/justice /equautyH^M^^the newsjvhileit isnewsJ a\ Imhewtothe une\ ___2420 GRAMTsT" __1_ VOL. XXI—No. 25._OMAHA, NEBRASKA—THE OM AHA GUIDE—Saturday, July 17th, 1948 ONLY TEN CENTS FER COPY News from NAACP CIVIL RIGHTS ' PLANK URGED ON .THE DEMOCRATS .Philadelphia, July* 8—ijEn dorsement of the recdmntchd at^i^s of the President’s Com mittee. on Civil Rights by the National Democratic Conven tion "as urged today by W alter 'Wh.itey. NAACP stc#etary, sneaking before the conven tion’s platform committee on behalf <5f 21 nationaly Negro ■organisations ith a 'combined membership of more than 6 million. ~‘\Ye urge and insist”, Mr, J White told the committee, * ‘-‘that