Mrs. Elsie Rumford
American Jewish Committee
Alex Brooks
Nat. Assoc. Colored Grad. Nur
Mrs. Lotis C. Campbell
Friends Com. on Nat. Legis.
C. Lloyd Bailey
Americans Veterans Com.
Robert L. Carter
American Civil Liberties Union
Mary Baldinger
Nat. Council for Perm. FEPC
Roy Wilkins
Anti-Defamation League Bnai
Herman Edelsberg
Nat. Assoc. Negro Milliners,
Hair Stylists and Dress Design
Mabel Lewis
Nat. Alliance Postal Employes
William C. Jason, Jr.
Nat. Medical Assoc.
C Herbert Marshall
International Ladies Garment
Workers Union AFL
Charles Zimmerman
American Jewish Congress
Sanford Bolz
Henry Lee Moon
Walter White
Jesse Dedmon
Edward R. Dudley
Leslie Perry
Attending as observers also
were Walter J. Mason of the
American Federation of Lab
or and Miss Margaret Garrity
of the National Catholic Wel
fare Conference.
Nebraska Federation of Color,
ed Women’s Clubs Gives Sch
A scholarship of $50. was
presented to Miss Loretta Ag
ee to further her nurse training
career. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Agee, of
3101 R Street. Miss A gee is a
student of Creighton Univer
sity and is taking her nurse tr
aining at St. Joseph hospital
She is the first colored girl to
i be given the opportunity to
take the training. The present
ation was made at Union Mem
orial Church, Sunday July 25th
by Mrs. Lenora Gray, founder
of the Nebraska Federation of
Colored Women’s Clubs.
Bwtrortr at Crop*
| * Hail atones destroy more tint
I zropa hi America than tornadoes.